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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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nothing wrong with the "area mines" of KOTOR 1 and 2. however, I would also like there to be "trip mines" like they have in Jedi Outcast.


also, "demolition packs".....no need to hack away at a door with your lightsaber for 5 minutes (if you can't slice the lock)....just put a demolition pack on it and remotely detonate it....now they did allow mines to be used for this....but I'm talking about something that will put just about anything out of commission. this, of course, would require more environmental deconstruction in the game.


and, portable sentry guns....those would be sweet.


and, purchasable melee-oriented battle droids!

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this, of course, would require more environmental deconstruction in the game.


Line in red faction where you could destroy the landscape around you? :D

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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yeah, bushes, rock piles, pieces of wall....anything (ideally) could be deconstructed (with the right amount of ordinance)


In that case, I'd like a rocket launcher like the HK-50 has to shoot down shuttles with :-

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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The thing with the Exile and Revan is they're not great because they're some really high levelled characters - I mean, yes, that makes them powerful, but that's not *why* they're memorable. (Or it shouldn't be). What sets them apart are their qualities and choices - for example, Revan is/was a great general. A strategist.

The Exile *chose* to turn his back on the force. "No jedi ever made the same choice you did" (I think that's what Kreia said).


That's what makes them special; not because either of them are "level x".


I think everyone would do well to keep that in mind.


I agree with this. My own suggestion for a K3 plot tried to play very specifically toward these qualities of Revan and the Exile, with Exile using his wound-in-the-force abilities as a "new" Nihilus and Revan sacrificing himself to the DS in a strategic maneuver to stop the true Sith....


My main concern is that I really don't want to see a plot where those characters *again* lose all their power/memories and have to start over. That said, if they are to be groupmembers at one point, I do think their powerlevels may need to be adjusted down slightly to fit with the rest of the group, but they should not appear until the main PC is at least level 15+, and they should both be set to always be higher level than the main PC, I think.


Equally, I think K3's PC should have *some* trait which sets him/her apart from the generic "level x" powered character.


This is agree less with, if it means giving the new PC some special powers, because it again brings us close the mechanic of the "chosen one". That said, I did give the PC an ususual ability in my own plot, but that was just to gain an understanding of what had happened to Revan and Exile and facilitate their eventual redemption.


I agree as well. I do not think that Revan or the Exile should show up until the second half of the game. Perhaps you will be going around trying to find them. As for whoever dies, I bet it would be Revan as well because he/she is more memorable than the Exile since we played Revan first.

I also hope that I could go in as my third character, knowing everything about myself. How I was raised, where I am now, etc. etc. You know for my third character, I would just kinda like him/her to be just a regular Jedi/Sith. Luke was not anything special, he just got swept up in the midst of things and became an ordinary hero. Sure, he was good at being a Jedi but he was not some renowned person. Not saying I wouldn't mind another important character, or a character that could develop an important trait.

In my opinion, the thing I am most worried about is the storyline. So many people seem to want to hurry up and kill Revan and the Exile. Just because they are great does not mean they deserve to die. I am not saying, "Lets have an happy ending with ponies and a big rainbow!" Just I want an ending to their stories and to the people that stories have connected to them if they perish.


The Exile must die because HE is the wound in the Force(also restoring the balance)...the "other" one was Nihilus but he died of illness I assume :) . Revan is a genuine Jedi/Sith or a normal Force user... also those 2 may be cameo appearances like Bastila and Carth in KoToR 2 or at best sidekicks VERY late in the game due to their insane levels

I saw an idea as in we had a super-godly Jedi then a wound in the force... a padawan doing what he can do do be a Jedi/Sith to save/kill Revan/Exile to destroy/save the true Sith to bring balance/destroy forever the Force should be acceptable and even logical(I assume KoToR 3 will wrap things up)

Also should keep the idea of making your companions Jedis and the influence system(a bit more...complicated than "I kill X" - influence lost.."I won`t kill X"-influence gained).

And for Christ`s sake...make soo many sidequests and so long plot that at least it lasts 1 week of normal 5-8 hours/day.. longer I can live with :shifty:

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The Restoration Project should be well under way, Telos should be finished, and start off on other war-torn worlds. In my eyes, the Jedi Council should be reforming in Corsucant with Jolee, Handmaiden, and Disciple as the new founding members and not party members.

