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A KOTOR 2 romour

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SWkotOR2 rumors started with the Xbox magazine ... I suposed its because decent Xbox games are few and they are not without making baseless rumors to prevent people to sell their Crapbox and buy another console, like the Playstation 2.


OE was involved when BioWare denied (not that maters much, BioWare staff are liers and I dont remenber the company making a public statement) and OE talked about partnership with BioWare.


Its even less based that FF remakes rumors of some time ago when they mistaken on of Square staff comments bout wanting to remake FF VII and VIII as Square making the remakes, Square did publicly deny such rumors.

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Since the first game's title, Knights of the Old Republic, was taken from Tales of the Jedi Volume 1, the second game should follow the trend and call itself Dark Lords of the Sith


You didn't really think BioWare made up the name did you? :lol: Of course the stories were different.


MCA as lead designer of KOTOR2? I'd be there. It's not a given but more classes allowed for class creation, not being forced into being a Jedi necessarily and more skills and feats would be all good additions to the game.

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Well seeing as KoTOR is quickly dethroning Fallout 2 as my all time favorite game... I guess I'm a bit biased.



I never thought I would live to see this day.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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Sorry ;)


I base this on my own personal enjoyment.


On the Bartle scale I'm more an Explorer/Socializer than anything else.


Fallout 2 (greatly) appealed to the explorer in me.

KoTOR really appeals to the socializer in me. I love the character interactions and NPC interactions and the fact "everyone" has something to "say" :)


Mix that with the fact that KoTOR has my new all time favorite character (HK-47! :D) and I just can't seem to help myself :)


Of course, in the end it'll depend on replayability... At the least I can play KoTOR one more time (Darkside)... Compare that to the fact I played Fallout 2 probably 10 times and still can't get bored... I dunno :) The opinion might change back.

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I haven't finished KotOR and I am already bored with it, I got my dark side mojo maxed but everyone treats me like I am some puswha litesider.


The game is boring, I would like to see KotOR2 more along the lines of JA type combat with a deus ex type PC advancement

Let's keep the T&A in FanTAsy


***Posting delayed, user on moderator review***


Why Bio Why?

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More changes in the game depending on your gender.

I mean, you did a female character and people were STILL calling you Darth Revan, Dark LORD of the Sith (the idea of a female Dark Lord was one of the most idiotic things IMHO <_< ). This trend with a name that goes with both male and female characters (Revan in KotOR, Jaden in Jedi Academy) should be dropped as soon as possible.

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i just finished KOTOR yesterday as a LS jedi... and i loved the game. i only had a couple of grievances w/ it,

1. being capped off @ levels was lame i think. i wanted to get more feats and powers, I HAVE THE POTENTIAL!! i remember being pissed off that my supa jedi plan couldn't be done.

2. the game did get pretty easy, i rarely died, and if i did, the 2nd time i tried there was generally no problem gettin past an area. things like destroy droid and stasis feild made things very easy to get past (but i liked those powers).

3. if im a dark side character.. i wanna be able to kill EVERYONE, meaning like in taris, all those peeps be walkin around unassuming... DIE, i want to be able to chop their heads off.

4. aim shots like fallout :D i always loved that, like stick my lightsaber through the soldiers eye socket (of course being easily dodgeable, but worth landing if you can)


anyway, on to the things i LIKED about it

1. i personally thought it was a great implementation of a turnbased/realtime type of deal, load up a queue of things you wanna do, you can cancel them, you can just run away from battle in the middle of it, its great.

2. although it was quite linear, i liked it, the story was very complete and quite interesting to me.

3. i thought the graphics were done quite well, but it might just be because i have a sick computer B)

4. high replay value, it took me 30 hours to beat (doing every quest for LS i could) and im willing to play it for atleast another 30 as a DS character. then of course even MORE tryin out the other classes (never playing as a girl of course, cause female main characters suck ass in video games)


obvoiusly theres a lot more to say on both ends, but i think that people look too much at the flaws. i had a good time playin this game, and was happy when i finished it. KOTOR was a good game :thumbs up:

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Oh! Oh! About difficulty!


