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ABC Miniseries: The Lost


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That would suck unless it was Shannon's dream and she wakes up to find Boone in the shower.


Btw, are there any previews for next season?



More likely it is Libby who's still in the hospital... The same Libby who met Desmond and gave him her frakking boat!


But yes, the dream thing would suck.

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I think I know why they had the main three characters captures :)


They're going to change the focus of the story again.


Season 1: Aww crap, we're stranded on a deserted tropical island... but wait... are those ghosts? What's this metal hatch?


Season 2: Wow, the hatch is a fully modernish facility, whoa, there's more people on the island, holy crap there are several facilities all over the place, wowzers!


Season 3: Let's exploer the others... from the main character's point of view...



Each season the setting gets a little bit bigger.


I think Season 4 will have Desmond's girlfriend lead an expedition to the island.


And Season 5 will be about escape.

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Maybe it needs to be at magnetic north to pickup eM signals? Or maybe it needs to be at the opposite end of the world to be as far away from mag north as possible so the station can pick up magnetic signals without interference. *shrugs*


Unrelated note.: I like how it seemed the Others were about to come clean regarding their facade and then suddenly "henry" shows up to creep everyone out.

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You know, I was expecting that boat with Mike the ass and Walt to blow up as it left the dock last night.


I"ve read that Henry is going to play a prominant role next season, so maybe Darque's theory will be right.


ANd after seeing Libby interact with Desmond I really think she was Dharma at one point or another. Maybe that loon in the nuthouse that fed Hurley the numbers was at one point one of the people in the hatch. And Libby was sent to monitor them. Makes a little bit of sense, doesn't it?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I would have thought Penny and Co. would land on the island at the end of season 3. Still hope desmond isn't dead. :shifty:



I kinda already covered that :wub:


Given how LOST is built, they'd have Penny arrive in the season finale of Season 3... thus making Season 4 about her expedition :wub:

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Oh, yeah, and now it's obvious why they wrote Michael off the island.... how else will Penny find it?



I dunno about that. Henry specifically told Michael once he leaves on compass heading 325 he wouldnt ever be able to return.


IMO, the electromagnetic field generated a "cloak" over the island. Now that it has been destroyed it released an electromagnetic pulse which will be triangulated back to the island.


Or, maybe not.

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Oh, yeah, and now it's obvious why they wrote Michael off the island.... how else will Penny find it?



I dunno about that. Henry specifically told Michael once he leaves on compass heading 325 he wouldnt ever be able to return.


IMO, the electromagnetic field generated a "cloak" over the island. Now that it has been destroyed it released an electromagnetic pulse which will be triangulated back to the island.


Or, maybe not.


Clearly that line is BS... otherwise no one would be able to get there at all... and Desmond got there somehow :shifty:


If there's a way out, there's a way in.

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Oh, yeah, and now it's obvious why they wrote Michael off the island.... how else will Penny find it?



I dunno about that. Henry specifically told Michael once he leaves on compass heading 325 he wouldnt ever be able to return.


IMO, the electromagnetic field generated a "cloak" over the island. Now that it has been destroyed it released an electromagnetic pulse which will be triangulated back to the island.


Or, maybe not.


Clearly that line is BS... otherwise no one would be able to get there at all... and Desmond got there somehow ;)


If there's a way out, there's a way in.


I think all of the lostaways (except the Dharma employees) were sucked in either on purpose (for children?) or by accident (like flight 815 when Desmond let the system briefly fail). If you notice, all lostaways arrive on something metal (flight 815, the ship the French chick was on) that just so happened to get too close to the island. Well, except the hot air ballon guy, I havent got a good explanation for that one.

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I just rewatched the season 2 finale.


During the viewing, when Eko and Merry get the dynamite, I was thinking about how the Galleon Black Rock got on the island.

What if it... sank?


Like others here I believe Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurly have a plan B. And I'm pretty sure Michael is in on it. They just didn't tell the audience.


Locke is alive because apparently Terry O'Quinn's contract has been renewed.


Where's the "security system"?


I wonder if Sayid will be able to recognize Edmond when he sees the corpse on the rocks, if it is still there.


Because of Walt's "powers", I'm still not sure if all this is actually real. Henry did say they "got more then they bargained for when Walt joined" them. What does this mean?


Charlie's behavior at the end of the episode is very strange, even for him. He knows something from when he was captured by The Others. Maybe he fulfilled his "mission" and his reward is Claire?

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Like others here I believe Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurly have a plan B. And I'm pretty sure Michael is in on it. They just didn't tell the audience.

I hope not, those kinds of twists suck because they are cheap.


Where's the "security system"?

Maybe restricted to a a particular part of the island?


I wonder if Sayid will be able to recognize Edmond when he sees the corpse on the rocks, if it is still there.

65+ days on an island beach? The crabs would have picked him clean.


Because of Walt's "powers", I'm still not sure if all this is actually real. Henry did say they "got more then they bargained for when Walt joined" them. What does this mean?

Naughty children are a handful.

Charlie's behavior at the end of the episode is very strange, even for him. He knows something from when he was captured by The Others. Maybe he fulfilled his "mission" and his reward is Claire?

Whats weird about it? I thought he was just discombobulated from the explosion. When was charlie taken by the others? He was left hanging from a tree by ethan.

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OK, my latest crackpot theory. The island is actually Atlantis' sitser city in the Pacific (you see evidence of large a civilization). It remained hidden to most on the planet due to its "unique geological" electromagnetic generation. The inhabitants were an advanced four toe race of humanoids that died off and the "security system" is a left over, still operational, sentinal. The island was somehow found by Dharma who set up shop to experiment with the islands properties and possibly recovered advanced technology. Something went wrong with Dharma and we are where we are today.

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When was charlie taken by the others? He was left hanging from a tree by ethan.


Michael was found half dead in the jungle.

Charlie could've still be taken to Henry and we could only find out later. I just noticed a big shift in Charlie's behavior. Maybe it's just bad acting but I think something's up with him. Something we haven't seen yet.

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