Terrin Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 27. Why can't Kreia read the thoughts of Bao-Dur and what of it? There have been a couple of misguided answers to this one- for the record, as a race, Zabrak have incredible willpower and general mental control. The reason Kreia couldn't read him is simply because Bao-Dur didn't want her to. You, on the other hand, are another story. If you listen, he's actually actively trying to use that link to get private messages through to you. From the cut sound files: Bao-Dur: I know you can hear me. I've always known. It is why I followed you. I have destroyed planets for you, general. But now, just once, if we could save... something in this galaxy. I need to do this or I will die inside, like I died on Malachor V. You know where you must go. It calls to you still. And she must be stopped, there, now- or she will bring the screams of Malachor V to the galaxy, just as we carried the echo all this way. Now Malachor V comes to us- and I wish to face it this last... time..." Have I mentioned I love this guy?
phiont Posted March 29, 2005 Author Posted March 29, 2005 ... I got a Micro Pulse Blaster which is pretty much the most lethal blaster gun in the game... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I haven't tried that one. I was having Kreia use the Mandalorian Disintegrator. With the gun's "Keen" scope upgrade, the critical threat range was 15 - 20. A typical volley with Master Speed and Master Rapid Shot was inflicting "unstoppable" damage of ~ 250 per round. Not bad for an old lady with one hand. :D
BattleCookiee Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 General 1. Why didn't the player character have a voice, like in KotOR? It was useful even just to receive some indication that you'd scored a critical hit. To leave all to you're own imagination 2. I like that empty containers and looted corpses are now labelled "empty" or "nothing" but why continue to label them at all? Why not just let the labels on containers and corpses vanish entirely the way they do on looted droids? Why have a different system for droids? Droids don't do that, only the "Scavengerable Droids" on Dxun, because you got components and chemicals 3. Why wasn't Bao-Dur allowed to wear Jedi robes? (He was my best Jedi.) The arm... 4. Why wasn't Bao-Dur allowed to lead the Freedon Nadd Tomb raiding party on Dxun? Maybe needed a natural leader? Following you and you being the General and leading him didn't make him a leader 5. Why isn't damage to Bao-Dur's Remote ever repaired? Why isn't a character healed after 4 hyperspace travels? 6. Why is "Jedi Guardian" (falsely) listed as one of the prerequisites for the Weapon Specialisation Lightsabre feat? Don't know... 7. Why don't I gain XP when an enemy under the spell of Force Confusion is killed by his teammates? Annoying bug, reducing effectiveness of Confusion (also in my Bug list) 8. Why does bashing an empty crate suddenly produce broken items? In fact, why have locked empty crates at all? Bug, never had this because I always used picking lock 9. Why have repeated the same dialogue options with both Wisdom and Awareness? Does the answer change if the question is asked out of Wisdom instead of Awareness? So a char with high Wis or high Awar could have the option, if you got both, you could choose them both... 10. Why were the dialog and feedback buttons buried in the messages menu, accessible via a button at the bottom of the journal menu? I use them often and they were all just a click (or speedkey) away in KotOR? Easier menu's, maybe Obsidian didn't though we used it alot (the beta-testers surely never used it) 11. Why is it necessary to double-click the "none" button in the upgrade menus? There's no item description, so single-clicking should be enough. Maybe if you did wanted to have an upgrade, but clicked wrong, or cycled through the upgrade crystals for the best 12. Now that skills can be changed from cross-class skill, why not have the Feats selection screen appear before the Skills screen during level ups? No idea... 13. Why doesn't the character portrait in the load menu change to reflect alignment like it did in KotOR? It did, but just like KOTOR1 the LS change is almost neglectable 14. Why is it no longer possible to filter the inventory menu for "new items only" like we could in KotOR? No use, can also see it because of the color, menu was bugged anyway (new same item of 1 kind and new once again) 15. How were enemies successfully able to detect me with Awareness of 19 vs. my Stealth level of 26? Bug 16. During melee combat, why does the AI still que up single hits when a character has already achieved Master Flurry, which incurs no penalty? Perhaps the AI is left over from KotOR where Master Flurry still suffered a small hit and defence penalty. Flawed AI, most noticable during Telos Czerka office fight Peragus 17. Why were mining droids that had been reprogrammed to "mine" organics trying to kill T3-M4? They were programmed for all organics and illegal droids 18. Why are there 2 mining laser types; a 1-7 and a 1-8 version? ...Same with the 1-11 and 1-12 advanced mining lasers. No idea, maybe some old used up types and new modern ones? 19. Who was the Exile traveling to Telos with on the Harbinger and what happened to them? The captain's logs clearly refer to picking up multiple passengers. Kreia and maybe some other too (Sion) 20. How could the force field barriers in the Peragus fuel depot actually seal off explosions or fuel leaks when the separated sections had open ceilings? The Force, or maybe they had closed up to the ceiling during these events Telos/Ravager 21. Why bring up the party selection menu when departing Citadel Station for the Ravager when you are forced to use Mandalore and Visas? No clue, maybe for a last goodbye look at your Teammates? 