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im interested to know if most people in this forum want to:


start off as a new character at level 1 and what class?  soldier, scout, scoundrel, a jedi class or a prestige class? OR start off as the exile where you left off at level thrity? 


i was thinking maybe instead of starting out a DS or LS or 2 separate places maybe starting at the same point and having a convo about the exile and revan in the beginning and the choices or questions you ask in the convo will determine what has actually happend and what party members, actions and options you will have the oppurtunity to have later on.  For example if you have a convo about Onderon and figure out that the exile helped Queen Talia win the Civil War then maybe she will be a party member later on or one of her advisers is sent w/ you under her orders and if the exile helped General Vaklu then maybe his new colonel (since Tobin is dead) could be a sent to aid you under Vaklu's orders.  i cant see vaklu ever giving up power and joining your character but i can see talia being an adviser to a new queen or somethin and going w/ you. 


umm did Goto say that the republic will collapse in 6 standard months, i dont remember.  and that eiher the sith or republic will control it.  so will the events in kotor3 only be 6 months after the end of kotor2 when the sith begin attacking then?


feel free to add to what i post or comment anytime


I don't think it's a smart move to have Talia as a party member. She is Queen of Onderon, nothing more, and she should stay that way.

KOTOR 2 must be completed


This is another idea of mine...Let me know what you think:


It would be cool, just to start as a Jedi Padawan or a Sith Padawan and you choose from the start which one you will be and you will choose what Revan and the Exile did. (Lightside, Darkside, Male or Female)


Both Starts in a different location and they all have different quests.


I think that instead of just Levels there should be ranks also:


Jedi Apprentice

Jedi Padawan

Jedi Knight

Jedi Master


Or however the rank goes.


when you start, you design your character, nothing gets chosen for you, no feats, no class skills, no force powers and no classes.


You choose your characters' appearence and name and you start at the respecting Academy (Jedi or Sith) and the first thing you do is pick which feats you will start with. (and i don't mean all the way up until Master Flurry and Master Dueling or whatever you like to pick)


So, instead of starting with useless feats that you will never use, you will only have the ones you want to use. (Feats that effect Ranged Weapons will not be available)


Your Force Powers and Feats will not be learned like it is on Kotor I & II, you will need to be taught them by your Masters (Since you can only learn everything by cheating, you will have seperate masters)


But as it is with the classes in Kotor I & II, you can't focus on Combat like a Guardian or a Weapon Master or a Marauder and still focus on force powers like a Consular or a Jedi Master and a SithLord.


If you picked the Jedi Guardian/Weaponsmaster/Marauder route, you will be focusing on Saber Combat, but you will have force powers, but don't rely on them to save your ass.


The same goes for the Jedi Consular/Jedi Master/SithLord route, you will be relying on your force powers because lets face it, your combat skills will suck big time. lol


With Skills, you can choose your main skills and you will need the right amount of Intelligence to keep them up. (Inbetween your combat or force usage training, you go through learning the class skills you want and your intelligence will get bonuses from your learning as will your Strength, Wisdom and Charisma)


STR = Combat Training


WIS & CHA = Force Training


INT = Skill Training


You can master skills, but the more time you spend learning skills, the weaker you will get with Combat and Force powers


So, it will be something like this:


Combat Master


Combat: Strong

Force: Weak

Skills: Average


Force Master


Combat: Weak

Force: Strong

Skills: Average


Skill Master


Combat: Weak

Force: Weak

Skills: Strong


This part will be a prologue type of thing, like on Kotor II....you can skip it and you can pick quickly what stuff you want.


In the game itself, you will be able to visit dozens of planets with 2 missions and they will be as follows


1: Cause Havoc / Protect The Innocent (its obvious which is which)


2: Find Force Sensatives (same for both sides)


Not sure whatelse to do. :/


But what do you think so far?


Make the character more interactive with the galaxy! Like give him/her power over a planets politics and "lifestyle". Make him/her general; admiral, or gouvenour. Bring back NPC-s an playable char-s from KOTOR1-2(if he/she played good or bad style), bring back the Ebon Hawk!! :p (w00t)



Any attempts at this point to maintain accuracy with the last two games in the next game, while still keeping originality and freedom for the user intact, would get pretty convoluted. They'll have to compromise something, and I don't like that. Of the possible compromises, I would almost prefer sacrificing freedom for the other two; except that torment wasn't a financially successful game (even if it was EXTREMELY successful as a game), and we've seen that people don't require great depth in their star wars games.


