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So what's their deal? HIM, that is. I asked a while back but none of you crazy Scandanavians responded. I hear they're popular with the Nordic crowd. Are they like the Finnish gothic version of Bon Jovi?


I haven't been in a mall lately, but I bet the Hot Topic crowd loves 'em over here too.


I do think they did a good job with that Chris Isaak cover, "Wicked Game," however.




edit: Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You

just know that they are more like fall out boy with black eyeliner= crap


Nothing- Negative Approach


btw, that screaming trees song is awesome

words are weightless here on earth

because they're free

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Mark Lanegan is awesome. Whether it's Screaming Trees, QOTSA, or the Twilight Singers, anything he touches is better for it.


Have any of you heard his solo stuff? I was thinking about picking up "Bubblegum," which I heard was the best of his solo albums.



The Outfield - (I Don't Want to) Lose Your Love Tonight


Those parentheses are on loan from Elvis Costello. o:)

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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You actually paid money to see them?


This was what, 96-97?


You were 15?


Something like that. I think the tickets were under 10€ or something. The gig was in some rundown old tiny place. The band itself was about two hours late and whoever organized it decided to play techno at max, while the fans waited. It had no air condition what so ever so after people had smoked there for couple of hours and the gig actually started also meant that some people started to pass out.


It was awesome. :D


So what's their deal? HIM, that is. I asked a while back but none of you crazy Scandanavians responded. I hear they're popular with the Nordic crowd. Are they like the Finnish gothic version of Bon Jovi?


Pretty much so, yes.


I do think they did a good job with that Chris Isaak cover, "Wicked Game," however.


I like that one too. First album was the best and after the band started to drift more to this "love metal" thingy two of them called quits.

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On the topic of Screaming Trees, Sweet Oblivion is one of my favorite albums from the Grunge era. Nearly Lost You, Dollar Bill, Butterfly are all near classics. Although the opener Shadow of the Season was one of my favorite tunes to get baked to, along with 'Lounge Act' by Nirvana.


edit: I just finished listening to Spoon - Anything You Want

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Eyeball Skeleton - The Smokey Turtle.


You can hear the track on their Myspace Site.


Lyrical sampling:

In the garden, he was running all around

When his shell made a sizzling sound.

Someone made eggs on his back

'Cause they're hungry for a really good snack...

The Smokey Turtle, he was so smokey,

When he came around, the people chokey, chokey.


The next verse is even better-- it's about the turtle's breakdancing skills.

Edited by Enoch
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"Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades"- Brand New


She hits the lights.

This doesn't seem quite fair.

Despite everything he learned from his friends,

he doesn't feel so prepared.

She's breathing quiet and smooth.

He's gasping for air.

"This is the first and last time," he says.

She fakes a smile and presses her hips into his.

He keeps his hands pinned down at his sides.

He's holding back from telling her

exactly what it really feels like.

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Incubus - 11 A.M.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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The Afghan Whigs - Turn on the Water




Wilco - War On War


Probably the most overrated album I've had the somewhat pleasure of listening to recently.


Inspectah Deck - Uncontrolled Substance


Ulver - Hymn VI - Of Wolf And Passion

Edited by Baley
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Some old music my dad is currently listening way way too loud. He always does that when he gets too drunk. God I love live with my parents once again.

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