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Man mauled in gruesome chimp attack!


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Nice random sampling of data that doesn't agree with each other.


I'd like to know what they base those numbers on (BTW, if you are talking 8-10 times strong, large chimps can lift and carry around small cars)


second, using Jane Goodall estimations, shortly before a chimp reaches maturity (I googled) it is stronger than most adult humans. Thats not "a hell of a lot stronger than me".


but are we talking human adults who excercise, or just your average american who doesn't. Have to consider these things.


Tho you have show that a chimp has a similar strength too me and that "strength" isn't a edge, but it can be a negitive factor.

Did you read the links at all? Zoos don't like to keep chimps because of their strength. On Jane Goodall's site, if you go just a few lines below the quote I provided... "As adults, chimpanzees have at least five times the strength of humans..." So unless you're out there fighting baby chimps, it's safe to say they're likely stronger than you unless you're out there doing strong man competitions, in which case they're likely faster and more flexible.

I know it's probably hard on your alpha male ego to think of Bubbles or Bonzo ripping you apart, but jeeze, actual experts on chimpanzees say these animals are at the very least 5x stronger than humans and very dangerous. Do you argue with aeronautics engineers and explain to them why airplanes can't possibly fly?

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I know it's probably hard on your alpha male ego to think of Bubbles or Bonzo ripping you apart, but jeeze, actual experts on chimpanzees say these animals are at the very least 5x stronger than humans and very dangerous. Do you argue with aeronautics engineers and explain to them why airplanes can't possibly fly?



She called me an alpha male :o



Seriously tho, I was arguing health adult males can take a chimp (lets say 8 times out of 10), not just me.


And lots of things are very dangerous. People have killed lions multiple times one on one, no weapons. They out weigh us, are stronger, and have bigger teeth than chimps.

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Well, just Kumquat doesn't make people think you can take a chimp



In the case of Kumquat "The Champ" q3 vs. arbitrary "The Chimp" primate I'm not sure where to put my money.


This has to be the weirdest thread I've seen in a long time :o

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I know it's probably hard on your alpha male ego to think of Bubbles or Bonzo ripping you apart, but jeeze, actual experts on chimpanzees say these animals are at the very least 5x stronger than humans and very dangerous. Do you argue with aeronautics engineers and explain to them why airplanes can't possibly fly?



She called me an alpha male :o



That's as good a place as any to stop reading and ignore the rest. ^_^

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Well, just Kumquat doesn't make people think you can take a chimp



In the case of Kumquat "The Champ" q3 vs. arbitrary "The Chimp" primate I'm not sure where to put my money.


This has to be the weirdest thread I've seen in a long time :o

Oh come one! I'd rather take a kumquat "The Champ" vs. "The Chimp" thread anyday over a Revan vs. Vader. :cool:

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Seriously tho, I was arguing health adult males can take a chimp (lets say 8 times out of 10), not just me.

This could go on forever and I have to get to bed, so let's just say I hope you never have to find out I'm right. ;)


Dream of your chimp killing alpha male :o



For my next trick I'll kill King Kong!

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*up steps kumquatq "The Champ"*


playing it a 2nd time


Kumquatq3 vs a chimp?  ;)


I'm putting my money on the chimp... all my money.. in fact I may take out a few loans too...  :o



Et tu, Brute? :o




EDIT: I cried I laughed so hard at parts of this thread. Or it's because Darque abandoned me. One of the two.

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For my next trick I'll kill King Kong!



Hubris! I tell you, hubris...

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I must say .. I'm with kumquatq3 on this one! in an all out fight of desperation I think a human can take down a chimp.. I mean we will use anything at hand! pick up a rock and bash the poor sucker 'till it stops moving!


when it's chewing your arm (which you normally pull up to defend your face) it will leave it's entire face open for an attack! and a sharp rock can do terrible damage.. and when the adrenaline is pumping you won't really feel the pain ..


but if the chimp catches you off-guard, then your dead!

Fortune favors the bald.

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Given a choice between sitting next to a pride of (fed) lions or a troup of fed chimps I'd pick the lions everytime.


Chimp behavoir changes in a group. Then they can become like the worst case football hooligans.


As for a hunam vs chimp. Well my money is on the chimp.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I must say .. I'm with kumquatq3 on this one! in an all out fight of desperation I think a human can take down a chimp.. I mean we will use anything at hand! pick up a rock and bash the poor sucker 'till it stops moving!


when it's chewing your arm (which you normally pull up to defend your face) it will leave it's entire face open for an attack! and a sharp rock can do terrible damage.. and when the adrenaline is pumping you won't really feel the pain ..


but if the chimp catches you off-guard, then your dead!


see, thats exactly what I'm thinking.

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You'll get hurt --> they'll feed off your fear --> you'll bleed --> they'll go crazy --> last man standing (or chimp(s) as the case may be) wins.



"Ok, the monkey might have jumping and pure energy on it's side, but I got weight, strength in general, reach, and the ability to kick."


Yoda vs Dooku. 'Nuff said.  :D


1. Chimps do not wield the force or a lightsaber. Our abilities in the force will not decide this conflict.


2. I admitted that 2 chimps pose a problem, but I still say I can take 1 chimp.



hm, is it me or this a really weird discussion...?

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Bah. The udnerestimation of humans is hialrious in this thread. If you ever wodnered why it is humans who can capture chimps and not the other waya round? Also, I wonder what the ratio of dead chimps by hmans is to dead humans by chimps?


Sorry, one can overblow the strength of a chimp all they what ( 8-10 x the strnegth of an average human adult?) Yeah, whatever. Like Kum stated, wake me up the next time a chimp starts lifting cars up for fun. R00fles!


Now, as for me, chances are the chimp would easily have a strength advantage. Then again, I wouldn't be standing there playing tiddly winks. Like all humans, I'd overreact. I'd find by Friendly Neighbourhood Bazooka.


As for the actual story. Owww.


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Volourn once again your comprehension is questionable and comments are off kilter and barely relavent.


Kumquat is sure he can survive a raging chimp attack unassisted and possibly with an improvised weapon(as if there would be all the time in the world). I understand the idea that you always bet on the house... but that is the same thing as fantasizing about fighting Ken Shamrock(or insert other billy bad ass). What would I do? Well I'd fight him to the death!! Sure that's a winning plan. Hell as long as I'm just typing it I'd fish hook him too!

There you have it I beat Ken shamrock 8 out of 10 times. I also kill the chimp 7 out of 10 times since reports of their strength are clearly false since you don't see them throwning buicks at gazelles in the wild.

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"Volourn once again your comprehension is questionable and comments are off kilter and barely relavent."


Reported for undue personal attacks.


I made a relevant post without flaming anyone on the topic on hand, and get unjustly attacked. That was wrong. It broke forum rules. An,d it hurt my feelings.


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