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Weekend Programmer #2

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I think Force Clairavoyance has that purpose.


What night cleaver said. Force Clairavoyance does AFAIK let you see through doors, walls and such - and let you see the auras of people, but that's all, I think. I meant more like KOTOR 1's cutscenes...


You're thinking of Force Sense.


Yeah, you're right. Force Sense is seeing through doors and walls etc. While Force Clairvoyance would be more like seeing something in the future, something like what luke had a vision of when he was training with Yoda on Dagobah when he saw Han and Leia in pain in a city in the clouds. That would be more like Force Clairvoyance to me.

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Okay, back now. Took a lunch break. :blink:


I have heard of some of the new force powers, who hasn't, but can you tell us some of the new combat feats if at all possible?


New combat feats... hm.

I didn't work on feats much so it's hard for me to pick out what's new at a glance. There are some combat feats that relate to increasing the effectiveness of unarmed combat. Some party NPCs have some unique things too but I can't disclose them at this time. :p



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Akari, why don't you just pick some random little piece of info that you like a lot and we don't know about that WON'T reveal anything secret that you can't talk about.


In other words, tell us something new that you know that isn't in violation of your "I can't tell you this" stuff.


Did that make any sense? I'm kind of confused myself.


I just want to see something new and interesting.

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Approximately how many lightsaber stances are there? What effect do they have in combat? Will they have different animations and damage/defense values, or do they serve a deeper purpose in combat?


I'm not sure how many there are in total. I think I've heard of at least three unique ones mentioned, though I haven't toyed around with them a lot myself. There are different animations involved with the different stances, but I don't know to what extent. They will vary combat related parameters and other statistics as well.


Will Malak's one-handed style be usable? What about Revan's scorpion style? I felt really cheap fighting Malak--even though I was beating him, he had substantially cooler fighting animations going. And Revan's style looks devastating.


Don't know. ;)


In addition, will there be different default "poses" we can select? I personally wanted to wield a double bladed similar to Mauls frontal position, but the whole "pole" style was slightly weak.


I don't think there's anything that affects your default pose for the sake of just looking different. I believe combat stances do affect your default pose, however. Combat stances aren't an area I've had anything to do with yet, though I will be tying them into the interface soon which means I'll probably be a lot more familiar with them before long.



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Is the Sen still going to end up with the same amount of feats as a Consular and the same number of force powers as a Guardian? Or has that been changed/fixed so the class is actually between the two?




More feats then a Con but less then a Guardian?

More force then a Guardian but less then a Con?


I tried looking at the tables to figure the answer out to this question, but I can't really make heads or tails of them right now. Feats and Skills weren't really my department. :blink: I could figure them out with more time, but I have tons of work to do too. Sorry.




One unlockable?Is it the  Atton swim suit calander?



I hope not. :)



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a 2-part question if you will:


1-Percentage estimate, how far along completion is TSL from Obsidian's point of view?

I don't really know the answer to that. Since I'm not the Producer, I don't really have a Big Picture view of how far things are along and I haven't heard any estimates tossed around yet. There's still lots of work to get done.


2-What "functions" or "items" does LucasArts do once your (Obsidian) part is done?  For instance, do they just do the advertising and voice acting?  Or do they still have to do any coding or technical stuff like that?


Nothing technical that I can think of. They are doing the music, the sound effects, sound placement in areas, marketing, voice acting... And this is all ongoing now as well, it's just that they will continue to work on those things even after our part is done. We've had the sound guy dowin here with us the last week or so, so music is getting worked on now, I think.



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I tried looking at the tables to figure the answer out to this question, but I can't really make heads or tails of them right now. Feats and Skills weren't really my department. I could figure them out with more time, but I have tons of work to do too. Sorry.




Just have to wait and see when it comes out,thanks for looking though. :blink:

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Taken from another thread (someone elses question) -


How's hand to hand going to work?  Stances/attributes/feats involved?


I want to tread lightly here... I could say how it works NOW, but due to animation taking up so much space I don't know how it will actually be in the released game.


There are feats related to unarmed combat. I don't think there's specific stances though. I believe the stances stuff is for lightsaber use only. I can't really speak on the animations part, because that's an Unknown right now. I may be more certain on that one way or another in a few weeks.



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Nothing technical that I can think of. They are doing the music, the sound effects, sound placement in areas, marketing, voice acting... And this is all ongoing now as well, it's just that they will continue to work on those things even after our part is done.  We've had the sound guy dowin here with us the last week or so, so music is getting worked on now, I think.




That actually clears up a question I've wondered about for a while. I was under the assumption that Obsidian did their part, and then passed along the product to LucasArts to do their part (meaning LA didn't get started on their part until Obsidian was 100% complete theirs).


I didn't realize that both Obsidian and LA were able to work on their various parts simultaneously.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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About animations: Obsidian have said that there will be more animations in combat as in facial animations. Can you be more specific? (I.e. will we see more animations for each level the character progresses?)

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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What special feats do the prestige classes get?


I'm going to hold off on that question. First of all, I don't know off the top of my head so I'd have to spend some time looking into it. And secondly, that's probably bordering on 'Press Release' material for some magazine spread or other so it should probably be reserved for that. Sorry about that. :blink:



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Hi Akari,


Out of curiosity, why haven't any of the Prequel Trilogy aliens (Kel Dor, Zabrak, Iktotchi, etc) been used? I've only seen OT as in the first game.


Will there be a Jedi/Sith armor (that can be used with Force powers and such) and if so will it actually look like knight armor (chainmails, plate mails, helmets, etc)?


Thanks a lot.

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*raises hand* A question! Will we see cutscenes of events happening elsewhere than where our main chara is? Like, in KOTOR 1, we could follow some of what our opponents were doing or what was going on at their's at times in the game. Will it be the same in TSL?


Yeah. You will see cutscenes of things going on that your character is not immediately there to witness. I don't know if it happens more or less than in KotOR1.



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