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  metadigital said:
1. Why should I care for the livelihoods of corporates who don't give a jot for me?

You shouldn't and I never said you should. Quite the opposite in fact. I said you should return the game and never buy anthing from OE again if that pleases you. But these boards are not for your private bickering. If they are closed because of it and you cry "censorship!", then you are just being a hypocrite.



  metadigital said:
2. I really don't think this company is going to suffer unduly -- or unfairly -- because of a poor release.

The poor image that these unruly boards give right now may drive away potential business opportunities for OE. Nobody wants to work with a company with an already alienated fanbase. And even though that is not the case, the reflection from the forums may be misleading.



  metadigital said:
I (however niaively) believe that someone, somewhere within Obsidian might be interested in hearing public opinion (including fair greivances) in general (which includes mine in particular).

That implies constructive criticism of which there is none in this thread. Not to mention your particular grievance has probably been addressed already and you would just be duplicating threads (a.k.a. spamming).



  metadigital said:
4. I play games to escape from real life (including disapointments) -- I don't need them in my game playing. If I want disapointment, I can watch the 6 o'clock news and see how the duly elected politicians are making a mess of the planet.

Irrelevant. Your opinion is as good as mine. I liked it, you didn't. It happens everytime you try something new. There's a risk you might not like it. That doesn't make it wrong. And if you are referring to bugs, the disappointment only stems from your lack of information when purchasing the game.



  metadigital said:
5. Every review I read before I bought the game gave it 80% or more (and I subscribe to 3 magazines) ... it was only much later that someone wrote a polemic.

Then perhaps you should reconsider your subscriptions. The large amount of bugs was an issue addressed in the early Xbox previews. It was by no means a surprise. And if it's the story what you didn't like, well sorry, but that's how it is. You don't complain to the publisher because you didn't like the ending of the book you just read, do you?



  metadigital said:
6. Reading the forum is arguably a better was to obtain a review of the game, except if we follow your edicts and obliterate any dissenting comments and simply subscribe to a corporate propaganda policy.

Again, I'm all for constructive criticism. I have done my fair share of that myself. But this thread has none of it, just senseless bashing.



  metadigital said:
7. If you think the video game is so trivial, why are you bothering to make comments on the forum? Surely you have better things to do? I'm providing feedback to anyone who is interested in reading it.

I have lots of free time and I enjoy some of the discussions on these boards. Not all are related to K2. And if you call this thread "feedback", I would be very interesting in knowing your definition of "whoring".



  metadigital said:
8. I never said Obsidian owe me anything in the financial transaction I performed with them -- I am well versed in the legalaties. (I did imply that morally Obsidian, or more specifically, Lucas Arts might.)

Yet you act as if they did. And sorry to break this to you, but in business, money comes before morals. You would think this is known to someone as versed as you in the deeper mysteries of life.



  metadigital said:
9. My psycho bable goes a lot further than you can imagine. Still, you seem to be enjoying your rebuttals. Once again, this disproves your main assertion that this thread (and those like it) serve only to threaten the existence of the forum.  Specifically, I find it pretty amusing that you seem to be so enraged over something as trivial as a forum thread.

Of course I enjoy my rebuttals. If you don't enjoy posting here then you should quit immediately.


And perhaps I've missed something, but you seem to have forgotten to write down the premise that disproves my original statement. This whole thread has turned into a trollfest and it's exactly the kind of garbage that triggered the first shutdown threat.

So sorry, but your logic is lacking the logic.


And please tell me from where you can tell that I'm enraged. It's been a long time since anything from the 'net has been even slightly bothersome for me, let alone enraging. You really are a lousy attempt at a psychologist or whatever you fancy yourself as, and I honestly pity those under your care, if there are indeed any.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


I personally thought that this thread was funny, and not at all meant to bash OE or LA. I contributed thinking that this was a place to catch a few laughs and not blame OE or LA for the fact that the patch is a little late. TSL is an awesome game and i can't wait to get the patch to play through the game another couple times. As I said I just thought this was a way to vent a little gas, and have a laugh while I was at it.


Yes, perhaps it started as such. But read the last pages.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

  213374U said:
Then perhaps you should reconsider your subscriptions. The large amount of bugs was an issue addressed in the early Xbox previews. It was by no means a surprise. And if it's the story what you didn't like, well sorry, but that's how it is. You don't complain to the publisher because you didn't like the ending of the book you just read, do you?


Actually I have in the past. I've written the author and the publishing house. If they had a forum where they expected to foster a community I would send my complaints there as well.


