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KoToR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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heh, welp posted my thoughts on matter already :(


In a nut shell part three should pick up where part 2 ended.


Exile should be the PC for part 3 (sorry, no alien Exiles as already been established)


old group members from part 1 and 2 should be the selction for part 3 group (to finish off their stories)


Should have to revisit all the star Map planets (and maybe even the planet by where the star forge use to be) plus new planets.


Ending should be you find Revan and togather you and him face the true sith completeing the KotOR series.


Then part 4 can start a whole new storyline with all new characters :)

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i really hope they even do a kotor3 they came up with the briliant idea of kotor2 so they gotta make kotor 3 because what about kriea what if (dark side) when she falls into the pit on malicor 5 what if she didnt die and now is out for revenge? that would be sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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(w00t) i just got word that lucas arts is showing two new games at E3 so one might be kotor 3 (well at least a trailer)! this is what they said "George and crew are most pleased with the initial performance of KOTOR, so pleased in fact that KOTOR 3 is well into development! This time however expect everything to be new and improved! An all new next-gen engine is being prepped as is a modified battle system that will place a heavier emphasis on the lightsaber. There are even whispers that the game may be shown in some form at E3 THIS year, though I

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I just wish we could know whether we are spending our time wisely by posting KOTOR 3 suggestions here. I mean, we could be posting these suggestions on EA Games website or Bethesda or the Collective or whatever.


I know the mods and devs probably can't tell us anything one way or the other until LA makes a statement but it would be nice to have some guidance on that.


Incidentally, I have also begun posting suggestions on LA's site and would encourage others to do the same.

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In the next game I would also very much prefer it if the developers pick your name. Yes, I really don't like it to be called Exile, Jedi, Offworlder or anything crap like that. In the first game at a certain point you were called Revan which is good.


I believe more equipment wouldn't work. Reason for this is that we got so many allready and since TSL is so easy one's you build any Mark IV or better equipment at a workbench it would be a waste of the developers time.


A new graphics engine would be all right but not a requirement.


The storyline and the characters are IMO the most important part of the game. In the original Kotor, I believe this was done better then in TSL. And yes, I am of the opinion that TSL is not that much better then the original, maybe worse but they both have there good points.

We will see how well TSL turns out to be after some patches.


Please don't rush this game. I am patient enough to wait for this game till it's well and finished. If it comes out at the end of 2006 that would be fine be me.


Conclusion: Bring the best parts of the Original Kotor and TSL together and they have made a very good game.


Best Parts of Kotor 1: Characters and their backgrounds, sidequests etc. Storyline twists


Best Parts of TSL: The improvements of the Workbench, Influence, the almost unlimitedness of levels.


Don't spend to much time with improvents of the game please! That is my request.


* While playing the original Kotor I just found a Jedi Master who cannot be killed in this game and there is also no mentioning of him in TSL so I think about why don't we put him in Kotor III: JEDI MASTER BOLOOK! You know, the one who approaches you for the murder case on Dantooine.




1) One planet which would be a perfect fit in would be Zonama Sekot (I just started reading about the planet in a New Jedi Order book called Force Heretic: Remnant). It's some kind of a "living planet", I am not going to spoil more but those who have read the book will understand what I mean.


2) Other good planets:

Coruscant, Yavin IV, Ilum, Katarr, Cathar, Onderon.


Game addtions:


3) How about more optional Mini games: Speederbikes, Spaceflights?

4) Customizable Lightsaber hilts




In Kotor II I think a majority of powers are added that we haven't seen before and are really not worth our attention (Force Body, Breath Control, Beast Trick)


It would be a very welcome addition if there would be Force Pull and throw objects. I always wanted to throw some footlockers to my enemies.



Hehe, Copy / Paste works so well. These are 3 of my posts in the Kotor II Spoilers forum.

Master Vandar lives!

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Should have to revisit all the star Map planets (and maybe even the planet by where the star forge use to be) plus new planets.


