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Gaming Monitors


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The main advantage with TFT monitors for me is that they are much, much easier on the eyes than CRT's. Even running at 100Hz, I will get a headache if I sit with a CRT screen whereas I can sit for hours with a TFT and feel fine



TFT LCDs are a lot better than CRTs in my opinion. I can definitely notice a big difference. You have to get one with a refresh rate under 10ms though or you'll notice a lot of ghosting whilst playing FPS or other fast paced games.



What is ghosting? I play on an old and slow 25ms TFT screen and I dont notice anything in particular. Is it the old "if you move something bright fast across a dark background you can see the trails?"

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I've had a Acer flatscreen for 4 years now .. So I definetly recommend LCD! though black does seem a little more gray than it should, but I've never experianced any problems while gaming (refresh rate, ghosting etc) .. so pick up a good quality LCD and you should be set for a good time!


plus it looks great! :D

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I guess my eyes are different. LCD's in the stores are definitely tons better than they ever were before, but I still prefer my CRT. There's a good chance tho that when it finally breaks I'll think the CRT's they sell now are horrid or something, kind of like how VCR's you can buy today are total crap compared to the ones of 10-15 years ago...it's what they do when they want to phase out something. hehe


I think LCD's still do less well with clear text - even at their best LCD text just doesn't look as smooth to me. My husband who works w/PC's all day complains about it quite bitterly and was very opposed to his client's office switching from CRT to LCD's. heh. But the CRT's bulk is definitely a downside. Luckily, I have a very large desk. :D

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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...one thing e'en good gamin' (low response time) LCD monitors ain't good fer is playin' games at non-native resolutions; the native resolution fer most 17" & 19" LCDs bein' 1280x1024...a big thing ta ponder upon if'n yer still givin' yer ol' classics theys play e'er once in awhile (hence the reason I got the 19" ViewSonic G90fB crt; I couldna bring meself ta 'ave a monitor that wouldna gimme the best outta me ol' IE classics)... :)

This is 100% correct.


Also worth noting that LCD technology is less robust (those little dots are at the mercy of three different lines to create each pixel: that's a lot of opportunities to lose a pixel or two over time). Still, I've only lost two pixels on my 17" LCD-plasma hybrid in two-and-a-half-years, so that's pretty good going (even though it was




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In that case, I may have been at risk of seemingly appearing to be very nearly not completely and unreservedly correct with some particular fact-based quotations that may, or may not, have appeared in a post that I may or may not have been quoting previously. Or not.




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