Draken Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 i want there to be like a huge choice. You can side with the major enemy (and have him/her to work for you!) or side with the Jedi. You could get the other NPC's in your party, and then the last 2 or even 3 slots would be filled with either the sith lords or jedi masters. And their could be a romance plot involving you and one of the jedi/sith. Oh yeah, you can still train NPCs to be jedi or sith, so in the end, your entire party (minus the droids) is sith! (or jedi). Anywho, thats just me. Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body
11XHooah Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 I for one would like to see the return of the Star Forge. No doubt KOTOR III will start based off the assumption that you chose the dark side ending to KOTOR II. This will mean that the Sith will have a powerful grip on the galaxy, while the Republic remains in ruins. I'm thinking that maybe your character will have to locate the Star Forge, and build a massive fleet to confront the onslaught of the Sith armies. War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. --John Stewart Mill-- "Victory was for those willing to fight and die. Intellectuals could theorize until they sucked their thumbs right off their hands, but in the real world, power still flowed from the barrel of a gun.....you could send in your bleeding-heart do-gooders, you could hold hands and pray and sing hootenanny songs and invoke the great gods CNN and BBC, but the only way to finally open the roads to the big-eyed babies was to show up with more guns." --Black Hawk Down-- MySpace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=44500195
Darth Nuke Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 From what I understand, either way the Star Forge is destroyed in KOTOR. KOTOR 2 must be completed
Darth Nuke Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 i want there to be like a huge choice. You can side with the major enemy (and have him/her to work for you!) or side with the Jedi. You could get the other NPC's in your party, and then the last 2 or even 3 slots would be filled with either the sith lords or jedi masters. And their could be a romance plot involving you and one of the jedi/sith. Oh yeah, you can still train NPCs to be jedi or sith, so in the end, your entire party (minus the droids) is sith! (or jedi). Anywho, thats just me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Planets: Coruscant Mandalore Alderaan Korus Major Manann or Unknown world Ithor New Planet Yavin Returning Characters: Party: Bastila Jolee HK(with Remote) T3-M4 HandMaiden or Visas Marr Non-Party: Mandalore: More important things to do than travel around in the Hawk. He has clans to gather, and war to fight. Carth Zaalbar and Mission Admiral Dodonna Casus Fett Calo Nord Other Stuff: Influence system should be done away with or changed so that Influence can be gained regardless of alignment. The Ability to speak to the Senate in the next game would be sweet. KOTOR 2 must be completed
Darth Tratious Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 i wanna see for the planets Coruscant,Yavin 4(Planet),Way land,corellia,Ilum, Alderaan,bespin i wanna see revan in full uniform mandalore bastila jolee i think they should get a new game engine for it though
Bulgaroctonus Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 I wouldn't mind seeing Cassus Fett. That would be a cool twist to the game.
Bless Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 This is my answer to someone who asked me the same thing, so I figured I'd add my two cents. Er, very . . . Sith based. Go fig. (Hey, someone's gotta speak up for us!) Other people have probably mentioned these already at some point, but meh. Read them anyway, I command you Okay, well, the ability to lie to your companions and to trick them. To be able to manipulate those you're with. Better Sith options. The option to stop being Jedi. Even if we have to start off being Jedi, it doesn't mean we have to end up Jedi. But even when you're obviously Sith in both KOTORs, people still call you "Jedi". More free-form role play. Perhaps the ability to choose to either go to a Jedi or Sith academy? And failing that, see previous point. Hoods/cowls on the robes. The ability to actually build your sabre, rather than find a few parts and have it pre-made. You have to piece it together or something. That'd be sweet. That way you can really tweek it how you want. Free-form romance: can romance anyone. Or at least have different romance options open, depending on alignment. I don't want to have to romance LSers, when there are perfectly good DSers for my taking n_n More storyline that jerks your character around and makes you continually second-guess yourself. More planets. Perhaps some stuff open depending on the storyline you take? Again, with the free-form rp: different options and choices you make through the game open up different plots. So from a base of say, 20 different planets, you could end up visiting six of them following your plot. And then in another go, you could visit five completely different ones, having opened a different plot in a new game. The ability to twist other's to do your bidding; or to support people in helping others. (NPC) Y'know, come across different people and manipulate them either DS or LS, and they go off and do things, which could then affect the plot? Have two endings, at least. That way, whichever path you chose (DS or LS, or even neutral) actually means something. You won't have to do something already planned out. The final outcome can have two sides and you can pick your side in it. I dunno, just some idea's I've had . . . my brother and I have discussed it at length. I have more, I just need to dredge them up and be able to put them into text :ph34r:
jennahaze Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 hear hear! blessed sith is right on. i had another post where i said u should start as a sith soldier (hey, han solo did) and get to choose your side 1. against the sith atrocities 2. full dark side to the eventual showdown with darth scumbag GTA has this cool thing where u can point at gang members and recruit them. how cool would it be if u could point at the normal people walking around and mind control them to help in battle. sure, refugee wouldnt be any good in a fight but it sure would be funny!!!
