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You show me your's I'll show you mine:



My budget

Your New Budget


Budget Totals

Old budget was $3748.1268 billion

($2673 billion in spending, $1075.1268 billion in tax expenditures and cuts).


New budget is $3534.59 billion

($2614.3 billion in spending, $920.29 billion in tax expenditures and cuts).

You have cut the deficit by $213.54 billion.

Your new deficit is $187.46 billion.



$409.52 billion: Military Spending

$112.54 billion: Iraq and Afghanistan Operations

$122.22 billion: Military Retirement

$27.37 billion: International affairs

$30.47 billion: Science, Space and Technology

$33.09 billion: Natural Resources and Environment

$26.45 billion: Agriculture

$6.32 billion: Commerce and Housing Loan Programs

$73.87 billion: Transportation

$22.56 billion: Community & regional development

$80.09 billion: Education

$47.81 billion: Training, labor and unemployment

$255.16 billion: Non-Medicare Health

$428.68 billion: Medicare

$78.74 billion: Civilian Retirement (Social Security excluded)

$221.3 billion: Aid to Low-Income Families

$25.91 billion: General Family Support

$381.37 billion: Social security

$44.32 billion: Administration of justice

$16.26 billion: General government administration

$211.08 billion: Net interest

Tax Expenditures and Tax Cuts

$94.8 billion: 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts

$44.54 billion: Corporate Tax Breaks

$85.97 billion: Personal Business & Investment Benefits

$201.7 billion: Pension & Retirement Deductions

$165.26 billion: Health Insurance Tax Benefits

$156.38 billion: Housing tax benefits

$171.64 billion: Other individual deductions and exemptions


Spending ($2614.3 billion: cut $58.69 billion)


Military Spending ($409.52 billion: cut $36.58 billion)


$85.26 billion ..... Military personnel

Cut $21.3 bil. from base of $106.572 bil.(-20%)

$168.98 billion .... Operation and maintenance

Increased $15.36 bil. from base of $153.619 bil.( 10%)

$48.5 billion ...... Procurement

Cut $32.33 bil. from base of $80.836 bil.(-40%)

$68.13 billion ..... Research, development, test and evaluation (No Change)

$14.53 billion ..... Military Construction, Family Housing and Other

Cut $1.61 bil. from base of $16.145 bil.(-10%)

$21.59 billion ..... Atomic Energy Defense Activities

Increased $3.6 bil. from base of $17.990 bil.( 20%)

$2.53 billion ...... Defense Related activities

Cut $0.27 bil. from base of $2.814 bil.(-10%)


Iraq and Afghanistan Operations ($112.54 billion)


$105 billion ....... Military Operations (No Change)

$7.54 billion ...... Reconstruction aid

Increased $0.69 bil. from base of $6.851 bil.( 10%)


Military Retirement ($122.22 billion: increased $6.74 billion)


$36.75 billion ..... Military retirement

Cut $4.07 bil. from base of $40.832 bil.(-10%)

$39.97 billion ..... Income security for veterans

Increased $3.63 bil. from base of $36.338 bil.( 10%)

$3.56 billion ...... Veterans education, training, and rehabilitation

Increased $0.32 bil. from base of $3.236 bil.( 10%)

$41.22 billion ..... Hospital and medical care for veterans and retired military

Increased $6.87 bil. from base of $34.353 bil.( 20%)

$0.72 billion ...... Housing and other veterans benefits and services (No Change)


International affairs ($27.37 billion: cut $4.21 billion)


$10.4 billion ...... International development and humanitarian assistance

Cut $2.59 bil. from base of $12.996 bil.(-20%)

$8.52 billion ...... International military aid

Cut $0.94 bil. from base of $9.466 bil.(-10%)

$7.18 billion ...... Conduct of foreign affairs

Cut $0.78 bil. from base of $7.974 bil.(-10%)

$1.27 billion ...... Foreign information and exchange activities

Increased $0.12 bil. from base of $1.154 bil.( 10%)


General science, space, and technology ($30.47 billion: increased $6.5 billion)


$7.3 billion ....... National Science Foundation programs

Increased $1.68 bil. from base of $5.618 bil.( 30%)

$3.79 billion ...... Department of Energy general science programs

Increased $0.35 bil. from base of $3.444 bil.( 10%)

$19.38 billion ..... Space flight, research, and supporting activities

Increased $4.47 bil. from base of $14.905 bil.( 30%)


Non-Defense Energy Spending ($3.16 billion: increased $1.04 billion)


$0.73 billion ...... Energy supply (No Change)

$2.07 billion ...... Energy conservation and preparedness

Increased $1.04 bil. from base of $1.034 bil.( 100%)

$0.36 billion ...... Energy information, preparedness, & regulation (No Change)


Natural resources and environment ($33.09 billion: increased $1.93 billion)


