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Crying Habits


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Ok, I admit it, I teared up a little when Gandalf fell & the group was rolling around on the rocks sobbing.


But Frodo...no.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I'm crying a little bit every now and then these days. Mostly because I'm suffering from a bit of burn-out, which if I'm unlucky could turn out to actually be something else and really serious (I'm not going into any details on any message board). Sometimes in stressful situations I tend to have some sort of panic attacks and that ain't no funny business.


On a more positive note, I've also recently started using contact lenses and at least I have now found out that you can cry and they won't fall out. :(

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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I have overactive tear ducts, so I tend to tear up all the time.


As for when I really cried, few weeks/months ago when I had a huge blowout with my father.


I agree with the women here, though men shouldn't be afraid to cry. Its healthy.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had

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I'm rather sensitive at times, especially with movies, like the charge scene in LoTR TT which was mentioned earlier for instance. They can make me teary eyed due to the sheer overwhelming sensations.


As for really crying, can't quite remember, but I think it was 6 month ago when I was in a really serious "Why the **** did I have to be gay" period.

Edited by Lucius



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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What, I'm gay for Frodo now? Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, but I'm not. I cried because their friendship was being broken up. That's hard. I've had this happen before myself. This happened in the scene I described as "when Frodo left for Valinor". Your reactions really say a lot about how insecure you guys are about your sexuality.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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Heh, I did so too, and this was just from reading about it in the in the book dude, don't sweat it. :(



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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You're a sad, sad person with no feel for friendship or camraderie.


I wasn't able to get much of a feeling with the book (I read it right after The Fellowship Of The Ring came about because I wanted to know what happened next) because I didn't really dig the writing style. I'm more of an audiovisual person. Reading's not my thing. When I write a story I usually end up doing it storyboard style instead.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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I usually only read sci-fi or war books, not much else can spark my interest.


By the way, just wondering, how old are you Neutral?



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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For you, Lucius:




The Place of Dead Roads by William S. Burroughs, published in 1983, is the second book of the trilogy that begins with Cities of the Red Night and concludes with The Western Lands. It chronicles the story of a homosexual heroin-addicted gunfighter in the American West. In convoluted fashion it begins with the gunfighter
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I don't read stuff like that.


But if you can find me a good wartime/sci-fi book about macho gay warriors then sure!



... gay Space Marine? :(



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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I came close to crying when I read through the Megatokyo archives for the first time. That comic is so depressing later on.


I usually only read sci-fi or war books, not much else can spark my interest.


By the way, just wondering, how old are you Neutral?


I'm 18.

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What, I'm gay for Frodo now? Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, but I'm not. I cried because their friendship was being broken up. That's hard. I've had this happen before myself. This happened in the scene I described as "when Frodo left for Valinor". Your reactions really say a lot about how insecure you guys are about your sexuality.






Who said anything about gay?


Frodo, the character, is about as believable as Oscar the Grouch... perhaps less so. ESPECIALLY in RotK. If you felt some sort of connection to Frodo, I weep for the future.

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Hah, Shadowfaxowned!

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I don't read stuff like that.


You know, maybe you could, on a certain day and in a certain state of mind, try expanding your literary horizons or some other, equally pointless, deed of mental self-gratification.



Kim considers that immortality is the only goal worth striving for. He knows that it isn't something you just automatically get for believing some nonsense or other like Christianity or Islam. It is something you have to work and fight for, like everything else in this life or another.


The most arbitrary, precarious, and bureaucratic immortality blueprint was drafted by the ancient Egyptians. First you had to get yourself mummified, and that was very expensive, making immortality a monopoly of the truly rich. Then your continued immortality in the Western Lands was entirely dependent on the continued existence of your mummy. That is why they had their mummies guarded by demons and hid good. Here is plain G.I. Horns.... He's got enough baraka to survive his first physical death. He won't get far. He's got no mummy, he's got no names, he's got nothing. What happens to a bum like that, a nameless, mummyless ****? Why, demons will swarm all over him at the first checkpoint. He will be dismembered and thrown into a flaming pit, where his soul will be utterly consumed and destroyed forever. While others, with sound mummies and the right names to drop in the right places, sail through to the Western Lands.


There are of course those who just barely squeeze through. Their mummies are not in a good sound condition. These second-class souls are relegated to third-rate transient hotels just beyond the last checkpoint, where they can smell the charnel-house disposal ovens from their skimpy balconies. "You see that sign?" the bartender snarls.




"Might as well face facts ... mv mummy is going downhill. Cheap job to begin with ... gawd, maggots is crawling all over it ... the way that demon guard sniffed at me this morning. . . Transient hotels ... And here you are in your luxury condo, deep in the Western Lands ... you got no security. Some disgruntled former employee sneaks into your tomb and throws acid on your mummy. Or sloshes gasoline all over it and burns the **** out of it. "OH ... someone is f***ing with my mummy.. .."


Mummies are sitting ducks. No matter who you are, what can happen to your mummy is a pharaoh's nightmare: the dreaded mummy bashers and grave robbers, scavengers, floods, volcanoes, earthquakes. Perhaps a mummy's best friend is an Egyptologist: sealed in a glass case, kept at a constant tempera- ture ... but your mummy isn't even safe in a museum. Air-raid sirens, it's the blitz! "For Ra's sake, get us into the vaults," scream the mummies, without a throat, without a tongue.


Anybody buy in on a deal like that should have his mummy examined.









Scener ur ett

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