But the key is continuity. if you will have Disciple, then it means exile is female, and you will not have Handmaiden.


Personally, it would be cool if the PC trains up as a force-sensitive while K1 and K2 events are taking place, so you would be seeing them unfold (e.g. news about the destruction of Peragus, or even Kataar).


In that case, i also think that K1 and K2 need to have some decisions be made about their PC's and events canonization.


Let's be realistic, people. A modern game like K3 just can't have that much content and be made at a reasonable price and time. Yes, it would be a great game (in theory), and it would have a good replayability factor, but it would also take forever to make and/or be very expensive. i also find it as overkill to make different content for every facet/idea that is optional in K1 and K2. (for example, there are 16 different combinations that Revan and Exile can be together in K3, i.e. Alignment and Gender.)

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Guest The Architect

Please read this. This is going to be a long post but I wanted to express some of the things Obsidian could of or would hopefully do if a KOTOR II Special Edition is ever on the cards which technically there should be one...


What I'm about to write is pure fan-fic, but I thought that if there is a K3, this will make things a little less complex than what things already are for the writers, the secret ingredient is "mass slaughter" and the objective is just to narrow things a little for the sake of K3 being possible to be made. Okay here it goes...


- Mandalore, HK-47 and T3-M4 would live no matter what

- GO-TO is destroyed by HK-47 no matter what

- Bao-Dur sacrifices himself and dies on M4-78 no matter what

- Darth Traya/Kreia is killed by the Exile no matter what

- Revan, the Exile and Bastila Shan all live no matter what either as Jedi Masters or Sith Lords

- Carth Onasi is dead if Revan is DS but if Revan is LS he is the Admiral of the Old Republic, but make it that he is killed during the destruction of Telos Citadel Station (Which was originally intended) so no matter what Cede is the Admiral of the Republic for K3, either way this would please a lot of Carth haters.

- Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Jolee Bindo and Juhani are all dead if Revan was DS but if you set Revan as LS then there all alive. I'd make it that all four of them are on Dantooine trying to re-build and re-civilize Dantooine and your probably asking yourself why is Juhani alive since she could of been killed on Dantooine even if Revan was LS and why aren't Mission and Zaalbar on Kashyyk and last of all, why are all four of them still together and trying to re-build and re-civilize Dantooine? Also, how come no Sith or Bounty-Hunters, etc have hunted down Jolee and Juhani? The answers are A) I'm assuming a LS Revan would spare Juhani just like Obsidian assumed Revan (LS) would spare Bastila B) If it is mentioned that Mission and Zaalbar are on Kashyyk then that wouldn't be fair to those who played KOTOR since even if Revan was LS, he/she still could of helped Czerka C) All four of them together because you see they have sought of formed a bond, a fellowship and all of Revan's old companions have devoted themselves to protecting the Old Republic and helping the Jedi. Mission, Juhani, Jolee and Zaalbar would be trying to help out on Dantooine because they want to re-build the Jedi Order just like Bastila does if Revan is LS and getting Dantooine up and running again is one of the best steps to take in this... D) Jolee and Juhani would be able to hide the fact that there Jedi, especially Jolee, why? Because of an old technique that perhaps Jolee learned that enables you to mask your force-sensitivity, and hey, maybe Bastila learnt it too, this could explain why she is running around alive and well in K2 as a Jedi. Now what to do...If the Exile sides with Azkul and the Mercenaries then he/she would kill Mission, Zaalbar, Jolee and Juhani. If the Exile sides with the "Good-Guys" then he/she will help the quadret defend Khoonda. Then if there still alive, depending on what you do then Kreia will kill Mission, Zaalbar, Jolee and Juhani in a part where you temporarily take control of Kreia, now why would this happen? Because if the Exile is LS and hasn't killed the quadret, when the Exile is talking to the regathered Jedi Masters on Dantooine then Kreia tries to get in to the enclave and interfere, Mission and the crew would try to stop her since they think she's trying to kill the Exile and the Jedi Masters so either way, their dead and out of the equation no matter what


I'll continue on with the rest of the characters soon and some other small things they could add and change, in the mean time, a little feedback would be greatly appreciated...