22. Why was Mandalore so concerned about the Republic vessels detecting their proton cores on the Ravager? "..the proton cores do not emit a signature the Republic ships can detect. If they do pick up the signal, they will assume it to be emanating from the ship's missile bays." So what? Why would the Ravager's proton cores be more tolerable for the Republic? Expectation that the Republic still hold a grudge against Mandalorians? 23. When Moza told Exile that Choda Habat can heal you, why were there hree options: (1.) Heal me?; (2.) What do you mean?; and (3.) I don't understand? What were the differences between these options, if any? (Game has way too much apparently similarly redundant dialog.) Just for Having 3 answers, many convo's have multiple words from the Exile that really don't matter at all 24. Why did Atris' holocrons yell and scream like Nazi scientists when the game scriptor's instructions were "Evil whispers lurk in the background" ? Shouldn't they have used the creepy whispering sound that you can hear in Visas' meditation cell aboard the Ravager? At that moment (the screaming) they were talking to Atris 25. I really liked it that, while playing as B4-D4, you could get dedicated responses from nearly everyone on Citadel station. It reminds me a bit of the sadistic fun I had talking with the people on Taris while dressed in the Sith trooper's armor. So with all that attention to dialogue, why did Visas continue to answer with "I serve my master", when Nihilus was lying dead at our feet. And when she exited her meditation cell all she could do was again beg me (male Exile) to stay, just as she did back on Dantooine. Still some bugs during B-4D4 too, example: The guy seeing you during the house raid (Tells B4 here again? Even when B4 was never there) Nar Shadda 26. If the stabilisation of Telos was so important to GOTO then why was he hijacking much needed fuel? To destract the Hutts attention from the weakened Republic 27. Why can't Kreia read the thoughts of Bao-Dur and what of it? She is just weak 28. Why didn't the Exile actually receive anything from Atton when he came running to give you some healing packs? In my games, he got extra packs 29. Why did the airspeeder that took so long to fix end up damaged beyond repair just moments later? The bounty hunters disabled them for easier access to you and your teammates 30. Why did Hanharr's subtitles say "Jeedai" instead of Jedi? Clearly, the wookie wasn't actually saying anything that sounds like either. So why misspell it? What do you think from Wookiees? 31. What did Kreia mean when she told Hanharr, "but first I must prepare you for what is to come" ? What preparation was there besides getting the beast to Malachor? Strenghten himself up for the fight at Malachor, as he was defeated at the Arena, he should be stronger to kill the red-heared bounty hunter 32. How did GOTO expect the Exile to fix the "broken" Republic without being allowed to go free? What do you expect from a droid? Intelligence? (Sorry HK ) 33. Why did the main character in the rescue team swap places with any party member that interacted with the droids imprisoned on GOTO's yacht? Have no idea what you mean 34. When GOTO was asked "wasn't your ship just destroyed?" why does he respond with "a common misconception not supported by fact" ? That was the line for "When on the ship you talked about Revan", sure you asked "Wasn't your ship destroyed" 35. What did Master Zez-Kai-Ell mean when he said, "...and although I would not keep promises to Jedi, I keep promises I make to others" ? ...Jedi are not others? Jedi, always riddles 36. Why did leaving Vogga asleep completely reset our discussion when Exile returned later after destroying GOTO's yacht? The Exile had to exit and re-enter with Vogga already awake to initiate the GOTO reward and fuel discussions. Vogga clearly was bugged (also see many topics about Re-Dancing stopping after talking about Goto) 37. I like the view of the Ebon Hawk from the starboard window of the bridge of GOTO's yacht, but why not also show the starboard wing (arm) of GOTO's vessel? Didn't notice... 