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Why Football is better than soccer


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Btw on musculature - some of those pics are just wrong. I'd prefer to be toned and sculpted but not freakish. It's as bad as bad a bad breast implant job - it no longer looks natural.


At the end of the day I'd still like to look good/fit in a suit.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger rules! Me thinks he should have stayed in making movies and not politics.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

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What makes dear Kumq think that yanks are any good in real football except to be laughed at?


My country might not have made it to the WC for once, but they (like almost any other Euro team) would rip the US one to pieces... I mean it would be a frag fest. You're used to play against freaking Costa Rica and Panama ffs, get real will ya! :)

Edited by Lucius



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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I like the second girl's favorite quote. :D




The first one was pure hardcore Ilse-She wolf of the SS


"Pain is weakness leaving the body"




DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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What makes dear Kumq think that yanks are any good in real football except to be laughed at?


My country might not have made it to the WC for once, but they (like almost any other Euro team) would rip the US one to pieces... I mean it would be a frag fest. You're used to play against freaking Costa Rica and Panama ffs, get real will ya! :rolleyes:


Tourney time is coming.


We'll see


We will see


still, soccer is prolly like the 6th most popular pro sport (not counting nascar and such) in the US. Say what you will, but we're ranked 7th IN OUR SPARE TIME.


You would give up a pinky to be ranked that high

Edited by kumquatq3
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What makes dear Kumq think that yanks are any good in real football except to be laughed at?


My country might not have made it to the WC for once, but they (like almost any other Euro team) would rip the US one to pieces... I mean it would be a frag fest. You're used to play against freaking Costa Rica and Panama ffs, get real will ya! :huh:


Tourney time is coming.


We'll see


We will see


still, soccer is prolly like the 6th most popular pro sport (not counting nascar and such) in the US. Say what you will, but we're ranked 7th IN OUR SPARE TIME.


You would give up a pinky to be ranked that high



you did win the 'gold cup'... :huh:


however, in the world cup you're basically a walk over. the ranking means nothing; the world cup everything.


btw, international football is nothing compared to club football. that is the real sport, not some nationalistic crap...

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What makes dear Kumq think that yanks are any good in real football except to be laughed at?


My country might not have made it to the WC for once, but they (like almost any other Euro team) would rip the US one to pieces... I mean it would be a frag fest. You're used to play against freaking Costa Rica and Panama ffs, get real will ya! :huh:


Tourney time is coming.


We'll see


We will see


still, soccer is prolly like the 6th most popular pro sport (not counting nascar and such) in the US. Say what you will, but we're ranked 7th IN OUR SPARE TIME.


You would give up a pinky to be ranked that high



Yes kumaq your country is ranked better then mine by fifa ranks....but let me tell you that few people rank the strength and quality of a team by fifa ranks as statistics don't always relieve everything, results from the World Cup and other tough international competitions and matches show the real quality of a national team.


Like Lucius said, my country can trash yours any time in soccer, but the WC is coming around next year so we'll see how things come out :huh:

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Did any of the Scandinavian countries even qualify for the World Cup tournament last time?


And if there's one thing you can say about England...they sure know how to buy their talent. That's why their league teams are pretty good, but turn them loose in a competition where actual Englishmen have to play? Pff. Substitute a flag pole in for the goalie, they're still not going to score.

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My favorite part about the World Cup last time (yes, my wife and I watch it, here in America -- we both played soccer [football to you non-Americans] avidly in our youth), was when the U.S. made it to the top 4 (I think), and Donovan blurted out on live TV: "F*** YEAH, BABY!"


Good stuff. :huh:

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Did any of the Scandinavian countries even qualify for the World Cup tournament last time? 


And if there's one thing you can say about England...they sure know how to buy their talent.  That's why their league teams are pretty good, but turn them loose in a competition where actual Englishmen have to play?  Pff.  Substitute a flag pole in for the goalie, they're still not going to score.


I like you

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Did any of the Scandinavian countries even qualify for the World Cup tournament last time? 


And if there's one thing you can say about England...they sure know how to buy their talent.  That's why their league teams are pretty good, but turn them loose in a competition where actual Englishmen have to play?  Pff.  Substitute a flag pole in for the goalie, they're still not going to score.


sweden and denmark.


there are a lot of great english footballers, but within the eu players can move freely. ergo the best players, usually, play for the best clubs. england can finish in the top 4 in 2006.

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My favorite part about the World Cup last time (yes, my wife and I watch it, here in America -- we both played soccer [football to you non-Americans] avidly in our youth), was when the U.S. made it to the top 4 (I think), and Donovan blurted out on live TV: "F*** YEAH, BABY!"


Good stuff.  :)


no, they reached the quarter finals. lost to germany...

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My favorite part about the World Cup last time (yes, my wife and I watch it, here in America -- we both played soccer [football to you non-Americans] avidly in our youth), was when the U.S. made it to the top 4 (I think), and Donovan blurted out on live TV: "F*** YEAH, BABY!"


Good stuff.  :)


no, they reached the quarter finals. lost to germany...


Yah, that was it.


Still, better than the US had ever done!

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So? 1 goal is a lot, its not like american sports where teams score dozens of points.


So Denmark losing to England by 3 is a ****LOAD then :D


Damn that world cup must have been so fixed, how the fark did korea get to the semi final :)


Have you even seen "Kung-Fu Hussle"

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So? 1 goal is a lot, its not like american sports where teams score dozens of points.


So Denmark losing to England by 3 is a ****LOAD then :D


Damn that world cup must have been so fixed, how the fark did korea get to the semi final :)


Have you even seen "Kung-Fu Hussle"

Yeah that is quite a beating, however if you had faced England instead of freaking Mexico, the score would have been even more brutal in favour of the English. Boy I hope the US will face a Euro team next summer, then we'll see just how far up you can shove your coca-cola ranking. :)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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