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Xbox 360 Pictures Leaked

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It definitely looks sexier than the last one. I hope that they end up giving the controllers the brushed aluminum finish the console has, or at least removable faces (something that's already been speculated about before).


Does anyone besides me think this one looks even more like a desktop PC though? Almost like the took one of the mini-tower cases available off of websites like Xoxide and modified, then mass produced it to work as a console case.


Anyhow, wireless controllers are now verified because of the infared port, and it indeed does look like it can be stood up on it's side. Also, it will have memory cards that plug into the front of the console.

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I hate Bioware. :devil:

(w00t) A little fanboy rebellion,Volo :-"


As for the pics they look great :devil: ...tho the controllers seem strange >_<



Heh, they look like the Sidewinder controllers that have been on PC for ages. I'm guessing that a modified version of these will be that 'standardized' controller MS has been wanting to release for their consoles/PC hardware.

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Bah. JE2 gonna be on x-bpox 2. I won't be afford no matter how desperate I may be to pay 1 million dollars for a console no matter how good it looks...


That said, I wodner if x-box2 (err.. xbox 360) will be able to play x-box 1 games. It better.


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Bah. JE2 gonna be on x-bpox 2. I won't be afford no matter how desperate I may be to pay  1 million dollars for a console no matter how good it looks...


That said, I wodner if x-box2 (err.. xbox 360) will be able to play x-box 1 games. It better.



If you shell out $100 extra dollars for the S00p4r D00p4r edition Xbox 360 with HDD and WebTV it has backwards compatability. Otherwise, sucks for everyone who owns Xbox games they wanna play on the new console. This is supposedly because they have to pay 2x the royalties, both to Nvidia, and ATI, because of the graphics chip switcharoo.

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Bah. JE2 gonna be on x-bpox 2. I won't be afford no matter how desperate I may be to pay  1 million dollars for a console no matter how good it looks...


That said, I wodner if x-box2 (err.. xbox 360) will be able to play x-box 1 games. It better.

F**k - good point. I usually always wait for console prices to slash in half before picking them up. But, if there's a JE2...



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Consoles are the work of the devil.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Pretty. I hope the PS3 sticks with a black color scheme. Theres too much light colored stereo/home theater equipment. I want old school black. Also, I hope it keeps ports for standard controllers, I'm just not a fan of wireless.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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After looking at those pictures ... I have to say they are fake.


The controler pictures are pretty much the S controler except there are two buttons missing, the black and white button (I have to say the ones around the big circle must be the start and pause buttons) and a lot of Xbox games do use those buttons.


I really cannot se MS coming up with a worst controler that the S controler since (again) they have two less buttons and I see no indication of a second set of triggers (like the PS2 controler have).


As for the console pictures ...


It appears there is only one controler port that is more that odd, also the two other ports say "memory" with indicates they are to be used by memory cards and if the Xbox 360 uses then ... well that means no HD.

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After looking at those pictures ... I have to say they are fake.


The controler pictures are pretty much the S controler except there are two buttons missing, the black and white button (I have to say the ones around the big circle must be the start and pause buttons) and a lot of Xbox games do use those buttons.


I really cannot se MS coming up with a worst controler that the S controler since (again) they have two less buttons and I see no indication of a second set of triggers (like the PS2 controler have).


As for the console pictures ...


It appears there is only one controler port that is more that odd, also the two other ports say "memory" with indicates they are to be used by memory cards and if the Xbox 360 uses then ... well that means no HD.


The black thing isn't a controller port, its an infra-red sensor, for the wireless controllers.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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After looking at those pictures ... I have to say they are fake.


The controler pictures are pretty much the S controler except there are two buttons missing, the black and white button (I have to say the ones around the big circle must be the start and pause buttons) and a lot of Xbox games do use those buttons.


I really cannot se MS coming up with a worst controler that the S controler since (again) they have two less buttons and I see no indication of a second set of triggers (like the PS2 controler have).


As for the console pictures ...


It appears there is only one controler port that is more that odd, also the two other ports say "memory" with indicates they are to be used by memory cards and if the Xbox 360 uses then ... well that means no HD.



Gawd, keep up. Standard Xbox 360 has no HDD, upgraded package comes with HDD, backwards compatability and WebTV (confirmed by MS). This is why you've got the Memory Card slots.


Controllers are wireless, hence the infared nubbin on the console pictures.


Controllers also DO have a second set of triggers, which replace the Black and White buttons in old Xbox Games.


The controller pics were given out in the MS Viral marketing scheme (Like ilovebees.com), so they are definitely real. The little box on the back, is presumably a batter pack because they're wireless.

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Gawd, keep up.  Standard Xbox 360 has no HDD, upgraded package comes with HDD, backwards compatability and WebTV (confirmed by MS).  This is why you've got the Memory Card slots. 


First I dont think so, there are rumors over it but nothing confirmed.


I can say on a production scale its best to standart, if they go with "3 types" its likely its the same consoles but with extra accesories.


Then again when they spend millions to come up with "Xbox 360" ... so they might go making 3 diferent consoles that will raise production costs (even if its only at assembly).


Controllers are wireless, hence the infared nubbin on the console pictures. 