I don't understand the criticism there was of KotOR 2 for, "dated graphics." Very, very few games have graphics that aren't "dated," it would seem to me, and as far as games in general go the graphics were still as great as ever. And I didn't think the graphics were half as great the first time around as was thought be many. Good graphics are only a must insofar, I think, as advertisment goes, (Can you imagine how successful pac-man has been?) but I would definitely look forward to incredible graphics in any future star wars RPG.


umm...if there isnt supposed to be a jedi council in the next game then there shouldnt be a sith academy anywhere in the galaxy, right? when i say a sith academy im not talking about the actual sith, not only are all the jedi dead but the "fake" sith, the dark jedi that dont belong to the true empire are dead too. so if you're going to start off as a sith it'll have to be a true sith in their empire beyond the outer rim. right?

umm...if there isnt supposed to be a jedi council in the next game then there shouldnt be a sith academy anywhere in the galaxy, right?  when i say a sith academy im not talking about the actual sith, not only are all the jedi dead but the "fake" sith, the dark jedi that dont belong to the true empire are dead too.  so if you're going to start off as a sith it'll have to be a true sith in their empire beyond the outer rim. right?


your right.


some ideas for gameplay:


maybe instead of enemies that are shooting at you and standing out in the open, they could stay closer to the walls or crouch behind debris to fire out you. it'd be cool if in the next game you had like a force throw power and you could move the debris thats guarding a bunch of mercenaries and they scatter to find new cover.


whenever you start out as a jedi in the next game only neutral powers should be available on the selection screen and as you gain LS/DS points and/or are trained by your new master, new powers in that certain category will become available to you. instead of gaining a new class at level 15 it should depend on how many LS and DS points you rack up. After so many DS pts are gained only DS or neutral answers during convos are available. If you become higher than a prestige class in the next game there should be a point where you have so many DS pts that you cannot go back to LS at all UNLESS there is a critical moment in the game where an ally or your master tries to bring you back or convert you. same thing goes if being LS. If you do reach that point where you cannot go back or even after the few critical moments to change back have not turned you then you should have new feats and powers open to you for be loyal to your particular side of the force.


Also you should not have to be LS or DS. i was disappointed in the game when i tried to stay neutral i found that i couldnt even become a neutral prestige class or even a LS or DS prestige class. Staying neutral should have corresponding powers and feats also. maybe taking those selfish convo choices could have Scoundrel pts or somethin?


I think that they should have more going on in the enviroment in the actual game itself. Like there should be more ramdon NPC's walking around like on Telos theres only a few and also they should have more of the characters sitting down I mean they're legs must be killing them with all that standing up. Also another thing is that you can get a Double-bladed Lightsaber to easily in SWKOTOR2 you can start getting loads after you get you first saber so in SWKOTOR3 you should only be able to get One doublebladed saber and not untill like the last quarter of the game.


In the words of a fellow poster...


You know people, you don't have to quote the whole fnckin' thread only to answer with a single line. It's hell of a lot easier for us readers to follow the thread if you stick to common sense when quoting and posting.


Anyhoo, Darth Nuke, you tend to be a severe selective reader and listener. The simple point that myself and others is trying to get across is what Kreia's true role was.


Kreia was not out for revenge against all Jedi and all Sith. She was against the Revan/Malak Sith (I like how you singled it out like that) because they had betrayed her and she wanted revenge. And she was against the current Jedi because they were corrupt, they were arrogant, and yes, they were very complaicent(sp?).


The, now gone, Jedi of this era were 'corrupt' in the sense that they (like Atris) could not see if and how they were wrong about a great...many...things (Thank you, Palpatine, for the quote.) They were arrogant in the sense that they could not look beyond the Jedi Code and learn that maybe, just maybe, something was missing in their training, and that their teachings might have been the failing. And they were complaicent in the sense that they never truly assesed the threat of any of the wars that proceeded up to this point, and only "stressed caution" against going to war. I mean, truly, when did you ever hear a Master in K2 admit that the Council had a plan...or that they even devised one? Not one them did. Which tells me, correct me if I'm wrong, they were corrupt to the point that they would have happily 'sat in their halls while the Outer Rim worlds burned', so long as they need not go (besides a select few, of course.)


