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Sorry, Alan, but it's true.


Carolina's the better team. They look it, they play like it. Oilers got this far on guts and hard work. But Carolina's matching their guts and hardwork, so then it comes down to talent and Carolina's better.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Series isn't over until 4th game is lost. I understand that it's going to be a ****ing tough series to try to win, but I have never written off any team. I didn't write off Anaheim when they were down 3-0 either.


So seriously. **** off.

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I'll admit the Oilers didn't do much after the first period.


But I still say they take the next game in Raleigh.


Let's Go Oilers!!! Let's Go!!


I Still Believe


and boo on you Raffi for that retarded penalty right after Samsonov's goal


for shame


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Sorry for snapping. I'm disappointed. I'm not convinced that the Canes are clearly the better team though. We just have crap going on our powerplay. 4 straight games without a 5-on-3 power play goal.


Do I think the Oilers can win? Yes.

Do I think the Oilers will win? I sure hope so.


It's definitely one game at a time now.

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Sorry for snapping.  I'm disappointed.  I'm not convinced that the Canes are clearly the better team though.  We just have crap going on our powerplay.  4 straight games without a 5-on-3 power play goal.


Do I think the Oilers can win?  Yes.

Do I think the Oilers will win?  I sure hope so.


It's definitely one game at a time now.


Especially since there's one game left.

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umm, who are you?


Although your points are valid.


edit: And hats off to Jussi!!! Although he didn't face a whole lot of shots, the ones he did stop were nearly all of highlight reel quality.



I Still Believe

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I have to share this stupid story from work this afternoon. It's like everyone there knows I'm an Oilerhead and somehow they think that because they are in the finals that I want to hear what they have to say about the team. Guess what? Wrong!!!


SO anyway I'm buying some stuff at the till and this one girl says:


"OMIGOD the Oilers were terrible last night!!"


the heavyset cashier on the till next to us adds in:


"Howcome they can't score with an extra man?"


The frustration sets in. I'm not saying a word.


"What a bunch of chokers!!!"


"They even had to pull their goalie because he was so bad!!"


Finally I had to speak.


"This is the EIGHTH seed in the West playing against one of the top three teams overall.

That 'extra man' thing is called a power play, and there were enough of them last night that if you can't figure out what they're called you should quit hitting yourself with that stupid stick. And finally the goalie was pulled in the last minute not because he was bad, Edmonton wanted an extra attacker. That's not a power play. It's just a thing teams do in the last few minutes of a game when they are behind by a goal or two."

"Maybe you two would be happier supporting your real teams like the Leafs and Calgary, because the Oilers don't really need any halfass supporters like yourselves. What next, should we fire the coach who guided us to the final because the players won't do their jobs properly? Or should we just fire all the players?"


Mouths drop, glares are exchanged. I grab my change and go for a break.


I love the people I work with. Really.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Someone can't handle their team falling down,a nd choking. heck, my team did that in the first round, and you didn't see me snap (well.. kidna hard when youa re already unhinged :D ).


Seriously, chill. if the Oilers lose, they lose. If they win, they win. They had a good play-off.


Be happy, not snappy. :)


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I'm not bitter about the Oilers losing to the 'Canes. Not at all. The boys in blue have been overachieving since they beat Detroit. I'm really happy that they made it this far. And they aren't getting swept ( Volo? Rangers? Hello?), so there is a little bit of pride to be had in that.


What pisses me off, however, is a bunch of old and not so old housewives who don't know diddly about hockey yet after watching probably seven games in the playoffs are comfortable sharing their thoughts with me about the team. These people aren't hockey fans, they're just looking to get in on the buzz that the Oilers have created around the city. Nearly everyone around here is 'Oilers OIlers Oilers' and these two bags don't want to feel left out.


Wow that sounds incredibly bitter.


And Eldar my man, it's stupid stick not brick. :)


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Bandwagon jumpers are par for the course. You shouldn't let it get to you.


As for the Rangers being swept; that comment may have irked me a month ago; but now; it just allows me to see the posoitive side. The Rangers are back in the play-offs. And, at least, they will likely do better next year as I don't see them beings wept two years in a row. Heh.


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You know, two things may happen during tonight's game. First of all this could be the start of Edmonton's miraculous comeback.




I hope we don't hear the fat lady sing tonight.


Let's Go Oilers!!! Let's Go!!

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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That first goal was credited to Pisani, eventually.


And the power play finally scored again!! Is the sky falling?


Let's Go Oilers!!! Let's Go!!


And man can that Brind'Amour dive with the best of him.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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