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il be happy if they make the worlds larger more intricate with lots more quests and maybe some completely different routes though the game based on your style of play and alignment.

how about a visit to the Echani homeworld that could be interesting.

As for the story how about your an aprentice in training at the jedi academy in coruscant and your the best in the class, you prove urself worthy by doing tasks around coruscant learning more dirty secrets of the szcerka coperation.

During this a special ability manifests itself.

The jedi council have a special request for you, they want you to travel to the furthest reaches of space to investigate the disapearance of jedi (revan and outcast) and the disapearacne fo jedi sent befor urself.

the council know something about you that you do not know and their not telling.

during this lots fo special and intriguing things happen.


free flowing robes with the ability to put hood up or down.

More customization of your items.

More complicated relationships with your crew.

Ebon Hawk returns!

everything needs to be bigger

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All this talk about Revan and the Exile returning as PC or even party members, in K3, makes no sense at all, gameplay and storywise.


Each KOTOR game is about 1 Knight who makes his/her mark in the galaxy by becoming a Jedi/Sith and removing some evil figure from power.


K3 should be the same. You start off as nothing more than a young force sensitive moisture farmer's aide and you become a Jedi/Sith Master/Lord at the end, changing the face of the galaxy.


Personnaly, I would like to have some more info on what happened to my previous characters and I am not against cameos. However, playing them again, no thank you.


I want a new story, with new characters with a conclusion that closes the door on this era of the Star Wars mythos, the end of all things but with a very small hope of a future rebirth.


I would like a deeper Master/Apprentice relationship, one that drives the story. I would like a big part of the game to be the Trials, to actually learn to build a Lightsaber, not just find parts and have someone do it for me. It should be a complicated thing with the possibility of failure.


Slightly smaller city maps but more than one on each planet.


At one point, the Ebon Hawk should be destroyed and the player stranded either on a planet or an enemy ship. The player can then design and build another ship based on plans found throughout the game and stored by the droids.


No rocket launcher, sniper rifle or BFG. This is Star Wars, not DOOM. The lightsaber is a more elegant weapon, from more civilized days.


PC creation should involve more races with bonuses and penalties for each, as well as physical customization(skin colour, height, build, eyes, hair, voice samples, and so forth).


Deeper conversation options/influence with characters, rewards and bonuses for reaching influence levels, maybe even some unlockable team combos/abilities. Closest relationship becomes a bond and the player can choose which abilities/powers the bond does.


thats it for now

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All this talk about Revan and the Exile returning as PC or even party members, in K3, makes no sense at all, gameplay and storywise.


Each KOTOR game is about 1 Knight who makes his/her mark in the galaxy by becoming a Jedi/Sith and removing some evil figure from power.


K3 should be the same. You start off as nothing more than a young force sensitive moisture farmer's aide and you become a Jedi/Sith Master/Lord at the end, changing the face of the galaxy.


Personnaly, I would like to have some more info on what happened to my previous characters and I am not against cameos. However, playing them again, no thank you.


I want a new story, with new characters with a conclusion that closes the door on this era of the Star Wars mythos, the end of all things but with a very small hope of a future rebirth.


I would like a deeper Master/Apprentice relationship, one that drives the story. I would like a big part of the game to be the Trials, to actually learn to build a Lightsaber, not just find parts and have someone do it for me. It should be a complicated thing with the possibility of failure.


Slightly smaller city maps but more than one on each planet.


At one point, the Ebon Hawk should be destroyed and the player stranded either on a planet or an enemy ship. The player can then design and build another ship based on plans found throughout the game and stored by the droids.


No rocket launcher, sniper rifle or BFG. This is Star Wars, not DOOM. The lightsaber is a more elegant weapon, from more civilized days.


PC creation should involve more races with bonuses and penalties for each, as well as physical customization(skin colour, height, build, eyes, hair, voice samples, and so forth).


Deeper conversation options/influence with characters, rewards and bonuses for reaching influence levels, maybe even some unlockable team combos/abilities. Closest relationship becomes a bond and the player can choose which abilities/powers the bond does.


thats it for now


Ebon Hawk should be damaged...but NEVER destroyed! So you can add new electrical thingys to it, and maybe change the looks from it a little. ;)


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All this talk about Revan and the Exile returning as PC or even party members, in K3, makes no sense at all, gameplay and storywise.


