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Howdy. My PC is freezing while gaming (with heat being a possible and ironic cause), so I thought I'd give it a break and merely discuss gaming instead. In this case, K2's party members. What makes a character likeable is a subjective thing, I realize, but for some reason K2's characters were never as likeable as K1's were. I'd like to discuss why I think that is (I added a score to quantify my feelings about how well-developed I thought each character was).


I don't mean this as a bashing on K2, because I like it. But it has potential to be so much more. I want OE to succeed and become as big as Bioware, because there's not enough CRPGs of this ilk anymore. So I offer this insight in hopes it might help.


Kreia ~ 4/5 ~ Right from the start, the writers wanted her and the Exile to have a master-apprentice relationship. But it's obvious that she's hiding something, so most players no doubt harbored some sort of distrust for her. It's for that very reason that I never took her off the ship unless required (after Telos), which really shot the master-apprentice thing down. I thought her character would've been more compelling if she was more integral to the Exile's progress. She saved the Exile in the Jekk Jekk Tar and Korriban. A few more moments like that would've gone a long way in forcing the player to trust her and push the player towards a true master-apprentice relationship. This would make the player begin to question whether all that distrust is warranted, and that would've made her betrayal more impactful.


Atton ~ 3/5 ~ I admit, I didn't like him much at first because of his grating personality. And when I discovered that he used to kill Jedi, I hated him. Yet I trained him as a Jedi anyway, because I thought that's what the last Jedi he killed would've wanted. Eventually, I grew to like his character when I realized that's exactly what the developers wanted: a character you don't want to forgive, but you do want to give a chance at redemption. Unfortunately, there's no resolution. Was my decision to train him right? Did he become a force for good? Kreia's dialogue at the end seems to suggest he didn't. Either that's the resolution the writer's wanted, or they just didn't finish it. Neither is satisfying, IMO.


Bao-Dur ~ 2/5 ~ The tortured soul thing has been done before and better. He's too mild. If he truly regrets the destruction he wrought at Malachor V, make him show it. He could be self-destructive, he could hate himself, he could have righteous fury whenever he sees war being forced upon people (like Onderon). But as it is, we just get some dialogue here and there about how he still sees the ships, or somesuch. Desperately needs fleshing out.


Handmaiden ~ 5/5 ~ The only character I truly liked. She has her own personal conflicts due to curiosity about the Jedi, the death of her parents, the disgrace of her mother, and her oath to Atris. The player has to work (or fight) to gain her trust. She didn't withhold plot-specific information from the player just because you lack influence. I also found her naivety rather endearing (like on Nar Shadaa, when she didn't understand Atton's sarcasm about Visquis' trap). The only thing I didn't like was her reason for boarding the Ebon Hawk. She claims she was under orders from Atris, but every cutscene claims otherwise. Maybe I missed something there. Er... I suppose she looks good in a dancer's outfit too. :wub:


Disciple ~ Haven't used him yet. I think there's something here given the fact that he's tied to Carth, and I hear he used to be a padawan or something. But there is a lot of Disciple hating here.


Visas ~ 2/5 ~ One dialogue and suddenly your influence is maxed with her. Then she has nothing to say for the rest of the game until she forces herself on your party aboard the Ravager. I didn't romance her, so maybe she has more to say then? As it is, she comes off as a follower blinded (no pun intended) by the Exile's ability to draw Force sensitives, but IMO that's a plot device that can't replace real motivations. She obviously wants Nihilus destroyed, and so she wants to help the Exile. Is she angry? Vengeful? Anything? She was Sith at one point, but a LS Exile can make her turn good. How does she feel about that? What about her Sith teachings?


Mandalore ~ 2/5 ~ He has a purpose in the game's Dxun and Ravager quests, and he has a background that ties in with K1, but otherwise he's got nothing to say. He's a hired gun. Why did he think himself worthy of being the new Mandalore? He follows the Exile because he thinks the Exile will lead him to other Mandalorians he can use to strengthen his cause, but is it fitting for Mandalore to follow anyone?


T3 ~ 5/5 ~ Not sure if the writers meant to do this, but considering how he wasn't developed at all in K1, he (it?) comes off as having grown in AI in K2 from his experiences. He's this innocent little droid, yet he makes decisions that saved the Exile twice, and he's also withholding information about Revan. T3 is more lifelike than most of the other sentients.


