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Vampire: Bloodlines.


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OK, since I just got a new comp, I liberated my friends copy.


Recommendations for someone who hasn't had his vampire cherry popped?

Yeah, don't start. It's addictive.


I hear you basically have to fight in this game at some point, but I'd like to be as non-combat boy as possible while not screwing myself on my first play through.

Thats putting it mildly. The last third is rather combat heavy and you really should specialise in at least one kind of combat (up close and personal or ranged).


Apart from that, go with the flow and play a clan that has the right look and feel to you. Eventually try out the tutorial level a few times with the different clans just to get a feel for them.

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also in terms of upclose and personal theres melee (knife, sledge, axe, wierd gardening tool) and theres brawl (feeding and fists of fury)

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If you're worried about the combat, you might try the Tremere Blood Mages...


I tried a pure combat Brujah the first game, this second one as a Tremere has been a breeze comparitively.


Not quite as durable, but able to unleash far more damage.


But as others have said, you almost NEED to have some sort of combat skill.... though melee and firearms tend to be better than brawling (though brawling is needed to feed... kinda... if you smack someone with a sword and then hit the feed button you bypass this it seems)

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Meh.  My toreador was able to melee people to death with me investing no points in any of the melee/brawl skills.


Good for you :lol: I've done the same thing with Tremere... I'm just saying that Brawl is weaker than melee or firearms, with the exception of Gangrel claws it seems.


Brawl does bashing damage (except Gangrel claws), which is only really effective against "live" targets :)



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Hey, I did say 'melee.' Blood Buff made it so that I could pretty much do whatever I wanted if the crap hit the fan. I liked it specifically because it helped me feed as well.


I'm convinced you could get through most combat heavy parts of the game (outside of the bosses I guess) with no points invested in any combat skills. It would be more difficult, but I just think Blood Buff kicks that much ass.

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Bloodbuff definately rocks, somehow I turned it on during a bossfight and it saved my character's life :p


I agree it wouldn't save your butt in a serious bossfight though (as in for the whole deal) and definately not vs the end bosses, but overall it gets the job done :)

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I spend most of combat into melee with a few in ranged just so my character can hit the broadside of a barn. In some situations it's better off to use ranged than melee.

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I wouldn't recommend playing Malkavian for your first playthrough. I just think you'd appreciate their "insight" more when you already have an idea about the plot.


Toreadors are good first characters. They are meant to be suave, smooth talkers, but they also have Celerity, a power that makes melee combat a breeze even if they're not built like a tank.

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I wouldn't recommend playing Malkavian for your first playthrough. I just think you'd appreciate their "insight" more when you already have an idea about the plot.


Toreadors are good first characters. They are meant to be suave, smooth talkers, but they also have Celerity, a power that makes melee combat a breeze even if they're not built like a tank.



If you get a Toreador it's a downright crime not to build it into a gunslinger.


Auspex+Celerity makes some awesome gunfights.



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The official updates stop at 1.2. The fan patches don't fix any fundamantal bugs like the horrible memory leak. They merely change superficial aspects of the game.

actually they DO fix bugs... only problem is that they fix bugs and turn the entire thing into a victorian steampunk game while they are ate it (or somthing similar)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


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depends... but with the fan made stuff you can NEVER get the bug fixes without extra stuff.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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The official patch should be good enough :-


I only encountered 5 bugs my entire game.


One was a CTD that was probably caused by my ram choking.


Two more were centered on one map, and one was probably memory related.


The last two were clipping problems.... I got sucked out of the map at one place, and caught in a loop in another.


Overall though, nothing to worry about and not on the level of say... Fallout 2.

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