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HK-47 in SW Galaxies game

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My PC can always be fixed though :thumbsup:

Sure it can. Can it fix itself though? Can it fix itself after being blown to bits?


Right. :huh:


As long as the Hard Drive survives, probably.


They should have HK-47 with a slower, underclocked processor, which makes him a less agile, less accurate killing machine. And have it so that that pisses him off more!!!

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Well they could have milked bastila by putting HK on Korribon and having force visions of her rather than Obi.


If you're responding to mine, Jags and Meta's posts, I think you missed the inside joke. :)"

I got it but I just decided to go for somthing a little less naughty....


And who want's to have an old fart telling you what you already know happened in the movies?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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My PC can always be fixed though :)

Sure it can. Can it fix itself though? Can it fix itself after being blown to bits?


Right. :p


As long as the Hard Drive survives, probably.

Let me get this straight. Your PC can fix itself? And it can do so after being destroyed by gunfire?


Wow, I would keep an eye on it. Skynet might try to take over the world, one of these days.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Let me get this straight. Your PC can fix itself? And it can do so after being destroyed by gunfire?


Wow, I would keep an eye on it. Skynet might try to take over the world, one of these days.


Hmmm, I guess it couldn't fix itself. But it can always be fixed. I bet HK though, could actually fix himself in some ways.

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Let me get this straight. Your PC can fix itself?

My PC can break itself. Either that or it's the little elves again. :unsure:


Genuinely self-repairing robots and other machines shouldn't be that far off if nanotechnology takes off. I know it's been very hyped, but give it a couple of decades...


Would HK-47 survive if he were shut down and jettisoned into space? Obviously he wouldn't rust - is there anything that would prevent him being perfectly preserved?

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Wasn't there a droid in the catacombs in the original KOTOR on Dantooine that was like 50,000 years old or something? It was like a guardian droid or something that oversaw the slave workers.


So I guess it is possible to have droids that functioned that long. Having said that, I see nothing wrong with capitalizing on the success of the KOTOR series. In fact I think it's a nice touch. It ties both series' together. And like Hades pointed out, Star Wars does belong to LA so they can do whatever they want with it. They would be stupid not to take advantage of a proven hit. I'll bet my bottom dollar that nearly all the people that are still playing SWG will be turning the black void of space red trying to turn up the HK quest, no matter how much they moan and complain about it.


It's no different than the prequels. Everyone complained about TPM and AOTC. Everyone talked about how they were aweful and terrible and how Lucas was an untalented hack that couldn't write or direct to save his life.


And then May of this year rolled around and every single one of those people that bemoaned the prequels were among the first in line to give ROTS one of the biggest openings in box office history. To date the movie has beat Return of the King to become the 7th highest grossing film of all time. So, not to repeat Hades, but if you don't like it, don't buy it.


For example, I have never played SWG and don't plan on it. I swear it seems like fanbois are not happy unless they have something to bitch about for bitching's sake. It's like a kneejerk reaction to all things.

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Let me get this straight. Your PC can fix itself?

My PC can break itself. Either that or it's the little elves again. :)


Genuinely self-repairing robots and other machines shouldn't be that far off if nanotechnology takes off. I know it's been very hyped, but give it a couple of decades...


Would HK-47 survive if he were shut down and jettisoned into space? Obviously he wouldn't rust - is there anything that would prevent him being perfectly preserved?

The most dangerous thing in space is the cosmic rays. They could (assuming HK-47 doesn't have a "cosmic ray shield" :unsure:) destroy programming (especially sensitive components) quite quickly, as well as possibly causing stress-fracture-type weaknesses, I would think.




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It looks like this won't be much of a joke anymore after all...






Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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Is it me, or does Darth Vader look like a small-headed shrimp in that image?

He does. We're used to him as this towering figure, dominating the screen. Here he looks like a receptionist.


This picture could work as one of the sense/perspective tests. Which is really bigger? Now watch them swap places...

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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On average, children of poeple with extreme heights tend to the median (so midgets have children taller than themselves).


Having said that, I remember a show that interviewed one of the tallest women in the world, and she had married a man over 6'5", and her child was about the size of a two-year old when it was born, prematurely!




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... Then again, we don't know the effect of midichlorians on growth factors; perhaps in ongoing generations it can cause burn out in the endochrine system, specifically the Growth Hormone becomes less effective ...




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