HK-47 ~ 1/5 ~ Besides having some insight about Revan, HK didn't serve much of a purpose here. The cut HK factory and Malachor V confrontation with G0T0 really hurt. I wouldn't mind the meatbag joke so much if he didn't emphasize it as a punchline so much.


G0T0 ~ 1/5 ~ He's (it?) somewhat redeemed by his background (a haywire droid posing as an Exchange sentient), but there's nothing else of worth here. Why did he capture the Exile to save the galaxy, then claim that he can't let the Exile free? How did a droid amass so much power anyway? He had no purpose on the Ebon Hawk, no contributions to the grand scheme. His character would've been more convincing if he was more sinister, if he was rallying baddies without the Exile's knowledge (like Kreia did with Hanharr and Tobin).


Mira ~ 2/5 ~ If she's the best bounty hunter on Nar Shadaa, how did she so easily walk into Visquis' trap? I know, it was meant for the Exile, but you're telling me she didn't think her double-cross would get her in trouble? What purpose did she have following the Exile, beyond being drawn by the Exile's power? When you turn her into a Jedi, she says she's tired of running and being afraid. Since when did elite bounty hunters feel that way? She tells the Exile that he/she's her "bounty"... is she joking, or is she daft? Since when did "I'd like to talk for a moment" become a pickup line? She also talks too fast, but maybe that's too subjective.


Hanharr ~ 1/5 ~ What is he beside's a psycho Wookie? At least Mira can become a Jedi. If it was possible to talk to the fellow about his past, understand his rage, and either harness it or calm it, he'd be an interesting character. As it is, he's a hired gun.


all right... major waste-o-time there buddy if you want something to discuss about then why dont you got to tech help or shut off movies did u get the knew patch



not irony... irony will be like.... i dropped my key in the sink and i had a spare in my back pocket i am on the topic of what you posted.. what was your first sentance? eh?? i cant play because of my pc freezing it May not be your pc it can be how much memory or visuals try taking movies out

  BAO-DUR said:
not irony... irony will be like.... i dropped my key in the sink and i had a spare in my back pocket i am on the topic of what you posted.. what was your first sentance? eh?? i cant play because of my pc freezing it May not be your pc it can be how much memory or visuals try taking movies out

But if you read further than the first sentence you will find the rest of the thread is about the NPC's, so do like the man says and stay on topic


As for HK-47, Hanharr, and G0-T0, I strongly recommend you play DS work on their influence (Hanharr's can be done almost completely with his dialog) and hear their stories.


HK-47 was a bit frustrating, as it took me almost the whole mid-game with him in the party to get influence high enough to get all the way through his dialog, but it was worth it. He was much more satisfying in K1, though.


I disagree with you about Mira - I believe that subconsciously, she doesn't want to be a bounty hunter, but she just happens to be good at it, and it's all she really knows how to do, until you show her the force. Now, that said, going straight up to Visquis and hoping to collect on your bounty was a bit naive.


Some good points, I think.


Generally, I'd agree with you, and a lot of the lost potential seems to be lost in the cut content of the game :(


As for the characters themselves, I did like Visas, but you're right that she didn't have much to offer - she attacks and then instantly becomes your willing servant, and after one talk, it's all done and you can leave her to rot on the Ebon Hawk because there's nothing more to learn from her... They should have spread the information out more or have added things for Visas to say in specific situations. I would have liked for her to make lots of comments on Korriban given her connection to the Sith, for example, but nope - never a word...


By comparison Handmaiden is indeed more of a real character with lots of background and history. As to her reasons for being on the Ebon Hawk, I gather there was supposed to be a cutscene where Atris tells her to join the Exile's crew and spy on him (ony if Exile is male). The sound files can be found and heard if you have the pc version, if you want an estimate of what that scene would have been like. It's not a big revelation or anything, though.


As for the other characters, I don't agree with T3. Yes, he comes across as more interesting in K2 than in K1, but then he couldn't possibly have been less interesting than he was in the last game, and now he is interesting only because you are actually forced to play him several times and because he has secrets for you to unlock. I liked that they did that for most of the characters, but they probably should have given each and every character some time in the limelight, so that the there would be some character development. As it is, GOTO, HK-47 and Hanharr are all worthlessly forgettable characters, though they do at least have bonus abilities for the Exile to unlock. Mandalore is only slightly more interesting, but has no secrets - no reason to build influence with him at all - and, as you said, his motives for being in the group do not seem particularly compelling...