AromisTallion Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Planets: Coruscant Falleen Ithor Unknown World (KotOR 1) Iridonia Corellia Hapes Cluster Rodia Zonoma Sekot Returning Characters: Bastilla Jolee Bindo Mira Visas Marr Handmaiden Mandalore HK-47 T3-M4 Atton Juhani Mission Zaalbar Hanharr Bao-Dur New Characters: Rodian Iridonian Falleen (Love interest?????) Dug
The Great Phantom Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Here is something that would allow the series to continue, but keep the continuity going. You're PC is a newly Knighted Jedi. LS Revan/Exile: Handmaiden is a Jedi Historian/Consular. Visas is a Jedi Master Atton searches the Galaxy for Force sensitives to rebuild the order. Bao Dur continues doing his 'unknown fate' Mira 'dies saving the life of one she cares about' So, you're the new Knight in a struggling Order, and you're sent to explore. On your way, you're contacted by a Sith. They give you the chance to join them, with a plethora of various temptations. You can either accept (DS) or decline (LS) and alert the Council. They then send you to find what happened to Exile, Revan (either one you sided with), and the game continues from there. DS Revan/Exile: Same as above, only on an opposite spectrum, with the Order being virtually nonexistant. Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
Bless Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 Hey, I really like that idea. I guess I just want it to be BIGGER damnit! I want to be able to make more choices and decide things for my character, rather than following along the story -- kinda like those stories you got when you were a kid, with your name in it as the hero/heroine? . . . yeah, well, I DON'T want the next game to be like that. It feels (to me) like we have as much decision as you do in a book, except that we get to choose "good guys" or "bad guys". Ohh, big decision making time!
DeathScepter Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 Bigger yes bigger battles yes more apporiate lvl cap to match the lenght of the game and battles yes. A hard but fun game yes. Hard enough thru out the game if The developers said yes to Revan or Exile it will hard them. More balanced Lvl up system regardless if Revan or Exile returns.
The Great Phantom Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 What if there was a Kotor I ish stand off point with an influence implementation. Anybody that had a certain influence with you would side with you, and kill anybody with less influence. Plus, a massive standoff at the very end would be awesome. Like a big battle, but more massive than anything in Kotor II, like the Throne Room, only strategy became more important: Take this room, sacrificing innocents, or defend the prisoners, and loose your position. Like the test on Kashyyk, with the advices of Exile and Revan (LS, both) to help you. Personally I would like a question and answer implementation, and go down the list, checking Yes, they died; or No, they're alive... Being able to chose a face for Exile and Revan would be nice, but I doubt it'll happen... Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
Darth Tratious Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 hear hear! blessed sith is right on. i had another post where i said u should start as a sith soldier (hey, han solo did) and get to choose your side 1. against the sith atrocities 2. full dark side to the eventual showdown with darth scumbag GTA has this cool thing where u can point at gang members and recruit them. how cool would it be if u could point at the normal people walking around and mind control them to help in battle. sure, refugee wouldnt be any good in a fight but it sure would be funny!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i like the thing you said about starting out as a Sith :D
The Great Phantom Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 There is an ability like that in Kotor II, only it affects your enemies. It's pretty funny to go stealthed, and mind control the strongest and watch as they're killed by their allies... and vice versa... Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
RoadReaction Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 in kotor 1 the star forge wasnt destroyed. In lore yes, in the game no. No-one fully understands what happened to revan's fleet its a mystery. How ever the star forge was destroyed soon after when the republic and its allies through everything at it. I would like to see: Revan ( oh yeah ) Exar Kun ( jeez sith lords have a tendancy to disspear ) Carth Onusi Atton Rand Bastila Mandalore HK-47 ( meatbags... ) Bao-Dur and new caharchters factions ( both playable to the fullest, no half ass stuff ) Sith Jedi Planets: new planet ( probably firstplanet, traning grounds for your charchter to follow the sith or the path of a jedi ) Dattoine Telos Korriban Courscant Onderon Either it will be the Republic's last stand or it will be their day of defeat. like? There is nothing there for you Jedi, only weakness surrounds the Jedi Order, just Give in