No, Kreia's goal was not to obliverate the Jedi Order. She wanted to 'fix' or 'correct' it...in a sense. She wanted to get rid of the arrogance and hypocracy that plagued it for so long, so that it might gain a little (if any) strength for what is to come. This is clearly seen through her actions against Atris. As Kreia simply put it, her flawed teachings needed to be ended before they began; before she spread her ignorance to others. Kreia, as the Jedi Historian, learned that the Jedi Code does not allow you learn all that which needs to be learned, if you are to know the truth of things. And with evey padawan she trained, she used that knowledge to their benefit and her's. Likewise, every padawan she trained was viewed as a failure. They would all eventually either leave the Order - seeing its arrogance and ignorance first-hand - or fall to the Dark Side. But lets face it...she did train the most powerful Jedi in that time. Sure, Revan was the Dark Lord of the Sith, but he was it by necessity. By seeing the Force through various shades of grey and not through solid white (Jedi) or solid black (Sith), he was able to see a future threat that he wouldn't have otherwise. With this knowledge, he sacrificed himself to the Dark Side so that he could eventually make the Jedi and Republic stronger for it. And Kreia taught the exile in very much the same manner. With the knowledge he learned from her, and with knowledge he learned from being completely cut from the Force, he gain new insight on the universe (and, awkwardly enough, the Force) that he was able to teach others. Teaching them either directly or through influence. These 'others' would be his party members who were the "Lost Jedi".


"They were the Lost Jedi, you know? Upon which the future will be built."

-- Jedi Master Kreia / Darth Traya


According to Kreia, the exile brought truth. Truth that would strengthen the Jedi Code, and build a better future for it. The last remaining Masters of the Council were arrogant enough to ignore it and condem it, and that is why - and what - she fought against them.


And her whole deal with "killing the Force"...she was going to do that for the soul purpose of seeing who could live without it. Like she and the exile did. If they could, then they were strong and would be needed. If they couldn't, then they deserved their fate. I don't agree with her on this, but that was her view nonetheless. Or atleast, these are my views on Kreia.


Now, if there are to be no Jedi or Jedi Council in the next game, then why does Kreia give you this insight (keep in mind, Light Side is canonical)...


Her quote: "They were the Lost Jedi, you know? Upon which the future [future of the Jedi Order] will be built."


When you ask the fate of Brianna, she informs you that she will assume Atris's role as the Jedi Historian and go on to teach others - newer, younger, Jedi - about the exiled Jedi who gave up the Force, and became stronger for it (by giving him a new view on the way things were...a human view.)


When you ask the fate of Mical she informs you that he will sit on the new Jedi Council (Jedi Master on the High Council? Maybe, maybe not...but on a Jedi Council nonetheless.)


Whether you ended the game as male or female, lightside or darkside, and whether you trained party members as Jedi or not, keep in mind that through the exile's bonds (as Kreia strongly emphasized) he had been teaching them all along, whether you knew it (meant to) or not. So, canonically, Brianna does become the Jedi Historian and train new Jedi. Mical does become a Jedi and does sit on the new Council. The other 'prospective jedi' party members do become Jedi as well. But whether they take on an role in the training of new students, or any active role in the Order period, is unseen. But these two we do know of for certain, and can count on.


Alright...I've talked enough...and if you can't get anythign from me, or from what's clearly explained in the game, then I've done all I can do. :(

"Learn to harness your anger and control your fear. Dominate your emotions! But do not let them overcome you; for they can surely cause you to fall to the dark side.

If you expect to win against a Sith then you need to fight like a Sith! If you do not, you will always be met with defeat."

-- Jedi Master Seraphis Dakari

I think that they should have more going on in the enviroment in the actual game itself. Like there should be more ramdon NPC's walking around like on Telos theres only a few and also they should have more of the characters sitting down I mean they're legs must be killing them with all that standing up. Also another thing is that you can get a Double-bladed Lightsaber to easily in SWKOTOR2 you can start getting loads after you get you first saber so in SWKOTOR3 you should only be able to get One doublebladed saber and not untill like the last quarter of the game.


easy? nope!