A lot of people hate Disciple. Not sure why, though. He's not a particularly interesting character, but at least he's a lot more useful than GOTO, T3, HK-47 or Hanharr, and he can be useful to regenerate force points with. He's not a favorite character, but I don't hate him either...


Atton was probably hurt a lot by the cut content as well, while Bao-Dur is entirely too quiet in his particular corner of the Ebon Hawk. Building influence with him is difficult - he will respond postively only to a few things - and otherwise he has very little to say. Even if you "jedify" him, the conversation is virtually non-existant... Bao-Dur should have been a means by which to let the Exile gradually revisit the horrors of Malachor instead of having it all just thrown right in your face by the mastes toward the end of the story, but they missed that option completely, and the bad pacing that results ends up as just bad storytelling - even though the plot is actually sound and interesting, at least to me, it just isn't told well...


These are some good points Kenelis, that's true.

But if you could post the stories of the NPC's of Kotor I what you like / didn't like in the same way as you did with the Kotor II characters to, then we could discuss something more I guess.

I mean, you say that you liked the characters from Kotor I better?! Prove it, please....

Master Vandar lives!


in my opinion, Visas and Bao-Dur are definitely under developed characters.


one covnersation with Visas and you've learned everything you can from her.


Bao-Dur on the other hand hardly ever says a word. and for all his anger over the mandalorian war, he seems like a very mellow and rather boring character


i suppose you could say the same for Atton (no god dammit, i DON'T want to play pazaak!), but at least you can get a story out of him

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!


Long-winded indeed :(

  kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.


So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds


I liked Jedi Sentinel Mira, especially when I give her a lightsaber to match her halter top...


Bao-Dur appears to be an unfinished character.

"Yes, General?"

"Never mind."

There should be more to talk about than never mind.


I think Atton and Disciple's underdevelopment would have been solved if the love story would have been more developed. I never did turn Atton into a Jedi, mostly because I really couldn't picture someone like him wielding a lightsaber and having some belonging to a different crowd than his blaster-jockey demeanor


G0-T0, few like him


Kreia, I'd've liked her more if she carried more of a master-apprentice relationship and she was less of a, if I may, backstabbing *****




  Coach C said:
Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.

Generally agree with everything said. I think you're spot on with T3, I loved him in KotOR II... I barely knew he was there in KotOR I.


Though I think Canderous was a lot more than a hired gun - he was very high up in the Mandalorian hierarchy and planned a lot of the battles for the Mandys during the wars. The "hired gun" persona was a big step down, as he constantly rambles in KotOR. I'd agree that he doesn't really appear to have much motive for following the character in K2- maybe he was just having Revan nostaligia... or realised that he couldn't remain Mandalore for long if he didn't build up his levels again.


Canderous does round up the Mandies on Nar Shaddaa and Dantooine




  Coach C said:
Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.

You're quite right Kenelis. The characters generally aren't well developed. There's a lot of missing information and most of them are simply dull and simple minded (Especially Visas which, like you said, is easy to gain influence with).


As opposed to K1's archetypal johndoes?

  kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.


So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds


it was good except WTF MALORE WAS THE BEST!!!!!!!!! He was that one dude that Help revan outta Taris [i FOrGot his name] he was great i mean I hated him at first but then when i had to choose 3 ppl to go to Freedon Nadds Tomb i mean he was prolly the best Pickup for me cuz i mean hes good was Darkside so i gave him that on Spear thing that only Dsider can use

If you mess wit the Best,........


You Will Die Like the Rest




at least all the architypes were taken out in full, In K2 you had architypes with only have of the type working... If you can understand that you get a brownie

@Dawuss: Candy doesn't give you anything for collecting them so theres really no point.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

  kenelis said:
Kreia ~ 4/5 ~ Right from the start, the writers wanted her and the Exile to have a master-apprentice relationship. But it's obvious that she's hiding something, so most players no doubt harbored some sort of distrust for her. It's for that very reason that I never took her off the ship unless required (after Telos), which really shot the master-apprentice thing down. I thought her character would've been more compelling if she was more integral to the Exile's progress. She saved the Exile in the Jekk Jekk Tar and Korriban. A few more moments like that would've gone a long way in forcing the player to trust her and push the player towards a true master-apprentice relationship. This would make the player begin to question whether all that distrust is warranted, and that would've made her betrayal more impactful.