38. How was I supposed to help Guron look for the modulator he was searching for at the swoop race center? You can't. You can help him by destroying the droid though 39. What was the significance of the hidden signal that the Bith scientist was seeking near the docks? Reveal GO-TO's identity 40. What was the purpose of the little burst data transmitter module that I found attached to both the swoop racing and the Pazaak playing droids? See 39 41. The properties of Nomi's Armband sold by Geeda show "+1 vs. Dark Side." What does that mean? Extra protection VS. all DS enemy's (+1 AC if enemy is DS, I think) 42. On rescuing the Exile from GOTO's yacht, why was nothing said? There should have been some expression of gratitude or at least an acknowledgement like we saw when Zalbaar was rescued near the beginning of KotOR. Damn unsocial PC Dantooine 43. Why did Suulru on Dantooine give me 20,000 credits worth of weapons (Zabrak Heavy Blaster + Dashade Sonic Blaster) for solving his 500 credit dispute with Jorran? Maybe it was a honor (he did this, I want revenge) quest, not just for the cash... 44. If Vrook's plan was to gather info from the mercs about the Khoonda attack why did rescuing him "ruin the best chance of averting an attack" ? He'd already collected the info and now needed to tell Khoonda, no? Vrook's Evil 45. Why was Khoonda admin Terena Adare laughing so much? You can see her character model swaying and chuckling up a storm even while the rest of us are fighting back the mercs that are trying to kill her. You look so funny, Exile :D 46. Why does Master Zez-Kai-Ell at first speak with the voice of Master Kavar in the rebuilt enclave? Haven't noticed. Damn DS me 47. What did it mean when the Dantooine enclave sublevel's mainframe computer reported: "Mainframe disconnected from children." ? Which console says this? Never saw that... Onderon/Dxun 48. Why did I gain influence with Atton when I saved the lost Mandalorian, Kumus, on Dxun? (Atton was still back on the ship.) Wrong Name on Influence Screen? Or bugged char giving other influence... (Didn't got influence on Handmaiden during this one, even when I did good and she responded that I did good and she liked that 49. Why did it always sound like there's a war going on in Onderon's Western Square, but not in the merchant quarter, 3 steps away? It's not 3 steps away, between the 2 area's is a large area (like entertainment/dock in Telos, long distance, jump in once) 50. Naturally we couldn't remove Mandalore's armor, but why couldn't we at least see its specifications (eg. max DEX bonus)? You can see during upgrading (on top, with EQUIPED, can give some extra Max DEX input) Malachor V 51. How did powering up the Mass Shadow Generator "undo" the damage caused by the Mass Shadow Generator? Explained before 52. Why does the movie "Death of the Ebon Hawk" have such a title when it was shown just a short while before the EH rescues the player from the core? Only correct when DS, maybe LS check is not done while it should... 53. Why did the movie "Death of the Ebon Hawk" depict the ship slipping into a deep chasm, even though the Exile was standing on the valley floor directly beneath it, earlier, not to mention that Mira was able to fall down from the ship onto that same valley floor? See 52 Some closing items that are probably just bugs: Bao-Dur's Remote should not follow him in nearly the exact same position as the game's 3rd person view camera. The resultant position conflicts cause jumpy motion when playing Bao-Dur and the Remote's sound often seems to propagate from inside your head - a bit too loud. See my sig and avatar for bigger problem the Remote causes When visiting the TSF station later in the game, but before the Ravager attacks, the reception droid still reports the Ebon Hawk as stolen. Even when returning from Telos Academy from surface to Telos at once and he says this... The droid is messed up (also note the Valiant/Sojourn is still delayed even when it landed when leaving Citadel Station for the surface) Mandalore's alignment kept resetting to Dark Side and sometimes his character menu indicated he had 1/1 vitality. When T3-M4 approached maximum LS alignment his character screen showed him with maximum DS smoke and flames. Only saw T3's error, pic in sig topic... Many times I would need to reboot the game so that the number of remaining skill points would be reported correctly during level ups. Never had this one Many times an attribute adjustment made during a level up would later show the adjustment made instead on a different attribute. Never had this one Kreia's lesson about skills increased my force point max but did nothing to my lowest and highest skill levels, no matter how much I raised them. Many topics about this, never given (altough some say "I got it, it was +1 awarness", that was from Kreia's other lessons though) The sound of the shielding on the Ithorian's plant on Citadel station is way too loud. The sound of the steam hissing during the prologue completely squelches the tutorial. Don't notice, not to loud for me Setting a character's combat style to Stationary almost never worked, even if the enemy was out of sight, around the corner and down the hall. Only use Ranged, Jedi Support and Agressive anyway (why did they left out Defensive stand?) The Mandalorian on Dxun actually goes west (northwest?) even though he tells you to cover the path to the west. To me (and on map) he goes east... There's no dialogue option with Lt Dol Grenn for completing the Telos fuel quest. Bugged, also notice the "We got no extra Fuel" during Ravanger attack even when completed the quest I like the new random generation of found items, however it