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Aliens Interbreeding


Is it ok for humans and aliens or aliens and aliens to interbreed? Or just gross?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it ok for humans and aliens or aliens and aliens to interbreed? Or just gross?

    • Acceptable
    • Gross (and impossible)

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OK so in fantasy RPG's you get stuff like half-orcs, half-elves, etc. So in my sci-fi RPG, I was thinking what if you had alien species and humans interbreeding? Naturally, it would only work with humanoid aliens, but still. Is that just weird?

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Wonder what a half twilek/human would look like... :thumbsup:


If its your own 'brand' of gaming, then it might work just peachy. Kinda interesting, too, although some things might be pushing it...

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Create a NEW chromosomal set! (How do you know they won't splice until you see the xenomorph chromosome?)

Ha, that's true, I don't know. Anything could happen. It's much more likely that our biology would have no commonality at all though, or worse, that our biology would be mutually adverse.


I see unassisted crossbreeding as strictly science-fantasy; but you're right, through the magic of science, our halfbreeds could live on.

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It all depends on how close the chromosomes are related. In Star Trek it is obvious that humans and vulcans can interbreed. Also in that setting a quite a number of species can interbreed with humans. Humans have a versitile genome in that setting.


Now in the Star Wars universe a general guideline to use is that a primate evolved species can interbreed with another primate evolved species. Such as human could interbreed with a chiss, or a human breeding with whatever race Luxa is from KotOR 2. However, a rodian and human or a wookie and a human could not breed because the greater difference between the genomes.


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Ha, that's true, I don't know. Anything could happen. It's much more likely that our biology would have no commonality at all though, or worse, that our biology would be mutually adverse.


I see unassisted crossbreeding as strictly science-fantasy; but you're right, through the magic of science, our halfbreeds could live on.

Both instances of the word biology should be the plural 'biologies', but Fionavar won't let me correct it since an hour has gone by.
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I wonder how much of the "junk" DNA in the genome is potential problem solving stuff. Like re-growing gills if needs be, for example. So the human is not just a bunch of nifty adaptations, but *all* the adaptations that have taken place on the journey homo sapiens sapiens have taken from the slime.


So removing the junk (estimated at approx. 85% of it) might actually be a bad idea.


Still, we might be able to sort it a bit: make it a bit more organised ...




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yeah obviously interbreeding would have to be with primate type creatures. i got the idea from star trek (go figure!) what with kinglons, vulcans, romulans, and a bunch of other species all looking pretty similar (probably because of the budget and technology of the times, but whatever, they explain it in one TNG episode as all of those species coming from one master race that lived alone in the galaxy billions of years ago and terraformed a bunch of worlds and started life to evolve into forms similar to their own. so off topic!).



i think it would make more sense in sci-fi than in fantasy, because in a more futuristic setting where there is more science, people would want to experiment with certain things and would have the technology to "grow" certain crossbreeds and such. Whereas in fantasy it is more gross. Like with orcs. What the heck. Who would even do that.....

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