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I love HK 47

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yes i do, and pretty much by his definition

but still love is love (and even if by some freak chance you're gonna hold my nick against me, don't)


HE IS GREAT, not quite as great as in kotor 1 but still...


hmm... let me put it like this if the next kotor is all about him i'll buy it, if hte next two kotors are just about him i'll buy them, if the next three kotors are called All About HK 47 i'll buy them, if... well, i'm probably exagerating, but how much i wonder?


i love that big, red, backstabing, homicidal, egomaniac.


That beeing said. DO YOU?



I would really like to read his memoires

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I think he is the best character in the party..his comments are always awesome. I like the way he finally talks about his past as an asssination droid.


his character development is a good continuation from KOTOR1. Too bad that he comes in the party so late but hey what else are savegame editors for ? :lol:



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I don't love him. Why should I? He knows exactly three jokes (one about 'Masters', one about 'meatbags', and one about 'atomizing civilians'), he has no personality, and his lengthy explanations about backstabbing make me weary. I seriously consider keeping all these HK-parts to myself, instead of re-installing them.

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The rust that flakes off his dented parts makes me sneeze.

Never any metal polish around when you need it.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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There is something wrong with you if you don't like HK-47. I always have he in my party after getting him (both in KOTORI [except on the star forge] and KOTORII after reinstalling him). Too bad you're at the end of the game when you finally get everything you need for him. He's great to have with you when you're a dark lord of the sith like me. Die you organic meatbags that don't like HK-47.

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There is something wrong with you if you don't like HK-47.

Peace! :D But seriously, I think there's something wrong with HK-47. In the original KotOR, he already was a lousy shot, a mediocre translator, and a terrible comedian ... and now, in KotOR II, he still reiterates the same joke over and over again. Okay, he shoots better ... but he talks even more ... and while he talks I get drowsy ... and I can already tell that the final pun line will be something about 'atomizing meatbags' ... once more.

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There is something wrong with you if you don't like HK-47.

Peace! :D But seriously, I think there's something wrong with HK-47. In the original KotOR, he already was a lousy shot, a mediocre translator, and a terrible comedian ... and now, in KotOR II, he still reiterates the same joke over and over again. Okay, he shoots better ... but he talks even more ... and while he talks I get drowsy ... and I can already tell that the final pun line will be something about 'atomizing meatbags' ... once more.



looooooooooooool... no offense but if HK 47 bores you i seriously wonder how you can possibly stand real people


i mean i expected people to say he's too violent, too "driven", maybe eaven too..... red.



CHRIST do oppinions differ or what???

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It's not that difficult to get HK fairly quickly if you really want to maximize using him. But I know what you mean. On the one hand the NPC progression-to-aquire is cool, on the other hand...it's not. :thumbsup:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Hah.. now that I play as a sith lord, I do enjoy him. I've always enjoyed him of course, he's just not as easy to be around when you play good.


And since this is in the spoilers section I may add:


It's real fun to install the Pacifist modification chip in him.

I've only gotten it via a save game editor though... I always tend to cheat after I've finished a game fairly once.


But yeah, HK-47 is fun.


(Put the stuff in "spoiler" tag anyway...)

Edited by Noceur
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But seriously, I think there's something wrong with HK-47.


do oppinions differ or what???

Yes. :)

no offense but if HK 47 bores you i seriously wonder how you can possibly stand real people

No, no: he bores me as a fictional character. You know, when I talk to Atton, or to Kreia, or to whomever in the game, they would have something to say that surprised me. Something I had never expected. Something that shocks me. But with HK-47, I can always tell what he will say next ...

i mean i expected people to say he's too violent, too "driven", maybe eaven too..... red.

Hm. I didn't have the impression that he was 'driven'. He's supposed to be a killer droid, and he likes killing: straight and simple. No contradictions, nothing ... just a machine that runs smoothly. All the other characters in my party know fear and doubts, they have ambitions, and sometimes they are depressed. HK-47, on the other hand, just talks and talks and talks.


Even T3-M4 has more personality than HK-47; T3-M4 has his little secrets and his fears. HK-47 just obeys.


He's not even 'violent'. He only kills when I kill ... and if I tell him not to kill, then he won't. He's so terribly submissive.


Well ... just my personal opinion. ;)

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HK-47 = :luck:


he's not complicated character, but one of the most memorable creations as far as droids go... only Marvin from "Hitchhiker's Guide..." tends to make me laugh as much as HK does. He's pretty much 'just' evil twist on C3PO ... but his lines, looks, voice and overall concept meld into way more likable comic relief than the perpetually whining, clumsy original. :luck:

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I think the idea of a completely unremorseful killer triggers a nerve in all of us, its something we can all relate to and probaly should explore more.


::points you towards your friends and family::

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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HK-47 =  :wub:


he's not complicated character, but one of the most memorable creations as far as droids go... only Marvin from "Hitchhiker's Guide..." tends to make me laugh as much as HK does. He's pretty much 'just' evil twist on C3PO ... but his lines, looks, voice and overall concept meld into way more likable comic relief than the perpetually whining, clumsy original.  >_<


Well, on the cool droids list, Hk is probably in the top ten, which is pretty good.


Cool Droids List:


1. Dinobot

2. Marvin

3. Terantulus

4. Megatron

5. Rat-Trap

6. Rhinox

7. HK-47


Yeah, see, top ten.

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I don't love him. Why should I? He knows exactly three jokes (one about 'Masters', one about 'meatbags', and one about 'atomizing civilians'), he has no personality, and his lengthy explanations about backstabbing make me weary. I seriously consider keeping all these HK-parts to myself, instead of re-installing them.

HK-47 is a one trick pony. oLOL lets kill stuff!!1 OMG meatbag!!

Well I guess that's technically two tricks, isn't it. :lol:"



looooooooooooool... no offense but if HK 47 bores you i seriously wonder how you can possibly stand real people

If HK-47 doesn't bore you I seriously wonder if you've met real people.

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Ironically, in K2 I thought of HK-47 as one of my only two honest NPCs (Mira/Hanharr being the other). Even T3 is a lying cheating tin can, manipulating everybody to his/it's own ends. Quite refreshing with somebody that makes no secret of what they desire :thumbsup:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Hmmm ... I have met many people who were like HK-47: they loved their work, and they knew two or three jokes they reiterated over and over again ... and if nobody laughed, they would repeat the joke once more ... ;)


And about HK-47 being my only honest party member: that's true. Probably due to his lack of personality.

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it saddenes me how we all write without saying nothing,

how we miss the point because is easier that way,

how we come to hate someting simply because someone else loves it





i'm kidding of course


but think about it

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