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Oh, no!


I was thinking of the less paraded about use of the word!


Now everything thinks I engage in sexual relations with other men...instead of just being happy...


Wait, what's the difference?




Well Damon and Affleck are poor lays. Thusly he doesn't enjoy it, and isn't happy, nor gay.


How can one be happy when you look like Smith, yet get to have sex daily with a hottie, and get paid millions of dollars to make **** and fart jokes with your friends?


His life is hell.




But I suppose Jennifer Lopez might agree....


As for the rest, oh my god, doing that would make my children's eyes bleed, and make them vomit from every orifice from their body as their copies of Seinfeld and cans of Pepsi and their Neopolitan Ice cream was taken away and House Party 4 was put on...




House Party 5 will make House Party 4 look like House Party 3.


And X-Men 3 will make House Party 5 look like Citizen Kane.


We were on topic the whole time.

  jaguars4ever said:
Poor Weiser.  You're just upset that your propensity to draw skillful art is inversely proportional to your amiable disposition.  There, there now - this is quite common in wannabe arrogant hopefuls such as yourself, who delve in mediocrity. Perhaps if you were interested in learning from artists with actual talent, I might recommend the most excellent Aimo and Eisu. Good luck...'cause you're going to need it.

I don't think he's upset about it, because I don't think he would agree with you. It's pretty hard for him to be upset about something he fails to realize about himself.


I think he is frustatrated with mediocrity. I'm not trying to slam on him with that statement, but I must say that having a small level of talent is one of the worst things in the world. You're called to creative output, and yet you can't thrive and succeed because you only have enough talent to suit up and play.


Weiser has infinitely more talent that I do when it comes to drawing. Despite that, he doesn't have the talent to take his work so damned seriously.

  EnderWiggin said:
I don't think he's upset about it, because I don't think he would agree with you.  It's pretty hard for him to be upset about something he fails to realize about himself.


I think he is frustatrated with mediocrity.  I'm not trying to slam on him with that statement, but I must say that having a small level of talent is one of the worst things in the world.  You're called to creative output, and yet you can't thrive and succeed because you only have enough talent to suit up and play.


Weiser has infinitely more talent that I do when it comes to drawing.  Despite that, he doesn't have the talent to take his work so damned seriously.

Once again your eloquence proves to be infallible, Ender my friend. Consider me duly impressed. :-




On Topic however, would it be mere futility to cling to the hope that the "ain't it cool" report is flawed? To be honest, I'm not all that familiar with them, and as a result have an instinctinve hesitation pertaining to their credibility. :ph34r:


Again, AICN has proven to be credible, even if they tend to overreact. They get legit spy reports, legit scripts, and they have plenty of connections in the industry.


They did scoop everyone on a variety of X-Men 3 stories. They have their sources.


The only knock against the credibility of this story is that the AICN staff didn't read the script first hand. They were told about the script by someone else, but they trust that source enough to report it themselves.


AICN has a reputation for being full of it, to the point that when they do manage to report something that no one else does, people are surprised when it turns out to be true. Well, at least Harry is considered to be full of it. Moriarty is usually accurate. I'd say the site is accurate about 60% of the time. Which is a better % than IMDB. Variety and Dark Horizons are the only really credible sources, but Dark Horizons only covers genre films and you have to pay for Variety. CHUD is my news site of choice. All the personality of AICN, with more accuracy, and MUCH easier on the eyes. (AICN has one of the worst designed pages I've seen), they don't often get exclusives though. If you decide to check out CHUD, just be warned that Devin is a ****. A hilarious ****, but a **** nonetheless. A lot of people are offended by him, to the point that CHUD sells "Devin Sucks" T-shirts.

  Hell Kitty said:
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.



I read Cinescape, IGN and AICN daily.


Can you please kindly point out a single report AICN has made this year that proved to be false?


Harry isn't respected by some because of his use of hyperbole. Several movies are the greatest of all time, and several are the worst of all time. But when reporting on facts, such as "this event will happen in said film, or said person has been hired", they are very reliable.


I doubt you can demonstrate otherwise.

  EnderWiggin said:
I read Cinescape, IGN and AICN daily.


Can you please kindly point out a single report AICN has made this year that proved to be false?


Harry isn't respected by some because of his use of hyperbole.  Several movies are the greatest of all time, and several are the worst of all time.  But when reporting on facts, such as "this event will happen in said film, or said person has been hired", they are very reliable.


I doubt you can demonstrate otherwise.


Harry reported that George Clooney was cast as optimus prime in the TF movie. Don Murphy, one of the producers said he was full of it and no one has even been approached yet, let alone cast. Don doesn't like Harry because he's unreliable in his news coverage. Moriarty on the other hand, is very reliable, and I believe him and... Quint is it? Are the people who do most of the reporting.

  Hell Kitty said:
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.



Harry primarily does reviews. I'm looking for the Clooney story at this very moment.


A spy reporter mentioned Clooney. Harry said:

...while Michael Bay says that it will not be the original voices in his TRANSFORMERS... he also says the script isn't done yet. So the 'rumors' on Clooney as Optimus Prime may be a bit early.


  EnderWiggin said:
Harry primarily does reviews.  I'm looking for the Clooney story at this very moment.