was a bit odd to find a Regal Visor on the remains of a Peragus excavation droid. What about armors and Jedi Robes in Turrets? There are quite a few gender mix ups in the dialogs regarding Revan. GOTO never referred to female Revan as a "she" at all. And according to the Exile, T3-M4 even says, "Because she could not take anyone with him." Lack of time and convo's causes this... (many have she and he version, altough some convo's lack this, causing this) You can get a nasty 'crash to desktop' when you try using the Peragus admin computer again later after contacting T3-M4. Never noticed, always worked fine to me after seaking the 3 parts for the Sonic Sensor Too often the player is given too little time to read long subtitles. Conversely, Visqis was speaking for 5 - 10 seconds when all he was saying was "Mira!!" The Can Not Be Interrupted convo's are worse The speeder on the Nar Sh docks is situated too far forward and is impaled on the railing. ? The equipment menu for all teammates shows a Defence level of only 9 while viewed aboard the Ebon Hawk. Not to me... The music playing when Kreia meets the Exile at the top of the turbolift from the Peragus dormitories has very low fidelity. ? The music playing on entering the Korriban academy is too loud and can't be turned down/off in the options. Too loud? Never noticed... The Ionite edges were the only ones that I found to work on the Zabrak or Echani vibroblades. Some of the grips didn't work either on those blades. Sure they are Fully Upgradable Blades (not only 2/3 or 1/3) The Armorply Mark II overlay can be installed on robes although it should be for armor only. What does it do? Jedi party members achieving LS mastery bonuses usually lost them during level ups or even game loading. Never noticed The TSF computer's statement "Any records on the Ebon Hawk's records comes up empty" could have been written better, no? Maybe LT. Grenn can't write correct... " The question "Who is Kreia?" may appear as option number 5 during Exile's final conversation with Atris, and then disappear forever if you don't ask it immediately. How to get this? And what's the answer? Critical hit calculations often bugged, resulting in feedback like "Threat Breakdown: Roll 15 vs. required 12 - 20, threat failure." Seems like a crit is only made if a AB is higher than enemy's DC (Threat roll gets no 1-20 roll and has to hit), bug or intended? During my sparring against 5 Handmaiden Sisters, all of my effects (ie. stimulants, force powers, shields) would terminate each time one of the sisters was defeated. Never noticed (didn't use these things ever in the game again, so if they did bug during one fight I wouldn't notice Using a Thorium charge in Korriban while you have 2 sets of charges in your inventory will result in the loss of both of them. Don't know, never have 2 on me... Meeting the apparition of Kreia and party members in the Korriban tomb cycles endlessly if you side with Kreia. Yep, also odd you get LS for defending the Ultimate Kotor2 Baddie... (Also a bug there here BM gives you the possitive effects if enemy of Kreia) Kreia should be a forced party member when returning to the rebuilt enclave. Otherwise, half her dialog gets cut and makes little sense if she just shows up on her own. Don't notice, do notice her sitting secense won't trigger on it's own, only if you click the mouse Many of the game's ambient sound loops are very badly spliced producing an audible gap or click where they restart. ?
Lord Satasn Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 ""The question "Who is Kreia?" may appear as option number 5 during Exile's final conversation with Atris, and then disappear forever if you don't ask it immediately."" ```I never had this option in my game...did you ever ask Atris that question? And what did she say, if you did? thanks
Invoker Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 ... I got a Micro Pulse Blaster which is pretty much the most lethal blaster gun in the game... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I haven't tried that one. I was having Kreia use the Mandalorian Disintegrator. With the gun's "Keen" scope upgrade, the critical threat range was 15 - 20. A typical volley with Master Speed and Master Rapid Shot was inflicting "unstoppable" damage of ~ 250 per round. Not bad for an old lady with one hand. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's some sweet-ass damage for a one-handed blaster :D The Micro Pulse Blaster does 4-22 original damage (if I am not entirely mistaken), then with Pure Rylith Power Cell and Mandalorian Chamber Mark II (I believe is the highest?) and the Keen scope. You boost this damage to like 9-56 and add the increased threat range you'll see the enemy stampede over each other trying to find cover. Bugs? Klingon Software does not have 'Bugs'. It has FEATURES and they are too sophisticated for a Romulan pig like you to understand! HK-47: "Recitation: First, weapon selection is critical. If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself." HK-47: "Answer: Select grenades, sonic screamers, cluster rockets and plasma charges. Mines are also effective, since many Jedi will run to meet you in hand to hand combat. Silly Jedi."
