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Well my intrest in NWN2 just tripled =)


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Manure Golem ftw!

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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"Huh? I thought they were going to make a fairly PnP accurate implementation of the familiars, unless I missed something?"



"Well I haven

Edited by Volourn


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Stinking Cloud, Stun and Suffocation too.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Familiars in pnp can fight, and participate in combat. Familiars in NWN1 can; fmailiars in NWN2 can't. Hence, NWN1 familiars are much closer to pnp than NWN2 ones are. Familiars in pnp cna be very awesome in combat with the proper buffs.


I think most people who whine too much about NWN1 familiars being 'too combaty' haven't played 3E. Sure, the NWN familiars may be a little stgronger than pnp famliar sin combat; but it's better than wussified NWN2 familiars which completely destroy familiars.


What exactly is the point of a familiar? I never played as a Mage in any of these games (IWD, BG, NWN, etc.) so I'm a little lost.


I always mistakenly think of a familiar as Drizzt's black panther. But that's something different, isn't it.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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"What exactly is the point of a familiar? I never played as a Mage in any of these games (IWD, BG, NWN, etc.) so I'm a little lost."


Pretty much an aide to a spellcaster. It also depends on version. In 2E, familiars were NOT good in melee. In 3E, they cna be. Otehrwise, tehy're used as scouts, spies, low end combater, experiemnter, and assisten. Pet, friend, slave, servant.




"I always mistakenly think of a familiar as Drizzt's black panther. But that's something different, isn't it."


Drizzt's pantehr is actually a magic item. LOL Though, it's also a friend of his. Good background history there too.


It should be noted, before Drizzt got hold of Gwyn, she was an assassin for a drow mage...


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Pretty much an aide to a spellcaster. It also depends on version. In 2E, familiars were NOT good in melee. In 3E, they cna be. Otehrwise, tehy're used as scouts, spies, low end combater, experiemnter, and assisten. Pet, friend, slave, servant.

Which I agree with. I do think a familiar should be able to help. Spying, pick pocketing, etc... I don't see them being used in combat unless you take the improved familiar feat (I think its what its called?). Only then can you get an imp or something that can help you in combat, which is something Obsidian should offer. I didn't like super powerful familiars in NWN, but if it

Edited by Ellester

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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"I don't see them being used in combat unless you take the improved familiar feat (I think its what its called?)."


That's funny. I can get a normal famliar in pnp to have hp at 100 at level 20, have a great ac, have a decent ab, and do generally well in combat. People greatly underestimate a familiar's usefulness in a fight. Are they a full out fronjt line attack force in pnp? They really aren't in NWN either. Just because they can slaughter 1HD goblins doens't make them tanks. People should actually see a pnp familiar in action before they consider them useless in combat.


Yes, NWN1's familars ar eslightly more powerful than their pnp counterparts; but not to the degree that some like to make believe. It sure beats the utter useless famliars we'll be getting in NWN2 which accoridng to Obsidian can't fight at all.


That's as lame as both TOEE (espicially) , and BG2.


Lame. Lame. Lame.



"Btw, Gwyn the panther can also be considered an animal companion to the Druid and Ranger if it wasn't a figurine."





"Druid and Rangers animal companions are more powerful than a arcane spell casters familiar."


Hahaha. But, no.

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So, they wouldn't have to hear complain how 'overpowered' NWN2 familiars might be. LOL :rolleyes:


Seriously, ask them.


I think people are still stuck on the 2E version of famliars. 3E's (and 3.5's) familiars ar emuch more capable. There's a reaosn why they can deliver touch attack spells. Did you think they'd have the ability if they werne't melee capable?



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"I don't know if familiars would become "utterly useless" just because they can no longer attack."


I admit to using semi hyperbole. They *might* be useful yet. We shall see. But, whatever their uses in NWN2; it will be FARTHER away from their pnp counterparts; not CLOSER if they are made to not take part in combat.

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Were the familiars in NWN 1 overpowered?  Yep.  Should familars be able to attack?  Yep.  If they just followed the rules of the game of familiars from the beginning we wouldn't be having this discussion.


Yeah, familiars were ungodly in NWN1... my pixie fought and doubled as a thief.

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