You might think your response is really smart and intelligent but here's the deal:


(a) I'm not buying another OE game until they fix this mess. That's right Mr. Urquhart and Mr. Avellone. Get as upset as you will -- YOU SCREWED THIS ONE UP.


(b) I won't in anyway be turned away by threats of "look guys we need to make a living so stop giving us a hard time on our own forums." YOU setup these forums. YOU expected a community. Now the community responds.


What I'd love to see. OE and LA take some accountability for their actions instead of threaten people. I work in a corporate environment. I'm pretty high up too, and I don't mean to toot my horn. I take ACCOUTANBILITY. It's a keyword they teach you the second they hire you.


OE, word of advice, TAKE SOME ACCOUNTABILITY please.


Whats accountability and where do you buy it at?

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

  actmodern said:
Actually I have in the past. I've written the author and the publishing house.

Sure, you might send them your comments. But complaints? Seriously? Are you so self-centered that you think you have the right to complain about something subject only to personal taste? That is pretty rich.



  actmodern said:
(a) I'm not buying another OE game until they fix this mess. That's right Mr. Urquhart and Mr. Avellone. Get as upset as you will -- YOU SCREWED THIS ONE UP.

That is their business. But let me point this little but very relevant fact to you: you are a minority. The game is selling pretty damn well and has been getting very good reviews. So I don't think your not buying another of their games is going to deprive them of any sleep.



  actmodern said:
(b) I won't in anyway be turned away by threats of "look guys we need to make a living so stop giving us a hard time on our own forums." YOU setup these forums. YOU expected a community. Now the community responds.

Huh? Those were not threats. Warnings, if anything. These are their boards. They dictate the rules, not you. If you don't feel like following the rules, go elsewhere or face the ban. Is it so difficult to grasp the difference between constructive criticism and plain old bitching? Because you people sure have trouble with that.



  actmodern said:
What I'd love to see. OE and LA take some accountability for their actions instead of threaten people. I work in a corporate environment. I'm pretty high up too, and I don't mean to toot my horn. I take ACCOUTANBILITY. It's a keyword they teach you the second they hire you.

Again, read the license agreement. They owe you nothing. If you think it's unfair, get a job in the game industry.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


I've given up on a patch. I'll go into D&D CRPG's until an EXCEPTIONAL Kotor III comes out...


Kotor III: The Last Hope... Hmmm... It does have potential, doesn't it? :o :ph34r:

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


Obsidian hasn't done anything technically wrong. They've published a game that for the most part works and even though they really didn't have to they have released a patch and Lucaasarts will probaly eventually get around to making it available.


Theres nothing anyone can say about doing the bare minimum, I'm sure many of you do the same in some elements in your life, so don't be a hypocrit now

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

  213374U said:
That is their business. But let me point this little but very relevant fact to you: you are a minority. The game is selling pretty damn well and has been getting very good reviews. So I don't think your not buying another of their games is going to deprive them from any sleep.


What are you smoking? Do you have any idea what customer retention is? Do you understand the difference between selling snake oil and selling a real product people will come back to? You think OE wants to lose customers when they have anywhere from 2-10 games left in their lifetime?


Are you this ignorant?


Go on. Argue some more. It won't help. I'm an unsatisified customer and I'm guessing their customer satisfaction can be rated in the low %30. I would lose my job as an executive if the Customer Service VP came back with those kind of numbers.


This is funny, on one hand you have the dissenters, on the other, the appeasers. I wonder who are democrats and republicans in this thread and in the case of foriegners, conservatives or liberals?


Are the liberals appeasers? or the conservatives? who is the voice of dissent.


KOTOR2 is a good game but it has its flaws

-too rapid level advancement

-way, way too easy combat

-incomplete or incoherent storyline

-overall lack of focus in game advancement

-combat again, did everyone else experience that if you gave commands to a charactrer then switched characters, the player would run off an do some random attack first? I even tried wiping the cammand queue and the player would still attack some random enemy before obeying the next command? I want a patch for this! Its the only reason I'm reading this thread.


I liked it just fine, I'm referring to the Pessimists.


Kotor II had a good story, but I don't think that the SW World was ready for some of the controversial issues (Force and Destiny, etc.) it brought up. I loved it, but I want Kotor III to be a LOT better.


My beef is with LA, and they let it get moldy... :devil:


I just miss much of the cut material. I was staring at the moniter for almost half an hour during the Red Eclipse attack trying to figure who the heck was dead on the floor, and what the heck happened to my other NPC's on the ship...


