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Russia Confirms Sale of Missiles to Iran


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Nothing we can do? When did Iran become all-powerful?


Europe took this mess on as an opportunity to demonstrate the ability of diplomacy to bring resolution to a conflict to blockheads like Bush. I really wish they'd picked a better test case, because I think this thing's going to come down to the Hicks Solution no matter what. Also, Europe is just as worried about a nuke-wielding Iran as Washington, maybe even a little moreso, which is why European fat has been so gallantly helped from the frying pan into the fire.

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It's no secret the west aided Israel in their development of nuclear weapons, although they strongly deny it. Iran should get nuclear weapons since the Israely have them in order to create a nuclear balance in the ME.

Israel was provocative in this case time after time, buying bunker buster bombs from the US enhancing strike capabilities, and then statements like:


"Arabs may have the oil, but we have the matches."


Also Israel's Samson option is quite well known to the world ( you know the Biblic Samson, who brought down a temple that killed himself and his enemies). It was Israel's view that once they have the bomb they could bring it all down on everyone if they ever feel cornered. Israel used its nuclear weapons for political means and black mails time after time, like when they forced Kissinger and Nixon to airlift supplies during the Yom Kippur War, and they passed US secrets collected by that guy Jonathan Pollard to the USSR when it served their interests. The Israeli nuclear bomb has been a hidden factor in not just US-Israeli relations ever since the Eisenhower administration, but their relations with the entire inernational community.


Israel say that it uses its nuclear missiles, modified German submarines with nuclear missiles and aircraft capable of carrying nukes to deter both conventional and unconventional attacks, or to launch the Samson Option. Talk all you want, despite Israel's insistence that they will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the ME, these systems do represent a serious preemptive strike force.


As long as many ME peace activists are reluctant to discuss, let alone challenge, the Israeli monopoly on nuclear weapons in the region, often leading to incomplete and uninformed analyses and flawed action strategies in persuing a peaceful solution. Placing the issue of Israeli weapons of mass destruction directly and honestly on the table and action agenda would really pave the way for peace in the ME, not bombing Iran.


But as along there is grotesque double standard by the US and Europe on the one hand condemning Iran or Syria for developing weapons of mass destruction, while simultaneously protecting and enabling Israeli WMD and conventional arms program.


A nuclear free Israel would make a nuclear free ME and it would make regional peace agreement much more likely. Unless and until the world community confronts Israel over its covert nuclear program it is unlikely that there will be any meaningful resolution of the Israeli - Arab conflict, a fact that Israel may be counting on as the Sharon era dawns.


In short as long as Israel is America's bitch in handling the situation in the ME with its double standards and as long as Israel continues its ever long persuit for better and advance conventional and WMD weapons, while on the other hand the US condeming Israeli adversaries of doing the same - Iran has every right to arm itself with same weapons as Israel and I hope they make the A-bomb so they can defend their country accordingly against the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv.

Edited by Kinslayer
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I just hope Iran doesn't let the US bully them into submission.



Or at least puts up a good fight (a fight that I don't see happening on the horizon) because, damnit, I was disappointed with Iraq. :blink:

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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Eh, the US is hardly the only country that is "bullying" them. There are a whole potload of nations in the UN's nuclear watchdog group that are pretty much quaking in their boots at the thought of a country that publicly wishes for both Israel and America to be wiped off the face of the planet to have the nuclear capacity to make their own dreams come true.


That said, the nuclear genie has been out of the bottle for 60 years now. Much as western nations would like to keep nukes out of the hands of Iran... and North Korea and Pakistan and yes, even India... all of those countries have every right to develop any weapon they wish. *shrug* We live in a dangerous world.

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Oh, whats supplying a bunch of religious fanatics with the potential to make nukes?! I mean seriously, what could go wrong with that?


pansies... :-"

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Iran certainly hates Israel the most, but the USA runs a close second. In the same speech where Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made his infamous "Israel must be wiped off the face of the map" statement, he also said the following: "The president then said: "And God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism," according to a quote published by Iran's state news outlet, the Islamic Republic News Agency


Source, CNN article

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Hmm... I missed that part. In fact, I cosnidered a threat of war. The US, and Isreal both have the right to attack Iran now. Its President has threatened their destruction.


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Well, if we didn't attack Iran after it invaded our embassy and held our diplomats hostage for nearly two years (if memory serves), then I doubt some fanatical blow-hard spewing hate speech for the anti-western press is likely to result in us pushing the old nuke button.


