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czeka corp is the rumored organization that created them.


czerka corp uses anymeans necessary tactics in its buissness dealings(as we know from Kashyyk) so it would not surprise me if Hk-01 makes an appearance in kotor III and tells us who created his line, then malfunctions and dies right after telling us that he killed his lead disgners.

Strength through Mercy

Head Torturor of the Cult of the Anti-gnome

  Maria Caliban said:
Reven made the first HK model. HK-47.

He could have designed it, and had Czerka dorks to build it, or he bought it and increased its abilities on the star forge. Jedis and Dark Jedis, including those who call themselves Dark Lords of the Sith, don't take ranks in droid construction and such. astro gate sure sure, but to take the time to build a droid?????? design maybe but build???

Strength through Mercy

Head Torturor of the Cult of the Anti-gnome

  Maria Caliban said:
Reven made the first HK model. HK-47.


How could Revan have made the first HK,when HK-47 had previous owners?Or was it explained that Revan made him and then HK-47 got tossed around the universe?

I know it was explained that HK-47 was with Revan during the Mandalorian Wars and Revan ordered him to assassinate Mandalore,but I'm not sure if it said that Revan actually built him.

I'm gonna have to play KOTOR again or see if there's a FAQ somewhere that has the conversation about his past.

  steelfiredragon said:
  Maria Caliban said:
Reven made the first HK model. HK-47.

He could have designed it, and had Czerka dorks to build it, or he bought it and increased its abilities on the star forge. Jedis and Dark Jedis, including those who call themselves Dark Lords of the Sith, don't take ranks in droid construction and such. astro gate sure sure, but to take the time to build a droid?????? design maybe but build???

tray anakin skywalker. he created threepio while on tatooine and while he was at the jedi temple he made many droids. so many (all pretty much useless) that the masters were a little annoyed.

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together


Unrelated question, but you're the first person I've seen posting screenies, are there any caps you can take of G0-T0 and Hanharr for the people who can't get the game until Feb?

  icu said:
  Maria Caliban said:
Reven made the first HK model. HK-47.


How could Revan have made the first HK,when HK-47 had previous owners?Or was it explained that Revan made him and then HK-47 got tossed around the universe?

I know it was explained that HK-47 was with Revan during the Mandalorian Wars and Revan ordered him to assassinate Mandalore,but I'm not sure if it said that Revan actually built him.

I'm gonna have to play KOTOR again or see if there's a FAQ somewhere that has the conversation about his past.


In the first game it was explained that Revan was HK's first master, and I'm almost certain he built him as well. Then after that he went through several masters, ending up at Yukka Lakka's place on Tatooine till you buy him.

  icu said:
  Maria Caliban said:
Reven made the first HK model. HK-47.


How could Revan have made the first HK,when HK-47 had previous owners?Or was it explained that Revan made him and then HK-47 got tossed around the universe?

I know it was explained that HK-47 was with Revan during the Mandalorian Wars and Revan ordered him to assassinate Mandalore,but I'm not sure if it said that Revan actually built him.

I'm gonna have to play KOTOR again or see if there's a FAQ somewhere that has the conversation about his past.


Revan did create HK-47. After you discover you are Revan and you end up on the Ebon Hawk after the confrontation with Malak ask HK if he is with you and he will say he is experiencing something strange and he will say he has returned to you. After that whole seen talk to HK again and say "So you belonged to Revan?" He will tell you yes and say that Revan created him shortly after he and apprentice started their conquest to rule the galaxy.

  TrueNeutral said:
Unrelated question, but you're the first person I've seen posting screenies, are there any caps you can take of G0-T0 and Hanharr for the people who can't get the game until Feb?


Since he was asking if that area was in the game or not, its not very likely that these are screens he took while playing the game. It seems much more likely he just scanned them from the guide...

  TrueNeutral said:
Unrelated question, but you're the first person I've seen posting screenies, are there any caps you can take of G0-T0 and Hanharr for the people who can't get the game until Feb?


I got the caps from the dvd guide. I can take caps of any of the characters you want. I just had to add a little brightness and contrast to them b/c they came out pretty dark. I'll post them for you when I get home from work.


The HK Factory was cut near the end of the project cycle, well after the guide had been written. :blink: As to what was supposed to go on in there, I don't know off hand myself. A designer would have to speak to that. :)




That stinks.


Guess there's no point in trying to finagle things so that I run into HK-50s while HK-47 is in my party (which, given the comment about the sonic device, would presumeably allow me to backtrack them).



New game idea!


First person shooter where you play HK-47 on a mission to cleanse the galaxy of HK-50 mockeries!




"You fight like a meatbag!"



Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Assassin Droid!

Developed by Raven Software

Coming soon to a video game store near you!

  Akari said:
The HK Factory was cut near the end of the project cycle, well after the guide had been written.  :blink:  As to what was supposed to go on in there, I don't know off hand myself.  A designer would have to speak to that. :)




Thanks for the heads up! Thats what I figured happened.


Maybe they can use what they have complete for the opening level of KOTOR 3, if Obsidian does it. It would be just like the droids going to Jabba's Palace in ROTJ. This would be a great way to wrap up all the questions that K2 leaves open IMO. Just an idea though .... :lol:

  Akari said:
The HK Factory was cut near the end of the project cycle, well after the guide had been written.  :huh:  As to what was supposed to go on in there, I don't know off hand myself.  A designer would have to speak to that. :)



Another proof that this game was rushed out for the christmas sale <_<

  envida said:
  Akari said:
The HK Factory was cut near the end of the project cycle, well after the guide had been written.  :wub:  As to what was supposed to go on in there, I don't know off hand myself.  A designer would have to speak to that. :)



Another proof that this game was rushed out for the christmas sale <_<


concur. I wish they had cut the dialogue for HK mentioning the tracker so people wouldnt feel they missed something. HK being on of my favorite characters, I feel cheated :(




Yes! Please put it into the PC-Version! I'm gonna buy a new 6600 GT to have the second game with plants. It would be great, to get a kind of reward for waiting 2 months more (nothing against XBoxers, I thank you for giving me so much clues).

Or put it into the PC-Version and add it as DC for X-Box.

I know, this is a big request...but it would be such a nice thing to wipe the factory-floor with some HK-50-Units.

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