$5.45 billion ...... Water resources (No Change)

$9.98 billion ...... Conservation and land management

Increased $0.91 bil. from base of $9.070 bil.( 10%)

$3.12 billion ...... Recreational & Park resources (No Change)

$8.42 billion ...... Pollution control and abatement (No Change)

$6.12 billion ...... Other natural resources

Increased $1.02 bil. from base of $5.101 bil.( 20%)


Agriculture ($26.45 billion)


$21.73 billion ..... Farm income stabilization & crop insurance (No Change)

$4.72 billion ...... Agricultural research and services

Increased $0.43 bil. from base of $4.288 bil.( 10%)


Commerce and Housing Loan Programs ($6.32 billion)


$-4.28 billion ..... Federal Housing Loan Programs (No Change)

$1.96 billion ...... Postal service

Cut $0.2 bil. from base of $2.174 bil.(-10%)

$-0.86 billion ..... Deposit insurance

Increased $0.11 bil. from base of $-.966 bil.(-10%)

$7.96 billion ...... Universal service fund (No Change)

$1.54 billion ...... Other advancement of commerce

Cut $0.38 bil. from base of $1.931 bil.(-20%)


Transportation ($73.87 billion: increased $3.2 billion)


$40.16 billion ..... Highways and highway safety

Increased $3.65 bil. from base of $36.512 bil.( 10%)

$11.06 billion ..... Mass transit

Increased $2.55 bil. from base of $8.506 bil.( 30%)

$0.55 billion ...... Railroads

Cut $0.05 bil. from base of $.607 bil.(-10%)

$17.26 billion ..... Air Transportion (No Change)

$4.42 billion ...... Water transportation

Cut $2.94 bil. from base of $7.368 bil.(-40%)

$0.42 billion ...... Other transportation (No Change)


Community and regional development ($22.56 billion: increased $3.46 billion)


$5 billion ......... Community development

Cut $1.24 bil. from base of $6.252 bil.(-20%)

$2.57 billion ...... Area and regional development

Cut $0.28 bil. from base of $2.855 bil.(-10%)

$14.99 billion ..... Disaster relief and insurance

Increased $5 bil. from base of $9.990 bil.( 50%)


Education ($80.09 billion: increased $16.02 billion)


$50.14 billion ..... Elementary, Secondary & Vocational education

Increased $11.57 bil. from base of $38.572 bil.( 30%)

$26.72 billion ..... Higher education

Increased $4.45 bil. from base of $22.269 bil.( 20%)

$3.23 billion ...... Research and general education (No Change)


Training, labor and unemployment ($47.81 billion)


$6.88 billion ...... Training and employment (No Change)

$1.6 billion ....... Labor law, statistics, and other administration (No Change)

$39.33 billion ..... Unemployment compensation (No Change)


Non-Medicare Health Spending ($255.16 billion: increased $1.84 billion)


$192.72 billion .... Medicaid grants (No Change)

$6.23 billion ...... State Children's Health Insurance (No Change)

$2.86 billion ...... Indian health

Cut $0.3 bil. from base of $3.174 bil.(-10%)

$3.24 billion ...... Substance abuse and mental health services (No Change)

$4.7 billion ....... Disease control, public health and bioterrorism (No Change)

$32.3 billion ...... Health research and training

Increased $2.94 bil. from base of $29.362 bil.( 10%)

$3.31 billion ...... Food safety and occupational health and safety

Increased $0.3 bil. from base of $3.007 bil.( 10%)

$9.8 billion ....... Other health care services

Cut $1.08 bil. from base of $10.886 bil.(-10%)


Medicare ($428.68 billion: increased $82.93 billion)


$219.31 billion .... Hospital insurance (HI)

Increased $36.55 bil. from base of $182.758 bil.( 20%)

$138.17 billion .... Supplementary medical insurance (SMI)

Increased $23.03 bil. from base of $115.138 bil.( 20%)

$70.04 billion ..... Prescription drug benefit

Increased $23.35 bil. from base of $46.695 bil.( 50%)

$1.16 billion ...... Health care fraud (No Change)


Civilian Retirement (Social Security excluded) ($78.74 billion: increased $6.71 billion)


$4.89 billion ...... Civilian retirement and disability insurance (No Change)

$64.05 billion ..... Federal employee retirement and disability

Increased $5.83 bil. from base of $58.223 bil.( 10%)

$9.8 billion ....... Federal employees' and retired employees' health benefits

Increased $0.89 bil. from base of $8.912 bil.( 10%)


Aid to Low-Income Families ($221.3 billion: increased $14.53 billion)


$42.29 billion ..... Housing assistance

Increased $3.84 bil. from base of $38.448 bil.( 10%)

