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you can find out what he really thought about you when you talk to the droid right when you walk out of the Ebon Hawk.


Yes, and that was actually rather revealing. I mean, just listen to how he not only disagrees but even scolds Master Vandar for daring to have a different opinion - how dare he not agree with Vrook!!! ;)

What i dont get is that Vandar in K1 is Yodas species but he doesn't talk backwards.


Does the entire species talk like Yoda, though? I can't remember a mention of how Yaddle spoke.


As for Vrook, it appeared he wasn't even that talented a Jedi. He just seemed to be the strict disciplinarian, but the other Jedi Masters just kept him around for fun.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

He's good as a diplomat...

Perhaps you were playing with the sound turned off? :D


Really, the arrogance of the man is enough to start a dozen wars if he were ever let near any kind of peace negotiations. Could anyone so skilled at getting people's backs up succeed as a diplomat?


(I don't like Vrook.)


The problem is that he just doesn't listen and isn't capable of empathising with the person he's speaking to. It's not a flaw in the game that his response doesn't change according to your words; he's just like that. Everything goes through his holier-than-thou Jedi aural filter to reinforce his prejudices and blinkered outlook.


(I really quite dislike Vrook, in fact.)

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

He's good as a diplomat...

Perhaps you were playing with the sound turned off? :D


Heh. Also helps not to read the text... ;)" :D


Really, the arrogance of the man is enough to start a dozen wars if he were ever let near any kind of peace negotiations.  Could anyone so skilled at getting people's backs up succeed as a diplomat?


Yes, I tend to agree. Vrook may be a decent jedi, but if I were on the council, he'd be about the last I'd sent to settle a dispute somewhere - two seconds and he'd be scolding everyone in sight for not behaving strictly according to the superior nature of the jedi code or some such - wars start that way...


Still, it might also work the opposite way, in that all the quarrelling parties can at least agree that they have their disgust of his superior and arrogant attitude in common :p


I sort of do like Vrook, but only as the grumpy and rediculous old man that nobody can really take seriously. To me he's just like Water Matthau in "Grumpy Old Men". He's just that silly and stupid.


The problem is that he just doesn't listen and isn't capable of empathising with the person he's speaking to.  It's not a flaw in the game that his response doesn't change according to your words; he's just like that.  Everything goes through his holier-than-thou Jedi aural filter to reinforce his prejudices and blinkered outlook.


Yup. Everything else just gets vowen into his flawed perception of things and only serve to confirm his high opinion of himself. I mean, this guy won't even listen to what other masters have to say... :)


Actually he constantly tells you to avert war and only participates in conflict as the last resort. He didn't want to make war with the Mandos, and he didn't want to bring war to Khoonda and tried to persue peace. Revan and the Exile are the arrogant ones who went to war. The Councilers were just humble people dedicated to following their code.


Despite the fact that he is what many would consider "mean", he isn't war-like and brutal. It's true that he is a little rough around the edges during conflict, but I would refer to him as strict since being mean normally revolves around mindless cruelty, he just acts roughly as a form of encouragement and to reprimind those around him. He is "mean" in the same way that Kreia is "mean". They are just harsh instructors.


Btw, Vrook is also the only master stupid enough to actually reveal the truth of Revan's identity right in from of the player when meeting the council on Dantooine in K1. Note how long this is before Bastila and Malak reveals the truth - it's while they're discussing whether or not to train you...


Vandar: "Many of our own pupils are leaving the Jedi order to follow the Sith teachings, we need recruits to stand against Malak! With Revan dead..."


Vrook: "Are you certain Revan is truly dead? What if we undertake to train this one, and the Dark Lord should return?"


Great, Vrook - you just spilled the beans.... :)

He is "mean" in the same way that Kreia is "mean". They are just harsh instructors.


Kreia has been known to toss some compliments your way from time to time. What does it say about Vrook when he's more critical of you than the head of the Sith academy? :wub:"


I was hoping Vandar would do a Episode II and III Yoda, whip out his lightsaber and cut Vrook in half.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

"You've come all this way, you deserve to know some answers."

only so that he can try and strip you of the force later. <_<



That whole thing was just the plot petering out just to end itself. Individually all the Masters seemed to think highly of you when your lightside to a degree, then after talking it over they suddenly find you too dangerous to remain connected to the force when you're infact the only one who isn't apathetic. The sith and the Jedi hide from each other, and only the Exile and Nihilus dare to strike either side in the open. Without the Exile, Telos would be sucked of all life by Nihilus and no one could stop him. I don't pretend to fully comprehend how the fact that he is a wound in the force makes him too dangerous but it could be over looked after all since the Exile had the power to fight the sith threat.