The Great Phantom Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 LS Revan destroyed the Forge. DS Revan left, but nobody had the power to use it... Perhaps it's now a taboo to the Sith, or lying dead somewhere... I expect that it was destroyed by Sion at one point, just because it was 'dead weight' that somebody could use to hurt the Sith at one point... Just my idea... Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
The Great Phantom Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 in kotor 1 the star forge wasnt destroyed. In lore yes, in the game no. No-one fully understands what happened to revan's fleet its a mystery. How ever the star forge was destroyed soon after when the republic and its allies through everything at it. I would like to see: Revan ( oh yeah ) Exar Kun ( jeez sith lords have a tendancy to disspear ) Carth Onusi Atton Rand Bastila Mandalore HK-47 ( meatbags... ) Bao-Dur and new caharchters factions ( both playable to the fullest, no half ass stuff ) Sith Jedi Planets: new planet ( probably firstplanet, traning grounds for your charchter to follow the sith or the path of a jedi ) Dattoine Telos Korriban Courscant Onderon Either it will be the Republic's last stand or it will be their day of defeat. like? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nobody sees Exar Kun for another 4000 years, sorry... :ph34r: He is in suspended animation on Yavin IV... Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
RoadReaction Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 I believe revan is mapping out all the systems and glaxies. He was a very ittligent and he adored knowledge. none thless i want to see a final fight. But a more open ended game. There is nothing there for you Jedi, only weakness surrounds the Jedi Order, just Give in
The Great Phantom Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 My thoughts are that he is looking for a weakness... Something HUGE is about to happen, but NOBODY except possibly Obsidian has a clue to what it is... Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
Darth Nuke Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 My thoughts are that he is looking for a weakness... Something HUGE is about to happen, but NOBODY except possibly Obsidian has a clue to what it is... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Possibly the Greatest War of this time. It's no secret that the True Sith will attack. If they don't then this is one dumb trilogy in the end. KOTOR 2 must be completed
RoadReaction Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 i guess kotor 3 will be the closing chapter much like EP 3 There is nothing there for you Jedi, only weakness surrounds the Jedi Order, just Give in
Darth Nuke Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 i guess kotor 3 will be the closing chapter much like EP 3 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course it is. The story has a beginning, a middle, and it needs and ending. No use keeping it going when things will probably end up being repetitive. Like if their's a New PC. The True Sith have been the TRUE Enemy all along, and KOTOR/KOTOR 2 did a great job of cleaning the way for their attack. There is no one to stand in their way, save Revan, Exile, Bastila, Hopefully Jolee, the small REpublic Navy, and the Small Mandalorian Army. Not at all big on a galactic scale. So KOTOR 3 will definitly needs Coruscant. It's the only planet important enough to show the dire need, and importance of this coming war. The senators are probably one of the biggest plot points the game could have. Many are greedy, many are scared, many are hateful. They have just gotten over two wars, and a third is on the way. The Galaxy is in for a rougher time than usual, if I might say. This game has already started reminding me for of ROTK more that ROTJ. You have the Small Republic Navy who are all alone and controlled by the Republic(who doesn't know what to do), in that way they are like the Gondorians. Then you have the Mandalorians, the Rohirrim, who will rush into battle for one final glorious battle. KOTOR 2 must be completed
DSLuke Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 Yes the K3 PC could be going from system to system to gather forces to defend the Republic and to gain the senators trust. We could at last see the Jedi temple on Coruscant (enough with Dantooine already). I think the job of that should be given to Revan. Backgrounf to Revan: He went to face the true Sith but after some time he got captured/trapped and then the exile comes to the rescue. We could start the game with the exile and go to rescue Revan They barely escape with their lives, but they have managed to steal some plans of the true Sith regarding their attack. Revan must be the one who'll face the Sith since he knows more about their weaknesses than anyone else. And by the light of the moon He prays for their beauty not doom
The Great Phantom Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 The Exile is, and in my mind always will be, a supporting character to Revan, much like Bastila, without the romantic angle. Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
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