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Yup, that was the rumour on the floor of this year's E3. If you feel you can bring it up from rumour level to fact level, be my guest. Until then, I care as much for this rumour as I believe Elvis lives. There's a rumour going around about that too, you know.


Edit: Actually..


This is what was started the rumour (from Xbox360.ign.com, which has been removed since):


"Additionally, Microsoft sources who asked not to be mentioned by name, claimed the demo, hidden behind closed doors at E3, was running on an Xbox 360 using a third-party USB PlayStation controller."


A Microsoft employee started the rumour..



Gamespot's take on the whole ordeal:


"Early rumors had the game running on a PlayStation 3 at E3. Soon, rumors flew that the game was actually running on an Xbox 360 dev kit with a PlayStation 2 controller running through a USB adapter.


GameSpot News contacted Ubisoft to set the record straight. "Assassin's Creed was being shown on a PC emulating a PlayStation 3," a rep told GameSpot News. The systems were out of view, so we'll take Ubisoft's word as to what the game was running on."


Source: http://www.gamespot.com/pages/news/show_bl...pic_id=24636503


Believe what you will..

Edited by mkreku

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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To be fair, that's still not PS3 hardware. Still, it sounds like someone's a swine-hearted wretch over at the Microsoft booth. These people are all a bunch of back biting wretches. Well, they're probably nice enough when you get them away from this sort of stuff.

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"PC emulating a PlayStation 3" -- because PCs are quite similar in architecture to a PS3.  Come on.

Nope, not very similar. I would guess about as similar as the Gamecube, Playstation 2 or Dreamcast. Why do I bring up those examples? Because there are emulators for those consoles too.. on the PC.


Maybe they meant one of these?






By the way: what is your reason for not believing the Ubisoft spokesperson? Why, Sawyer, do you choose to believe a rumour started by a Microsoft employee instead? What is the logical reasoning behind that decision?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Is that the devkit?

It is supposed to be one version of the devkit, yes. Who knows for sure though. To me it just looks like one of those desktop computers from the eighties.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"GameSpot News contacted Ubisoft to set the record straight. "Assassin's Creed was being shown on a PC emulating a PlayStation 3," a rep told GameSpot News. The systems were out of view, so we'll take Ubisoft's word as to what the game was running on."


This is from your own post, mkreku. I mean, I don't understand the ins and outs of the issue, but clearly it was not running on PS3 hardware. That's according to Ubisoft. Unless, of course, GameSpot is literally lying.


Now, whether the game will look better or worse or different on an actual PS3 is not the point. The point is, we don't know how the game will run on the PS3 until we have a PS3 to run it.


It's not like it matters to me. I'm taking these stealth games one at a time. Plus, I'm not likely to have any next gen consoles before Ubisoft releases the title.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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As alan said, if Sawyer had insinuated that it was running on emulation via PC, then it would probably be even more impressive. I'm fairly certain that Saywer (who probably visited E3 himself) heard the rumours about the "Xbox 360 under the curtain" on the showfloor and took it as fact, and that was what he was referring to. Only Sawyer knows for sure, but that's my interpretation of it.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Nope, not very similar. I would guess about as similar as the Gamecube, Playstation 2 or Dreamcast. Why do I bring up those examples? Because there are emulators for those consoles too.. on the PC.

Welcome to five year old platforms. Most cutting edge consoles don't have "emulators" as much as they have PC builds that can be modified to run on dev kits and release hardware. The PS3 is extremely dissimiliar to a PC in architecture, so I can't imagine that there's really that much shared between them -- especially when it comes to writing code that takes advantage of cell technology.


Maybe they meant one of these?

If they meant a PS3 dev kit, why wouldn't they say it was a PS3 dev kit?


By the way: what is your reason for not believing the Ubisoft spokesperson? Why, Sawyer, do you choose to believe a rumour started by a Microsoft employee instead? What is the logical reasoning behind that decision?

