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NWN2 devchat in 2 hrs


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"Of course this is for official game products only."


Not quite. Official products are offical as longas WOTC/Hasbro say so no matter how many changes to the core pnp rules are. It's their games; their rules.


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For me, the fact that SS was kickbanned at all is humourous. And thanks for posting the chat here, Llyrasaurus. :)

Edited by Blank
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WotC/Hasbro don't give a crap about the game as long as they get their money.



That's odd. They care about the content. They've been toning stuff down so it's more "kiddie" friendly. A bit irritating in my opinion. It should have variety.


That's something I really hate about WotC these days.. at least with regards to DnD.

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I said it once, I will say it again, down with third edition rules, stick to using AD&D rules.  ;)

Half of the 2nd Ed. FR specialty priests would wipe the floor with their 3E FR cleric counterparts, domains and all.


am not saying that the core 3e d&d cleric domains and rules in general were w/o flaws and balance problems, but they were far more sensible than the ad&d rules, and more balanced than the 2e specialty priest kits. however, wotc can't makes more money from d&d unless they keeps making new product, and wotc has sure added lots of new product to 3e and post 3e d&d. crazy powerful new domains and some questionable divine feats and those ridiculous kits they add to every new release. kits? oh, sorry, we were meaning PrCs.


am wondering if any commercial rule system can survive its own success.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Its not sad because if they didn't we wouldn't have DnD, period.  What is sad is how they have whored it.  I don't run baseline DnD any more.  Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved is my baseline.  It would be kickarse to to see an AE CRPG.

D&D as in third edition? That was a step backwords for them.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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D&D as in 1e, 2e, 3e, 3.5, basic to immortal set, and even Chain Mail.  It would be all gone, nonexistant.  DEAD.  TSR was bankrupt and deep in debt when WotC stepped in.

Yes and look at what we have now, Third edition rules and you said it yourself, they are exploiting it for every penny they can squeeze out of it.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Of course. They are a business to make money. That is why they aren't bankrupt and deep in debt TSR was. One just needs to be choosier in buying d20 System material. Find a third party studio that you like and go from there. The two best are Malhavoc Press and Necromancer Games, with Green Ronin being a close third.


Its the electonics front that is irking me now. Unless the game is from a developer I trust, like Obsidian, I am going to ignore all future DnD releases.

Edited by Judge Hades
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For what it's worth I hope one can choose a Deity and be shackled by the Deities domains. If I was to play a Cleric I would like to choose a Deity and have it mean something, even if it

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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