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TSL Restoration Project: Work in Progress

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Exited? :-

Reading lesson for today:


Sometimes, people make typos or grammatical errors. In that case, it's time to hone your heuristic skills and analyse the entire sentence. Often, the true meaning and/or intention can be derived from the context in which it was presented. :-"


My guess is he meant Excited :huh:


Oh, and how about more of them audio updates ? :huh:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Reading lesson for today:


Sometimes, people make typos or grammatical errors. In that case, it's time to hone your heuristic skills and analyse the entire sentence. Often, the true meaning and/or intention can be derived from the context in which it was presented. :-"


My guess is he meant Excited :thumbsup:


Oh, and how about more of them audio updates ? :shifty:

Pssst. Gorth:

verbum sat sapieti.


Unfortunately wisdom is not counted amongst his gifts.


He's a spammer




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Reading lesson for today:


Sometimes, people make typos or grammatical errors. In that case, it's time to hone your heuristic skills and analyse the entire sentence. Often, the true meaning and/or intention can be derived from the context in which it was presented. :-"


My guess is he meant Excited :thumbsup:


Oh, and how about more of them audio updates ? :p

Pssst. Gorth:

verbum sat sapieti.


Unfortunately wisdom is not counted amongst his gifts.


He's a spammer

same about you Meta :rolleyes:

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It wasn't an insult; then again, I suppose relying on argumentum ad ignorantiam will only lead to one outcome.


Why don't you use that incredible intellect of yours and look it up?


In case you have forgotten, there is the sum total of all human knowledge at your disposal. Are you stupid or idle?




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I have a modded xbox and all the mods work except

1.hacked people(im on about brand new people, not re-skins they work fine)

2.anything that requires you to bring up the cheat menu(because the xbox version does not have it.

3. Any mod that comes in the form of an "auto installer" instead of just the files.

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I have a modded xbox and all the mods work except

1.hacked people(im on about brand new people, not re-skins they work fine)

2.anything that requires you to bring up the cheat menu(because the xbox version does not have it.

3. Any mod that comes in the form of an "auto installer" instead of just the files.

I'm interested in modding my XBOX, how did you do it? :devil:

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I have a modded xbox and all the mods work except

1.hacked people(im on about brand new people, not re-skins they work fine)

2.anything that requires you to bring up the cheat menu(because the xbox version does not have it.

3. Any mod that comes in the form of an "auto installer" instead of just the files.

I'm interested in modding my XBOX, how did you do it? :devil:

PM me your email

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Actress Audition for Kaevee the Padawan/Thief


We're looking for someone to voice Kaevee who, according to Gameplay Programmer notes, "...is a tormenting 17 year old that is seriously messed up...".


There are 48 total lines to be voiced. For the audition we'd like 5 sample lines:

  • 94074 - My laigreks{LAY-grex}, you've killed them. They're my pets...{She's mourning their loss and the PC has a chance to interject}
    94082 - {Very proud here}I am a padawan. And one day... one day I will learn enough to be a Jedi.
    94085 - But what should I do? {She sounds miserably lost}I just don't know what I should do.
    94098 - {The first line she is searching her memory for something important}I remember now... "Respect all life, in any form." {She sounds slightly horrified}What... What have I done? I'm trying to be a Jedi, but it's so hard with everyone dead.
    94112 - {Way too intense and on edge during this - she's built a crazy morale framework to justify her actions}I am not a thief! People give to the Jedi in exchange for service. They were just giving.

Comments are enclosed in { }. Don't read the number preceding the line (see below for more details).



  • - Obviously the first requirement here is that you be female :thumbsup:
    - Secondly, we ask that you submit good quality audio samples (this is sort of a vague requirement-basically if it sounds iffy to us we'll ask you to try rerecording at a higher quality) in wav format (playable by either Sound Recorder or Miles Audio Player)
    - Third, the lines should be in individual files with the name corresponding to the numbers that we've listed. So for example the file 94074.wav would contain "My laigreks...". In addition we ask you to archive the files (zip, 7z, or rar) and in your email mention the board you're from ("Obsidian", "Gizka", "Holowan" or "KFM" (Kotor Fan Media)) and your nickname on the board. Please do not submit from 2 separate boards-one submission is enough. If you're not registered at the boards we encourage you to do so :). If you still don't feel comfortable with it just make sure we can get in touch with you easily through your email address.
    - Fourth, if you post a link to your file on any of the boards we will ignore it. It must be emailed to us at tslrp[ a-t ]team-gizka[d-o-t]org
    - Fifth and finally, you should be able to take coaching - by which we mean re-recording lines if we ask - and not get worked up over it :)

The permanent job posting (ie one that won't get lost in posts) may be found here


Deadline August 1


Propaganda Minister


Diagnostic result: I seem to have no personality whatsoever.

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You people are true professionals :wacko:


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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