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Ann Coulter Attacks 9/11 Widows


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Anybody else think this goes a bit too far?


I mean seriously, this woman is a little infuriating. >_<


Then again, Clinton annoys me too...what with the "campaign against video game violence" she's got going. :rolleyes:

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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Anybody else think this goes a bit too far?


I mean seriously, this woman is a little infuriating.  >_<


Then again, Clinton annoys me too...what with the "campaign against video game violence" she's got going.  :rolleyes:

I saw the clip already. Shes a troll, and lives off attention. She also has a new book that came out on 6/6/6 rightfully. Shes very popular on FOX news too. Anything FOX News supports is most likely corrupted. She also thinks banning gay marriage is more important than people dieing in Iraq. Shes a nut job and all I have to ask stupid people like Ann Coulter is ... *censored by Walsingham for graphic, nay revolting adult content*? :huh:

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I didn't read it.


She's probably telling the widows their dead husbands died because they didn't support our president enough, or have enough patriotic decals on their cars. And that they should stop mourning and clean the kitchen some more.


I hate Ann Coulter.

baby, take off your beret

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Keith Olbermann rips her a new one in the video they have up now. :D

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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Well, as the token Republican of the group, I have to say I hold Coulter in the utmost disdain. I sure as hell don't mind disagreeing with my friends concerning political issues, or any other, but I have to agree that Coulter lessens the debate.


Basically, I dislike anyone for whom the delivery is more important than the message. That's Coulter all over. Not only that, but she really is a nut-job. She is unrelenting and uses the excuse that Democrats are unrelenting. ...But not all Democrats are implacable. It's ridiculous to use isolated instances in one group to defend your own actions in regards to everyone in that group.


Moreover, I am as patriotic as anyone here. I believe in the exceptionalism of the United States and I say so without fear, shame, or remorse. ...But I hate the trend of sticking flags and decals on your car and calling yourself patriotic. I tell you what, go dedicate four years of your life to the service of your country. Vote in every election. Volunteer some of your labor and industry to your community. That. THAT makes you patriotic. Even something as simple as following the laws and treating your fellow citizens with respect is enough to make you patriotic. Putting a flag or yellow ribbon on your car, as an isolted incident, does not make you patriotic.

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She's a goon. That is all.



"She's probably telling the widows their dead husbands died because they didn't support our president enough"


Actually, she believes their husbands thought they were witches, and they were about to divorce them before 9/11.




She's scum. Plain, and simple.




P.S. She makes Republicans look bad just like Moore does for the Democracts so it evens out.


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Moore is not funny. It's only funny in the way of you know he's lying or exaggerating yet he talks about truth being his way when it isn't.


Just look at the recent lawsuit being pushed against him by a seriosuly injured soldier. Nothing funny about that. Just like Coulter is funny in the same way - as in, I find it hilarious that she can even truthfully believe in half of what she says.


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The comedic points of his two big documentaries has more to do with the giant misleading he does to the viewer.


We all got a chuckle out of him asking the bank "Don't you think it's a bit strange to hand out guns at a bank?" What he didn't tell us, was the huge amount of effort it took to convince the bank to actually provide him with the rifle at the bank, rather than at the warehouse no where near the bank like everyone else.


Watching him "make fools" out of the bank workers is funny at the moment. Not so funny when you realize that he played them without them knowing it in order to make them look like fools.

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Yeah, bits that make one go haha at him. Like how he tried to make Kanada (and Toronto specifically) sound like it was big love fest with people sayting things like this: "Yeah, I lave my doors unlocked, I've been robbed a couple of time;s but it's just kids having fun!" Hahahaha! :lol::rolleyes::rolleyes:


But, I've never found Moore himself funny except when he's making himself look like a tool.


He, and Couter deserve each other. :ph34r:


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The comedic points of his two big documentaries has more to do with the giant misleading he does to the viewer.


We all got a chuckle out of him asking the bank "Don't you think it's a bit strange to hand out guns at a bank?"  What he didn't tell us, was the huge amount of effort it took to convince the bank to actually provide him with the rifle at the bank, rather than at the warehouse no where near the bank like everyone else.


Watching him "make fools" out of the bank workers is funny at the moment.  Not so funny when you realize that he played them without them knowing it in order to make them look like fools.

Point taken, though I watched those films back in high school, so I really don't remember that much. Actually I don't even have a point on this issue. Sure, Moore makes me laugh more than Pat Robertson does. That doesn't mean that I believe Moore pursues a more morally just personal agenda than Pat's.


Putting all this aside, however, I probably don't know Moore enough to have ever considered him a extreme libertarian. He seems to me just another liberal who's very vocal about his positions. Sure, he makes a lot of accusations based on speculations, but he doesn't appear to me as even close to being on the far left wing of this country. I mean, there are left activists who are pro-abortion or believing that US should be an atheistic state. I think you can only put those people on equal footings with the right-wing extremists who believe that ten commandments should be displayed at every public school or that homosexuals chose their sexual orientation.

Edited by julianw
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Is pro-abortion really that left-wing?

There are lefties who are one step ahead of pro-choice and believing that government has the right to purge the world of unwanted child. I am talking about the really crazy people here...



Hmmm.. You're talking about the government deciding on their own whether or not a child should be aborted?

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Both are the goons from each side of the politcal spectrum. While Moore is trying portray a somesort of altruistic view of people and the world, Coulter seems to be downright evil at times.

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"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

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I don't think anyone's (apart from perhaps Hades when he's in a downswing) actualy PRO-abortion. No-one's running around handing out fliers offering two for one or somesuch. But this isn't about that.


Coulter is a marketable product, because people love to hate her. She gets people watching. She gets airtime. That's it. Take a deep breath, and realise ..."Hey she's a moron, and I don't have to listen."

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Men have no right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body, including her reproductive system.


You've never had to pay child support for the rest of your life... :blink:"



As for Ann Coulter, I've heard the name before but thats it. Watching this clip I found it disturbing that she is allowed air time so I have to agree with Wally. It's a ratings thing.

Her jaw seems to not be fully articulated but she's kind of pretty, in a superficial kind of way. :D

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You've never had to pay child support for the rest of your life...  :-"


Nope, and with luck I never will but if I mess up then I will pay the bounty. Its about taking responsibility.




So if you have the responsibility to raise children, in the event of having them, shouldn't you, as the father, have some right in the decision to keep them or not?

If you are in a situation where abortion is an issue, like an accident, the responsibility is basically forced on both parents, no? In the case of a rape however, it should be the decision of the mother entirely, wether it's from a stranger or her own husband/spouse.


By the way, I am pro-choice. As in, abortion needs to be legal for those who need it. However there needs to be restrictions for those who want it. Because we are talking about a life, not some thing you can just throw out in the garbage.


As for child support, I think it is absolutely normal and crucial that the father supports his children. However, if the court decides that he cannot see his kids, ever, he shouldn't have to pay it as this means the mother is able to take care of them herself. If not, nobody should expect or even ask that the father pay child support and not see his kids, unless he was abusive or bad for them.

There are alot of abuses of the system from the mothers and the entire child support/custody system needs a major revision IMHO.

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