I wrote that it wasn't running on PS3 hardware. I didn't write that it was running on an Xbox 360, on the Wii, or on any other platform in particular. I certainly find it plausible that the game was running on a PC. I just think claims of that being an "emulation" of the PS3 stretch my imagination too far. The whole core of PS3 technology is the cell processor. What PC emulates that? From everything that I have heard, programming for PCs and programming for the cell-based PS3 are wholly dissimilar.


I think that UbiSoft makes great games (for the most part) and I think Assassins' Creed looks very, very promising. However, I think the "PC emulating PS3" line is a load of spin.

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I always figured a devkit (at least an early one) was a huge box of expensive PC parts, assembled together with software emulators to be able to simulate future technology that's not yet entirely finalized or in production. My interviews with Starbreeze suggested that. I might have gotten the wrong impression, as I have never actually physically seen a Playstation 3 devkit.


Assassin's Creed has (to my knowledge) not been announced for anything but the Playstation 3. Yet. The probability that they would have showable working code for the PC (which Sawyer himself says is entirely different than the CELL architecture), a version which hasn't been announced yet, to be able to show it as a Playstation 3 title instead of some sort of Playstation 3 code (emulated or not), that is supposed to be the first released version, is to me.. not logical.


Even more unbelievable is the notion that Sony/Ubisoft would be so stupid as to show a Playstation 3 semi-exclusive (short-time exclusive?) title on their worst competitors hardware.. shoddily hidden under a blanket. I can't believe people actually believed that.


No matter. Assassin's Creed both looks great and sounds great on paper. Let's hope the game turns out to be as great as its announced features suggests it can be. On any viable platform.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I am guessing that means it hasn't been officially announced for any other platform than the Playstation 3, but everyone and his grandmother expects it to be multiplatform sooner or later. Me included.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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But why are you laughing? Out of joy, I presume? I mean, the winners from non-exclusivity are the players. Ubisoft might be one of the few major software publishers out there that aren't overly concerned with platform exclusive titles. The more platforms, the merrier! Keep up the good work, Ubisoft!


Let's hope Obsidian never falls for the Microsoft/Sony lure.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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just frustrating because you have to take your weapons home to get em in your armory (that place is huge btw) and in places like New Orleans you can't exactly do that and NOT attract attention.
In fact, you don't need to carry the weapons with you. Just find one of those black weapon containers that are spread around the map (like the ones from ICA supplies) and place the rifle(s) you want to conserve in it. At the end of the mission, they are added to your available arsenal for use in the future.


It sucks however that you can't use the larger rifle cases (like the one used to conceal the Dragunov in the tutorial) to carry other rifles, barring the FN2000. It severely limits the usefulness of non-concealable guns.

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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HI :thumbsup:


Not playing hitman myself i still appreciate when other people say

that the new hitman game is a great game.


It makes me feel good -- knowing that Denmark, Europe, has a very

good game making company.


And that other people like the product; the game

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just frustrating because you have to take your weapons home to get em in your armory (that place is huge btw) and in places like New Orleans you can't exactly do that and NOT attract attention.
In fact, you don't need to carry the weapons with you. Just find one of those black weapon containers that are spread around the map (like the ones from ICA supplies) and place the rifle(s) you want to conserve in it. At the end of the mission, they are added to your available arsenal for use in the future.


It sucks however that you can't use the larger rifle cases (like the one used to conceal the Dragunov in the tutorial) to carry other rifles, barring the FN2000. It severely limits the usefulness of non-concealable guns.

Hmm, I'm not sure if I've found those, can you remember where exactly it is?



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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I was thinking more about the SIG Commando, I had to literally dodge bullets and run my ass off to get it with me outta the mission. (on second completion that is)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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I was thinking more about the SIG Commando, I had to literally dodge bullets and run my ass off to get it with me outta the mission. (on second completion that is)
If I'm remembering correctly, there should be one of those boxes in the alley on the right side of the house harboring Mark II and his gang, next to the unsuspecting bird and trash container. The Commando is the easy one to get. The "Kazo TRG", on the other hand, is a bitch, as there may or may not be a container nearby, given the random location of the sniper.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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