I killed everything that could get killed, depending on the allignment of my characters and i never picked up a single Double Bladed Lightsaber until right at the end of the game and i never picked up a single robe, which kinda made me not use any powers at all unless i wanted to be virtually defenseless.


So, i think they need to take away the random loot because it is killing the gameplay imo.


and what's all that bull**** mean? I already knew Kreias plan, but like I said, for her own ****ING mouth, she wished to get all her enemies out in the open so they could be destroyed.



And um, lightside might be canon, but the events on lightside might not be cannon. Therefore not all the party members might have become Jedi, and also just becuase Mical or Handmaiden, MIGHT, become great Jedi and sit on councils doesn't mean one DAMN thing in KOTOR 3. There aren't going to be any councils or orders in KOTOR 3, perhaps afterwards, but not during.

KOTOR 2 must be completed



i thought having a jedi council would be awesome but now that i think about it more i think it'll go along w/ the k2 story much better w/ no jedi council. i mean when you think about the sith empire and weakened, very vulnerable republic and no jedi..... that's just gonna make an awesome story and one heck of a comeback if you're playing LS.


oh btw, i'll ask again but GOTO said that the republic would fall in 6 months (i think) and either go to the jedi or sith, so is the true sith empire gonna attack 6 months after the events in k2???


This is my Wish List


1)More realistic Game Engine so all people dont die in the excat same way

2)More Wookies

3)When you switch Light saber Style your fighting Motion Changes as well

4)A better love interest story (Handmaiden and Visas must Die) :lol:

5) Better Character Customisation not just 10 faces

6) Better Robes Like Revans Or Nihilus that cover all your body and make you look uber cool :lol:

7) You can kill your companions for getting to whiney (I wanted to kill handMaiden so much :blink: )

:lol: Better Developed Characters ( Nihilus made me cry :ph34r: )


Well I would love KOTR3 if it had al those in but it KOTR2 and 1 were still kickass games without them. I do realise that I would be asking alot with the Character killing but some of them really annoyed me

This is my Wish List


1)More realistic Game Engine so all people dont die in the excat same way

2)More Wookies

3)When you switch Light saber Style your fighting Motion Changes as well

4)A better love interest story  (Handmaiden and Visas must Die)  :wub:

5) Better Character Customisation not just 10 faces

6) Better Robes Like Revans Or Nihilus that cover all your body and make you look uber cool  :lol:

7) You can kill your companions for getting to whiney (I wanted to kill handMaiden so much  :) )

8) Better Developed Characters ( Nihilus made me cry  :ph34r: )


Well I would love KOTR3 if it had al those in but it KOTR2 and 1 were still kickass games without them. I do realise that I would be asking alot with the Character killing but some of them really annoyed me


Yeh tell me about it.


I had a decent idea, but people nagged about it taking too long, i think a long development is good for a game.....but Lucasarts are abit cheap, so i doubt they would do it.


You should use every variant of the first two KOTOR-s endings to take the story to the "edge".


Like: Episode1 ending Good, Episode2 ending Good: There is a new jedi Council with members of the 2nd KOTOR (like Disciple), Revan is good, Taris had been saved, there are some survivors on it in an underground city(KOTOR1 mission), maybe Bindo is a member from the Jedi Council too?


Episode1 ending Good, Episode2 ending Evil: Revan is good, but there is no new Jedi Council, There is a new Sith Lord (the character from KOTOR2), some characters fight the Evil in the Galaxy (from Episode1), and so on...


Episode1 ending Evil, Episode2 ending Evil: The Galaxy is near the destruction, no JC, no Jedi at all(?)...


I realize, this would make minimum 4 timelines in one game, and VERY MUCH work, but this will bring the trilogy a perfect ending, and "fame" for OBSIDIAN, and I think this would be worth of it. :cool:



Some places that I would like to see:




Planet of the Wookies(again :) )


Planet of the Twi'lek

Nar Shadda


and the home planet of Princess Leia before its destuction ;)

...maybe the planet with that floating City and the planet near the core. ;)"



It would be nice too, if the main character could belong to other races(like Twi'lek or Bothan), more precise character outlook choices at the Char.making screen.


You are using the D20 system, no?

If yes, you could the player simply give the choice of multiclassing, and many prestige classes on top. ;)


You can "spice" the game, if the player could go with no force sensitive character(like Scoundrel, Noble or Scout) to the end.