I think wireless is kinda stupid, cords might be "old age" but at least you dont have to worry about if something is blocking the beam or if its dirty ... and it raises production costs.


Controllers also DO have a second set of triggers, which replace the Black and White buttons in old Xbox Games. 


Yes, I spoted then when I go looking for then.


The controller pics were given out in the MS Viral marketing scheme (Like ilovebees.com), so they are definitely real.  The little box on the back, is presumably a batter pack because they're wireless.


I cannot say ... its possible that XBox 360 lacks a build in moden and acts like the PS2 were you have to buy it (would drive costs lower and quite frankly with Live NOT being supported in some countries its a good idea since its a pointless feature for many buyers), could also be a expansion bay (like the PS2 have for the HD and moden) for future crap.


Well we will know soon enough in MTV ...

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I think it will hurt the console if backwards compatibility is not a standard feature.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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Xbox 360 is the dumbest name for a console I've ever heard of. I'll probably just end up calling it Xbox 2.


I don't care much for the design of it either but at least it isn't a total beast like the Xbox is.

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Gawd, keep up.  Standard Xbox 360 has no HDD, upgraded package comes with HDD, backwards compatability and WebTV (confirmed by MS).  This is why you've got the Memory Card slots. 


First I dont think so, there are rumors over it but nothing confirmed.


I can say on a production scale its best to standart, if they go with "3 types" its likely its the same consoles but with extra accesories.


Then again when they spend millions to come up with "Xbox 360" ... so they might go making 3 diferent consoles that will raise production costs (even if its only at assembly).



I'm guessing there won't be 3 different systems, just 3 different packages. One bare bones system, one with HDD and DVD add ons, and one with HDD, DVD, WebTV, and Backwards Compatability add ons.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Gawd, keep up.  Standard Xbox 360 has no HDD, upgraded package comes with HDD, backwards compatability and WebTV (confirmed by MS).  This is why you've got the Memory Card slots. 


First I dont think so, there are rumors over it but nothing confirmed.


I can say on a production scale its best to standart, if they go with "3 types" its likely its the same consoles but with extra accesories.


Then again when they spend millions to come up with "Xbox 360" ... so they might go making 3 diferent consoles that will raise production costs (even if its only at assembly).



Actually, now that I look at the article again, I guess it is just speculation, or whoever they got word from is under a Non-Disclosure agreement. Source.


Anyhow, most recent word is instead of three types, it's two. Cracks me up that it sounds like they're already pulling a SegaCD/PS2 HDD.



I think it will hurt the console if backwards compatibility is not a standard feature.



So do I. But then again, depending on how many royalties they end up having to pay Nvidia, coupled with the money they're already losing on every console sale, I can understand them making you buy a more expensive unit to get backwards compatability. All this means, is rather than going out to buy an Xbox like I was thinking about doing to play Jade Empire, I'll probably just get a Gamecube instead for now, and wait until Xbox 360 comes out before I end up shelling out the money to MS.

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Consoles are being sold at a loss since CG price lowered to the 99 range.


Backward compatibility is required because launch titles are rarely companies flag titles, having a existing game library to fall back will boost sales.

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I think it will hurt the console if backwards compatibility is not a standard feature.


PS2 supports PS1 games.........................No


GameCube supports N64 games..............No


Xbox 360 supports Xbox game................Only if MS turned mad and are taken off their normal patern of More, More, More, More, More, More, More Money

Hurts:....................................................No, as already stated by Drakon above, if Xbox games work on Xbox 2 nobody buys the old Xboxxes for these games and they make LESS MONEY (MS and less money in one sentence = impossible)



Not that Console creators really cared about Client-Friendlieness, otherwise they brought good consoles on the market (who can beat the PC for once...)

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"PS2 supports PS1 games.........................No



Don't post if you don't know what you are talking about.


Thank you. :lol:


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PS2 supports PS1 games.........................No





Explain to me how I managed to play Parasitive Eve 2. FF IX and Silent Hill on my PS2 since those are PS1 game.


GameCube supports N64 games..............No


Of course not, one reads mini disks and the other cartridges, it was impossible due to diferent storage.


If Revolution adapts the DVD format its not going to be backwards compatible with the GameCube.




It sould be yes.


The GameCube had weak sales, in part that can be blamed by the fact people could not pick up N64 games and play then in the GameCube.


Of course there are other reasons, Nintendo reputation of being a "kid console", the fact most people have moved to the PS2, lack of 3rd party publisher titles, showing up so late ...


Xbox 360 supports Xbox game................Only if MS turned mad and are taken off their normal patern of More, More, More, More, More, More, More Money


Only in MS does not turn mad.


Hurts:....................................................No, as already stated by Drakon above, if Xbox games work on Xbox 2 nobody buys the old Xboxxes for these games and they make LESS MONEY (MS and less money in one sentence = impossible)


Look, right now MS is not making any money with the Xbox sales, they being sold at a loss but they get money from other sources ... such as Jade Empire sales (since they are the publisher).


What matters with backwards compatibility is most games being developed right now are still for the Xbox and not for the Xbox 360, when the Xbox 360 goes on the market there will be still be a year of Xbox title releases since companies are not going to stop production of their Xbox games and switch then for Xbox 360.