IMO, she was a 5/5 if there ever was one. She was the deepest and most fleshed out NPC in either game. Sure, it was obvious early on who she was (especially if you got that cutscene with her, Sion and Nihilus), but she was fleshed out enough that you weren't 100% sure of her reasons for doing what she was.


Atton ~ 3/5 ~ I admit, I didn't like him much at first because of his grating personality. And when I discovered that he used to kill Jedi, I hated him. Yet I trained him as a Jedi anyway, because I thought that's what the last Jedi he killed would've wanted. Eventually, I grew to like his character when I realized that's exactly what the developers wanted: a character you don't want to forgive, but you do want to give a chance at redemption. Unfortunately, there's no resolution. Was my decision to train him right? Did he become a force for good? Kreia's dialogue at the end seems to suggest he didn't. Either that's the resolution the writer's wanted, or they just didn't finish it. Neither is satisfying, IMO.


I'd go with 4/5. His story and reasons for hating the Jedi are fleshed out, and his impact in the game is pretty high. You're right in that he'd probably have been a bigger impact had the cut content not been cut, but overall I thought he was a good character.


Bao-Dur ~ 2/5 ~ The tortured soul thing has been done before and better. He's too mild. If he truly regrets the destruction he wrought at Malachor V, make him show it. He could be self-destructive, he could hate himself, he could have righteous fury whenever he sees war being forced upon people (like Onderon). But as it is, we just get some dialogue here and there about how he still sees the ships, or somesuch. Desperately needs fleshing out.


I agree with this score if for no other reason than he's so difficult to influence and IMO, didn't really add much to the story. His main part, the Mass Shadow Generator on Malachor V, seemed to be underplayed, mainly because of the whole uncertainty over the remote-GoTo confrontation. But mainly due to his lack of conversion.


Handmaiden ~ 5/5 ~ The only character I truly liked. She has her own personal conflicts due to curiosity about the Jedi, the death of her parents, the disgrace of her mother, and her oath to Atris. The player has to work (or fight) to gain her trust. She didn't withhold plot-specific information from the player just because you lack influence. I also found her naivety rather endearing (like on Nar Shadaa, when she didn't understand Atton's sarcasm about Visquis' trap). The only thing I didn't like was her reason for boarding the Ebon Hawk. She claims she was under orders from Atris, but every cutscene claims otherwise. Maybe I missed something there. Er... I suppose she looks good in a dancer's outfit too.  :thumbsup:


I'd give her a 4/5. Like Atton, she had a great backstory, and was a pretty interesting character. But she wasn't as fleshed out as Kreia, so she wasn't perfect, IMO. Thus I can't give her a 5/5.


Disciple ~ Haven't used him yet. I think there's something here given the fact that he's tied to Carth, and I hear he used to be a padawan or something. But there is a lot of Disciple hating here.


I'd give him a 3/5. He's a good character, but much too easy to influence and while his backstory is good, it's more a backstory about the republic, and the Jedi's place in it. Not to mention he's restricted to female PC, and I'm not a big fan of playing as a female PC.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

at least all the architypes were taken out in full, In K2 you had architypes with only have of the type working...


Yep, that's how I feel about K1 vs. K2, even in regards to the story. K1 was almost childishly simple beyond the plot twist. I mean "evil guy has big weapon and you have to find it" has been done before. But it was engaging, for what it was. K2 had a story with gobs of potential, but it was presented in such a way that loses most players, at least until you've played it 3 or 4 times. Or viewed these forums. I'd rather have a Coke than a bad margarita, but that's just me.


I mean, you say that you liked the characters from Kotor I better?! Prove it, please....


I know, this is all subjective...