Darth Frog Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 15. How were enemies successfully able to detect me with Awareness of 19 vs. my Stealth level of 26? Got plenty of those as well and found them annoying. However, I noticed that they only occurred in situations where a very high roll by the enemy could beat a very low roll by my character. So perhaps the success was actually legit and the feedback logic simply chose the wrong pair of rolls for logging. These rolls are made continuously and if all of them were shown then they would flood the feedback log in a hurry. Another possibility is that the automatic miss/hit logic (roll 1/20) from the core combat mechanic was mistakenly carried over to this situation. It does not apply to skill checks. SKILL CHECKS------------A skill check takes into account a character
Guest MacleodCorp Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 53 Questions for Obsidian: 1. What the heck are you thinking? 2. What the heck was that? 3. Was that a game or a papper weight? 4. Where is the longly anticipated patch? 5. Is there going to be a patch? 6. Does Bigfoot exist? 7. Do you believe in UFOs? 8. If the patch is coming out, will it be on a flying saucer? 9. Why did you edit this game ot oblivion? 10. What is the meaning of the word "Soon"? 12. Is soon a moment in time, which means several years latter? 13. Why does KOTOR II have so many insect problems? Bugs everywhere!? 14. Why does KOTOR II act like a vehicle accident, for it allways crashes? 15. Do you know the meaning of life? 16. Why did BioWare do such a complex RPG game called KOTOR I? 17. Why did you think you can do better? 18. Do you even care about us the customer? 19. Did you know that Elvis is allive? 20. Do you think Elvis has the patch? 21. Could you confirm this: Jesus said he had the patch! Is that right? 22. KOTOR I was a pretty fun game, why did you make a lousy KOTOR II? 23. Is Mira a bi-sexual? 24. Does Mira make house calls? 25. I heard Mira was a Mandalorian child, but Mandalore didn't ecknowledge hre. Is that true? Why? 26. Do you think KOTOR II was an RPG? 27. What is the meaning of a RPG? 28. What makes KOTOR II a RPG? 29. Hey, could you tell me the answer to: Was Super Mario Brothers a RPG? 30. Do you people think you will make a KOTOR III: The Return of Mario? 31. Obsidian, do you believe Lucas Arts was foolish in releasing your piece of garbage game? 32. Did you people play the game before releasing it to the public? 33. As a writter, for Obsidian, did you believe people would be dumb enough to enjoy your game? 34. Do you peole like ALF? 35. Is it true that ALF make an appearence in KOTOR II, and he is running around the game with the patch? 36. How many bug problems do you guys think this game has anyway? 37. Do you think that this game should hav won any award? 38. What makes KOTOR II so special that critics believe that this game beats KOTOR I? 39. Does Visas have any type of relationship with Carth? 40. Does Carth wish he had control over the Ebon Hawk? 41. Is Revan a Female or Male? 42. If there is an answer to quesiton 41, how many people would be pissed? 43. Why was there no sidequests like in KOTOR I? 44. Do you think KOTOR III will be made by Obsidian? 45. If KOTOR III was not mad by Obsidian, would you people be upset? 46. If you do not release a patch, do you think Star Wars fans will buy another one of your prooducts? 47. Do you regret making such a flawed game? 48. Obsidian, how would Darth Vader compaire to Darth Revan? 49. Do you people thin you are qualified to answer question 48? 50. How often do you talk to Lucas Arts before you design a Star Wars game? 51. I heard a rumor that Yoda had the patch! Is that true? 52. If so, do we have to go to Dagobah to retreve the patch from him? 53. Do you think you are qualified to make any more kOTOR series games?
Darth Flatus Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 Hey! this is a good thread, props to Forna for taking notes and asking questions! Don't mess it up by spamming it with your b*tching
kalimeeri Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 17. Why were mining droids that had been reprogrammed to "mine" organics trying to kill T3-M4? Was I the only one who believed that it was not a mining droid at all that got T3, but an HK? As in "HE just dumped you down the mining shaft?" That's how I remember it, anyway. It is a possibility. Many of these questions address problems that have never happened to me, and might possibly be related to a specific setup or game. For instance, the sound crackling. An add-on card may handle things differently than onboard sound. It's all about the drivers, as it is with video. I have noted differences between my games on the same machine, however (glitches, etc) and I don't really know why this happens. But mileage may vary, and for me this type of thing isn't a game-killer as long as the story is good. My thanks to the person who posted the cut Bao-Dur dialogue. So many of the passages (both in and out game) were beautifully written and characterized. I've replayed just to listen and appreciate. I think I'll remember that more than how many CTD's I had.