Each KOTOR game is about 1 Knight who makes his/her mark in the galaxy by becoming a Jedi/Sith and removing some evil figure from power.


K3 should be the same. You start off as nothing more than a young force sensitive moisture farmer's aide and you become a Jedi/Sith Master/Lord at the end, changing the face of the galaxy.


Personnaly, I would like to have some more info on what happened to my previous characters and I am not against cameos. However, playing them again, no thank you.


I want a new story, with new characters with a conclusion that closes the door on this era of the Star Wars mythos, the end of all things but with a very small hope of a future rebirth.


I would like a deeper Master/Apprentice relationship, one that drives the story. I would like a big part of the game to be the Trials, to actually learn to build a Lightsaber, not just find parts and have someone do it for me. It should be a complicated thing with the possibility of failure.


Slightly smaller city maps but more than one on each planet.


At one point, the Ebon Hawk should be destroyed and the player stranded either on a planet or an enemy ship. The player can then design and build another ship based on plans found throughout the game and stored by the droids.


No rocket launcher, sniper rifle or BFG. This is Star Wars, not DOOM. The lightsaber is a more elegant weapon, from more civilized days.


PC creation should involve more races with bonuses and penalties for each, as well as physical customization(skin colour, height, build, eyes, hair, voice samples, and so forth).


Deeper conversation options/influence with characters, rewards and bonuses for reaching influence levels, maybe even some unlockable team combos/abilities. Closest relationship becomes a bond and the player can choose which abilities/powers the bond does.


thats it for now


Ebon Hawk should be damaged...but NEVER destroyed! So you can add new electrical thingys to it, and maybe change the looks from it a little. :-


Yes, that was my first idea. But then I started thinking that K3 could be the final chapter in a trilogy and so, many losses should occur. The Ebon Hawk is a beloved piece of technology that has served well, and destroying it would generate a great amount of drama, tears, anger amongst us KOTOR fans.


Drama is good ;)

Edited by astr0creep
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But not if ... ;)


Hmm, yow should I put this: There is a future after KOTOR trilogy, and I want to get the Ebon Hawk in(or after) the time of episode 4-6, in a new game of Obsidian. If this can happen with HK-47, then it can happen with the Ebon Hawk too...and of course to the little astromech droid too :D


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But not if ...  :-


Hmm, yow should I put this:  There is a future after KOTOR trilogy, and I want to get the Ebon Hawk in(or after) the time of episode 4-6, in a new game of Obsidian. If this can happen with HK-47, then it can happen with the Ebon Hawk too...and of course to the little astromech droid too  :D


Alright, I'll see what I can do ;)

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But not if ...  :-


Hmm, yow should I put this:  There is a future after KOTOR trilogy, and I want to get the Ebon Hawk in(or after) the time of episode 4-6, in a new game of Obsidian. If this can happen with HK-47, then it can happen with the Ebon Hawk too...and of course to the little astromech droid too  :D


Alright, I'll see what I can do ;)

Thanks. :D

Just think of it: If the Ebon Hawk shows up in the 'future' , it will be a REAL old ship, and way back in tech. So, there should be a lot of options to get new weapons, shields, ect... to have it fixed and ready again (maybe even no ability to star-jump in the first 1-3 uses of it (w00t) )...it would be fun to have it as a 1st price for a swoop-bike race at the very beginning of the game what you simply have to make/win :)

(of course, here the PC and compainons don't know how rusty that ship is)

..the race creator/overseer (don't remember the right word for it) should be Lando :p"


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But not if ...  :-


Hmm, yow should I put this:  There is a future after KOTOR trilogy, and I want to get the Ebon Hawk in(or after) the time of episode 4-6, in a new game of Obsidian. If this can happen with HK-47, then it can happen with the Ebon Hawk too...and of course to the little astromech droid too  :D


Alright, I'll see what I can do ;)

Thanks. :D

Just think of it: If the Ebon Hawk shows up in the 'future' , it will be a REAL old ship, and way back in tech. So, there should be a lot of options to get new weapons, shields, ect... to have it fixed and ready again (maybe even no ability to star-jump in the first 1-3 uses of it (w00t) )...it would be fun to have it as a 1st price for a swoop-bike race at the very beginning of the game what you simply have to make/win :)

(of course, here the PC and compainons don't know how rusty that ship is)

..the race creator/overseer (don't remember the right word for it) should be Lando :p"


Maybe the Millenium Falcon could be a refurbished Ebon Hawk? They do look alike.

