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To console, or not to console...


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So I guess project New J, and Mass Effect by Bioware are going console, Jade Empire already was. This unfortunately, feels like a growing trend among companies who have games I like to play. Thus the question is whether or not to dish the money to play those darn games that will ONLY be on console... and if so then which? Xbox360? PS3? The new Nintendo system (although doubt the companies I like: Obsidian/Bioware etc will be making for Nintendo). I think I'll just wait to see if these games turn out to be any good, THEN buy the darn console if I feel a severe drought of pc games. Hopefully the RPGs pretty much all go to one system like xbox, (Jade is already on it I think) so I don't have to consider choosing one console over another. I dunno. This situation really sucks I think. I will always have a computer, thus it's easy to play pc games. But buying a console just doesn't feel right. What do you all think?

"To be, or not to be a real RPG, that is the question.

Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows

or outrageous action... or by taking up arms against a sea of crap and by opposing: end them."

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If a console has a few games you like, buy it if you want, let go of the snobbery.


The drawbacks and advantages of consoles versus PC has been debated to death and beyond. The only worthwhile opinion is your own - form it by trying out some games, exercise it by buying or not.


A game should be evaluated on its own merits and not those of its platform or any preconceptions one may have about said platform.

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If a console has a few games you like, buy it if you want, let go of the snobbery.

It is not snobbery. It doesn't feel right. Perhaps I'm too conservative.

Aside from that, I am quite a casual gamer lately and mostly use PC for things other than games and I can't justify investing money in a game-only device.

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It is not snobbery. It doesn't feel right. Perhaps I'm too conservative.

Aside from that, I am quite a casual gamer lately and mostly use PC for things other than games and I can't justify investing money in a game-only device.


The snobbery comment was directed at the community at large, the Kaftan Barlasts etc

If it doesnt feel right does that not imply you hold the opinion that consoles are in some way wrong?


Fair enough if one is a casual gamer, buying a device to play games isn't really justifiable, keep that in mind during your next video card upgrade. :)

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Consoles are only good for keeping the kids amused. PCs are so much better for games plus it's other uses and tasks.

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The snobbery comment was directed at the community at large, the Kaftan Barlasts etc



Heh. But my dislike of consoles is well-founded and based on reasonable principles, not snobbery.




The only merit of a console is that it allows you to play games with just the unit, a tv set and a game.




..then that theyre planning to implement things like limited user licenses which means that you wont be able to play even singleplayer games longer than 2-3weeks without paying a monthly license. Thats just dirty... like so many other things about consoles

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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My brother in law is a chip designer out in Silicon Valley, and has always been very anti-Microsoft, "oh we won't be having any of THEIR products in my house!"


Until he won a free X-Box at a conference. :)


Now he LOVES that console and buys games for it, but still grumbles a bit now and then.



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This is what you need to do...wait until it's your birthday in August, then ask for gift cards to EB games or Gamestop. Take those, and your old Xbox in, and trade it for a new Xbox360. There ya go...at least that's my plan.


Consoles aren't as good as PC's, but they have uses. My Xbox is also my movie player.

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To me it's just practicality. Consoles still make hardly any games I'd consider playing, thus, I see no need to buy one, even if I do miss a game or three. Their only appeal at the moment would be as something my husband and I could sit on the couch and play together side by side once in a while...and I doubt it'd even get much use that way, since he's not all that into games.


I may always own a computer, but if I didn't play games, it's likely I would put far less money into upgrading the PC all the time, since one doesn't need the Uber graphic card or RAM etc. for word processing, or even most home digital photography work. And if that was the case, I'd have more to spend on buying/updating multiple consoles, so....


I'm still open to the idea of a console, as long as I don't feel like I'm buying one because of a single game. If more developers start producing console games, perhaps the variety will also increase - tho I've been waiting for 18 years and they still haven't changed one whit IMO in those terms. Until then...consoles...meh.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I forgot to add, that I do like the idea of having a unified platform for home electronic entertainment, whether it's 'console' or something else. If all the console/game companies would band together to share creative effort and profit of one unified platform, instead of individually trying to 'corner' the market and forcing people to choose between them, I'd be all for it. Ideally, then, there'd be no more having to worry whether or not your specific PC configuration will run the game you want, because they'd all be written for the same platform/hardware. Game programmers would be able to focus a little more on games that would reach everyone, and not on cross-platform compatability etc.


Not that I think it's likely to ever happen...or, even if it did, there'd be too much bickering over stuff, including creative environment/freedom, and it'd fall apart...but I do like the idea. :)

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Consoles suck. Period.


Game over!



Gabs, look at the long, thought-out posts that LadyCrimson made just prior to your spam. as a female member of this forum, you should be ashamed of yourself.




Gabrielle doesn't need any reasoning behind what she says.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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