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Favorite Metal Bands

Plano Skywalker

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I will only list a few, since my list would be very long.



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I will only list a few, since my list would be very long.


Britney Spears

Christina Aguilera


Atomic Kitten

All Saints

Spice Girls

Jessica Simpson

Kelly Clarkson

Avril Lavigne

Celine Dion

Shania Twain



Wham are so more Metal than any of those. :)

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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Can any of you music snobs help me find another band that sounds kinda sorta like AFI?


Depends what part of AFI you want them to sound like, and what phase of AFI you liked.


If you like old AFI, you might want to check out Cold War, Ed Gein, From Autumn to Ashes or Poison the Well.


If you like new AFI, you should probably check out A Static Lullaby, Atreyu or Scars of Tomorrow, but don't blame me if you get really tired of them very quickly.


If you just like Davey Havok's voice, check out Son of Sam. It was a single release side project he did with members of the Misfits.

My blood! He punched out all my blood! - Meet the Sandvich

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Black Sabbath

Iron Maiden

Guns 'N Roses' Appetite For Destruction

Pre-Black Album Metallica






Blind Guardian


I also enjoy Manowar a lot, but only ironically, and Slipknot's 'Volume 3: Subliminal Verses' is a MAJOR guilty pleasure of mine.


Off-topic, Mr. Bulock's Avathar is one of the coolest things I have seen on this forum. Orneryboy for teh win.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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Anyone who listens to Manowar and admits it gets brownie points.


Neutral, proge Opeth or the metal Opeth?

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Both, really. I don't really judge by what genre it sounds like more than I judge how good the guitar work is. Blackwater Park is the best guitar album I've ever heard.


I don't know why, but there's something just utterly liberating about screaming along with Manowar lyrics.

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There's a metal band out there called "Pelican?"



Please tell me they are being ironic, because that's one of the funniest things I can imagine.



"Hello Des Moines! We are .... PELICAN!!!!!! Are you ready to ROCK?!?!?"



baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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Cradle of Filth's 3rd and 4th albums




Edited by Soulseeker

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Cradle of Filth? Are you some kind of 15 year old goth chick?


Get yourself some Emperor or Arcturus or something. Hurry.



I saw that one coming a mile away. Still, Dusk and Her Embrace and Cruelty and The Beast were great. The rest are complete crapitude. What's Arcturus?




And I forgot Amorphis.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Probably not, but I think Yngwie, for all his shredding, makes helluva boring music.


In a sense, yes, but probably because the other music in the band is so overshadowed by what he does. If the music was "tighter", it would be fine.


He is definitely one of the key figures to ensure that melody never leaves the genre though. And that is worth something.

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And I forgot Amorphis.

High fives your way!

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Probably not, but I think Yngwie, for all his shredding, makes helluva boring music.


In a sense, yes, but probably because the other music in the band is so overshadowed by what he does. If the music was "tighter", it would be fine.


He is definitely one of the key figures to ensure that melody never leaves the genre though. And that is worth something.


No, I'm pretty sure it's because nothing he does has any substance. Random scale excercises and arpeggios really fast does not a composition make. Don't get me wrong, I respect him a lot as a guitar player, but as a songwriter? Not so much.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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And I forgot Amorphis.

High fives your way!



:high five smilie:

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Your taste in music is **** and you can barely spell (I'm guessing mild retardation, but won't gamble on it just yet), I suggest you shut the **** up for now. Lurk. Read. Download a spell checker. Post. (in that order)

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