Last night I found two things!


One, it has a combat difficulty slider, and there's a mod that increases enemy threat potential so it scales like your character. :rolleyes:


Don't have the link offhand though.

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KOTOR definitely has flaws; but presumably a sequel is designed to fix flaws and keep what it did well.


Don't listen to Hades. He loved KOTOR1 and he'd buy the sequelk ina heartbeat. heck, KOTOR is one of his fave games of all tiem which is why he rated it almost 90% - one of his highest marks ever.

That was an objectiive review, not a subjective review, Volourn. Can you please get a clue and understand that. Thanks for playing. :rolleyes:


Another major flaw is that there was no permanent death for NPCs. If a NPC reaches ZERO hit points that character should be dead. SInce there is no ressurection in Star Wars, the character should be permanently dead. I hated that aspect of KotOR. Made the game way too console like in my opinion. If I want to play a console CRPG I will get one for my Game Cube. If I want to play a PC CRPG I will get one for my PC.

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Another major flaw is that there was no permanent death for NPCs. If a NPC reaches ZERO hit points that character should be dead. SInce there is no ressurection in Star Wars, the character should be permanently dead. I hated that aspect of KotOR. Made the game way too console like in my opinion. If I want to play a console CRPG I will get one for my Game Cube. If I want to play a PC CRPG I will get one for my PC.


I guess you didn't read the prompts :rolleyes:


A character dropped to 0 was unconcious, not dead.

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As Darque mentioned, youa re *not* dead when your reach 0 hp. RTFM Hahah That wasn't nice. :rolleyes:


Sorry, Hades, you gace the game close to 90%. You loved the game. Deal with that fact, or the fatc you are lying to your readers.


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Actually 0 HP = dead.


Being unconcious is all about subdual damage.


There is a connon optional rule used of 0 Hp = dying with -10 Hp being dead but that does not make character unconcious, he mades him dying since without outside action it will automatic lose 1 hp per round when reduced to 0 hp.


Optinal rules are optional.

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One thing in combat that bothered me was when I queued a bunch of actions, then it didn't perform them. Or if I wanted to cancel one of the actions in the middle, I had to cancel all of them and requeue instead of just cancelling one.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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You missed the point again, Drakron. It doesn't matter what the basic rules in pnp d20 are. It's totally irrelevant asince we are discussing KOTOR; the PC/Xbox game. It's not that complicated to figure out. It's obvious BIo as the DM opted for an OPTIONAL death/unconscious system which is their right as the Dma ccording to the one, and only TRUE d20/DND/etc. rule; and that is rule 0. All the resta re just guidelines. The concept should not be so difficult to understand.


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In Star Wars d20 there is death risk involved ... take away the risk factor involved and things get easy since careless player is simply not made to stop being careless, I can unserstand why they made it that way but does not change as IWD/BG did force players to be careful, SWKotOR does not.


SWKotOR does pretty much the same thing as FF, except no "phoenix down" ...

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SWKotOR is using d20 rules and 0hp is dead in basic d20 rules.


Unless SWKotOR is also using FF rules were 0 means out of combat ....

KoTOR is using the D20 rules but it is using "its" version of them.


And it is stated quite clearly that 0 = unconcious, if all 3 characters = 0 then the party is dead and game over.

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Well.. I agree the combat was too easy; but it wans't easy because of the death rule being changed but because the Pc controlled charafcetrs were too powerful for the encounetrs they were sent against.

I'd much have prefered a you reach 0, (or better yet the bleed once you hit negatives which is my fave) rule; but alas they chose a different way.


There was a risk factor because if all your active characetrs were unconcious they would all be classified as death; plus there were mutliple times wher eyou forced to go solo.


Still, the risk factor was lowered more ebcause of the eaisness of combat than the zero rule. Why? Because, i rarely even reached apoint wherea character even hit 0hp anyways. It was a rare occurance to begin with.


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