Carth ~ For a war hero, I thought he was a bit too touchy-feely at first, but that's what made his character compelling IMO. He's strong enough to deal with the loss of his family, lost his trust of people, downright argumentative if you call him on it, but given time he grows to trust you. But the fact that he isn't afraid to speak about his feelings is the best part, a change of pace for lead males in games. They portrayed him as an effective leader: willing to put Bastila in her place, yet caring about his troops like when he expresses concern over Mission after Taris is carpet bombed. I like the fact that he's fighting for the Republic, but through it all he eventually admits that vengeance comes first. I never managed to trigger the Dustil quest though.


Bastila ~ She comes off as this idealistic holier-than-thou Jedi at first, but as the game progresses and you presumably gain her trust (presumed because there's no influence), she starts to admit her reliance on you, her doubts about the Jedi masters' sending the two of you off on a seemingly impossible quest, and that she actually has strong feelings about her mother and father. Archetypal "strong outside weak inside" character, but I thought it was effective for K1 because she personifies what's wrong with the Jedi order in that there's too much Vulcan suppression of emotion, and beneath the barrier is a real person. For male Revans, the fact that mutual feelings can save her casts even more doubt about Jedi preachings. My main gripe is how they didn't give adequate reason for her to fall. What I would've liked to see is Bastila blame the Jedi council for sending her on this foolish quest that got her captured and tortured, blame them for being too weak to face Malak themselves. So in the end, she snaps because of the adage "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em".


Mission ~ One of my favorite characters, believe it or not. She's spunky, as she demonstrates in the initial cantina cutscene, and remember it was her who tried to save Zaalbar when they first met. Whereas the Carth's and Juhani's whine all day about their misery, Mission comes off as the strongest character mentally, hurt by the Taris bombing but refusing to let it bother her for the quest. Through it all, she's still just a kid growing up, as evidenced by her idealistic portrayal of Griff until she finally sees him again. Whether it's because she's a kid, or because she's so sure of herself, she isn't at all phased by the revelation that you're Revan. The only flaw is she doesn't have much to say after the Griff thing. I would love to see a grown-up mission in K3.


Zaalbar ~ Among the worst characters in both games. If he's to become the future leader of the Wookies, they seriously needed to give him some dialogue. On the upside, he actually has some interjections if you take him off the ship. Unfortunately, he never gives you a reason to.


T3 ~ Pretty much a mindless droid.


HK-47 ~ Loved him, a psychopathic droid with mysteries even he can't unlock, and it's these mysteries that make him compelling, if not out of curiosity than for self-preservation, because HK really had me wondering whether he would snap and turn on me (a la Ignus in PST). Among the most unique characters I've seen in a game.


Jolee ~ I really grew fond of him as the game progressed, because he's this grumpy old man who is admitting and unapologetic about it. I like how his stories about himself doubled as foreshadowing for your character. He always gives you the sense that he's not a loony old bat coming for the ride, and that he knows more than he lets on, and that gets confirmed when he admits he knew you were Revan all along. He was at one point training to be a Jedi, so when it comes right down to it and the galaxy is on the line, he loses the neutrality to fight for what's right. Not sure if the writers really feel this way, but Jolee and Kreia seem to show that there is no true neutral, at least in Star Wars.


Juhani ~ An interesting character, a redeemed dark jedi who still struggles with her past, and is still in danger of falling. I never managed to trigger the last part of her slaver quest, so I wonder, does she actually go back to the DS if you let her unleash her rage? If so, she's a great character. My main gripe is that she's just too whiny. Every dialogue with her she's whining about her past. She needs a lesson from Mission in inner strength.


Canderous ~ He's a hired gun in the game, but that's pretty much what he was supposed to be. His main contributions are his stories, giving a lot of insight about the Mandalorian Wars. Come to think of it, he was a bit too articulate for a warrior, wasn't he?


I'd give her a 4/5. Like Atton, she had a great backstory, and was a pretty interesting character. But she wasn't as fleshed out as Kreia, so she wasn't perfect, IMO. Thus I can't give her a 5/5.


The reason I scored Handmaiden higher than Kreia is because her character is most well-developed for her role. Kind of like how Sith battle armor isn't the best armor, but it's great for what it is and when you get it. Kreia was exceedlingly "deep", but could've been done better IMO. But I'm giving up the scoring now, it's probably not fair.


