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360 games even more expensive than Xbox ones

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Walker Tango Foxtrot??? How can they not have Morrowind on there?

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


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The more I read about the Xbox 360, the more I'm leaning towards it. I've looked through my entire PS2 game catalogue this weekend, and the only games I would miss not having directly on the Xbox 360 are the GTA's. That's it! Of course, it would be a nuisance not being able to play my PS2 titles on my new machine, but that's a blow I'm willing to take.


Of course, when Sony starts releasing more info about the Playstation 3 in the future, I'll probably be swayed right back.. I really want a Blu-Ray player for instance.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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The more I read about the Xbox 360, the more I'm leaning towards it. I've looked through my entire PS2 game catalogue this weekend, and the only games I would miss not having directly on the Xbox 360 are the GTA's. That's it! Of course, it would be a nuisance not being able to play my PS2 titles on my new machine, but that's a blow I'm willing to take.


Of course, when Sony starts releasing more info about the Playstation 3 in the future, I'll probably be swayed right back.. I really want a Blu-Ray player for instance.


heh, Mass Effects sold me on XBox. Hook line and sinker.


Would I prefer it was anouther SW trilogy? Sure!


But one has to make do with what they handed and ME just looks to be so awsome I cant wait.


Not to mention knowing JE2 will also be on XBox 360 doesnt hurt! heh


Now Obsidian just needs to announce KotOR3 and ill be like a kid in a candy store :(

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Well, to be honest there are a few games on there that intrest me, but each and every one I already own on the PS2.


The games I'd actually get a Hexbox for (Morrowind and KotOR for example) sadly aren't there.  <_<


LOL, K1 and 2 are there.


Look under Star Wars: Knights of Old Republic heading


as is Jade Empire


and no surprise Morrowwind not there really, it was released originally in 96. Just to outta date.


Ack, I looked for "Knights of the old Republic"


I forgot it had the "Star Wars" prefix. :wub:


Ok, there are 2 games I have intrest in.... but Morrowind Goty would be the deal maker.

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Ok, there are 2 games I have intrest in.... but Morrowind Goty would be the deal maker.


Eh, maybe I'm missing something but Morrowind GOTY with Bloodmoon and Tribunal is available for Xbox.


It is a little tricky because both the original Morrowind and the compilation title were dubbed "GOTY" on Xbox. The compilation title actually shows Bloodmoon and Tribunal stuff on it.


EDIT: Doh! I get it. You are talking specifically about backward-compatible titles for Xbox 360.

Edited by Plano Skywalker
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and no surprise Morrowwind not there really, it was released originally in 96. Just to outta date.

Morrowind released in 1996???

Well, Daggerfall was, and Morrowind is almost Daggerfall :-

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I might dust off some old titles and replay them. Of course, there's a good chance I won't buy any next gen console for some time after it is released.

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Ok, there are 2 games I have intrest in.... but Morrowind Goty would be the deal maker.


Eh, maybe I'm missing something but Morrowind GOTY with Bloodmoon and Tribunal is available for Xbox.


It is a little tricky because both the original Morrowind and the compilation title were dubbed "GOTY" on Xbox. The compilation title actually shows Bloodmoon and Tribunal stuff on it.


EDIT: Doh! I get it. You are talking specifically about backward-compatible titles for Xbox 360.


I would think Oblivion would render Morrowind obsolete.


Thing is I've yet to see a 360 run well at least in HD. Everything seems to have frame issues and the HD just seems to emphasise this.

Could be hardware, but not much I could do about that.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Is that kinda like how Final Fantasy X rendered all other final fantasies obsolete?


Or how Fallout 2 rendered fallout obsolete?


Or KotOR 2 killing off Kotor?


BG 2 killing off BG?


404, logic not found :(


Different sort of thing. Story based games never really become obsolete because stories never become obsolete. Morrowind on the other hand, well wandering around exploring isnt really going to change. You may as well wander around and explore in the most current enviroment.


The story has been pretty much the same from Arena.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I disagree.


Morrowind has a story, it's just presented in a "choose your own adventure" style.


Can't say I ever felt compelled to play any of the scrolls games because of the story. The wandering around for a day or two, but never the story. I always saw that as one of the flaws. In something like FFX , the story dragged me on even when the sphere grid was annoying the hell out of me.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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and no surprise Morrowwind not there really, it was released originally in 96. Just to outta date.



Morrowind released in 1996???


heh, just going with what EBGames has listed for it.


Id never played it so went to buy a used copy and thats the release date EB had for it.


Thats not the GotY edition though, FTR.


Can't say I ever felt compelled to play any of the scrolls games because of the story. The wandering around for a day or two, but never the story. I always saw that as one of the flaws. In something like FFX , the story dragged me on even when the sphere grid was annoying the hell out of me.


Same Shado. I just picked it up last week and already put it down to be honest.


Some freinds found it and kept telling me how great it was so I bought it, but the story really didnt grab me at all from the get go.


heh, maybe Bioware and Obsidian have spoiled me now, But if it doesnt have indepth characters like K1 and 2 and JE, Im just not interested anymore.


who knows! :)

Edited by Kalfear
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and no surprise Morrowwind not there really, it was released originally in 96. Just to outta date.



Morrowind released in 1996???


heh, just going with what EBGames has listed for it.


Id never played it so went to buy a used copy and thats the release date EB had for it.


Thats not the GotY edition though, FTR.


February 2004 (GOTY)


November 2002 (Regular).


-UK release dates of course.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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and no surprise Morrowwind not there really, it was released originally in 96. Just to outta date.



Morrowind released in 1996???


heh, just going with what EBGames has listed for it.


Id never played it so went to buy a used copy and thats the release date EB had for it.


Thats not the GotY edition though, FTR.


February 2004 (GOTY)


November 2002 (Regular).


-UK release dates of course.


hmm weird, they had 96 and 2000 listed on EB, typo I guess.


I stand corrected!

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