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I too need a new RPG

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Go and get Ninja Gaiden Black for Xbox and God of War for PS2. They are both action/adventure titles and has some(but very very limited) RPG elements.




Ninja Gaiden Black is a hard game. It's not for everyone. Especially, if you had some hard times on Kotor1 or Kotor2, you should stay away from it. But again, it's a great game.

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3rd person combat in Oblivion isn't stupid, you just lose the guided aim cursor and have to sometimes guess where you're swinging because your 'back' can block your forward view a bit. It's not hard...just something to get used to. I use it a lot because, with the enemies being able to hit you from farther away than you think should be so visually (a big game cheat IMO), 3rd is less misleading to me for judging strike distance.


As long as you don't pull back the view too much, it works fine.

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For Jade Empire: There aren't many weapons per se, but there is a huge variety of fighting styles. The different styles are so unique that it does feel like you are using different weapons.

Edited by Hurlshot
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That is one thing I disliked about Jade Empire. The lack of a way to change your character's appearance through equipment. You look exactly the same from the beginning of the game tot he end of the game. That is a major step backwards from NWN and KotOR for Bioware.

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at the present time, occidental RPGs on console is some slim pickens but that will change with the next gen.


I will reaffirm that Jade Empire suggestion. Jade Empire is easily the best cRPG out there period at the present time and is on the Xbox.


Jedi Academy is fun but not an RPG. (Jedi Outcast is way too puzzle-based and twitchy).


the 2 KOTORs, of course, are very good.


other possibilities that an RPG fan might like:


* Phantasy Star Online (while a subscription-based game, I think there is a single player campaign).


* Demon Stone (Xbox and PC)


* Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance


* Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance II (I've heard this is better than the first...more dialogue)


* Dreamfall: The Longest Journey


* Gun (shooter with RPG elements)


* Sid Meier's Pirates! (Xbox version is out of production but is attainable)


* LOTR: Third Age (JRPG-style rpg based on the Lord of the Rings story)

good, if you like the JRPG style


* Destroy All Humans (an action game in which you play an invading alien...has RPG elements)


* Deux Ex: Invisible War (shooter with RPG elements)


* Sedukei (party-based hack and slash)


* Indigo Prophecy (not an RPG but a very good game)


EDIT: Bard's Tale is decent....a bit too combat-based but still fun.

Edited by Plano Skywalker
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HI :blink:


I still think you should buy Oblivion - with the 'tab' key you can change between 3rd person and 1st person view. This really has helped me a lot - since I tend to get motion sickness when camera only are displaying 1st person view/mode. The same goes for Morrowind.


I would recommend Baldur's gate Series, Icewind Dale Series (and now, they can be bought in compilation series). Also, you should get the NWN Gold (or premium edition) - it is the one ehich also includes three CEP (Community Expansions) mods. Jade Empire is nice also.


Hope this helps ---



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Demonstone is an action game, and the BGDAs were just short pieces of crap and not worth the time and money to play.


was Demonstone fun?


I can only compare it to LotR: Return of the King(the game). It's Hack & Slash but you gain xp to upgrade skills. 3 difrent characters to play, each with varied skills for decent replay value.

It's ok but don't expect a deep RPG experience.


I agree with Hades for BG Dark Alliance.

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"JE also rules over NWN?"


I guess I should clarify. I menat for 'recent' games. Only BL comes close; but the combat in that game hruts it though BL's rol-playing/dialogue is better - not by a lot; but enough.



NWN will rule all overall until this December. :)


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"Which game is coming out in December?"


Actually, NWN2 is coming out in September; but I likely won't be able to play it 'til December. :)


Though; I'll likely buy it in September. Hehe. :D


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