One problem with that is that the old guy you meet on Dantooine (you know, the guy who fixes the droids... or at least tries to) tells you that the Sith bombardment targetted some odd ruins to the south that the people of Dantooine don't know so much about.


It's pretty clear that this was a reference to the star map on Dantooine, which Malak had destroyed to prevent others from following his trail to the Star Forge (not knowning that Revan and Bastila had already done so).


Ending should be you find Revan and togather you and him face the true sith completeing the KotOR series.


The whole game should be about Revan and the Exile facing the true Sith - it's pretty clear that TSL builds heavily toward that. In fact, TSL won't work at all, if we don't get that showdown in the third game.


And no fourth game, please - the Revan saga should end in the third game. That doesn't preclude more games, but they should be clearly post-KotOR games IMHO.

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Much anger and aggression in this one

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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What were you waiting for? They're fanboys afterall. :-

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Just had an idea, sorry to all those who want Revan or Exile back, butit does involve a new PC.


You could be a force sensitive, picked up and trained outside of the jedi and the Sith, possibly one of those "Gray Jedi" mentioned in passing in TSL.


You could still conclude the stories of both Revan and Exile, quite comfortably, even metting them and talking to them, but with a new (And poss. alien) PC.

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The choices in dialog should also have different consequences, I know its probably asking too much, but come on has no one ever heard the phrase:


'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'


Or something like that? not every good decision has to have a good outcome and vice versa.

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Well after finishing K2 finally (LS male), and having played K1 (male, LS and DS once each), I definitely think there needs to be a K3 for the stories to come to some semblance of a conclusion.


Reading a bit it seems that Canon seems to be that both Revan and the Exile finished the games as LS males, which is where I would start, if I were making the next game. There's just too many contingencies to account for if you start making the story try to work for every possible outcome of the previous games (LS/DS male/female, romance Bastilla or not, romance Brianna/Visas or not, romance Carth/Atton or not, etc). I would start with the assumption that both finished the games LS males, Revan/Bastilla were a pair, and Exile romanced with Visas (that's the one that made the most sense to me, for the Exile).


I make the main PC a new character, also. It would start a bit after the Exile had gone, alone, to look for Revan. T3 and HK would be left with Bao-Dur. The PC would be a promising potential Jedi in the general vicinity of what remains of the Republic. Surrounding him/her would be the capable force users of Bastila, Visas, Juhani (alive due to LS Revan), Disciple, and possibly Handmaiden and Atton. Small basis for a future council, I would think. Bastila and Visas would probably be at odds with each other, but both would be interested in the Exile's search for Revan. I wouldn't want either of them to be part of the PC party with the PC being a new character, though.


Perhaps Juhani had been teaching you to use the force? No idea, but someone should have started your instructions.


Revan and the Exile should be playable, at times, by the player, but not companions of the PC until the very end of the game. Perhaps a scene as each (like a Prologue, and a new short scene about 1/4 through, again at 1/2, and again at 3/4 or something?). But the main character should be a new PC who's quest is to ultimately find out where the two went, or what happened to them with regards to the True Sith.


I would bring Mission back as a companion, as she'd now be older. Myself, I'd steer clear of either Wookiee, though. Mira would also be a good choice as a possible companion. Perhaps Atton and Handmaiden? Not sure. But I'd not send Juhani, Jolee, Bastila or Visas along (established Jedi). Carth is an Admiral now (so hard to make him low level). Bao-Dur would be a good possibility to be a companion.


So that would give you:










so 3 spots left if you go by Obsidian's 10 (or 2 if by Bioware's 9). Enough of a continuation from the first two, but room for new companions for new story plots.


I would have the new PC meet up with Jolee and Canderous in the game at some point(s), but they wouldn't be companions.


(personal opinion is that Canderous is one of the most worthless companions in the two games, and it really bugged me to be saddled with him for so much of the last part of K2)


Now I don't know exactly how the writers would get a new PC onto the trail of Revan/Exile, but I'm sure they could do so. It could just start out as something small, like Carth/Bastila think you're capable enough to go check some information out (could be relating to trying to find out why Revan went away or something), and in your trip, you encounter something that pretty much leads to you being the one that must stay on the trail.


