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Crazy thought: Is Kreia actually Bastila?

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"in this game"


dunno where youve been for the last 6 months dude but i reckon i should inform you that a recent upsurge of old blind force sensitive women have taken over europe. perhaps you should amend your post to say "cant trust old blind force sensitive women in europe"

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I personally think Kreia is like Jolee in a way, in that she's neither Jedi nor Sith, but much more mysterious and more strongly against both extremes. I think her attitude also goes with the darker feel of the setting altogether. I guess my point is to turn this thread into a more meaningful discussion than the title. Rather than "Is Kreia Bastila?" our topic should be: "What kind of character is Kreia?"

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Kreia is our mentor.

We'll learn more about her by actually playing the game.


But if I had to guess I'd say that she used to be a Jedi and then got angry at them for not acting properly torwards the Sith problem. During the events in the game you 'll have various arguments with her and you'll learn from her and also maybe you can make her change her ways.

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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I really hope not.  As has been mentioned, the 5 year time frame is not enough for any reasonable reason for Bastila to go from a late teens/early twenties attractive female, to an old hag.  The DS does have an affect on appearance, but that's when it's used a lot and over long periods of time.  Heck, Kreia looks like the Emperor and he had been using the DS extensively for years.


Kreia is no hag! You men! Judging women on their looks! How ignoble!


I read somewhere that the DS had sped up the emp's aging. Oh, a bit off topic, but methinks

Sion rips Kreia apart bit by bit. . .Bye bye, hand!



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Kreia is no hag! You men! Judging women on their looks! How ignoble!


I read somewhere that the DS had sped up the emp's aging. Oh, a bit off topic, but methinks

Sion rips Kreia apart bit by bit. . .Bye bye, hand!




"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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