A spy reporter mentioned Clooney.  Harry said:

...while Michael Bay says that it will not be the original voices in his TRANSFORMERS... he also says the script isn't done yet. So the 'rumors' on Clooney as Optimus Prime may be a bit early.



Oh well, I don't often read AICN I just know the general opinion towards him in the industry is that he's unreliable. Doesn't mean the site is, just that he is, since as you say he mostly does reviews, thats ok.

  Hell Kitty said:
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


  jaguars4ever said:


Am I the only one here that's appalled at the prospect that George Clooney might have been Optimus Prime?!


If they absolutely HAD to go with stars for the voices, I don't think he'd be a bad Prime. But they should go in this order: 1) Peter Cullen, 2) Gary Chalk, 3) Neil Kaplan, 4) George Clooney.

  Hell Kitty said:
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.



Yes I hate the scarlet spider. I am unrepentant on that.

Everything is a personal attack with you.

I'll take that as a personal attack on my character.

I really don't know what to say about you liking blade (ok blade three does suck), as there's no accounting for taste I'll take Remo Williams over the blade comics any day (see it works both ways).


Metadigital if you don't want my advice it's an easy thing to ignore it.


EnderWiggin I have seen Kevin smiths wife, and anyway he's way too fat to be gay. I was actually making a reference and as I'm an adult and an American I'll talk however I please.


jaguars4ever stop being so wordy the effort to actually comprehend that load of gibberish wasn't worth the effort. And thank you but I already frequent a forum with some very talented individuals that I barely argue with. I can totally agree with you on one thing though, George Clooney as Optimus Prime makes me want to slit my wrists (too much?).


I seem to drowning in back handed compliments today. Ender, trust me I want to take my 'work' more seriously but I am actually pretty tied up in my life, which is insane and has been so for a while now, one of these days I'll be free to really concentrate on what I'm supposed to be doing, but for now I need to pay off a few bills.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

  EnderWiggin said:
So people are upset that the Transformers franchise might be handled poorly, but few seem worried or upset about X-Men 3?


Oh I think its terrible what it seems like they're doing. Though I don't understand what they're talking about with the rehash thing. From how they describle the plot it sounds like a father who loves his son and wants his son to be normal so badly that he's willing to sacrifice others to do so, while X2 was a father resenting his son so much that he was willing to kill an entire race out of spite. The mutant "cure" storyline has been something they did in both the comics and the old 90s cartoon, so I see nothing wrong with doing it. Its the small but important bits that seem out of whack, rather than the overall picture. Eliminating 4 major characters in one movie seems a bit much. The Cyclops thing I see as too much like Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat Annihilation. A cheap, quick death that just wastes the character's possibilities.


Magneto wiping out the Golden Gate Bridge to escape sounds like it will be an amazing scene though. From that report, it looks as though theres a good balance of good and bad about the movie, while the other two films had more good than bad. But at least its better than a lot of movies out there where the bad outweighs the good.

  Hell Kitty said:
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.



Not to mention that I think many people will be going in expecting a continuation of the first two films.


Characters like Nightcrawler and Pyro aren't even in the script, with no good reason why, nor any explanation for their disappearance. Wolvie perhaps got too much attention in the first two films, but he is a fan favorite.


Who didn't enjoy Wolvie lighting it up and defending the Xavier mansion?


Now he'll just follow Storm around like a lapdog?

  EnderWiggin said:
Not to mention that I think many people will be going in expecting a continuation of the first two films.


Characters like Nightcrawler and Pyro aren't even in the script, with no good reason why, nor any explanation for their disappearance.  Wolvie perhaps got too much attention in the first two films, but he is a fan favorite.


Who didn't enjoy Wolvie lighting it up and defending the Xavier mansion?


Now he'll just follow Storm around like a lapdog?

Alan Cummings(the guy who plays Nightcrawler has signed on for x3


Cast: Hugh Jackman (Logan, AKA Wolverine), Patrick Stewart (Professor Charles Xavier), Shawn Ashmore (Bobby Drake, AKA Iceman), Halle Berry (in talks) (Ororo Munroe, AKA Storm), Daniel Cudmore (Piotr Rasputin, AKA Colossus), Alan Cumming (Kurt Wagner, AKA Nightcrawler), Famke Janssen (Dr. Jean Grey), James Marsden (Scott Summers, AKA Cyclops), Sir Ian McKellen (in talks) (Erik Lensherr, AKA Magneto), Anna Paquin (Rogue), Rebecca Romijn-Stamos (Mystique), Kelsey Grammer (Dr. Hank McCoy/Beast), Vinnie Jones (Juggernaut); other cast not announced or confirmed as signed yet.

  EnderWiggin said:
Did anyone really expect to see bright yellow spandex on film?


I don't think it was important. I loved the first Batman movie and the main character wore what was nearly an armor instead of what was originally a skin-tight suit with some kevlar and other materials reinforcing it. It didn't negatively contributed to the character's portrayal, at least not to any noticeable level.


However, it seems strange that several comics characters get a somewhat faithful recreation in movies but Wolverine was skimped out on. In X-Men it wasn't so much a problem with Wolvie's suit, it was a problem with why was everyone wearing nearly the same leather outfit.

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