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Admiral Onasi

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I wonder if they saw him as a whiny wimp who needed to be replaced quickly (disrespect for command be damned!) or as one of the Republic's best admirals who they could always count on.



Then again he could have changed over the years, so who knows




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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I believe that they admired him. Experienced war veteran, loyal to Republic. I'm sure he didn't whine to his troops like to Revan & comp. :D


He wasn't very whiny in k2 anyway

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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As much as most of us here disliked his whiny attitude, Carth Onasi was still respected by pretty much anyone (except HK47). Even his sworn enemies the likes of Saul Karath still had admiration for him. Combine this with the fact that he had Revan's endorsement (if male) or Revan's love (if female), and I doubt anyone would ever want to be disrespectful to him in person.

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yes, his troops no doubt admired him. he does whine a bit, but i admit, he does have somewhat of an excuse. his entire homeworld was destroyed, and that's not something to just lightly brush off. and of course, he does have great determination (he even tries to save a DSF revan) and from what is mentioned is K1 a good tactician (better that bastila at least, and may have even taken lessons from LS Revan).



BTW canderous didnt approve of him much either, especially when he found out he was anti-war.


Still fun killing him in K1 of course :huh:



"Are you an angel? Aw, I'm just kidding. That's the worst line I've ever used. Hope some poor kid doesn't start using it."

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So loyal he did nothing but complain and wouldn't stfu and obey Revan's orders. It's too bad I never had the choice to strike him down then and there - the whole "I out of everyone should have seen this comin-"


"And the next person who questions me shall suffer a similar fate."


Lightside of course.


Darkside would have been far more sadistic and tortured the little annoyance first.

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I dont like the uniform he wears in Kotor 2, I think his clothes from kotor 1 are much better. Plus its ashame he ran away from the beach in kotor 1 from DS Revan. Just exactly how did he manage to leave the unknown world? There werent any other ships there, except the G wing on the temple roof, which he wouldnt have known about anyway. maybe a republic ship went down to get him, but then he dosnt have a radio to contact them :thumbsup:

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If you set Revan lightsider, yes

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Hmm he just ran away from me,but in K2 you see the deciple talking to the t3m4 droid and he shows him a hologram of carth whats that bout?

There is no peace; there is aggression.

There is no fear; there is power.

There is no serenity, there is anger.

There is no weakness; there is strength.

There is no death; there is the immortality of the Dark Side.


I am the Heart of Darkness.

I know no fear, but rather I instill it in my enemies.

I am the destroyer of worlds.

I know the power of the Dark Side.

I am the fire of hate.

All the Universe bows before me.

I pledge myself to the Darkness.

For I have found true life, in the death of the light.

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I would say they would respect him. I think Carth is a great man despite what others may say. The fact that he could forgive Revan for being, well Revan, and if Revan is female love her, says alot about him. He forgave and loved the woman who was the catalyst for his wife being killed, his son being lost, and his homeworld being turned into what we see in K2, a dead world that the Ithorians are desperately trying to breath life into. That shows marks of greatness IMHO.


Hmm he just ran away from me,but in K2 you see the deciple talking to the t3m4 droid and he shows him a hologram of carth whats that bout?


What was Carth wearing in that hologram? His default clothes? That means you set Revan to be female and if he's in his default clothes then that means he's dead. :) Poor Carth! As to why he's showing the hologram to Disciple it's because

Di's a spy for the Republic.


"They might not call you a Jedi anymore, but believe me, you are. It's not the sort of thing that you just stop being. You're stuck with it, just like you're stuck being the General." ~Bao-Dur, Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords
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