You have many-many possible things to do with the game to make it a milestone, so use them. ;)


This is my Wish List


1)More realistic Game Engine so all people dont die in the excat same way

2)More Wookies

3)When you switch Light saber Style your fighting Motion Changes as well

4)A better love interest story  (Handmaiden and Visas must Die)  :wub:

5) Better Character Customisation not just 10 faces

6) Better Robes Like Revans Or Nihilus that cover all your body and make you look uber cool  :lol:

7) You can kill your companions for getting to whiney (I wanted to kill handMaiden so much  :huh: )

8) Better Developed Characters ( Nihilus made me cry  :ph34r: )


Well I would love KOTR3 if it had al those in but it KOTR2 and 1 were still kickass games without them. I do realise that I would be asking alot with the Character killing but some of them really annoyed me

Yea i agree on all off that but visas is a good ally.


It would be nice too, if the main character could belong to other races(like Twi'lek or Bothan), more precise character outlook choices at the Char.making screen.


You are using the D20 system, no?

If yes, you could the player simply give the choice of multiclassing, and many prestige classes on top.  :huh:


You can "spice" the game, if the player could go with no force sensitive character(like Scoundrel, Noble or Scout) to the end.




You have many-many possible things to do with the game to make it a milestone, so use them.  :wub:


i don't think we have much change going thru kotor 4 as non jedi or sith. admit it might be cool.

and what's all that bull**** mean? I already knew Kreias plan, but like I said, for her own ****ING mouth, she wished to get all her enemies out in the open so they could be destroyed.


And um, lightside might be canon, but the events on lightside might not be cannon. Therefore not all the party members might have become Jedi, and also just becuase Mical or Handmaiden, MIGHT, become great Jedi and sit on councils doesn't mean one DAMN thing in KOTOR 3. There aren't going to be any councils or orders in KOTOR 3, perhaps afterwards, but not during.


geeze take a chill pill nuke... no reason to get all hot and bothered.

I don't now if there will be a council, fully developed or ragtag group, none of us do, unless we are secretly working on it for LA. And seriouly, what are the odds of that.... (someone prove me wrong... please)


Anything is possible, remember, they have the advantage of time, so they can eliminate the "mights" regarding which chars became jedi, becuase they could just say they connected to the force after.


And I do not think people actually mean council, as in council as in jedi order.

There will probably be a bunch of guys who are semi-formally in kinda charge, but only becuase someone has to be.


And remember... its only a game... no need to get frustrated


Playing NPCs: I liked this in KOTOR 2, but it all happened too soon. After the prologue when I finally got into the game, I didn't want to play T3 again so suddenly. And playing AS Atton, making dialogue choices... weird. Weird. Weird. Having to terrifiedly pit him against two Twilek assassin chicks--cool. Having to choose dialogue--weeeeeeeeird.


Jedi Council: I like Dakari's ideas, actually. Seeing Disciple on it as Kreia predicted would be cool, as well as a Rakatan.


Revan and the Exile's Gender/Alignment/Appearance: Should NEVER be defined by anyone other than the player. Better that they not be seen or heard from or known again at all.


What would be nicer than anything, to me, is taking the best ideas from both and meshing them. Namely, making the third game truly about Revan and the Exile--where you create both characters and play them alternately, sort of like you played the party NPCs in KOTOR 2.


The game could do gender checks, chosen starting alignment checks, and a simple 'liking' check at the beginning of the game, then have the PC be assumed to be in a relationship with Bastila, Carth, Atton, etc. depending on the player's replies to those questions.


But of course my very favorite idea is having Atton back so that the Exile gets a chance to really _know_ him. That character and relationship needs redemption--or at least a chance for it. Hell, even if you make a new character, I'd like to see Atton back... after all, the Exile never got a chance to proclaim love for him, so Atton might be able to get over her. I'd rather see that than have him left out. He fascinated me, but there was so little of him.


Then again, that applies to all the characters... I don't mind new ones, but far better would be to see a return of Bastila, Carth, Atton, T3, HK-47, and others we grew to love. I would like to have them fleshed out more, especially the ones who were in KOTOR 2 because they had far less screen time. But don't make too many--I'd rather see about five with detail than ten without detail. Character development is important to me in an RPG. To make you feel like you're doing all this fighting for a reason, and you have loyal companions by your side at the most critical moments... THAT is what makes the game so great.