Same happens with PS2 with the only GameCube remaining unknown because we know little of Revolution.


The point of having backward compatibility is the buyer having more choise since launch titles tend to be weak.


Not that Console creators really cared about Client-Friendlieness, otherwise they brought good consoles on the market (who can beat the PC for once...)


The PS2 was most powerful that most PCs when released and remained that way for quite some time (about a year if not in error), even the Xbox that was a strip down PC was more powerful that PCs until NVidia released the GeForce.


Both the PS3 and XBox 360 will be most powerful that the PC on release, then when the technology becames avaible for PC the PC will outperform then since the PC have a modular design and its software can be changed with ease.


The console strenght is that is a "start-and-play" system ... we simply turn it on, open the disk tray, put the disk, close the tray and play.


No installing, no driver conflicts, no worries about having the wrong version of DirectX ...

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"The PS2 was most powerful that most PCs when released and remained that way for quite some time (about a year if not in error) [...]"


Released, as in "released for frothing masses to spend their wealth on"? Because, I really don't buy the quote claim if that's what you meant by released.


"[...] even the Xbox that was a strip down PC was more powerful that PCs until NVidia released the GeForce."


The first GeForce (GeForce 256) was released in August 1999. The XBox was released in November 2001.


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It sould be yes.


The GameCube had weak sales, in part that can be blamed by the fact people could not pick up N64 games and play then in the GameCube.


Of course there are other reasons, Nintendo reputation of being a "kid console", the fact most people have moved to the PS2, lack of 3rd party publisher titles, showing up so late ...

^ that is correct, not due to the station

Xbox 360 supports Xbox game................Only if MS turned mad and are taken off their normal patern of More, More, More, More, More, More, More Money


Only in MS does not turn mad.


Hurts:....................................................No, as already stated by Drakon above, if Xbox games work on Xbox 2 nobody buys the old Xboxxes for these games and they make LESS MONEY (MS and less money in one sentence = impossible)


Look, right now MS is not making any money with the Xbox sales, they being sold at a loss but they get money from other sources ... such as Jade Empire sales (since they are the publisher).

Yep, but what's better, A Xbox NOT sold or one that has already been produced and thus makes a little loss instead of ALL the production costs?

What matters with backwards compatibility is most games being developed right now are still for the Xbox and not for the Xbox 360, when the Xbox 360 goes on the market there will be still be a year of Xbox title releases since companies are not going to stop production of their Xbox games and switch then for Xbox 360.

Loads of developers make for Xbox 360, if it is produced expect games like Halo 3, Unreal 3 Engine based ones and many, many more.

And a great marketstrategy you speak of, bring a console WITHOUT games on the market, wait a year where the price drops steep and then produce games for it to make it sell...? Than you can better produce games now and bring the console 1 year later... and sell it at full-price at interested instead of 1/3 1 year later.

And why should people buy an other console for X-box games?

Same happens with PS2 with the only GameCube remaining unknown because we know little of Revolution.

Ah, so if one does, all must follow? Not only I have never heard/seen anybody play a PS game on PS2 (even at launch), it is also a waste for potential new Xbox games. Like they won't use a new High-Storage DVD now for all U3 based games? If you have to crack these on those same X-box discs..., wow: Only the GameCube... Like it's one out of a thousand instead of The Freaking HALF

The point of having backward compatibility is the buyer having more choise since launch titles tend to be weak.

No, no, no, if you do that with weak launch titles, nobody buys the new one... Why should they buy a new $300 dollar console for the same games as their current console. And IF they wan't to play X-Box titles style, Why on the X-Box 360. Use the original. Are you're going to trash you're X-Box 1 when the 360 comes???

Not that Console creators really cared about Client-Friendlieness, otherwise they brought good consoles on the market (who can beat the PC for once...)

The PS2 was most powerful that most PCs when released and remained that way for quite some time (about a year if not in error), even the Xbox that was a strip down PC was more powerful that PCs until NVidia released the GeForce.

Don't make me laugh, and Nvidia had their new Xbox card For the PC, but if n't MS stopped them to get a exclusive...

Both the PS3 and XBox 360 will be most powerful that the PC on release, then when the technology becames avaible for PC the PC will outperform then since the PC have a modular design and its software can be changed with ease.

Why is that? Maybe because they use Nvidia's resources for PC chips, or Epic's ability to create PC engines, who are based on 2006 (normal) PC's? just because at that time the creation of U3 based games is completem, as whe don't want to cramp them in 1 year production?

The console strenght is that is a "start-and-play" system ... we simply turn it on, open the disk tray, put the disk, close the tray and play.

Yes, PC the same, except for installing the first time...Wow, so hard! And above that that causes us to use Expansions...

No installing, no driver conflicts, no worries about having the wrong version of DirectX ...

Installing is so evil isn't it? 5 minutes blue bar is less worse (for me atleast) than ingame watching at PC loading times*3, Driver conflicts? Atleast our cards can and will be improved with new functions..., DirectX, wow, just keeping the latest one running is such a problem, he!

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