Craigboy2 Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 17. Why were mining droids that had been reprogrammed to "mine" organics trying to kill T3-M4? Was I the only one who believed that it was not a mining droid at all that got T3, but an HK? As in "HE just dumped you down the mining shaft?" That's how I remember it, anyway. It is a possibility. Many of these questions address problems that have never happened to me, and might possibly be related to a specific setup or game. For instance, the sound crackling. An add-on card may handle things differently than onboard sound. It's all about the drivers, as it is with video. I have noted differences between my games on the same machine, however (glitches, etc) and I don't really know why this happens. But mileage may vary, and for me this type of thing isn't a game-killer as long as the story is good. My thanks to the person who posted the cut Bao-Dur dialogue. So many of the passages (both in and out game) were beautifully written and characterized. I've replayed just to listen and appreciate. I think I'll remember that more than how many CTD's I had. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was an HK-50, the minning droid don't have that strong of guns. "Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir." "Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf
phiont Posted March 30, 2005 Author Posted March 30, 2005 17. Why were mining droids that had been reprogrammed to "mine" organics trying to kill T3-M4? Was I the only one who believed that it was not a mining droid at all that got T3, but an HK? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was indeed an HK that attacked T3-M4 and dumped him in the fuel line. But I hope you also remember T3 being attacked by mining droids, which is what my question was about. Many of these questions address problems that have never happened to me, and might possibly be related to a specific setup or game. For instance, the sound crackling. An add-on card may handle things differently than onboard sound.<{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, I was wondering if maybe my Audigy II soundcard was to blame for the audio artifacts. But then I also read about this audio loop splicing flaw in an game review. So I'm not so inclined to blame my hardware in this case.
Mad_Scientist Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 17. Why were mining droids that had been reprogrammed to "mine" organics trying to kill T3-M4? Was I the only one who believed that it was not a mining droid at all that got T3, but an HK? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was indeed an HK that attacked T3-M4 and dumped him in the fuel line. But I hope you also remember T3 being attacked by mining droids, which is what my question was about. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think I remember where I found it now. When you use the administrative overide to shut down the force field to the room where Atton is held, it also shuts down any droids on that level that you haven't destroyed yet. If you go to any of those shut down droids, there's a Computer Use option that allows you to examine their programming. If you are successful, you find out that the droids were programmed to "mine" both organics and unauthorized droids.
Lord Pahakala Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 8. Why does bashing an empty crate suddenly produce broken items? In fact, why have locked empty crates at all? Well. In what situation has that happened? It's known, that KotOR 2 randomly generates items. You can have that same container. First time you open it with security and it's empty. Then you load game and bash it. After loading, it can actually contain something, but by bashing, you destroy that item. I have tried that. I found locked container, opened it with security, it was empty. I loaded my game for some reason (not cuz of that container), later opened it again and there were some stimulants in it.
kalimeeri Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 Yes, I was wondering if maybe my Audigy II soundcard was to blame for the audio artifacts. But then I also read about this audio loop splicing flaw in an game review. So I'm not so inclined to blame my hardware in this case. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not saying your hardware is to blame. I run an Audigy2. I just don't think blaming the game is the answer to this particular question; there are way too many other variables that come into play to make a blanket statement. This goes for reviewers as well. They're as bound by individual system setup as the rest of us. The problem I have with the sound is that it is not a big enough part of the game. In an ideal world, when I shut it down for the night, I want to find myself humming the strains of the music in the shower the next morning, as I did with Morrowind and Dungeon Seige. I replayed K1 and commented to my daughter how beautiful the music was, and she protested that K2 had good music, too. But all I remember is a few passages, even after multiple replays--and those weren't as full as I'd have liked, even with CMSS2 enabled. It wasn't used to advantage.
Vashanti Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 Great questions and great avatar, Forna! All the more reasons for us to get a patch! Hopefully, one day...
phiont Posted March 30, 2005 Author Posted March 30, 2005 8. Why does bashing an empty crate suddenly produce broken items? In fact, why have locked empty crates at all? Well. In what situation has that happened? It's known, that KotOR 2 randomly generates items. You can have that same container. First time you open it with security and it's empty. Then you load game and bash it. After loading, it can actually contain something, but by bashing, you destroy that item. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The situation I remember and understood best was the locker in the storage room off the Ithorian's dock at Citadel station. It's locked and remains empty until you receive blackmarketeer Samhan's quest to steal the Ithorian prototype shield. So, most of the other times I've ever found a locked empty container I just assumed it was for a quest I'd not received yet. By the way, I've compared picking locks with bashing locks many times and I've never seen an item become destroyed. For me, bashing has only ever added some broken items to what was already there. Or like Redmen posted yesterday, the broken item may be like a small compensation for not getting the XP from picking. Great questions and great avatar, Forna! All the more reasons for us to get a patch! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What? My avatar??
