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I drive a fuel guzzling sports car. Considering the emissions laws in the States this car and many others are required to abide by them, unlike most public transportation vehicles. These vehicles usually run on diesel fuel which does not have any types of emissions on them like their gasoline counterparts do. They burn dirty and release nasty fumes in the air.


If I am not using something (electric) I shut it off. I don't like high electric bills or any other.


Also I'm not one of these tree hugging environmentalist, just a concerned person with the environment.

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Once I was out for a joy-ride, I saw this dude pull his Hummer H2 (yes, even in Denmark) outta the drive way and he drove it for about 100 meters to the local shop, where he parked it. <_<


Edit: how much is a gallon compared to liters?


This VW Passat I drive is about 14 Kilometers per liter.

Edited by Lucius



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Edit: how much is a gallon compared to liters?


This VW Passat I drive is about 14 Kilometers per liter.


1 gallon = 4 litres approx.


So your car gets about 30 mpg, which is fine and what i would expect. Whats the engine capacity btw? I know that on average cars in the US have larger engine capacities than in teh Uk and possibly Europe.

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1 gallon = 4 litres approx.


So your car gets about 30 mpg, which is fine and what i would expect. Whats the engine capacity btw? I know that on average cars in the US have larger engine capacities than in teh Uk and possibly Europe.

Ah okay.


Well the engine isn't that great, only a 110 benzin (gasoline?) engine. But it has plenty of power nevertheless, VW makes good cars imo. ;)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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A lot of deforestization is not done by evil mega$ corporations, but by farmers that slash and burn pristine forest to plant their crops.

They don't burn and slash forests very often. However they use a lot of pesticides.


That's what I meant by poverty vs. non-poverty. To (many) of them it's survival because they lack modernization etc.


One of the things that disappointed me when I bought my Subaru Legacy was the gas mileage. It's only about 20mpg in the city and 26mpg on the freeway. I was expecting a little more than that. I guess that's what I get for buying something with 'GT' in the title, even if it is a small wagon. haha.


I try to be environmentally aware but I do my share of 'bad things', like anyone else. I'm particularly bad about using paper - even if I do recycle it when possible.

My older sister is the obsessive crusader in my family. <_<

And that I've bored everyone with my posts in this thread, back to our regular scheduled programing... :-


edit - too many hard returns...

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Just out of interest, how many of you make the effort to use public transport and recycle every last thing that's recycable?


- I don't recycle everything (mainly because I know what happens to it), but I always use public transport or carpool


Do you switch all your lights and TV/Computer off when not in the room?


- Yup on lights. Computer burns more power in start up than twelve hours of idling.


Do you only switch the hot water on twice a day?


- Yup


Do you take your own bags with you whilst shopping for food?


- Yup


Do you use solar/wind/bio power to cut down your grid consumption?


- I'm a nuke fan


Have you taken measures to provide extra insulation to your housing?


- Yup



I also hunt animals occasionally, thus leaving more oxy for us humans! Gawd I'm fantastic.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Just out of interest, how many of you make the effort to use public transport and recycle every last thing that's recycable?

i try to.


Do you switch all your lights and TV/Computer off when not in the room?

when i'm not using it, yes.


Do you only switch the hot water on twice a day?

yes, but why would i turn on the hot water several times a day? i shower and shave in the morning and that's about it...


Do you take your own bags with you whilst shopping for food?

yes. well, not so much a bag, but a back pack.


Do you use solar/wind/bio power to cut down your grid consumption?



Have you taken measures to provide extra insulation to your housing?


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Just out of interest, how many of you make the effort to use public transport and recycle every last thing that's recycable?


Do you switch all your lights and TV/Computer off when not in the room?


Do you only switch the hot water on twice a day?


Do you take your own bags with you whilst shopping for food?


Do you use solar/wind/bio power to cut down your grid consumption?


Have you taken measures to provide extra insulation to your housing?



A1) Nope.


A2) Must be a Europe thing. My water heater is on 24/7.


A3) I dont do shopping but I instructed my girl to have everthing double bagged in plastic.


A4) Not unless lighting farts counts.


A5) Yes, with baby seal fur.

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I don't understand why people would want fur when there are artificial fabrics that are more effecient in insulating against the cold.



Well I cant speak for everyone but I use it because it makes me giggle to club those little bastards.

Edited by Gfted1
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A2) Must be a Europe thing. My water heater is on 24/7.


That's a point. It'd be nice if they could invent somethng that heats water superfast so you didn't need this giant tank of heated water sitting in your garage all day.


Then again, we're all just spoiled by hot showers. Jumping into an icy lake with a bar of soap is the manly solution.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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That's a point. It'd be nice if they could invent somethng that heats water superfast so you didn't need this giant tank of heated water sitting in your garage all day.


Then again, we're all just spoiled by hot showers. Jumping into an icy lake with a bar of soap is the manly solution.


They have :) its called hot water on demand, a common feature in modern boilers.

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That's a point. It'd be nice if they could invent somethng that heats water superfast so you didn't need this giant tank of heated water sitting in your garage all day.



I belive that already exists LC. Back in the day my brother went to school in Germany. He told me of some contraption/tank that he would have to activate before showering that would heat water really fast. Dunno why we dont use it over here.

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Would those be house boilers or something else. Cause the water heaters I've always seen in houses are always on...well...kind of...they kick on at regular intervals and after you've used a lot of hot water, to keep the tank water at a certain temperature.


edit - oh...ok...well I guess it's another US conspiracy then

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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The new ones are "combination boilers" where the water tank is contained within the unit. Its very efficient in comparison with the older style heater and tank system.


Edit: Yes it is common in europe and the UK, i have no idea about US plumbing standards though. It might have something to do with wildly varying climate.

Edited by Surreptishus
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you can get special heaters that do a few different things. in particular, some of those presumably wasteful six or eight-jet showers actually reuse and filter the water during a shower (kinda like a dishwasher does). they also have in the wall heaters that heat water as it enters the pipes. much more efficient i would assume, and you don't have to waste nearly as much water during the shower, or just to heat the water up.


however, such niceties are expensive. like upper 5% income bracket expensive.



comrade taks... just because.

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