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One thing that was nice in KOTOR2 was being involved in battles such as the Sky Ramp and Khoonda plains.


However, something lacking in Starwars games and the recent movies are good old fashioned space battles. KOTOR1 had some of the Star Forge sequences while KOTOR2 comes close at moments with the choice to destroy Peragus or not, the brief battle over Onderon, and the snippets of the fight against the Ravager, but something that would be nice to see in future SW:RPGs and scifi RPGS in general would be more interaction with the space battles occuring.


For example, objectives on the ship you're on such as "Do four of the following:" with a list of things like manning turrets, disabling shields, turning off engines, etc. and seeing the battle outside interact with your ship. (corridors explode, small cutscenes, seeing major battle events through the windows)


Anyway, it'd be nice to have some real space battles :-


Those are some cool ideas, but for me the kotor series is more rpg than flight sim. Check out rouge squadron for the n64 if you're into space battles.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.


Hmm, this got me thinking, Do they still sell copies of Descent Freespace?


I've always wanted to try that one.


Oh oh! make a space fighter RPG where you roleplay a sentient starfighter! You can level up and hold interesting conversations with the NPCs that unsuccessfully try to steal you.


On second thought nevermind.


So long as I never have to go into the Ebon Hawk's turret ever again...


I wouldn't mind the tactical side of space battles, or doing sidequests revolving around a space battle, but I certainly wouldn't want to have a compulsory battle that actually required me to have some gaming skill. That's why I love CRPGs...it's a matter of point and click, and everything else is tactics.


Well, you had the option when travelling to Onderon to join in the space battle there (by manning the turrets) or by running to Dxun, which I appreciated.

  Azure79 said:
Hmm, this got me thinking, Do they still sell copies of Descent Freespace?


I've always wanted to try that one.


I've definitely seen copies of the second one. I consider both to be among the best games I've ever played (Which, admittedly, is not saying all that much :)).


As for involving more space battles in KOTOR...I really don't see them as fitting into the general theme/pattern of the games and stories, and doesn't really fit into the RPG format they've been using. LA should instead make a new TIE-Fighter/X-wing game for those who want that; I think that would solve the 'space battle fix' without unduly messing with the KOTOR formula.


Were there any mandatory space battles or pod races in KOTOR II?

I can't recall any , but I really dont mind the space battles,even if they are very simple. It's a nice change of pace.


In the end it's more about player attitude to mini games than not being able to do something more involved.

  Hades_One said:
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.



Sure, as long as they aren't compulsory (just pirating for extra creds (you can actually put to good use that time) or helping some Republic ships in a battle (for improved Republic influence and some neat items maybe?).

If they do I hope they use the Rogue Squadron (1) way or the Freelancer way for spacecombat.

They can use a system of flying yourself (with the pirating etc, or some random attacks from Sith fighters) in space areas and use Hyperspeed (by pressing a button) or just fly to other locations with clicking on the map (KOTOR1 and 2).


And if they do (in Kotor3) they should include Sith/Republic influence...

If you fight a lot of Sith fighters you lose a lot of influence with the Sith and every Sith fighter attacks on sight (unless really low influence, they flee sometimes).

If you fight a lot Republic fighters you lose a lot of influence with the Republic and every Republic fighter attacks on sight (unless really low influence, they flee sometimes).

If having high influence (help them with pirates or shooting the enemy (Republic killing, higher Sith influence and shooting Sith, higher Republic influence) they help you in battles, they give you escorts from time to time or give nice items or ship upgrades. Or they give you a high-profit job.

Too bad it's not going to happen though (but keep hoping for KOTOR3) :wub:

  Azure79 said:
...Oh oh! make a space fighter RPG where you roleplay a sentient starfighter! You can level up and hold interesting conversations with the NPCs that unsuccessfully try to steal you.


On second thought nevermind.

Actually, you can build a quite compelling game around exploring the galaxy, communicating with aliens, and space battles. Ever played Star Control 2? One of the best games ever in my books.

SODOFF Steam group.


Star Control 2 was awesome.. actually Star Control 3 was pretty good too but SC 2 was definately a classic.


I also loved the original Privateer a heck of a lot, although Privateer 2 was .. different.


Freelancer on the other hand was a friggin amazing game. I really wish they had made more storyline once the main story is over but I found enough to do while searching for all of the level 10 weapons on derelict ships and then becoming buddies with the largest crime syndicate in the colonies by killing off their rival gang - which also increased my influence with all the local police and militaries. Of course this was necessary to buy the best ship in the game.. which unfortunately was not the coolest LOOKING ship ever, but kicked some bad buttocks regardless.

  Janson said:
Well, you had the option when travelling to Onderon to join in the space battle there (by manning the turrets) or by running to Dxun, which I appreciated.


I agree, you should have the option if they're going to do stuff like that.


That was THE most annoying aspect of KOTOR I: Seemed like every planet you went to you had to shoot down six Sith fighters. It was quite repetative and IMO added nothing to the game. I would have much rather had the option that everytime it said "incoming fighters" to tell it to run from them instead of having to go into the same "mini game" a hundred times while playing.


I don't care much for that kind of space battling and if they do that kind of stuff I want to opt out of it.


I was glad that you didn't end up having to shoot down the sith every time you turn around in KOTORII. The shooting up sith soldiers at Peragusus was an interesting twist, but still awfully hard to accomplish. The people seem to move faster than the turret and the turret reacts slugishly for me and often jumps and sputters. Hard to get accurate shots off like that. I for one was glad that was the only mandatory shooting form the ebon hawk in kotorII. When it made me do that, I was dreading that this was going to be done a hundred times like shooting the sith fighters in KOTOR, but I was pleasantly surprised I didn't have to do it again.

  iceman879 said:
I would have much rather had the option that everytime it said "incoming fighters" to tell it to run from them instead of having to go into the same "mini game" a hundred times while playing.


Or tell HK-47 to do it. After all, he enjoys that sort of thing.

  Azure79 said:
Hmm, this got me thinking, Do they still sell copies of Descent Freespace?


I've always wanted to try that one.


You can get it used on Amazon for a few bucks. Make sure you get it with the Silent Threat expansion.

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