Akari Posted March 31, 2005 Posted March 31, 2005 *sigh* I'm probably going to regret this, but I can at least explain some of these things. General 2. I like that empty containers and looted corpses are now labelled "empty" or "nothing" but why continue to label them at all? Why not just let the labels on containers and corpses vanish entirely the way they do on looted droids? Why have a different system for droids? Well, techinically, you can put objects back INTO containers, if you wanted to for some reason. Some people used the container on the Ebon Hawk in KotOR1 to do that (don't remember if we left a container in KotOR2). Since they're labeled empty, it doesn't really matter much, does it? 3. Why wasn't Bao-Dur allowed to wear Jedi robes? (He was my best Jedi.) It's an art issue. Bao-Dur's unique arm made that difficult to pull off without needing to consume more memory, and memory was one of the main limiting factors in the development. 5. Why isn't damage to Bao-Dur's Remote ever repaired? The remote wasn't supposed to ever take damage at all. The fact that it takes damage is the bug. 8. Why does bashing an empty crate suddenly produce broken items? In fact, why have locked empty crates at all? This is a bug too. In those cases, deisgners had scripts on the containers that were supposed to execute if you bashed the container or opened it successfully. As a result, there wasn't any contents in the container until after it had been opened one way or another. The fix for that was supposed to be to have at least -1- thing always in the container no matter what, but I guess some containers still got missed. 10. Why were the dialog and feedback buttons buried in the messages menu, accessible via a button at the bottom of the journal menu? I use them often and they were all just a click (or speedkey) away in KotOR? Someone decided that the Messages screen wasn't very important so it got stuffed further into the interface. Can't remember where that decision came down from. 11. Why is it necessary to double-click the "none" button in the upgrade menus? There's no item description, so single-clicking should be enough. The listbox code used for listing those kinds of displays wasn't flexible enough to allow for completely different behavior on just one button out of the list. I tried to make it so that you could one-click save on the save screen when you click on 'New Slot', but that too didn't work out without needing to change too much of the existing List Box code. 12. Now that skills can be changed from cross-class skill, why not have the Feats selection screen appear before the Skills screen during level ups? We thought about that on our end too. Unfortunately, the 'cross-class' skill feats were added very late in the development cycle and there wasn't enough time to go through and make the major change to the character level up process to change the order. It was more complicated than you would expect. 33. Why did the main character in the rescue team swap places with any party member that interacted with the droids imprisoned on GOTO's yacht? The droids should have been flagged 'Party Member can interact', but apparently they weren't. The remainder of items are things I either know nothing about, are obviously bugs, or were just things the designers missed, so there really isn't much to say about them. -Akari
phiont Posted March 31, 2005 Author Posted March 31, 2005 Some people used the container on the Ebon Hawk in KotOR1 to do that (don't remember if we left a container in KotOR2).<{POST_SNAPBACK}> Question 54: What happened to the plasteel cylinders that used to be on the Ebon Hawk? Seriously, I made extensive use of them for storing excess inventory in KotOR I, although a minor bug would always empty them enroute to the Unknown World. *sigh* I'm probably going to regret this,...<{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol :D That's exactly what I said when I started typing out all my questions. Thanks for the feedback.
