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NWN2 only 20 hours long?


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You then ask them how long it took and if they haven't finished within the first 5 days, then I'd say you're probably safe to buy the game on release.


But that is not a good way to determine lenght and/or quality. I myself for example finished PS:T in 3 days... doubt alot would say based on that "too short, crap" etc. etc. etc.

Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Heh, I don't even time how long it takes to me to finish games anymore. At best, I can come up with estimates after the fact. Just the realization that my fond memories of games I've played have had nothing to do with their length. Tagging a value based on length alone is like trying to come up with a mathematical formula for fun. I guess the answer is 42.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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We both are in the 30 something and wanting long games demographic, Ellester.


Eldar, I am hardly a speed demon in games. I have spent 400 hours on Morrowind and haven't finished the main quest and more than 25 hours on Oblivion and closed only 2 Oblivion gates, with only one dealing with the main quest.



Edited by Judge Hades
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am older than both of you... and we would be more pleased with 40 or 60 hours of gameplay than 20. that being said, Gromnir admits that we ain't an average gamer neither. am special.


HA! Good Fun!

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Heh, maybe you guys should focus on sandbox-type games?


Bioware and Obs are trending towards shorter games. What's left? Bethesda?



The sad thing is were hooked to those types of game because of Bioware and BIS.

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

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I just like walking around, taking in the scenery, run away from werewolves, blast something with a fireball, rest at an inn and get some random quest, kill a few folk, have some bugger interrupt my sleep telling me to join some assassin's guild, go naked in someguys dream, avoid traps, piss off guards, and well kill a few more things.

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Sandbox just sounds so ugly. Maybe it's the cat owner in me, but I don't get a good image from the term.

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Volourn, that is tiny compared the number of times I replayed BG, BG2, PS:T, Fallout, and Fallout 2, which I have replayed 30 to 40 times each.


In any case, NWN 1 is irrelevant to the shortness of NWN 2.



Yes yes, absolutely. While still having time to play your many, many PnP sessions with your friends, work, sleep, as well as play other new games.



30 to 40 times. Of course.

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Yikes, this thread was like 8 pages long last night. You people are crazy.


20 hours is ok for a game that has fancy mod tools as one of its main features, except for someone like me who realized that NWN mods were generally pretty terrible. Wading through professional fantasy cheese is bad enough, playing through little Billy the fifteen year-old's epic fantasy vision of continuous, mass goblin slaying is even worse.


As with the original NWN, NWN2 sounds like it will be a bargain bin buy, baby. Unless it gets rave reviews from people who appear to have some objectivity.

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Which begs the question: if one is to play a game 30-40 times through, what difference does it make if it's 10 or 20 or 40 hrs long?


(10*30) < (30*30)


Most NWN mods lacked polish, and some lacked, well, quality - generally I enjoyed playing, but just like the internet / digital technology, the easier it is to create something, the more drivel you are going to get from an amateur community. NWVault doesn't really help either, especially if your tastes aren't in line with the mass NWN fandom. I also don't like the idea of playing for a few hours then waiting for months for the next part of the story, and I envision many feel the same - those who like to read books in one sitting.

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*laughs* Some of you guys would be far better off exiting the electronic gaming community. If you want hours upon hours upon hours of gaming, play PNP. I always spot "Fallout! Baldur's Gate! [insert Another Game here]!" Times change. Long, long, RPGs are fading. The RPG market was stale for quite sometime as well. If you honestly feel that a game's length is a reflection of it's story telling and depth, so be it. It just seems that the people who do so are just limiting themselves to enjoyment. Those who seem to complain about such want a game more like the ones that have already been made, yet they're bored of the ones that have already been made.


... How do you plan on ever enjoying any video game if you're prejudging it before even playing it?

The shortness of game trend is the fault of consoles. Made ideally for kids with low attention spans, who have no desire to take all kinds of quests, or explore the story. Hey lets just make it hack n slash.



The majority of console gamers are adults.


Besides, if it's just hack and slash then that's exactly what you're looking for in a game. You have said so yourself.


Why don't you wait until the game comes out and people can tell you how long it actually takes to play through the OC?


Feargus also estimated 30-40 hours on IWD2, and it took most people more than twice that long to finish it (whether it was a good 80 hours or not).


Because I know that I tend to get a handle of games faster and play the game efficiently. It took me 20 to 25 hours to beat IWD 2. It took me 12 hours to beat BGDA. It took me 28 hours to beat KotOR 2. And so forth and so on.


You guys spout estimate times, but each and every time I play a game I am under that estimate time by a good 25 to 50 percent. So, Feargus says 20, I expect to beat the game in 10 to 15. Not worth my time.



While walking everywhere too!

Edited by alanschu
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Tigranes, you just made a very good case to make the packaged campaign shorter. After all, it'll be good to see what happens in one setting.


Personally, I want a 40 hour campaign, but I'll take an excellent experience I can replay. I'm kind of surprised, but I don't feel inspired to start another run of Oblivion. If I do, however, it will jump into the three run range. That's a good sign.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Well, it can be a point for both ways. I like to finish things in one sitting to receive the work as a whole, but when faced with epics like LOTR (the book) or BG2, I just play/read as much as I can (at the expense of sleep). I'd love all games and books I like to be that long or longer, but I recognise that most people I know can't stand obsessing about one thing/work for as long as I do.


So yeah, personally, longer the better, because I'd rather play and play a good OC to death and a few well-made mods than have to play a couple of hours then scourge the net through trial-and-error for another one worth the salt.

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*laughs* Some of you guys would be far better off exiting the electronic gaming community. If you want hours upon hours upon hours of gaming, play PNP. I always spot "Fallout! Baldur's Gate! [insert Another Game here]!" Times change. Long, long, RPGs are fading. The RPG market was stale for quite sometime as well. If you honestly feel that a game's length is a reflection of it's story telling and depth, so be it. It just seems that the people who do so are just limiting themselves to enjoyment. Those who seem to complain about such want a game more like the ones that have already been made, yet they're bored of the ones that have already been made.


... How do you plan on ever enjoying any video game if you're prejudging it before even playing it?

The shortness of game trend is the fault of consoles. Made ideally for kids with low attention spans, who have no desire to take all kinds of quests, or explore the story. Hey lets just make it hack n slash.



The majority of console gamers are adults.


Besides, if it's just hack and slash then that's exactly what you're looking for in a game. You have said so yourself.


In their defense, most of the games I never managed to beat or that took me months to get through were old console games. Granted, most of that was because there were generally no saves or codes in them so when you died, you had to start over.


If anything, I didn't notice games getting shorter until I started primarily playing games on a PC. I blame the focus of PC developers on shoving out expansions and cheaply made sequels when they should have just focused on making the original game more thorough.

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