I really didn't much like having lots of Jedi on my ship, but not being able to bring a single one along in the last and most critical moments of the game. Not even two who forcibly volunteered, like Mandalore and Visas. Please... don't make the player end the game alone again.


One of the coolest feelings an RPG like KOTOR gives you is that you have connections to the world you're seeing around you. The absolute best and most compelling way to do that, to immerse the player, is to give them a chance to really interact with their party members.

Playing NPCs: I liked this in KOTOR 2, but it all happened too soon. After the prologue when I finally got into the game, I didn't want to play T3 again so suddenly. And playing AS Atton, making dialogue choices... weird. Weird. Weird. Having to terrifiedly pit him against two Twilek assassin chicks--cool. Having to choose dialogue--weeeeeeeeird.


Jedi Council: I like Dakari's ideas, actually. Seeing Disciple on it as Kreia predicted would be cool, as well as a Rakatan.


Revan and the Exile's Gender/Alignment/Appearance: Should NEVER be defined by anyone other than the player. Better that they not be seen or heard from or known again at all.


What would be nicer than anything, to me, is taking the best ideas from both and meshing them. Namely, making the third game truly about Revan and the Exile--where you create both characters and play them alternately, sort of like you played the party NPCs in KOTOR 2.


The game could do gender checks, chosen starting alignment checks, and a simple 'liking' check at the beginning of the game, then have the PC be assumed to be in a relationship with Bastila, Carth, Atton, etc. depending on the player's replies to those questions. 


But of course my very favorite idea is having Atton back so that the Exile gets a chance to really _know_ him. That character and relationship needs redemption--or at least a chance for it. Hell, even if you make a new character, I'd like to see Atton back... after all, the Exile never got a chance to proclaim love for him, so Atton might be able to get over her. I'd rather see that than have him left out. He fascinated me, but there was so little of him.


Then again, that applies to all the characters... I don't mind new ones, but far better would be to see a return of Bastila, Carth, Atton, T3, HK-47, and others we grew to love. I would like to have them fleshed out more, especially the ones who were in KOTOR 2 because they had far less screen time. But don't make too many--I'd rather see about five with detail than ten without detail. Character development is important to me in an RPG. To make you feel like you're doing all this fighting for a reason, and you have loyal companions by your side at the most critical moments... THAT is what makes the game so great.


I really didn't much like having lots of Jedi on my ship, but not being able to bring a single one along in the last and most critical moments of the game. Not even two who forcibly volunteered, like Mandalore and Visas. Please... don't make the player end the game alone again.


One of the coolest feelings an RPG like KOTOR gives you is that you have connections to the world you're seeing around you. The absolute best and most compelling way to do that, to immerse the player, is to give them a chance to really interact with their party members.


i like your idea for three. me it will be bastila for Revan. and for the love life bring Mira for the Exile.


Hi all you KOTOR fans. This is my first time writting in a forum, so please, bear with me. =)


Improvements list:


- Better character design at the beggining (like in Jedi Knight, the face, eyes, hair, colors, race, etc....)


- The finess feats shouldn't exist. The dexterity modifier should ALWAYS be the one added to calculate hits, either

with melee or ranged weapons.

Since I think this point is going to cause much debate, I'll try to explain why I think that addind the strength

modifier (in melee) is a mistake.


Example: A guy has 4 times my strength. I have 4 times the dexterity he has with a blade. If we fight unarmed,

his strength will matter, yes, BUT, if we fight with blades I'll cut him open even before he has a chance to

use his superior strenght in his blows.


- Much more upgradable Jedi robes

- different saber hilts

- much more color crystals (gray metal, brown, dark blue, white, black)

- different fighting moves when using different styles

- Possibility of constructing lightsabers, sowrds, vibroblades, rifles

- There should be a toggle option allowing us to show or hide on the screen all the "buff" powers that are

afecting the character at that moment (wether he's in a fight or not)

- Possibility of seeing the influence VALUE the main character has with the others

- Possibility of buying our swoop bike and it's upgrades

- Add more wildcards to Pazzak

- Possibility of constructing belts that have special abilities (like a belt that makes you immune to

electrical, or fire, or cold or sonic)



Well, this is all I can remember for now.

Please comment on this. =)

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