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But not if ...  :-


Hmm, yow should I put this:  There is a future after KOTOR trilogy, and I want to get the Ebon Hawk in(or after) the time of episode 4-6, in a new game of Obsidian. If this can happen with HK-47, then it can happen with the Ebon Hawk too...and of course to the little astromech droid too  :D


Alright, I'll see what I can do ;)

Thanks. :D

Just think of it: If the Ebon Hawk shows up in the 'future' , it will be a REAL old ship, and way back in tech. So, there should be a lot of options to get new weapons, shields, ect... to have it fixed and ready again (maybe even no ability to star-jump in the first 1-3 uses of it (w00t) )...it would be fun to have it as a 1st price for a swoop-bike race at the very beginning of the game what you simply have to make/win :)

(of course, here the PC and compainons don't know how rusty that ship is)

..the race creator/overseer (don't remember the right word for it) should be Lando :p"


Maybe the Millenium Falcon could be a refurbished Ebon Hawk? They do look alike.

Nope, they don't look alike, one of them is definetly smaller than the other (don't remember now witch one)....but it could be that the old EH needs a 'pull start' from the MF at the first time it tries to start...think about this pict...funny :)

Edited by jorian


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But not if ...  :-


Hmm, yow should I put this:  There is a future after KOTOR trilogy, and I want to get the Ebon Hawk in(or after) the time of episode 4-6, in a new game of Obsidian. If this can happen with HK-47, then it can happen with the Ebon Hawk too...and of course to the little astromech droid too  :D


Alright, I'll see what I can do ;)

Thanks. :D

Just think of it: If the Ebon Hawk shows up in the 'future' , it will be a REAL old ship, and way back in tech. So, there should be a lot of options to get new weapons, shields, ect... to have it fixed and ready again (maybe even no ability to star-jump in the first 1-3 uses of it (w00t) )...it would be fun to have it as a 1st price for a swoop-bike race at the very beginning of the game what you simply have to make/win :)

(of course, here the PC and compainons don't know how rusty that ship is)

..the race creator/overseer (don't remember the right word for it) should be Lando :p"


Maybe the Millenium Falcon could be a refurbished Ebon Hawk? They do look alike.

Nope, they don't look alike, one of them is definetly smaller than the other (don't remember now witch one)....but it could be that the old EH needs a 'pull start' from the MF at the first time it tries to start...think about this pict...funny :)


''Would it help if I got out and pushed?'' - Leia

''It might!'' - Han

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But not if ...  :p


Hmm, yow should I put this:  There is a future after KOTOR trilogy, and I want to get the Ebon Hawk in(or after) the time of episode 4-6, in a new game of Obsidian. If this can happen with HK-47, then it can happen with the Ebon Hawk too...and of course to the little astromech droid too  :D


Alright, I'll see what I can do :-

Thanks. :D

Just think of it: If the Ebon Hawk shows up in the 'future' , it will be a REAL old ship, and way back in tech. So, there should be a lot of options to get new weapons, shields, ect... to have it fixed and ready again (maybe even no ability to star-jump in the first 1-3 uses of it (w00t) )...it would be fun to have it as a 1st price for a swoop-bike race at the very beginning of the game what you simply have to make/win :)

(of course, here the PC and compainons don't know how rusty that ship is)

..the race creator/overseer (don't remember the right word for it) should be Lando :)"


Maybe the Millenium Falcon could be a refurbished Ebon Hawk? They do look alike.

Nope, they don't look alike, one of them is definetly smaller than the other (don't remember now witch one)....but it could be that the old EH needs a 'pull start' from the MF at the first time it tries to start...think about this pict...funny :)


''Would it help if I got out and pushed?'' - Leia

''It might!'' - Han



...and combine this with the new PC and his NPC party members :D


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