Eventually there needs to be a conclusion to the Revan story, so you need to meet them later in the game, possibly having a scene or two where the party is you, Revan and the Exile.


The main reason I would start as a new PC is simply because you'd have to de-level Revan or the Exile for the beginning to be worth playing through (barring a cutscene where you play as one of them), or you'd start off the game very powerful already, which doesn't sound interesting.


But I sincerely hope they don't start you off as a PC with memory problems AGAIN. First time I tried to play K2 I stopped right after the prologue because I felt I was playing almost the same story. I'd like a different beginning for a change.

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And no fourth game, please - the Revan saga should end in the third game. That doesn't preclude more games, but they should be clearly post-KotOR games IMHO.


I agree that the story arch we are currently in needs to be wrapped up in KOTOR III....this needs to be a trilogy, not a soap opera.


HOWEVER, KOTOR is a time period, not a certain story arch. As long as they wrap up the present story, I don't mind if they have a KOTOR IV, V, whatever. And, hopefully, those games will be totally self-contained...no need to have a trilogy every time.

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Yeah, KOTOR IV etc would be fine with me, provided that they didn't make the story flow. I'd like to see a conclusion in the next one.


A KOTOR IV would be cool, and obviously with heavy references to these past games, but separate in terms of characters and plot.

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One idea that keeps coming up is bigger and more explorable areas. I agree that we could really use that .


However, I would offer that we need to explore far away from the starport once in a while....the place you need to go is so far from the starport that you and your 2 companions have to take swoop bikes out.


Now, if KOTOR III uses the same engine as the first 2, this would not be feasible (you would get a load screen every 5 seconds). But this is the kind of thing I would like to see if they end up with a really powerful engine....real-time swoop biking across terrain and maybe real-time dogfighting in space.

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The choices in dialog should also have different consequences, I know its probably asking too much, but come on has no one ever heard the phrase:


'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'


Or something like that? not every good decision has to have a good outcome and vice versa.


good idea....the dialogue in KOTOR II was not bad but there is room for improvement...maybe there could even be a random element to what the person might say next...you know, mix it up a bit.


In the first KOTOR, when you were at the Republic Embassy on Manaan, do you remember all the dialogue options when questioning the prisoner? And if or when to drug him, etc? That was really good stuff, IMO.

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I like alot of the ideas in the threads. my main wishes


1. the ability to switch between Revan and Exile.

2. Return companions from 1&2.

3. better influence system.

4. bigger and more planets.

5. conclusion to the current story.

6. a good ending for lsers and a dark ending for dsers

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Another thread :blink:


Meaning I have to write my ideas down again, jeez




Coruscant: Capital of Republic


Mandalore: Home of Mandalorians




3 unknown region worlds: 1 Sith, 2 new


Hapes: A society ruled by women, how can you know have it?


New Planet:



Party Members:




Bothan Senator

Dustil Onasi

A Falleen

HK-47(with remote)



Returning Character/ New personalities/ returning TOTJ characters: Non playable




Admiral Dodonna

Force Ghost Kreia(sith ghost maybe)

Cassus Fett


A General based off George S. Patton for the Republic.

The Supreme Chancellor

Master Vima(leland Chee's way of dealing with the Sunrider issue, just leave it out, and call her Master Vima)

Admiral Vanicus( old as hell, but 100 is the new 80's in star wars)



New Species: Mandallian(Mandalorian), Togorian(Mandalorian), Bothan, Falleen, Camassi, Feeorin,


Other stuff:


A resolution to the Czerka, Genoharden, and Exchange. With maybe one or two being completely destroyed by games end.


Influence system that allows for influence regardless of alignment


Better Cotinuity


More Star Wars(williams) music in the game.


