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I've been playing 3rd Age and, I have to say, the combat system is pretty good.

It is True Turn Based and it is based on a 1,000 pt scale (I think that's right).


Maybe that is what we need: old-fashioned turn-based combat based on a 1,000 pt scale (to keep it interesting at the higher levels).


What do you mean by "1,000 point scale"? :thumbsup:



^This is what happened to the last Lego cult I

encountered in my late-night forum browsing....  :ph34r:


Consider it a friendly warning against further proliferation

of this growing and childish trend.  :)


First of all: lol


You pretty much cut any credibility from your argument you had when u mentioned fps. On these forums it is blasphemy.


What I would like to see happen:


A: They continue to improve the system. Make it more dynamic because, just face the fact, everyone gets tired of the same replayed motion. It was a good idea to show improvment with different animations but at the lvls they did implimented it made no difference. I hardly noticed the change; you needed to be looking for it. Also I would like to seet the characters move during fighting because they look a little on the foolish side standing there.


B: If they can or Bioware picks the game back up they could use the Jade Empire system. I personally think it rocks and with a little changing and molding could be made to fit a new kotor game.


One last thing. What is a Jo Ja and Je?


You need to play Jade Empire!!!!!!


i wouldnt really care if they changed it as long as they make the combat more dynamic, see what i think is ur pc should invest in 4 main lightsaber combat forms, then the entire game ur pc gets his own signature moves,stances,movement, etc. Also more movement and complex attacks and lightsaber flourishes. While on combat i still think k3 should have the darth maul dbl lightsaber type option where u can keep one or two blades on. just looks kooler

I've been playing 3rd Age and, I have to say, the combat system is pretty good.

It is True Turn Based and it is based on a 1,000 pt scale (I think that's right).


Maybe that is what we need: old-fashioned turn-based combat based on a 1,000 pt scale (to keep it interesting at the higher levels).


What do you mean by "1,000 point scale"? :thumbsup:

I was wondering that as well. :geek:

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"




The third age sucked. Also, the "final fantasy" battle system is far more boring than the current KotOR system. I would hate a transition to a "traditional" turn based style.

Mace Windu: Palpatine, we have come to arrest you.

Palpatine: Want a banana?

Mace Windu: ....

What do you mean by "1,000 point scale"?  :shifty:


In Arcanum, you have a percentage chance to hit (for instance, 58%).

With a 1,000 point system you have a 580/1000 chance to hit.


The same, right? In a sense, yes but it allows for a more granular approach to leveling and combat modifiers. A +10 sword is not as over-the-top in a 1,000 pt system, for instance. It effectively allows the game to remain competitve later on at the higher levels and with the buffs maxed out.


The only way first person could be used in KotOR is to mold the next game similar to TES III: Morrowind(or TES IV: Oblivion), but I think it would be a bad move. Morrowind's combat sucked. Anyways I like the current system but agree it needs a major overhaul. I just feel first person is a poor "camera" for an RPG.


For the record JA & JO are great titles in their genre.


I'd stick with the d20 systems, but refine the implementation so it's not so one sided. It doesn't bother me, since RPGs, IMO, are about the story, but the Jedi in KotOR and TSL are so powerful that I sometimes wonder if I'm playing Exalted.


As for the visuals, all that requires are more animations and better randimization so combat doesn't seem so repetative. Any RPG that uses table-top mechanics to calculate results is going to essentially be a series of dice rolls, but it could be made so it doesn't seem so obvious. Then again, this doens't bother me much either.


The only way first person could be used in KotOR is to mold the next game similar to TES III: Morrowind(or TES IV: Oblivion), but I think it would be a bad move. Morrowind's combat sucked.


Morrowind's combat was basically just like KotOR's, in that it was "dice" based, except that you could kite. Oblivion's combat is supposed to be true FPS style, with various skills modifying your effectiveness with different attacks while having no bearing on accuracy.


JO and JA combat system works just fine when you tweak it abit. Skilled NPC vs. NPC is damn fun to watch... or skilled NPC vs. 10 n00bies... what a gib show. There's basically rule system (or AI vs. AI, since it's not cRPG system) that controls the combat. It would be damn easy to use such system in cRPG. Just add critical tables, stats, several models of AI for players to use ect ect.


That way fights would be way more dynamic than in KotOR, but just as easy to control (and no manual mouse + keyboard skill needed).

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.


If I remeber right, a stat-based fighting mod was already made for Academy, but the author got frustrated with the community and didn't really finish it.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

The third age sucked.  Also, the "final fantasy" battle system is far more boring than the current KotOR system.  I would hate a transition to a "traditional" turn based style.


You could also have a 1,000 pt system with Real Time or Active Turn Based combat.

Morrowind's combat was basically just like KotOR's, in that it was "dice" based, except that you could kite.


Morrowind's combat was nothing like KotOR's. It was first person "click based" yet didn't make any sense because you could watch your sword pass right through your enemy, yet because it was based on stats, you missed him. IMO First person view doesn't fit with a stat based combat system.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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