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A very 'good' waitress on Iziz

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Force sight hasn't revealed much yet that I didn't already know. Every now and then I remember and give it a try, but pretty much every NPC is the same boring neutral grey. Except...


In the Iziz cantina, everyone is neutral, including the dodgy trader with the darkside crystal. However, the waitress, whose 'Did something just happen?' always gets a laugh from me, is the only NPC with good alignment. Why? Is she deeply attuned to the mysteries of the universe? Is that what makes her such a crappy waitress?


Has force sight revealed anything else that was unexpected?

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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I didn't even know that Force Sight could reveal someone's alignment...


Did you ever get Force Sight?

You can get it from Visas. I found out that even with her personal dialogue you can get the power.

Some LS Characters are: The Jedi Masters Vrook, Zez Kai Ell and Kavar, Administrator Adare, Berun Modrul and many others probably but I can think off them.

DS Characters: Vogga the Hutt (not a reliable Fuel source I guess), Azkul, Atris (don't know the first time, but won't be surprised if she was neutral then) and many of the people at malachor. Sith soldiers however are all neutral.


Strange: Why can't we select Force Sight from Visas herself. Thought: Obsidian forgot to do this. Please put this in the first patch. Isn't so difficult, is it?

Master Vandar lives!

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Strange: Why can't we select Force Sight from Visas herself. Thought: Obsidian forgot to do this. Please put this in the first patch. Isn't so difficult, is it?


Visas is blind, at least to the visible light spectrum, and sees only through the force. Her force sight is constantly in effect and it would be rather silly for her to have it as a selectable force power. If you want to use her force sight select her and switch to the first person view.

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Strange: Why can't we select Force Sight from Visas herself. Thought: Obsidian forgot to do this. Please put this in the first patch. Isn't so difficult, is it?

No need. When playing as Visas just hit the Free Look key to enter first person view and you've got force sight. And the big advantage to viewing through Visas is that you can use it for a second or two and then exit - no FP cost and no having to wait for the 30 second clock to tick down before recovering your normal sight.


I used it to look through locked doors. For instance, the locked private rooms in Khoonda are all bedrooms, while the inaccessible area off the Nar Shadda docks are just empty passageways.



Edit: I've just noticed that Neroyume already answered about using Visas. :(

Edited by Forna K. Shan
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That probably depends on what graphic card he's using. I have an Nvidia 6800 GTO and having Frame Buffer Effects either enabled or disabled has absolutely no effect on Force Sight. It looks the same either way.


As Dufflover was speculating about Atris' alignment at the two points the exile interacts with her I've attached a cap showing her viewed with Force Sight during my exile's second visit.


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Erm..where can my character get Force Sight from Visas? I already have her in my party and I am now at Dxun again. About to visit Dantooine again to see the Jedi Masters.


So far, the only way to use Force Sight is to change the leader to Visas and press the Caps Lock key to enable free look. I ddi the same on Exile but no Force Sight.


Am I missing something.

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During the first conversation with Visas after she recovers from the fight your character had with her, you should get the option to ask her, "I have heard your species is blind. How are you able to see?"


Follow up her response with, "You sound as if that sight is lost to you." and she'll teach your character how to use Force Sight. IIRC you need to have some influence with her in order for this to happen. That shouldn't be a problem if your character has been nice to her.


I'm not sure if it's possible to have her teach your character about it as far into the game as you've gotten.

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I've read the support forums regarding force sight and have accepted teh faact that my graphics card is too old to display it (frame buffer effects option is greyed out) However as with other non aggressive powers shouldnt a little blue arrow come up on your portrait while using it? cos it doesnt when i slect force sight even though i hear the "swoosh" sound.

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If you're not able to get that conversation option from Visas while aboard the Ebon Hawk try again after disembarking with Visas in your party. It may have been just a momentary glitch, but that's how I got it to happen, last time.

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Force sight hasn't revealed much yet that I didn't already know.  Every now and then I remember and give it a try, but pretty much every NPC is the same boring neutral grey.  Except...


In the Iziz cantina, everyone is neutral, including the dodgy trader with the darkside crystal.  However, the waitress, whose 'Did something just happen?' always gets a laugh from me, is the only NPC with good alignment.  Why?  Is she deeply attuned to the mysteries of the universe?  Is that what makes her such a crappy waitress?


Has force sight revealed anything else that was unexpected?

Yes one time I was about to kill one of thoose pigs looking things (GOD I'VE BEEN AWAY FROM STAR WARS TOO LONG!) two was red and the third one was bright blue. So I decided to kill the red ones off and maybe the good one wouldn't kill me, we'll he did attack me and he did die quickly.

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf

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I've read the support forums regarding force sight and have accepted teh faact that my graphics card is too old to display it (frame buffer effects option is greyed out) However as with other non aggressive powers shouldnt a little blue arrow come up on your portrait while using it? cos it doesnt when i slect force sight even though i hear the "swoosh" sound.


No, Force Sight doesn't show any indicator on the character protrait when it's in effect.


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I found some other strange alignments on Nar Shaddaa:


There is an evil Duros in the entertainment cantina. You can't begin a conversation with him.

All Ubese bounty hunters are evil, but Visquis strangely isn't. He's neutral. I guess it shows how useful this DS damage bonus really is.

I'll post more when I see some other strange alignments

Master Vandar lives!

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