Haitoku Posted March 31, 2005 Posted March 31, 2005 53 Questions for Obsidian:1. What the heck are you thinking? 2. What the heck was that? 3. Was that a game or a papper weight? 4. Where is the longly anticipated patch? 5. Is there going to be a patch? 6. Does Bigfoot exist? 7. Do you believe in UFOs? 8. If the patch is coming out, will it be on a flying saucer? 9. Why did you edit this game ot oblivion? 10. What is the meaning of the word "Soon"? 12. Is soon a moment in time, which means several years latter? 13. Why does KOTOR II have so many insect problems? Bugs everywhere!? 14. Why does KOTOR II act like a vehicle accident, for it allways crashes? 15. Do you know the meaning of life? 16. Why did BioWare do such a complex RPG game called KOTOR I? 17. Why did you think you can do better? 18. Do you even care about us the customer? 19. Did you know that Elvis is allive? 20. Do you think Elvis has the patch? 21. Could you confirm this: Jesus said he had the patch! Is that right? 22. KOTOR I was a pretty fun game, why did you make a lousy KOTOR II? 23. Is Mira a bi-sexual? 24. Does Mira make house calls? 25. I heard Mira was a Mandalorian child, but Mandalore didn't ecknowledge hre. Is that true? Why? 26. Do you think KOTOR II was an RPG? 27. What is the meaning of a RPG? 28. What makes KOTOR II a RPG? 29. Hey, could you tell me the answer to: Was Super Mario Brothers a RPG? 30. Do you people think you will make a KOTOR III: The Return of Mario? 31. Obsidian, do you believe Lucas Arts was foolish in releasing your piece of garbage game? 32. Did you people play the game before releasing it to the public? 33. As a writter, for Obsidian, did you believe people would be dumb enough to enjoy your game? 34. Do you peole like ALF? 35. Is it true that ALF make an appearence in KOTOR II, and he is running around the game with the patch? 36. How many bug problems do you guys think this game has anyway? 37. Do you think that this game should hav won any award? 38. What makes KOTOR II so special that critics believe that this game beats KOTOR I? 39. Does Visas have any type of relationship with Carth? 40. Does Carth wish he had control over the Ebon Hawk? 41. Is Revan a Female or Male? 42. If there is an answer to quesiton 41, how many people would be pissed? 43. Why was there no sidequests like in KOTOR I? 44. Do you think KOTOR III will be made by Obsidian? 45. If KOTOR III was not mad by Obsidian, would you people be upset? 46. If you do not release a patch, do you think Star Wars fans will buy another one of your prooducts? 47. Do you regret making such a flawed game? 48. Obsidian, how would Darth Vader compaire to Darth Revan? 49. Do you people thin you are qualified to answer question 48? 50. How often do you talk to Lucas Arts before you design a Star Wars game? 51. I heard a rumor that Yoda had the patch! Is that true? 52. If so, do we have to go to Dagobah to retreve the patch from him? 53. Do you think you are qualified to make any more kOTOR series games? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay, so you've established that you don't like OE. Why are you still here? Just leave already.
RedHawke Posted March 31, 2005 Posted March 31, 2005 Seriously, I made extensive use of them for storing excess inventory in KotOR I, although a minor bug would always empty them enroute to the Unknown World. Hello, I also thought this was a bug, but actually the module for the Ebon Hawk on the Unknown World (the Hyperdrive is damaged and you have all the party gathered in the main room) is different than the normal Ebon Hawk module, that is why the items dissapear from the containers, they are still there in the normal Ebon Hawk module, but since it is a different module loading at that time in the game the items seem to vanish. :D
Hive Posted March 31, 2005 Posted March 31, 2005 Will the items return when you leave the Unknown World then?
BattleCookiee Posted March 31, 2005 Posted March 31, 2005 I also thought this was a bug, but actually the module for the Ebon Hawk on the Unknown World (the Hyperdrive is damaged and you have all the party gathered in the main room) is different than the normal Ebon Hawk module, that is why the items dissapear from the containers, they are still there in the normal Ebon Hawk module, but since it is a different module loading at that time in the game the items seem to vanish. :D Yep, a nice place to get the "Spice Armor" :D
Mahf Posted March 31, 2005 Posted March 31, 2005 15. How were enemies successfully able to detect me with Awareness of 19 vs. my Stealth level of 26? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because you combine the skill with the roll of a D20... an advantage of +5 hardly makes it impossible. It just means more often than not you'll go undetected.
Sylver Posted March 31, 2005 Posted March 31, 2005 I also thought this was a bug, but actually the module for the Ebon Hawk on the Unknown World (the Hyperdrive is damaged and you have all the party gathered in the main room) is different than the normal Ebon Hawk module, that is why the items dissapear from the containers, they are still there in the normal Ebon Hawk module, but since it is a different module loading at that time in the game the items seem to vanish. I noticed it was different when I was in the unknown world and the mysterious crate you get in korriban was vanished but on the star forge was in there again.
phiont Posted March 31, 2005 Author Posted March 31, 2005 15. How were enemies successfully able to detect me with Awareness of 19 vs. my Stealth level of 26?<{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because you combine the skill with the roll of a D20... an advantage of +5 hardly makes it impossible. It just means more often than not you'll go undetected. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't think I already had a stealth skill of 26 in the Telos Restoration Zone, do you? :ph34r: Those numbers already include the rolls. I noticed it was different when I was in the unknown world and the mysterious crate you get in korriban was vanished but on the star forge was in there again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When the evil Rakatan chief asked me to get the secret documents from the Elders, I was soooooooo hoping that I'd be able to bring him the Mysterious Box and say, "It's in here." " :D
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