The whole ordeal didn't turn out the way I would have liked because I thought the Jedi would have finally done something.

That whole thing was just the plot petering out just to end itself. Individually all the Masters seemed to think highly of you when your lightside to a degree, then after talking it over they suddenly find you too dangerous to remain connected to the force when you're infact the only one who isn't apathetic. The sith and the Jedi hide from each other, and only the Exile and Nihilus dare to strike either side in the open. Without the Exile, Telos would be sucked of all life by Nihilus and no one could stop him.


Yes, but you can't blame the masters for not acting at that point - they were a bit dead at the time...


I don't pretend to fully comprehend how the fact that he is a wound in the force makes him too dangerous but it could be over looked after all since the Exile had the power to fight the sith threat.


It's because the Exile has done something that is unprecedented - he has created a "wound" inside the force itself and defied the very will of the force. The masters are shocked that this is even possible - how can you wound the force? And if you can wound it, what else can you do? Can you kill it?


If you can, then what would happen? Where would the jedi and sith get their powers from? Or if the Force is life, then wouldn't all life die?


Those are the questions that concern the masters, and they decide that it's simply too great a risk to take. Now that the Exile has regained access to the force, he has become inherently destructive to it, because his own connection to it is still severed - he has access only by siphoning force from others through his force bonds - like a leech or a parasite, he drains the force from others around him, and his natural abilities as a leader makes others agree to this willingly - he effectively makes them submit to it through his power of the force.


But his unique abilities could be a great danger. What if he created another wound? Maybe a much greater wound? Maybe he could hurt or even kill the force itself. The consequences if that were to happen are beyond imagination, so rather than take any risk, the masters decide to sever the connection once and for all, so that the danger ceases.


They were willing to let the Exile go free a decade before, because they thought he had lost all connection to the force when he cut himself off from it. But they've come to see that they were wrong, and that he can still use and affect the force through his force bonding abilities with others. So they want to cut him off completely and thereby seal the wound once and for all, before the Exile can do more damage. They actually don't know how much of a threat his ability is to the force, but they decide that the risk of him doing more harm to the force is too great. So yes, they act out of fear of what could happen, and not out of knowledge.


Kreia feels the opposite. She hates the force. She hates the will of the force and how manipulates and controls people - makes them do what it wants them to. Perhaps she hates it because she feels wronged by it and perhaps because it's a greater manipulator than she is. Either way, she finds the Exile beautiful, because he does not submit to the will of the force - he can reject and defy its will, and even hurt it when it tries to exert its will over him. He did that on Malachor V, when the force tried to tell him to embrace the dark side - it dictated to him that after all the horrors he had seen, he had to embrace the dark side like all the other jedi who turned there. All those who did not die on Malachor had to submit to the dark side of the force. But the Exile didn't - he rejected his fate and the will of the force, and when the force tried to exert its will over him, he cut himself off from it, wounding the force, rather than accept its will. It is not something he was supposed to be able to do, but he did it anyway, and it demonstrates a unique ability in him.


Note something Kreia says. She says it about Nihilus' power to drain worlds of life, but it applies just as much (if not more) to the Exile:


Kreia: "It is a technique that is almost as old as the Sith themselves... it is a means of severing connections between life, the Force, and feeding upon the death it causes.It cannot be taught... it can only be gained through instinct, through experiencing its effects, first-hand."


This is precisely what the Exile did. He severed his connection to life and the force and then feeds on the death it causes. He never learned to do this anywhere - he gained the ability through instinct from the horrors he experienced on Malachor V. The trouble is that for a decade the Exile didn't even realize himself that he could do this.


Kreia did, however, and she marvels at the ability, because *finally* someone can defy the will of the force, refuse the destiny it sets for all. Atris tells us that she intends to kill the force itself. Kreia sees the force as a dark, uncaring god that coldly uses people in its constant struggle between the light and the dark, imposing its will upon them and using them with no concern for their suffering.


I'm not so convinced that Kreia actually wants to kill the force, but she does want to expose it as this dark god, and threatening to kill it is the only way she can make others listen to her philosophy. She doesn't care that the Exile kills her, because by even trying to stop her, he proves her point about the Force - if she wasn't right, then he wouldn't need to stop her in the first place.


I'd be like Vrook. Old, grouchy and pick on the n00b Jedi.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

that doesn't sound Star Wars'y to me. Seriously ( i know they do but thats implied.) iv never seen a jedi mention using the bathroom.


[You have gained a new power Bladder Control] Kriea: Some Jedi can go for days, years without going to the bathroom.









you bastard!!! I laughed so hard at that that my eyes watered...I only laugh so hard that I tear up once or twice a month...


It's funny because I can imagine that...Kreia saying that...

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