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Jade Empire sequel confirmed


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Big breated women = guaranteed excellent game



How sexist. :rolleyes:


Good story and great quests is what make a game.



Umm... Gaby... note the " :wacko: "?


I think he was showing his dislike for the concept.





I was originally going to go without the :wacko: but when I looked at it at first, I was thinking that my statement could be taken too literally, so I figured on adding the :wacko:


I mean, is :wacko: perhaps too vague? I thought :wacko: was pretty good, being that it's :wacko: and all. Meh.


I have contacted Fionavar for a new emoticon.


:omfgwtfz0rs: is now wtf.gif

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kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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:rolleyes: awww. Feels like the old times again. Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I don't know and I don't want to know. :ph34r:

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For a guy who pretty much bashed JE and called it a fianncial failure (despite it selling 600k+ copies, making money, high reviews both player and professional, and winning awards); you seem awful quick in your willingness to spend more money on the game franchise. Hahahaha.

Edited by Volourn


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For a guy who pretty much based JE and calle dit a fianncial failure (depsite it selling 600k+ copies, making money, high reviews both player and professional, and winning awards); you seem awful quick in your willingness to spend more money on the game franchise. Hahahaha.


Your not making sense.. Should that be bashed ?


It was bargain bin within a month and budget within six. Hardly call that a success could you.


Yeah, well I'm so going to miss

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"It was bargain bin within a month and budget within six. Hardly call that a success could you."


Being sold for $40-$50 is not bargain bin.



"Since Bioware dosnt have any other known IP's it's not a suprise that there could be a JE 2 even though it's not a particularly "hot" property."


Nonsense. If JE was truly a financial failure as you claimed, MS would have dropped it like a hot potatoe. Like the game or not; it was a financial success. That's a fact.

Edited by Volourn


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"It was bargain bin within a month and budget within six. Hardly call that a success could you."


Being sold for $40-$50 is not bargain bin.



"Since Bioware dosnt have any other known IP's it's not a suprise that there could be a JE 2 even though it's not a particularly "hot" property."


Nonsense. If JE was truly a financial failure as you claimed, MS would have dropped it like a hot potatoe. Like the game or not; it was a financial success. That's a fact.


Maybe in Canada but you get totally gouged.


What you mean like the Xbox :D MS will support it if it has potential to sell some 360's.


Failure is relative. If FFXII only sold 600 copies I'd consider that a huge failure too. Of course it's already way into the millions on pre orders :)

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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JE made money. It's not a failure. Game over.


A failure is a game that isn't even successfule nough to warrant a sequel espicially in these days of sequelitis.


Seems to me that JE2 is coming, and that would not be the case if JE failed.


BIO, and MS have said quite pointedly that they are happy with JE's success in every way.


You lose.


And, continually try to imply that a game needs to sell as much as FF to be considered a success is silly. Espicially when in the same sentence you make the claim that success is relative.


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JE made money. It's not a failure. Game over.


A failure is a game that isn't even successfule nough to warrant a sequel espicially in these days of sequelitis.


Seems to me that JE2 is coming, and that would not be the case if JE failed.


BIO, and MS have said quite pointedly that they are happy with JE's success in every way.


You lose.


And, continually try to imply that a game needs to sell as much as FF to be considered a success is silly. Espicially when in the same sentence you make the claim that success is relative.


Just because something made money it can still fail. If your an A student and you have scored 100% in all your tests, and then you get a 65% , you may have passed the test, but you still failed.


Lots of very mediocre games get sequels.


Duh, like they are going to say anything else. Even if the game totally flopped MS still wouldnt want to lose Biowares "good will" to the PS3.


It's not a claim that success is relative, it's a fact.


I attribute Biowares success to the fact they were using strong lisences now rather than to any sort of ability :D If they churn out of a couple more half million sellers , that golden sheen is going to rub off.


Oh and I never said that you had to sell the sort of numbers FF does (88 million to date or there abouts) to be succesful, only that Sqenix has a very different measure of sucess to someone like Bioware, who in turn has a different measure of success to some russian RPG maker.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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In essence, despite all the signs suggesting that JE was a success you will continue to claim otherwise.


JE is a finanical success. All the evidence points in that direction yet you believe otherwise. Sounds like you *need* to believe it was a failure as to justify your dislike for BIO.




P.S. You ahve yet to give one piece of evdience to support your theory hence it is a very poor theory to put your entire heart and soul into.


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In essence, despite all the signs suggesting that JE was a success you will continue to claim otherwise.


JE is a finanical success. All the evidence points in that direction yet you believe otherwise. Sounds like you *need* to believe it was a failure as to justify your dislike for BIO.




P.S. You ahve yet to give one piece of evdience to support your theory hence it is a very poor theory to put your entire heart and soul into.


If your happy with Bioware selling 500,000 copies of games after chalking up 2 and 3 three million, then who cares ?


If you ask anyone at Bioware would they rather JE sold half a million or 2 million no one is going to answer the former.


No it's pretty clear to anyone who isnt a fanboy that JE did not have the same success as Biowares lisenced titles. Believing dosnt even enter into the equation.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"If your happy with Bioware selling 500,000 copies of games after chalking up 2 and 3 three million, then who cares ?"


MY be happy is irrelavnt to JE's level of success.




"If you ask anyone at Bioware would they rather JE sold half a million or 2 million no one is going to answer the former."


If you ask anyone at Sqaure if they woudl rather have the FF titles sell 88 mil copies or 150 mil copies no one is gonna answer the former.



No it's pretty clear to anyone who isnt a fanboy that JE did not have the same success as Biowares lisenced titles. Believing dosnt even enter into the equation."


As you put it, it's all relative.


Anyoen who believes that JE needed to sell as much as KOTOR, BG, or NWN to be a success is living in a fantasy land.


JE is not a prexisting IP. Therefore, there ar eno licensing fees, no 3rd party (just the publisher) to worry about about, etc. etc.


BG1 has sold about 2.5 mil copies total. That includes the expansion. That is also over a 7-8 year period. JE has sold 600k copies in about 6-7 months. There is no comparison there. Period.


Bototm line is JE is a success, And, you have yet to prove otherwise.

Edited by Volourn


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MY be happy is irrelavnt to JE's level of success.


If you ask anyone at Sqaure if they woudl rather have the FF titles sell 88 mil copies or 150 mil copies no one is gonna answer the former.


As you put it, it's all relative.


Anyoen who believes that JE needed to sell as much as KOTOR, BG, or NWN to be a success is living in a fantasy land.


JE is not a prexisting IP. Therefore, there ar eno licensing fees, no 3rd party (just the publisher) to worry about about, etc. etc.


BG1 has sold about 2.5 mil copies total. That includes the expansion. That is also over a 7-8 year period. JE has sold 600k copies in about 6-7 months. There is no comparison there. Period.


Bototm line is JE is a success, And, you have yet to prove otherwise.


Or lack there of.


The magic number is 1 million. Anything below that for an established studio which is a full project I would consider a failure.


All that really proves is that FF is very much in a league of it's own. :lol:


Exactly JE is selling on Biowares merits, unfortunately it didnt manage to do as well as something that was licensed. Start of a trend ? Who knows.


KOTOR sold that in the first couple of months and at full price. That you would have to go back to a time where the market wasnt as large or active as it is now, well that just shows how you need to reach to make JE look succesful.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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