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I'm at a point where I think I might be able to turn Handmaiden into a Jedi, the only problem is, I think I have to beat her in the Echani dueling. I got a conversation with her, in which she indicated she might let me train her to be a Jedi but only after I beat her in the dueling?? Problem is I'm a freaking Jedi Counseler and have almost no meele power. I was able to beat her right in the beginning one time but after that, in the second dueling where I can use meele weapons ( no lightsabers), she kicks my butt every single time. If I'm lucky I get her to half of her health but that's it.


So is this the only way to turn her into a Jedi, to duel her, or if I continue to influence her, I will eventually get the option to turn her into a Jedi? I already influenced her to full light side.


Yeah, you must prove her to be a real man by ta... eh, beating her :lol:


But you already passed the hardest part: the first fight. Now build yourself a hell of a blade and defeat her again. Remember, some blades have a built-in feature called melee weapon finesse, which lets you add your DEX modier to your attack rolls (helps if you have a high DEX). Just make a blade (with some help from Bao-Dur or T3) that gives you high attack and damage rolls and use flurry for two attacks per round. Wear any equipment (except armor) that also helps you (extra STR, DEX, feats, ...) and make sure she doesn't. You will beat her.


If everything else fails, reload and don't level her up until you've beaten her three times.


You can get to L18 pretty quickly, if you do Korriban or Dxun first.


On Dxun, when the Sith start invading the Mandalorian camp, they will continually respawn, and you can keep killing them, as long as you don't go near Mandalore's office. They're actually pretty tough, but they're worth good experience. Having Force Kill really helps.


On Korriban, you can keep searching the dead Jedi's corpse and spawning Hssiss.

On Dxun, when the Sith start invading the Mandalorian camp,

they will continually respawn, and you can keep killing them, as long as you don't go near Mandalore's office.



I didn't know that!



How near do you have to be Mandalore's "office" :thumbsup: till they stop respawning??? Do you have to stay near the sparring pit, or can you go to the other side ?


On Dxun, when the Sith start invading the Mandalorian camp,

they will continually respawn, and you can keep killing them, as long as you don't go near Mandalore's office.



I didn't know that!



How near do you have to be Mandalore's "office" :thumbsup: till they stop respawning??? Do you have to stay near the sparring pit, or can you go to the other side ?


I'd give it about as wide a berth as possible, since you don't need to get really close at all for the last group to spawn. Keeping distance isn't the problem, though. No, the problem is that your companions tend to rush into battle and get them to spawn.


And yes, they'll do so even if set them to ranged or jedi support, since they'll hunt down enemies when the current opposition goes down, and that invariably brings them too close to Mandalore's office.


My advice is to drop any and all companions and let the Exile fight the battle alone. Power levels shouldn't be a huge problem, since they'll be based off your own level, and in any event, you can always stay close to the Mandalorian soldiers or even turn and run to them if things turn against you. That said, I did play a high level (15 or so) sentinel when I did that part, so I'm sure about lower levels, but since it's based off your level, I doubt it'll be a huge problem. Funny thing, btw, since I was so high level, the final group was a push-over compared to the spawning Sith... :ermm:


If you're playing lightside, I advice the spawning Sith on Dxun to the Hsiss on Korriban, since your force power doesn't regenerate right on Korriban (something to do with the area's connection to the dark side), and you'll want to heal your wounds, since Hsiss pack quite a punch - even with a powerful Exile that can finish off two Hsiss in a few attacks, you'll still take a lot of damage, so keep that in mind.

How to turn Handmaiden


On Korriban have the Exile bite the Handmaiden and then make sure to select the option where Handmaiden feeds on the Exile's blood or she won't be turned fully.

My advice is to drop any and all companions and let the Exile fight the battle alone. Power levels shouldn't be a huge problem, since they'll be based off your own level, and in any event, you can always stay close to the Mandalorian soldiers or even turn and run to them if things turn against you. That said, I did play a high level (15 or so) sentinel when I did that part, so I'm sure about lower levels, but since it's based off your level, I doubt it'll be a huge problem. Funny thing, btw, since I was so high level, the final group was a push-over compared to the spawning Sith...  :thumbsup:



One other note... If you get to L18, and want to make Handmaiden a Jedi, but don't want to leave for Onderon just yet, talk to the gate guard, and "warp" back to the Ebon Hawk. Then talk to her in the cargo hold.

I'd give it about as wide a berth as possible, since you don't need to get really close at all for the last group to spawn. Keeping distance isn't the problem, though. No, the problem is that your companions tend to rush into battle and get them to spawn.




So as long as I dont enter the office or go near the door, they should keep respawning?



Strange what you mentioned about the Hissis though, when I played as a weaponmaster , my force points did regenerate in that particular roomb :)

How to turn Handmaiden


On Korriban have the Exile bite the Handmaiden and then make sure to select the option where Handmaiden feeds on the Exile's blood or she won't be turned fully.


Flatus, that's just sick... :)




"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

How to turn Handmaiden


On Korriban have the Exile bite the Handmaiden and then make sure to select the option where Handmaiden feeds on the Exile's blood or she won't be turned fully.


Flatus, that's just sick... :x





Only if you're darkside and you select "Vampire" as prestige class :)

"I tried the most potent Noise Amplification spell once upon a time. Mavellous spell. I could hear the birds speaking to one another in trees over the horizon, I could hear the rustlings as the clouds rubbed against each other in the sky. I could hear the sound a rainbow makes as it arches it's back over the world. Then a dog barked behind me and I burst my left eardrum."


There is also a mostly-cheating way to beat Handmaiden easily. If you go to your inventory on the Ebon Hawk you can also cycle through the inventories of your companions. (by pressing the black button if you're playing X-Box). So right after the fight starts you go to Handmaiden's inventory, switch out the sword she's using, and replace it with a mining laser. Naturally she can't hit squat with it, and it does virtually no damage even if she does, so you wail on her with your sword and that's that.


Again, it's pretty much cheating, but if you're desperate you can do this.


I once did something like that but she hitting like she was using melee...

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

How to turn Handmaiden


On Korriban have the Exile bite the Handmaiden and then make sure to select the option where Handmaiden feeds on the Exile's blood or she won't be turned fully.

how about the Exile gives her some spanking, that'll turn her. :ermm: :D

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