Oh, well.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

  actmodern said:
Go on. Argue some more. It won't help. I'm an unsatisified customer and I'm guessing their customer satisfaction can be rated in the low %30. I would lose my job as an executive if the Customer Service VP came back with those kind of numbers.

Heh. No matter how much you whine and moan, the facts are still there. K2 is selling well, it's getting good reviews for the most part, and it's only a handful of crybabies like you that are making a world of small things. The facts speak clearly: you are a minority.


So keep whining, baby. Nobody gives a sh*t, and nobody should. :blink:

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

  213374U said:
Heh. No matter how much you whine and moan, the facts are still there. K2 is selling well, it's getting good reviews for the most part, and it's only a handful of crybabies like you that are making a world of small things. The facts speak clearly: you are a minority.


So keep whining, baby. Nobody gives a sh*t, and nobody should.  :(


Where are you getting your facts that K2 is selling well?


According to 5 EB's withing 50 miles of my city, 80% of the K2 copies have been returned because of bugs/crashes. That's 224 copies out of 260 that the 5 stores recieved total! At 49.99 a copy, that's a loss of $11,197.76 before tax. Now I don't know about other EB's or stores but from my standpoint, that many copies returned just in one area is kinda alarming.


What about the people who can't even get the game to run or those whose game crashes more than Bush's popularity rating? There are a lot more than 'a handful' of people with issues. I'd check my facts more closely before making such statements. :o

  dantivirus said:
According to 5 EB's withing 50 miles of my city, 80% of the K2 copies have been returned because of bugs/crashes.  That's 224 copies out of 260 that the 5 stores recieved total! At 49.99 a copy, that's a loss of $11,197.76 before tax. Now I don't know about other EB's or stores but from my standpoint, that many copies returned just in one area is kinda alarming.


What about the people who can't even get the game to run or those whose game crashes more than Bush's popularity rating? There are a lot more than 'a handful' of people with issues. I'd check my facts more closely before making such statements. :lol:

Until you can provide tangible proof to support that, your figures aren't very reliable. And even if they are, they aren't significant since it's only a small sample. If you search around you will see that K2 has sold like 250k copies already. And there's still the issue of the reviews.


Nah, I think it's you who needs to check his facts. :)

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


its actually EB thats losing the money, not obsidian or lucasarts since EB have already purchased the copies of the game from them. So it makes no difference to either lucasasrts or the developers


European version of TSL doesn't have half of the bugs that american users are speaking about, so I can't say that this game is catastrophic. But I can see that people already have serious problems and calling them "whiners" is just a procovative rabble and nothing more. And there's a question of storyline that seems unfinished and clumsy. Everyone, with decent intelligence, can notice that one year is too short to develop a decent sequel to KOTOR (everyone except 213374U obviously). It was Lucasarts' greed that decided to publish TSL too early. Have TSL been published in 2006 it could be the greatest RPG in history. I'm dissatisfied cause I see great potential that was wasted.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.


I have found no major bugs to complain about, yet... And I'm American... Maybe you need to offer your younger siblings to the computer sprites as blood sacrifices, like I did... Hey, if it works, right? :)

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

  Dragonforce said:
its actually EB thats losing the money, not obsidian or lucasarts since EB have already purchased the copies of the game from them. So it makes no difference to either lucasasrts or the developers


True, but they only bought their first shipment or two. They can choose not to buy more if its not selling, and that WILL hurt LA, but be good for me when I purchase it after the price cut, and hopefully with a patch to install...


Nur Ab Sal and The Great Phantom:

American or European version doesn't care, they are both the same (see general discussion topic versions)


And I (as European) can play Kotor2 (unlike others), but I experience many many many bugs (atleast 3 new every hour of play...)


I left Onderon once with support of Vaklu and found 5(!) bugs in the scene of getting away (about 15 minutes):

2 Messed Up Enemy Triggers

1 Revusal Of Acting by the NPC's

1 Messed Up Convo

1 Infinite restarting Convo...


Don't say European ain't bugged...

  Nur Ab Sal said:
And there's a question of storyline that seems unfinished and clumsy. Everyone, with decent intelligence, can notice that one year is too short to develop a decent sequel to KOTOR (everyone except 213374U obviously).

That is your opinion. Your opinion is not law. Your opinion weighs a lot less around here since you are a known TotJ supporter. You lose.


End of thread.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


That's opinion of millions. In your corrupted heart you know it to be true. :lol:


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.


Millions? I thought K2 had sold a quarter million copies tops. Are we talking about the same "millions"? You know, the ones with six zeros?



- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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