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jedi robes

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And yes, I've had that happen...numerous times. The padawan robes anyway...they're the lowest tier robe anyway...beyond looking cool, they're not even as good as, say, the miners uniform in terms of functionality. :D

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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i'm planning on playing a game where i only wear the miner uniform and then another where i cheat for khoonda militia armor and wear that. (but with a mod so i can use force powers with armor on)



KotOR II: After the Credits Rolled: Read

Force Sight: Read


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i just started a new game and something sdtrange happen why i was on harbringer i loot a padawan and a dark padawan robe anyone else had that happen? in my previous that i manage to get that far never got them before.


I had that happen once and thought i was lucky....but we all know there is no luck! There is only the Force....(just kidding..)

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I've had that happen to me a couple of times; but only when I was a Jedi Consular. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.


But when you think about it, it actually makes sense why they would be aboard the Harbinger. The exile was on the ship before the Sith attacked it, and he was a Jedi Padawan when he was exiled from the Order. He never did ascend to the rank of Knight before he left for the Mandalorian War, although he was on parr with many Knights of the day. He was even training others - albeit lightly - at the Academy on Dantooine before he forsook his Jedi Trials and followed the famed Jedi Master Revan to war.

"Learn to harness your anger and control your fear. Dominate your emotions! But do not let them overcome you; for they can surely cause you to fall to the dark side.

If you expect to win against a Sith then you need to fight like a Sith! If you do not, you will always be met with defeat."

-- Jedi Master Seraphis Dakari

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I've had that happen to me a couple of times; but only when I was a Jedi Consular. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.


But when you think about it, it actually makes sense why they would be aboard the Harbinger. The exile was on the ship before the Sith attacked it, and he was a Jedi Padawan when he was exiled from the Order. He never did ascend to the rank of Knight before he left for the Mandalorian War, although he was on parr with many Knights of the day. He was even training others - albeit lightly - at the Academy on Dantooine before he forsook his Jedi Trials and followed the famed Jedi Master Revan to war.



i'm a jedi guardian so yep your has nothing to do with class:)

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Are Heavy armours any use at all? It seems to me that since Jedi can't use them, and anyone using blasters can't use them or they lose their DEX bonus to their attacks, the only people worth equipping them on are melee fighters. And the two melee fighters, Mandalore and Hanharr, can't change armour.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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"Are Heavy armours any use at all? It seems to me that since Jedi can't use them, and anyone using blasters can't use them or they lose their DEX bonus to their attacks, the only people worth equipping them on are melee fighters. And the two melee fighters, Mandalore and Hanharr, can't change armour."




No, they don't. Or, at least, they shouldn't. . .


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Are Heavy armours any use at all?  It seems to me that since Jedi can't use them, and anyone using blasters can't use them or they lose their DEX bonus to their attacks, the only people worth equipping them on are melee fighters.  And the two melee fighters, Mandalore and Hanharr, can't change armour.


Why don't you check your 'facts' in-game before you post? It is easy enough to do.

The DEX bonus limit on armour does not affect the DEX bonus to attack with ranged weapons (same for melee weapons and lightsabres if you have the appropriate finesse feats).


Apart from that there are quite a number of situations where armour can be useful for a Jedi:


* Exile with Kreia in the party: Force Link. 'Nuff said.


* Situations where you cannot use the Force, either because it is not allowed or because you have run out of juice: sparring with Handmaidens, sparring with Mandalorians, tomb on Korriban (LS).


* Situations where you choose not to use the Force: e.g. sticking one of your padawans into a fine piece of upgraded heavy armour so that even bosses have trouble scratching them, as I did during the last Dxun tomb outing (Atton tanking for Disciple and G0-T0)


* Physical combat against enemy Jedi who can debuff you. Moot point in TSL as there are none (just grunts with glowsticks), but there are a couple in KotOR. For example, when you fight Darth Wuss at the end of the game he will almost always cast Force Breach if you get in range with Speed active (except for the first fight after the initial chat, which is probably a bug). If you are a Guardian then it doesn't matter, as you can cast Speed while he is out of range or otherwise occupied (e.g. when he uses one of his med cylinders) and then you can Force Jump him with Speed still active; your second turn will then be enough to finish him off even if you get debuffed. For non-Guardians, DEX builds will have high AC with robes but other characters are in a situation where armour looks mighty attractive for any form of combat that is not restricted by armour - and this includes casting spells like Destroy Droid.


Armour with an overall defense rating (AC + DEX limit) of 13 is common, and some rare pieces have even higher rating. E.g. Sith Battle Suit (7/7) or Felenar Armour (11/4). With Bonded Plates and Flexible Underlay you can increase the defense rating by 3/3. Certain weapon upgrades or shielding visors can add another 2..3 DB. With 3 DB from Master Duelling this makes for an overall defense bonus of 24...27 depending on your looting luck. Nothing to sneeze at. During the earlier parts of the game this makes you completely untouchable, until the early twenties by which time male Exiles can become untouchable with robes (via DEX/WIS). I tend to prefer low-AC damage dealers who have to out-damage the enemy or die (the Zabrak Grip philosophy), but turtling can be fun for a change.

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(Atton tanking for Disciple and G0-T0)



Did you have Disciple using blasters or something? I should try that I suppose. I had him ranged-skill pumped once but never really used him as such.


And after seeing you use the phrase several times now - turtle = defensive build, right? I assume so from the context you use it in but just making sure. :D

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Darth Frog, your assistance and information is always well researched and welcome.


But don't beat up the guy for asking a question on the Forum! It is not a straight out question, it involves a lot of research (which you have obviously done, otherwise you woudn't be so proud about displaying it).


Good info, thanks.




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Are Heavy armours any use at all?  It seems to me that since Jedi can't use them, and anyone using blasters can't use them or they lose their DEX bonus to their attacks, the only people worth equipping them on are melee fighters.  And the two melee fighters, Mandalore and Hanharr, can't change armour.


Why don't you check your 'facts' in-game before you post? It is easy enough to do.

The DEX bonus limit on armour does not affect the DEX bonus to attack with ranged weapons (same for melee weapons and lightsabres if you have the appropriate finesse feats).


Wow, someone got up on the wrong side of bed today. Sorry, I didn't realise it was such a big deal to you. My apologies for making a mistake.


But I'm looking at my original post, and I can't see where I used the word "facts", so why put it in inverted commas?

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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