$41.34 billion ..... Food stamps

Increased $3.76 bil. from base of $37.581 bil.( 10%)

$21.23 billion ..... Other nutrition programs (WIC, school lunches)

Increased $1.93 bil. from base of $19.296 bil.( 10%)

$38.66 billion ..... Supplemental security income (SSI) (No Change)

$16.39 billion ..... Family support payments (TANF)

Cut $1.81 bil. from base of $18.209 bil.(-10%)

$40.86 billion ..... Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

Increased $6.81 bil. from base of $34.051 bil.( 20%)

$13.15 billion ..... Child tax credit (No Change)

$4.8 billion ....... Child care funds (No Change)

$2.58 billion ...... Other aid to low-income families (No Change)


General Family Support ($25.91 billion)


$6.56 billion ...... Foster care and adoption assistance (No Change)

$3.21 billion ...... Child support and family support programs

Increased $0.29 bil. from base of $2.921 bil.( 10%)

$16.14 billion ..... Social and family services (No Change)


Social security ($381.37 billion: cut $163.44 billion)


$318.08 billion .... Old-age and survivors insurance(OASI)

Cut $136.31 bil. from base of $454.400 bil.(-30%)

$63.29 billion ..... Disability insurance (DI)

Cut $27.12 bil. from base of $90.421 bil.(-30%)


Administration of justice ($44.32 billion: increased $1.22 billion)


$12.49 billion ..... Federal law enforcement

Increased $1.14 bil. from base of $11.351 bil.( 10%)

$10.46 billion ..... Border security and immigration (No Change)

$8.73 billion ...... Federal litigation and judicial activities

Cut $2.17 bil. from base of $10.914 bil.(-20%)

$8 billion ......... Federal prison system

Increased $1.84 bil. from base of $6.156 bil.( 30%)

$4.64 billion ...... Criminal justice assistance

Increased $0.42 bil. from base of $4.222 bil.( 10%)


General government administration ($16.26 billion: cut $1.48 billion)


$2.2 billion ....... Legislative functions

Cut $1.46 bil. from base of $3.671 bil.(-40%)

$0.8 billion ....... Executive office programs

Cut $0.33 bil. from base of $1.140 bil.(-30%)

$9.8 billion ....... IRS & other fiscal opertations (No Change)

$3.46 billion ...... Other general government

Increased $0.31 bil. from base of $3.145 bil.( 10%)


Net_interest_long ($211.08 billion)


$211.08 billion .... Net Interest (No Change)


Undistributed offsetting receipts and allowance ($-43.99 billion)


$-43.99 billion .... Undistributed offsetting receipts and allowance (No Change)


Tax Expenditures and Tax Cuts ($920.29 billion: cut $154.83 billion)


2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts ($94.8 billion: cut $200.08 billion)


$0 billion ......... Benefits for Richest 1% of Taxpayers

Cut $116.95 bil. from base of $116.9562 bil.(-100%)

$0 billion ......... Benefits for Next Richest 4%

Cut $28.86 bil. from base of $28.8708 bil.(-100%)

$0 billion ......... Benefits for Next Richest 15%

Cut $58.91 bil. from base of $58.92 bil.(-100%)

$43.6 billion ...... Benefits for Next 20% of Taxpayers (No Change)

$51.2 billion ...... Benefits for Bottom 60% of Taxpayers

Increased $4.65 bil. from base of $46.546 bil.( 10%)


Corporate Tax Breaks ($44.54 billion: cut $15.81 billion)


$15.74 billion ..... Untaxed Foreign Profits (No Change)

$11.84 billion ..... R&D Tax Breaks

Increased $1.97 bil. from base of $9.870 bil.( 20%)

$4.05 billion ...... Energy, Mining and Timber Tax Breaks (No Change)

$12.91 billion ..... Tax Free Bonds

Increased $2.98 bil. from base of $9.930 bil.( 30%)

$0 billion ......... Other Corporate Tax Breaks

Cut $20.76 bil. from base of $20.770 bil.(-100%)


Personal Business & Investment Benefits ($85.97 billion)


$27.34 billion ..... Lower tax rates on capital gains (excluding housing)

Cut $3.03 bil. from base of $30.380 bil.(-10%)

$28.76 billion ..... Step-up basis of capital gains at death (No Change)

$25.31 billion ..... Tax-Free Bonds

Increased $2.3 bil. from base of $23.010 bil.( 10%)

$1.36 billion ...... Enterprise & Empowerment Zones and New Markets credit (No Change)

$3.2 billion ....... Other personal investment tax breaks (No Change)


Pension & Retirement Deductions ($201.7 billion: increased $33.23 billion)


$51.05 billion ..... Employer-paid Pensions (No Change)

$75.56 billion ..... 401Ks & Keogh plans

Increased $17.44 bil. from base of $58.120 bil.( 30%)