Then again, Bush wasn't president then, so it's hard to predict how things might go. Of course it doesn't help that the US military is spread all over the globe, with the biggest hunk of its fighting force stuck in Iraq. If Iran or North Korea or anyone else on the planet decided to shove a nuke down our throat or Israel's throat, there's not a whole lot we could do about it beyond turning their entire country into glass. Not the option I personally would hope for, frankly.

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I just hope Iran doesn't let the US bully them into submission.



Or at least puts up a good fight (a fight that I don't see happening on the horizon) because, damnit, I was disappointed with Iraq. :(




The sooner you both stop sympathizing with regimes like these, the better. My advice: get over your hatred of the US and realize we are not the biggest threat to world security at the moment. :thumbsup:

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I just hope Iran doesn't let the US bully them into submission.



Or at least puts up a good fight (a fight that I don't see happening on the horizon) because, damnit, I was disappointed with Iraq. :(




The sooner you both stop sympathizing with regimes like these, the better. My advice: get over your hatred of the US and realize we are not the biggest threat to world security at the moment. :p

Hatred leads to spelling Canada with a K.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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The sooner you both stop sympathizing with regimes like these, the better.  My advice: get over your hatred of the US and realize we are not the biggest threat to world security at the moment.  ;)


No, but Israel certainly seems to be. Nowhere else in the world has there been such antagonism and military teeth gnashing than since Israel was placed smack in the middle of a hostile Middle East. There is certainly the argument that the world could've been spared a host of recent wars had Israel been located, say, smack in the middle of the US. But then, I guess that's the tragedy of history: you can't take it back.

There are doors

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The sooner you both stop sympathizing with regimes like these, the better.  My advice: get over your hatred of the US and realize we are not the biggest threat to world security at the moment.  :thumbsup:


No, but Israel certainly seems to be. Nowhere else in the world has there been such antagonism and military teeth gnashing than since Israel was placed smack in the middle of a hostile Middle East. There is certainly the argument that the world could've been spared a host of recent wars had Israel been located, say, smack in the middle of the US. But then, I guess that's the tragedy of history: you can't take it back.


Your trying to seperate past history and religion from this and guess what you can't...

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What do you mean *I* can't? I just did. The people involved, though, apparently cannot and so they will suffer for it. Of course, their suffering may lead to eventual happiness. After all, to many people dying in a glorious holy war is infinitely preferrable to living in peace, so who am I to deny them of that?


I am merely pointing out that Israel is currently a bigger security risk than any other nation on Earth. They're not exactly at fault here, but you can't deny the fact that their presence has been the source of recent instability

Edited by Azarkon

There are doors

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If Iran or North Korea or anyone else on the planet decided to shove a nuke down our throat or Israel's throat, there's not a whole lot we could do about it beyond turning their entire country into glass.  Not the option I personally would hope for, frankly.

That's not entirely true.


If there was a military strike in the near future it would have to be conducted by airpower only, CENTCOM doesn't have the strength or power to maintain stability in Iraq and in the same time launch a serious ground attack on Iran - or would the American ppl prefer to be drafted?

Edited by Hildegard
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If Iran or North Korea or anyone else on the planet decided to shove a nuke down our throat or Israel's throat, there's not a whole lot we could do about it beyond turning their entire country into glass.  Not the option I personally would hope for, frankly.

That's not entirely true.


Of course it isn't entirely true. Hyperbole on my part, obviously. :) However I do believe... and some military analysts seem to confirm this... that our ability to wage a conventional war on another front is limited, to say the least. That was my point, despite my poor manner of expressing it.

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Guest MacLeodCorp
Don't fool yourself into thinking you know what's going on in this world. The first duty of power is to perpetuate itself, and we don't even know who the actual powerful people are. Truman started the whole American tradition of secrecy after WWII, with Project Paperclip, in which the CIA put captured Nazi scientists to work on America's nuclear arsenal, the space program, and all this "otherworldly" technology they'd come across. (And you know what I mean.) Then they got Truman to create the super-secret Majestic 12 committee to oversee Project Paperclip, not to mention other weird stuff the government wanted hidden. They ran the whole thing, and they've been running it for years, but nobody knows who "they" are. But I'm pretty sure they're all Freemasons.


The whole Kennedy thing is so huge because it's at the center of so many other covert shadow-government operations. Kennedy himself was the smallest part of it, because it was actually a power play between Dulles' CIA, the anti-Castro military, LBJ, the Giancana Mafia, and a bunch of other dirty players. Oswald was a patsy, sure, but he put a gun on Jack. Of course, so did other test-mules from Dulles' MK-Ultra LSD-mind-control experiments. Zapruder was in on it, too: He was a KGB mole from way back. And the whole thing had ripple effects, like Jonestown, which was an assassin training camp that got found out. As for the Warren Commission, that thing was a joke

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