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  Silvershadow said:
  Ohma said:

I concur.


Yeah, lets give that rabbit trail a wide, wide, wide berth.


I don't understand were some of you are coming from. There are good reasons why women have as a rule been left out of the upper echelons of the "real" military, and yet good reasons why in a sci-fi environment, it seems neither strange or out of place.


Surely not every world in the Galaxy is like ours, in which every one of the five major religions have relegated women to the back seat of society? :D


;) must nervously hide from fanatical religious worshippers...


Hey, I have no complaints about that statement, and I'm a 'religious worshippers'. I'm not giving any specifics, but several churches do. I'm not going to start something controversial, so I'll leave it at that for now.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

  The Great Phantom said:
Hey, I have no complaints about that statement, and I'm a 'religious worshippers'. I'm not giving any specifics, but several churches do. I'm not going to start something controversial, so I'll leave it at that for now.


Yeah, I am too and of course, I believe that my faith, when not misread, offers greatest equality to both genders. It was more of a stab at stereotypes than the ravings of an athiest, which I am not.


Perhaps the delivery was not light-hearted enough. I still don't see why people are so against Revan being female ;), although I prefer the Male LS. I wonder if Bastila is in the game if you say Revan was a LS Male?


Well, I want some closure btwn them and their romance... even if its simply a Bastila sidequest where you look for a holocron made by Revan, but you can't watch it. Then Bastila uses a 'secret key' that Revan gave to her, and it tells her that he's dead if she has this, and that she should hold to the Light and 'finish his work'.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


Two quick points if I may be permitted;


I have served in three wars ( well two plus a 'police action') as both part of the military and as a civilian. During Nam I had two female officers (I was an NCO) to serve with. Both very capable in all military respects. I had no feelings of unease under their command. Unlike the male captain that eventually took over the company.


During ODS (Bush SR war) I was a civilian manning an emergency operations center and both my supervisors were women. Again, very capable, confident and rarely wrong in their decision making, BUT were willing to listen, and in many cases accept and implement, other opinions.


Lastly, I went into Iraq with the 4th infantry division where I supported and served with many female officers (as well as NCOs and males of both ranks). I saw no difference in the professionalism, courage, capabilities and dedication between the men and women wearing the uniform. Several of those women are now Coloniels and Generals in the US Army, and in my huimble opinion, the Army is just as good now as during any of the previous wars.


Mesa Red

Male NCO

Male Civil Servant


Revan should WITHOUT a DOUBT have a definate Gender if people really want to see Revan and KOTOR cement their place into star wars history.


I think Revan should be a man becasue it makes for more interesting story between him and Bastillia ; plus it is just a little more logical because of the posture and size revan has even under the clothing.


I don't knwo Revan just seems like a man to me and once they come up with a defeniate sex for him then they can start writing books and stuff like that to support KOTOR and make it more meaningful.


I think the Exile however should be left wihtout a definate gender becasue both provide good plot lines and i think that the Exile has already played ist role in TSL and can return to exile therfore needs no further investigation.


Revan obviously has a bigger role to lay and should become a historical figure in the Star Wars Universe. In my opinion, as a man.

  Mesa Red said:
. . .Mesa Red


Well said!

My aunt is a major (though unfortunately I can't remember what division she's with ATM) and just recently returned from Iraq. She is one of the most professional, dedicated, and intelligent people I know.


  Influence said:
Revan should WITHOUT a DOUBT have a definate Gender if people really want to see Revan and KOTOR cement their place into star wars history.

. . .


Well, at least you were mostly inoffensive while making your point. Though I may disagree with you about the whole Bastila&Revan romance, as well as what gender Revan should be if LA/LF decide to make KoTOR cannon, I can accept that your opinion is your own, and that you were nither 1: acting like a butt...face, or 2: beleive women to be inferior to men ( or at least you didn't seem to believe so... :blink: )


(wow...I went past 100 posts because of this thread...and size tags hate me :( )

  Lord Tarondor said:
Revan should be a woman who's in love with Bastila -- that's a compromise that satisfies both camps, I should think :(.

And if it doesn't, i present the alternative... be careful what you wish for, for male Revan might end up like this :blink:


Since there's sexism going on, I thought I'd lighten the atmosphere:


Anyone remember that SNL Episode where there's the Famous Women of History Coin Collection? It was like:


Get your Famous Women of History Coins now -- you can collect all four.


Joking, joking!



To be honest -- if it were to happen, which it won't -- Revan should be male since the Romance option is better; Exile should be female because Atton Rand/Exile was so much more interesting a plot. Revan/Bastila just seems classic enough, and the nerf-herder Rand with a sketchy history and the comparable Exile as female sounds classic enough as well.


Bought a ticket for a runaway train -- like a madman laughing at the rain. Little out of touch, little insane -- just easier than dealin' with the pain.


Runaway train, never going back! Wrong way on a one track. Seems like I should be getting somewhere. Somehow I'm neither here nor there!!!




Am I going to have to sday this again, of cours eI am, caus esoem of you have thick skulls :)

In the Dark Horse comic books, "Knights of the Old Republic" Revan is a Lightside male.

The only reason youc an choose a gende rin this game is because it is a ROLEPLAYING game, and as such, shoudl suit all manner of players, being male/female, white/black/asian, evil/good etc etc etc. This is not me flaming you or trolling, you must have fun as well, and that is cool. But TECHNICALLY Revan is a LIGHTSIDE MALE.

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