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I still loathe God.

Let me just get this clear: do you loathe your own interpretation of God or the God other people have found faith in?


I believe every person once in his/her life will try to search for higher meaning in life. Whether you are a Muslim or a Christian, you have searched within yourself and found your answer. You may explain what you have found differently, but I think you are just walking in different paths towards the same destination and I hope it's up where you are headed. :o

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I was raised Christian but have studied other religions, including Islam and Judaism. From my experiences with people of these faiths, and reading the works themselves, I have come to my conclusion that I hate God and I will never worship a screwed up git as itself no matter how much It begs me to.

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Orgies, really? I need to read more about this place, I think.  :D


Certainly, sir or madam! With our special discounted salvation package we can provide you and your family with an all expenses paid salvation in elysium for the low, low price of acceptance-of-a-greek-deity-as-your-saviour! Yes, Mr. or Mrs customer's name, with our plan you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your eternal place in the afterlife is assured, and that you are covered against all eventualities, such as Great Old Ones, Monotheistic Borefests, and the dreaded land of Thud!


Have you ever read the Principia Discordia? The true word of the Goddess is a far more interesting read than any boring book like the Bible or Quran. Plus, it's one of the shortest holy books around. After all, you'd expect a deity to have the ability to be concise. ^_^

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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I was raised Christian but have studied other religions, including Islam and Judaism.  From my experiences with people of these faiths, and reading the works themselves, I have come to my conclusion that I hate God and I will never worship a screwed up git as itself no matter how much It begs me to.



Most people just quit believing.

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I doubt there is one person in the average christian church who truly believes that god exists... Now give me a second to find my axe

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I doubt there is one person in the average christian church who truly believes that god exists... Now give me a second to find my axe


The things you folks say. This is just nuts. This is just as wrongminded, and frankly insulting, as when Christians say that true atheists don't exist. You might have a gut instinct on the issue, but you appear a little too hot headed on this issue. It mars your judgement.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I doubt there is one person in the average christian church who truly believes that god exists... Now give me a second to find my axe


How exactly do you figure that? :rolleyes: The entire concept of a religion like Christianity is the belief in a deity. Otherwise, you might as well be an atheist. Even deists believe in some kind of higher being. Now please, put the axe down...

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What i'm saying is that in the average church there's probably not a person who believes with all their heart and soul that in their time of need god will give them divine inspiriation. or as the WOD puts it, has true faith.


About the pledge I find that the main reason most people are opposed to the removal of the phrase is because they think the two words were there since the inital inception of the pledge. if you were to actually tell people and hammer it into their brains that the phrase wasn't origionally there i don't think there would be as much opposition.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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What i'm saying is that in the average church there's probably not a person who believes with all their heart and soul that in their time of need god will give them divine inspiriation. or as the WOD puts it, has true faith.


About the pledge I find that the main reason most people are opposed to the removal of the phrase is because they think the two words were there since the inital inception of the pledge. if you were to actually tell people and hammer it into their brains that the phrase wasn't origionally there i don't think there would be as much opposition.


Well, that's a far cry off from saying that they don't truly believe in God. Even still, I think you're making too many assumptions on that. Rare? Yes. Nonexistant? No.


I for one think it would be better if "under God" were removed. I don't like the course of action they are taking on it, though. Meaning: I don't appreciate them banning it entirely and taking away our constitutional right to say it.

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I for one think it would be better if "under God" were removed.  I don't like the course of action they are taking on it, though.  Meaning: I don't appreciate them banning it entirely and taking away our constitutional right to say it.



Uhm... what are you talking about? They're not forbidding anyone from saying "under God" by doing this. All they're saying is that having "under God" in an official, national pledge of allegiance violates the "seperation of church and state."


No one is stopping you from saying "under God."

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but the court ruled that the three districts couldn't lead the children into saying it because it would be too much like brainwashing.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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As far as belief goes... doubt isn't reserved for religious folks.


As far as the ruling, this is far from over. We don't know what's going to happen on this one. Don't be surprised either way.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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why is having washington or franklin present signifficant?  they spoke on such issues when they were alive and we has their quotes and more importantly we has history to tell us how they acted.  people say all kinds of crazy stuff, but you can see what they really believe by looking at how they act.


They may have spoken on an issue, that doesn't mean they covered it completely. Politicians have also been known to do strange things, like vote for something they thought was wrong and defend their decision. Thats not to say I believe the framers or founding fathers did this. Simply that people do crazy things, as you yourself said, thusly I don't really intend to debate intent.


as to your polls, we can show just as many polls that evidence that while people support the notion of separation o' church and state, not so many see it as meaning Wall of Separation.  just wait for christmas to roll around again and the nativity-scene-on-the-courthouse-lawn becomes an issue again.  see what the polss tell you 'bout what folks believe.


As the romans used to say, the public is a fickle mob. Generally speaking what I said was true, which was my point.


"It is the Court's duty to rule on what is legal or illegal based on current precedents and law. Congress has the ability to overturn a court's ruling (although the check is in very vague language). Too date they haven't, to my knowledge."




you got some strange notions... wrong notions.  regardless, legal precedent still got absolutely nopthing whatsoever to do with public opinion.


HA! Good Fun!


Public opinion thankfully doesn't control law, either. I don't see how my notions are wrong, either.


you cannot debate legal issues w/o intent. sorry, but it just ain't possible. try figure out the rule o' law divorced from considering what the author intended is a hopeless endeavour...


and yeah, the mob is fickle... which is exactly why the Court is not elected... so it need not be swayed or controlled by the mob. get off the fence ss. you can't have both ways.


oh, and yeah, you is wrong. takes an amendment for Congress to direct overturn a Court deciscion concerning interp of Constitution. texas v. johnson and the eichman cases is illustrative... and katzenbach v. morgan is not doispositive in this case as we ain't talking 'bout judicial interp of a federal law, but of the Constitution itself.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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you cannot debate legal issues w/o intent.  sorry, but it just ain't possible.  try figure out the rule o' law divorced from considering what the author intended is a hopeless endeavour...


Thats entirely possible, that doesn't mean I agree with it. I have no problem debating letter of the law rather than interpretation of intent.


and yeah, the mob is fickle... which is exactly why the Court is not elected... so it need not be swayed or controlled by the mob.  get off the fence ss.  you can't have both ways.


Eh? You've lost me here. How am I on the fence? I didn't say that the court should be swayed by public opinion. What I said was that most people tend to accept "seperation of church and state." That doesn't mean "the court should do what the people think." That'd be an instance of you misinterpreting my intent. ;)


The intent of my message was that since most people accept "seperation of church and state" that they shouldn't lobby congress for a law change, or even better that they should lobby and make it official.


oh, and yeah, you is wrong.  takes an amendment for Congress to direct overturn a Court deciscion concerning interp of Constitution.  texas v. johnson and the eichman cases is illustrative... and katzenbach v. morgan is not doispositive in this case as we ain't talking 'bout judicial interp of a federal law, but of the Constitution itself. 


HA! Good Fun!


How does this make me wrong? I said Congress has the power to overturn a court's decision, albeit in vague language.


Or do you mean I was wrong in that it never happened? Well sure. I thought I said I didn't know whether it'd happened before, not "its never happened, period."

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I doubt there is one person in the average christian church who truly believes that god exists... Now give me a second to find my axe

I like your style, but what were you gonna do with the axe? Decapitate God? :p



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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