Before this thread derails, the main reason for my post, besides hoping to help OE understand one player's POV, is to discuss K2 characters and questions like these: did Kreia have a proper master-apprentice relationship with the Exile, or did the Exile just keep her around because of the bond? Was the purpose for Atton's Jedi training redemption, and if so was he redeemed? How did G0T0 amass so much power in so short a time, was he truly part of the Exchange, and if so why would such a powerful organization let a droid run the show in that sector?


Oh, and also to get some insight from the esteemed posters of this forum to help me understand these characters better. :lol:

Visas ~ 2/5 ~ One dialogue and suddenly your influence is maxed with her. Then she has nothing to say for the rest of the game until she forces herself on your party aboard the Ravager. I didn't romance her, so maybe she has more to say then? As it is, she comes off as a follower blinded (no pun intended) by the Exile's ability to draw Force sensitives, but IMO that's a plot device that can't replace real motivations. She obviously wants Nihilus destroyed, and so she wants to help the Exile. Is she angry? Vengeful? Anything? She was Sith at one point, but a LS Exile can make her turn good. How does she feel about that? What about her Sith teachings?


3/5 for me. Her character starts off great and has an interesting past and why she became who she became, but the dialogue seems to end much too quickly and she doesn't really have much to add. Being able to sacrifice her was neat though.


Mandalore ~ 2/5 ~ He has a purpose in the game's Dxun and Ravager quests, and he has a background that ties in with K1, but otherwise he's got nothing to say. He's a hired gun. Why did he think himself worthy of being the new Mandalore? He follows the Exile because he thinks the Exile will lead him to other Mandalorians he can use to strengthen his cause, but is it fitting for Mandalore to follow anyone?


1/5. I just felt he was almost a waste of a character. Had the gathering of the Mandalorian clans been an actual sidequest and had more depth to it, he might have been interesting. But as it was, I felt he was so much less interesting than in K1.


T3 ~ 5/5 ~ Not sure if the writers meant to do this, but considering how he wasn't developed at all in K1, he (it?) comes off as having grown in AI in K2 from his experiences. He's this innocent little droid, yet he makes decisions that saved the Exile twice, and he's also withholding information about Revan. T3 is more lifelike than most of the other sentients.


3.5/5. He was much improved from K1, actually having something to say this time. But other than the occasional mission, and the holograms he had stored in him, plus his ability to upgrade stuff, I didn't really use him much.


HK-47 ~ 1/5 ~ Besides having some insight about Revan, HK didn't serve much of a purpose here. The cut HK factory and Malachor V confrontation with G0T0 really hurt. I wouldn't mind the meatbag joke so much if he didn't emphasize it as a punchline so much.


2/5. I enjoyed his insight into Revan, and his comments still cracked me up, but with the HK factory gone, so too was a big chunk of what would have made him better. I thought he was better in K1.


G0T0 ~ 1/5 ~ He's (it?) somewhat redeemed by his background (a haywire droid posing as an Exchange sentient), but there's nothing else of worth here. Why did he capture the Exile to save the galaxy, then claim that he can't let the Exile free? How did a droid amass so much power anyway? He had no purpose on the Ebon Hawk, no contributions to the grand scheme. His character would've been more convincing if he was more sinister, if he was rallying baddies without the Exile's knowledge (like Kreia did with Hanharr and Tobin).


3/5. As a party member, I didn't like him. I didn't think he added much to the party. But as a story-driven NPC, I thought his backstory was interesting. I thought he'd have been better off as just another non-party NPC, like Vogga or Vaklu since most of his backstory is more game related than character related.


Mira ~ 2/5 ~ If she's the best bounty hunter on Nar Shadaa, how did she so easily walk into Visquis' trap? I know, it was meant for the Exile, but you're telling me she didn't think her double-cross would get her in trouble? What purpose did she have following the Exile, beyond being drawn by the Exile's power? When you turn her into a Jedi, she says she's tired of running and being afraid. Since when did elite bounty hunters feel that way? She tells the Exile that he/she's her "bounty"... is she joking, or is she daft? Since when did "I'd like to talk for a moment" become a pickup line? She also talks too fast, but maybe that's too subjective.


4/5. I liked her. I liked the wrist rockets. I also liked her backstory and why she became a bounty hunter, and why she does the bounty hunting the way she does. But again, not a 5/5 because she wasn't as fleshed out as Kreia (who serves as my basis for giving out a 5).