Well developed new enemy


And a good ending

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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I'd like:


1. New PC that can be an alien (Specifically Zabrak)


2. More than 1 city per planet, with much terrain in between.


3. A resolution to the Czerka, total anihilation a distinct possiblility.


4. System whereby stray blaster bolts can hit and hurt people apart from their indtended targets


They're the main ones, There's a few others but these are the most important.

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My thoughts on KotOR III:


I'd be very surprised to learn that Obsidian isn't developing it. There was a lot of (potential) foreshadowing in TSL and the "cliffhanger" ending leads me to suspect that whoever wrote II put some ink to paper re: III.


It will obviously still center around Revan, as well as potentially, the Exile. Due to the fact that trying to write storylines for M or F, LS or DS Revan AND Exile would probably be impossible, this will probably be more of a search-for-Revan, Revan's-dead-now-what kinda story. I think they made a point in TSL to blur Revan's true motivations so that they could wash their hands of having to make KotOR gameplay choices applicable to KotOR III.


As for continuing characters, I think that the devs will probably take their cues from the movies and make the droid the only consistently reoccuring characters. HK is no 3PO, but Malak wasn't exactly Darth Vader either :thumbsup:


My final thought is that I hope LA devotes a little more time to QA. I don't mind bugs in a release, but I do expect timely patches and some effort toward making quality a priority. How some of the stuff in TSL made it into the shelves, I'll never know, but I hope that a decision-maker somewhere learned a lesson from all of this.


Just my 2 cents.

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My thoughts on KotOR III:

I'd be very surprised to learn that Obsidian isn't developing it. There was a lot of (potential) foreshadowing in TSL and the "cliffhanger" ending leads me to suspect that whoever wrote II put some ink to paper re: III.


Obsidian is developing their own next-gen RPG front-end to the Unreal III engine.

They are doing this for Project New Jersey (which, apparently, is NOT a licensed product).


I suspect that they essentially told LA "look, we will do it and we will use our new technology...but this time, it has to be on our timetable".


Whether LA chose wisely or not, I am not sure. Hopefully, we will find out at E3 in few days.

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One idea that keeps coming up is bigger and more explorable areas.  I agree that we could really use that .


However, I would offer that we need to explore far away from the starport once in a while....the place you need to go is so far from the starport that you and your 2 companions have to take swoop bikes out.


Now, if KOTOR III uses the same engine as the first 2, this would not be feasible (you would get a load screen every 5 seconds).  But this is the kind of thing I would like to see if they end up with a really powerful engine....real-time swoop biking across terrain and maybe real-time dogfighting in space.


I don't agree for several reasons.


First of all, while making KotOR3 bigger and larger sounds great, it will require a lot more programming etc. from whoever gets to develop it, and while I'd like that, it's just not realistic to expect it.


Besides, given the choice between consistent story and bigger landscapes to explore, I'd go with the plot every time. Exploring huge areas on many planets isn't nearly as important as a fulfilling storyline with a good flow toward the resolution.


If the flow is to be consistent, then there is a definite limit to how far you can stretch the action before the plot becomes too convoluted. I think they had that down in KotOR1. KotOR2 pulled it off too (if you consider that much of the plot was cut), but stretched it to the limit (we really didn't want to hear Kreia talk about 'echoes' toward the end anymore...). I don't want KotOR3 to take it too far so that I'll lose interest while playing the game.


Which brings me to point two, which is dogfighting. I don't think there should be any. While I loved the X-wing games, KotOR is totally different - it's a (linear) plot-driven CRPG. It's not a starfighter game.


To add such sequences would change the basic feel of the game and alienate too many of the fans, myself included. Not because I don't like combat flight sims (I loved X-Wing Alliance), but because I just don't feel it'll be KotOR. These games are about the conflicts between the jedi and the sith - they have plot and character development at their heart, not starfighter battles.


What you suggests sounds a lot like a mix between Jedi Academy and X-wing to me. Those are great games, but they're just not KotOR.

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