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NWN2 teaser trailer


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Short and nice, but no battles. And what's up with scary-factor? :thumbsup:

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

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- Friedrich Nietzsche


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- Some guy 

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I waited in a queue for half an hour and then the link to download was dead. ;)


Is there anywhere else you can download this from?


Edit: No matter, fifth time of asking it decided to be nice to me. :)


Hmmm. Dark. Odd approach for the first trailer. :thumbsup:


Perhaps it's 'financial' spring? That could be anytime.

Edited by SteveThaiBinh

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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It's got less quality than most short porn movie previews you can find on the net, and it barely shows anything other than shadows, some character models and vague one liners. But hey it's only like, 4 megs or something so why not.


And what's up with scary-factor? :thumbsup:


Tormentness without the messy reading lolz.

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That was pretty cool, but Spring 2006?  I hope that means it's not being rushed out the door.

Spring ends in late June, which is what all the cool people were penciling in as NWN2's release.


Seems on track, to me, unless they mean April.


I personnaly know some of the QA team. Could take longer...

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I personally know my girlfriend, doesn't mean I know when I'm gonna get laid next (self pwnt).


But on the other hand, if you forget her birthday, run over her cat, insult her friends, get her the wrong present or shout out another womans name in your sleep, you can be fairly cirtain it wont be for a little while.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I personally know my girlfriend, doesn't mean I know when I'm gonna get laid next (self pwnt).


But on the other hand, if you forget her birthday, run over her cat, insult her friends, get her the wrong present or shout out another womans name in your sleep, you can be fairly cirtain it wont be for a little while.


Thats not true. Those can all be cancelled out by it being my birthday, getting her a dog (she hates cats), reminding her of the time she gpt pissed off at her own friend, or... uhh... well not that last one...


Besides, I always know it will be soon.

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I have to post something on this. First off, the movie is kickarse. Secondly I have a strong feeling that it will be released no later than June, even ifi t has some serious bugs. The question still remains if Obsidian will be able to give full technical support for NWN 2. Bioware was phenomenal in its support of Neverwinter Nights 1 and it would be a damn shame if NWN 2 doesn't get the same level of support.

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Thats not true.  Those can all be cancelled out by it being my birthday, getting her a dog (she hates cats), reminding her of the time she gpt pissed off at her own friend, or... uhh... well not that last one...


Besides, I always know it will be soon.


Hmm, good point (talking completely hypothetically about an analogy of girlfriends to computer game release dates).


Additionally, nice atmospheric movie, though it doesn't show much that we havn't seen before, except that from the dragon) their animation team seems to have its brain in the right place, though we'll see.


What I really want to see (since their art direction has already been pretty much confirmed as kickbutt) is how the animation dudes are handling combat.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Was anyone else reminded of Plan 9 From Outer Space by the text in that trailer?


"And remember, my friends, future events such as these will affect you in the future."

We now bring you live footage from the World Championship Staring Final.



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I personally know my girlfriend, doesn't mean I know when I'm gonna get laid next (self pwnt).



hahahaha What the hell? Shadow, you swine.


Okay, anyhow, I'm not going to try five times to see the trailer. Steve just more patient than I am. I already knew that, however.


I will take a look at the next trailer, which will hopefully be more substantial. I'm pretty much set to buy NWN2 anyhow at this point.

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