$7.31 billion ...... IRAs (No Change)

$35.38 billion ..... Group and personal life insurance benefits

Increased $5.9 bil. from base of $29.480 bil.( 20%)

$29.66 billion ..... Untaxed Social Security benefits

Increased $9.89 bil. from base of $19.770 bil.( 50%)

$2.74 billion ...... Other retirement benefits (No Change)


Health Insurance Tax Benefits ($165.26 billion: increased $24.27 billion)


$150.83 billion .... Employer-paid Health Insurance

Increased $25.14 bil. from base of $125.690 bil.( 20%)

$3.46 billion ...... Self-employed medical insurance premiums

Cut $0.86 bil. from base of $4.330 bil.(-20%)

$1.83 billion ...... Medical Savings/Health Savings Accounts (No Change)

$9.14 billion ...... Deductibility of medical expenses (No Change)


Housing tax benefits ($156.38 billion: cut $7.32 billion)


$60.82 billion ..... Mortgage Interest

Cut $15.2 bil. from base of $76.03 bil.(-20%)

$13.35 billion ..... Deductibility of property taxes on homes

Cut $1.47 bil. from base of $14.830 bil.(-10%)

$39.9 billion ...... Capital gains exclusion on home sales

Increased $3.63 bil. from base of $36.270 bil.( 10%)

$35.66 billion ..... Exclusion of net imputed rental income on owner-occupied homes

Increased $5.94 bil. from base of $29.720 bil.( 20%)

$1.9 billion ....... Housing bonds & low-income housing investments

Cut $0.2 bil. from base of $2.110 bil.(-10%)

$4.75 billion ...... Exception from passive loss rules for $25,000 of rental loss (No Change)


Other individual deductions and exemptions ($171.64 billion: increased $11.65 billion)


$41.68 billion ..... Charitable contributions

Increased $3.79 bil. from base of $37.890 bil.( 10%)

$27.7 billion ...... State and local taxes (w/o home property)

Cut $6.91 bil. from base of $34.620 bil.(-20%)

$4.59 billion ...... Soldiers and veterans tax benefits

Cut $1.95 bil. from base of $6.550 bil.(-30%)

$5.94 billion ...... Workmen's compensation (No Change)

$18.21 billion ..... Education deductions and credits

Increased $4.2 bil. from base of $14.010 bil.( 30%)

$42.65 billion ..... Child credit

Increased $9.84 bil. from base of $32.810 bil.( 30%)

$2.81 billion ...... Child care credits and deductions (No Change)

$2 billion ......... Deduction for the blind and elderly (No Change)

$9.43 billion ...... Social Security benefits for disabled and survivors

Increased $1.57 bil. from base of $7.860 bil.( 20%)

$4.89 billion ...... Untaxed foreign personal income

Increased $1.13 bil. from base of $3.760 bil.( 30%)

$3.28 billion ...... Employee parking and transit expenses (No Change)

$1.25 billion ...... Adoption and foster care tax credits (No Change)

$5.42 billion ...... Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)- revenue loss component (No Change)

$1.79 billion ...... Other fringe benefits (No Change)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

I need hot coffee when I read cold, hard facts.



Fix'd. :D


And Ender, I gots around forty in my wallet, but it's all I got left, we could maybe make it reserves for West Denmark, at least until I decide to spend it on something trivial I don't need.

Posted (edited)

Well, sure they make a good case, and the facts are there, but they just have to face it, The Living Daylights and License to Kill were the weakest of all the Bond films. The plot needed a lot of work, and the guy playing Bond was horrible! It makes me wonder if they even bothered to watch the movie!

Edited by thepixiesrock

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

Well, sure they make a good case, and the facts are there, but they just have to face it, The Living Daylights and License to Kill were the weakest of all the Bond films.  The plot needed a lot of work, and the guy playing Bond was horrible!  It makes me wonder if they even bothered to watch the movie!

I thought Timothy Dalton was a pretty good bond, sure he was no Conery or Brosnan but he still played a good part regardless.

Well, sure they make a good case, and the facts are there, but they just have to face it, The Living Daylights and License to Kill were the weakest of all the Bond films.  The plot needed a lot of work, and the guy playing Bond was horrible!  It makes me wonder if they even bothered to watch the movie!

Wrong, Moonraker is THE worst Bond flick. Die Another Day and THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH fight for second place. Daltan was OK but like Brosnan their movies were kinda weak.
Posted (edited)

I'm intrigued as to where you cut the 36 billion in defence spending from.




Simply turn Americas burdensome federal prison population into terrifying death troopers. Keep discipline with explosive neck collars and nagant revolvers. It's what Stalin would have done.

Edited by Walsingham

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.


Eh... just dropped a bunch of reservists off the face of the earth... they have a short version and a long version... I posted the long version.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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