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New Star Wars Movies

Plano Skywalker

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... Or GL.


Especially GL.

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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I wouldn't mind another SW film in principle but it should blatantly fly in the face of the EU crap just to annoy people who whine about canon and stuff. Also instead of being in the SW universe it would be in the Firefly universe and the characters wouldn'y be teh SW chracters, they would be Malcolm Reynolds and company.

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KOTOR is EU. so is anything past the movies or before the movies.


I think LFL likes to keep a clear line of demarkation between EU and "canon".

that is one reason I suspect any new films would be in (was is now) the movie era.


however, that doesn't mean we can't have entire films that take place on one planet or one system....movies don't have to advance the plot in real time to be effective. in other words, film A and film B happen simultaneously in terms of the overaching story.

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I'd like dialogue that didn't seem like it was written by a neurologically impaired 4-year-old.


And I'd like the movie to make sense in the setting it's in.



Jedi flip around, flinging their sabers about and generally owning everything, but get a half-dozen armored soldiers who can't aim worth a **** and they just seem to want to leap right into those blaster bolts. And what the hell was with the whole "you can't win...I have the high ground" bit? For that matter, why didn't both of them erupt into flames, or even break a sweat when they got that close to flaming hot lava.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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I agree with the poster who said they want to see movies with Thrawn. that would be pro..


That would be Episodes 7-8-9. Based on T. Zahn's books.


I would prefer something entirely original, with little to no references to the known STAR WARS universe.

New species, new planets, new characters, etc that have only either witnessed and/or been victim to the events of the movies.

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That would be Episodes 7-8-9. Based on T. Zahn's books.


I would prefer something entirely original, with little to no references to the known STAR WARS universe.

New species, new planets, new characters, etc that have only either witnessed and/or been victim to the events of the movies.


I think the problem you would run into is capturing the "epic feel" of Star Wars.

now, maybe that isn't really a problem going forward but it would represent a departure.


I think a story based on a merchant (smuggler) who spends 3 movies stuck on a remote planet having to deal with a heretofore unknown race and even help them find a solution to their civil war would be interesting.


more localized stories....

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I wouldn't mind another SW film in principle but it should blatantly fly in the face of the EU crap just to annoy people who whine about canon and stuff. Also instead of being in the SW universe it would be in the Firefly universe and the characters wouldn'y be teh SW chracters, they would be Malcolm Reynolds and company.


I work with a guy who is really into fantasy and sci fi and gaming who says that Firefly is the best TV show ever made. Mind you, he thinks the new B Galactica is really good but that Firefly is better.


Firefly, of course, was cancelled after 1 season and the writers produced the movie Serenity which follows the same story (I guess).


I have not seen any episode of Firefly nor have I yet seen Serenity but I hope to remedy that soon enough (I'll probably end up buying Firefly on DVD).

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That would be Episodes 7-8-9. Based on T. Zahn's books.


I would prefer something entirely original, with little to no references to the known STAR WARS universe.

New species, new planets, new characters, etc that have only either witnessed and/or been victim to the events of the movies.

I think the problem you would run into is capturing the "epic feel" of Star Wars.

now, maybe that isn't really a problem going forward but it would represent a departure.


I think a story based on a merchant (smuggler) who spends 3 movies stuck on a remote planet having to deal with a heretofore unknown race and even help them find a solution to their civil war would be interesting.


more localized stories....

Of course it needs to depart fromthe children's tone of talking down to the audience about big stuff.




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I personally Lucas is lying when he said Star Wars was always about Anakin. I doubt that was his original plan. Luke was made to be way too big of a character for it to be about Anakin and his fall. If it was, they wouldn't have focused on Obi-Wan's quest to turn Luke into a Jedi, but Vader's plot to bring him to the dark side. The truth is 4-5-6 was about Luke no doubt. And they decided to turn it about Anakin in 1-2-3, which was a good idea.


That's merely my personal opinion.


If you want a movie that goes in more depth about Vader, they should make the old Shadows of the Empire game into a movie.

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well, I read that one of the early, early drafts from Lucas had Mace Windu as the primary character...he was a spice smuggler....basically, Han and Luke rolled into one.


I think the main reason they went with 4,5, and 6 first is that the other ones were so anti-war in the context of when they would be released.

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Besides, if there is to be a tv-show in that era, then I'd prefer to have no movies set there, since they would likely clash with each other.

I don't know when the TV series will be set, but I imagine that any further movies would use the characters from the series, in the Star Trek mold. I'm not saying that's what I want to happen, but I suppose it makes marketing sense to use the one to promote the other rather than sustain two independent stories.


I'm really not interested in learning anything more about the characters and times of the original movies. I'd quite like something from the very beginnings of the Jedi and the Republic.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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I personally Lucas is lying when he said Star Wars was always about Anakin. I doubt that was his original plan. Luke was made to be way too big of a character for it to be about Anakin and his fall.  If it was, they wouldn't have focused on Obi-Wan's quest to turn Luke into a Jedi, but Vader's plot to bring him to the dark side. The truth is 4-5-6 was about Luke no doubt. And they decided to turn it about Anakin in 1-2-3, which was a good idea.


I think each trilogy should be a generation of the Skywalker family. First was Anakin, 2nd was Luke and Leia, 3rd should be Luke and Leia's kids. Or at least focus on one of their children.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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3rd should be Luke and Leia's kids. Or at least focus on one of their children.



Gross :-

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I personally Lucas is lying when he said Star Wars was always about Anakin. I doubt that was his original plan. Luke was made to be way too big of a character for it to be about Anakin and his fall.  If it was, they wouldn't have focused on Obi-Wan's quest to turn Luke into a Jedi, but Vader's plot to bring him to the dark side. The truth is 4-5-6 was about Luke no doubt. And they decided to turn it about Anakin in 1-2-3, which was a good idea.

well, I read that one of the early, early drafts from Lucas had Mace Windu as the primary character...he was a spice smuggler....basically, Han and Luke rolled into one.

You are assuming that GL had a detailed script. He didn't. He sketched out an opera of (six or) nine parts, then chose the second three as the interesting series (because that's when the baddies gain an upper hand and threaten to overwelm the goodies in ALL formulaic plots), then fleshed out the first story as a film because it was the most interesting plot. He never expected the first film to be successful, so he only wrote it as a single film.


Afterwards, he added the other two films in the trilogy (with varying success), one at a time. When he poured all his net worth into The Empire Strikes Back, he was betting everything on red in the casino of life: he came away from the roulette table with more money than he could spend.

I think the main reason they went with 4,5, and 6 first is that the other ones were so anti-war in the context of when they would be released.

The prequel trilogy was just made up on the spot to retro-fit into the existing trilogy. When he wrote Star Wars (later renamed to A New Hope), the "clone wars" were just a neat-sounding name for some historical event.


GL gave the prequels their flavour based on his own whims during his writing of them, twenty years after the first series.




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When he poured all his net worth into The Empire Strikes Back, he was betting everything on red in the casino of life: he came away from the roulette table with more money than he could spend.


I wonder if thats why he left everything to other people rather than doing it himself.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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If he did it due to good foresight, or just because he couldn't afford to be the control freak he subsequently has become?


Good question ... as he had a different script writer and director, maybe it was the former. Pity he didn't do it more often, though.




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If he did it due to good foresight, or just because he couldn't afford to be the control freak he subsequently has become?


Good question ... as he had a different script writer and director, maybe it was the former. Pity he didn't do it more often, though.


I think he just likes doing it. He probably realises he's not the best. But since he dosnt really have to worry about how succesful they are now, well he can pretty much do what he likes.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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