Hanharr ~ 1/5 ~ What is he beside's a psycho Wookie? At least Mira can become a Jedi. If it was possible to talk to the fellow about his past, understand his rage, and either harness it or calm it, he'd be an interesting character. As it is, he's a hired gun.


4/5. Yes, I liked him that much. I thought he was awesome in combat, and once you get his entire backstory, you start to feel sorry for him and realize he's not as big a monster as he first appears. Plus I compare him to Zaalbar, which makes him that much more interesting.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


I broke my post down into two since the quote function seems to go nuts when there are too many quotes within one post. :lol:

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

Bao-Dur ~ 2/5 ~ The tortured soul thing has been done before and better. He's too mild. If he truly regrets the destruction he wrought at Malachor V, make him show it. He could be self-destructive, he could hate himself, he could have righteous fury whenever he sees war being forced upon people (like Onderon). But as it is, we just get some dialogue here and there about how he still sees the ships, or somesuch. Desperately needs fleshing out.
I would tend to agree with this score. Too bad some things with him were never fully explored. He was a character that had a history with you, something that the developers could have capitalize on but didn't.


Mandalore ~ 2/5 ~ He has a purpose in the game's Dxun and Ravager quests, and he has a background that ties in with K1, but otherwise he's got nothing to say. He's a hired gun. Why did he think himself worthy of being the new Mandalore? He follows the Exile because he thinks the Exile will lead him to other Mandalorians he can use to strengthen his cause, but is it fitting for Mandalore to follow anyone?



Another one gone to waste since he could have fleshed out a lot of information on Revan but ended up being a tag along.


I agree with the poster here, the characters are all somewhat lacking. One of the many things I loved about KOTOR 1 was the the feeling of cammaradarie I had with my companions. When playing DS I loved charging round the galaxy with my Mandalorian buddy Canderous (when you go to Tatooine fo the fight between him and the other Mandalorian It really feels like your almost Brothers in arms), and as for HK it was great having my own personal assassin droid who just wanted to blast anyone who annoyed me.


Light side was just as great with Jollee Bindo (this guy is one of the best video game characters ever) and his grumpy old man exterior that just cant hide how much heart the guy actually has.


None of the characters in KOTOR 2 made me feel any kind of chemistry with them and that was quite dissapointing.


You made some strong arguements Nerellis. And Bao-Dur, learn some friggin grammar before u decide to pointlessly rip anothers post.


There were some characters in both games that I used alot because they were awesome in combat, but not necessarily likeable or interesting. Examples of this are Zaalbar and Visas.


I think the biggest problem with the transfer of HK-47 from KotOR I to II was the fact that his background and opinions had been changed...


KotOR HK-47 on Malak: "He was brutal and efficient for an organic. I rather liked him."


TSL HK-47 on Malak: "His meatbag apprentice was more like an angry club. He was also given to grandiose displays of brutality and murder that seemed inefficient and in many cases unnecessary."


I guess he says "seemed" inefficient, but it still sticks out for me.


Similarly, he went down from being fluent in 6000 forms of communication to 600... for whatever reason and the story of his creation clashes with the background given in KotOR I. Maybe he's just lying to the Exile...


HK-47 fought Mandalore and lost. TSL has it that Hk-47 was created after the start of the Jedi Civil War. TSL also makes it clear that Canderous is first Mandalore since the one that was killed in the Mandalorian Wars... :(


Sure HK said, "You created me shortly after you and your apprentice began your war to conquer the galaxy" - which was a mistake within KotOR 1, yet it was still open to interpretation and that "war" could have started anywhere during the Mandalorian Wars, when Revan and Malak adopted the Sith ways. Also, the Wizards of the Coast stats for HK-47 state that he was created to communicate with the Sand People specifically - even TSL references this, yet it still has it that HK-47 was created "Shortly after the start of the Jedi Civil War" - this was after Mandalore was dead and after the Star Forge had been found.


And Tabori's delivery seemed somewhat.. off - there was more...(emotion?) It seemed too hammed up. I don't know... he just had a more "droid-like" and naturally hilarious tone in the first, in the second he grated.


God, if I keep this level of nitpicking up I'm going to shoot myself... failing that I'm sure one of you guys will do it for me.

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