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Anyone remember a discussion/arguement some of us had a while back(mainly me and mith)? Well regardless, this is some amazing info, that happens to coincide with what I was saying... And being dogged on for saying(just because I don't wear a white coat)...... lol.



"A Monsanto official told the New York Times that the corporation should not have to take responsibility for the safety of its food products. "Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food," said Phil Angell, Monsanto's director of corporate communications. "Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA's job."



Well, hmmm. Mith, whoever else who was doubting what I was saying by saying they test the stuff well? LOL! I think that about sums it up...



I guess if you trust the Federal givernment to keep you safe, maybe I'm going to far in saying those quotes are ****ing ridiculous. But theres more. It would be nice to think the FDA can be trusted with these matters, but think again. Monsanto has succeeded in insuring that government regulatory agencies let Monsanto do as it wishes. Take a look:


-Prior to being the Supreme Court Judge who put GW Bush in office,Clarence Thomas was Monsanto's lawyer


-The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (Anne Veneman) was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Calgene Corporation


-The Secretary of Defense (Donald Rumsfeld) was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Searle pharmaceuticals


-The U.S. Secretary of Health, Tommy Thompson, received $50,000 in donations from Monsanto during his winning campaign for Wisconsin's governor


-The two congressmen receiving the most donations from Monsanto during the last election were Larry Combest (Chairman of the House Agricultural Committee) and Attorney General John Ashcroft. (Source: Dairy Education Board)


In order for the FDA to determine if Monsanto's growth hormones were safe or not, Monsanto was required to submit a scientific report on that topic. Margaret Miller, one of Monsanto's researchers put the report together. Shortly before the report submission, Miller left Monsanto and was hired by the FDA. Her first job for the FDA was to determine whether or not to approve the report she wrote for Monsanto. In short, Monsanto approved its own report. Assisting Miller was another former Monsanto researcher, Susan Sechen. Deciding whether or not rBGH-derived milk should be labeled fell under the jurisdiction of another FDA official, Michael Taylor, who previously worked as a lawyer for Monsanto.


Now seriously. Who is not logical here, the conspiracy theorist, or the coincidence theorist????


Interested in knowing more about this shady corporation with it's hands in Washington, like so many at this time?


More on this crazy ass company.



Taxpayers Forced to Fund Monsanto's Poisoning of Third World


Monsanto has also been implicated in the indiscriminate sale and use of RoundUp Ultra in the anti-drug fumigation efforts of Plan Colombia. Of the some $1.3 billion of taxpayers' money earmarked for Plan Colombia, Monsanto has received upwards of $25 million for poviding RoundUp Ultra.



Banana crops damaged by Monsanto's Roundup Ultra.

RoundUp Ultra is a highly concentrated version of Monsanto's glyphosate herbicide, with additional surfactants to increases its lethality. Local communities and human rights organizations charge that Ultra is destroying food crops, water sources and protected areas in the Andes, primarily Colombia.


Paradoxically, the use of RoundUp Ultra has actually increased coca cultivation in the Andes. As local farming communities are increasingly impacted by RoundUp Ultra fumigations, many turn to the drug trade as a means of economic survival. Regional NGOs have estimated that almost 200,000 hectares have been fumigated with Ultra under Plan Colombia.


If anyone who is reading this knows anything about cocaine, the CIA, and the stock market connection to both, heh, this doesn't exactly scream coincidence.



Monsanto Takes Ownership of Public Water Resources


Over the past century, global water supplies have been contaminated with the full gamut of Monsanto's chemicals, including PCBs, dioxin and glyophosate (Roundup). So now the company, seeing a profitable market niche, is taking control of the public water resources they polluted, filtering it, and selling it back to the people. In short, Monsanto is making a double profit by polluting the world's scarce freshwater resources, privately taking ownership of that water, filtering it, and selling it back to those who can afford to pay for it.


LOL!!!!!!! Look at your 1 dollar bill Americans, read the writing underneath the pyramid with the eye over it, its latin, and it mean New World Order. Novus Ordo Seclorum. Whether this 'order' is new or not, we need to ****ing get rid of it. lol. All these corps and groups are linked. Halliburton(Cheney), ABB(Rumsfeld), Bechtel, Monsanto, Exxon(CONdoleeza Rice), Carlyle Group(lol, to many big names to name), many others(Bush, lol). And holy ****, how the hell they get away with this ****, is beyond me. We must all be asleep or something.


More? ok. This ones more on topic.


Monsanto's GE[Genetically Engineered] Seeds are Pushing

US Agriculture into Bankruptcy


Genetically engineered crops are causing an economic disaster for farmers in the U.S. So says a new report released by Britain's Soil Association. The report is a massive compilation of data showing GE crops have cost American taxpayers $12 billion in farm subsidies in the past three years. "Within a few years of the introduction of GM crops, almost the entire $300 million annual US maize exports to the EU had disappeared, and the US share of the soya market had decreased," the report said. In addition, the study says that GE crops have lead to an increased use of pesticides, while resulting in overall lower crop yields.


Still think GE stuff is good mith? Or anyone? Is my 'uneducated non-scientist' rants about genetically ****ing with our food being bad still so stupid to some of you?


Cotton Farmers Going Bankrupt from Monsanto's GE Cotton


In India the financial figures for the recent cotton growing season have finally been crunched. Although Monsanto convinced many of India's farmers that buying the more expensive GE cotton seeds would result in higher yields and better cotton, the reverse is actually true. Crop yields for GE cotton were 5 TIMES LESS than traditional Indian cotton and the income from GE cotton was 7 TIMES LESS than conventional cotton, due to Monsanto's cotton having lower quality short fibers. As a result of the insurmountable deluge of debt accrued from paying more for the GE seeds and having a weak crop, more than 100 Indian farmers committed suicide in the last year.




Wheat Farmers Say No to Monsanto's GE Wheat


The Washington Post and other major publications have been highlighting a massive new movement of conventional and organic farmers who are working together to pass state legislation that would put a moratorium on Monsanto's new genetically engineered wheat. North Dakota farmers recently met with Monsanto representatives to express their concerns about the new crop. Steven Pollestad, a conventional farmer, said, "The foreign buyers have flat out said they won't buy it. And I believe they won't."


Japan has announced to the US that if GE wheat is approved here, it is likely they will completely discontinue importing wheat from American farmers. This makes up a total of 2.5 million tons of US grown wheat each year---enough to put thousands of family farmers out of business. Similarly, South Korean officials gave the US similar warnings in May 2003. In the meantime, Monsanto continues to test its new GE wheat in fields across the US, despite staunch farmer opposition throughout North America.


Scientists from the University of Manitoba have released a report indicating, "Under current conditions the release of Roundup Ready wheat in Western Canada would be environmentally unsafe." Despite the landslide of data revealing probable negative impacts on the environment, the economy and human health, the FDA is posed to approve Monsanto's GE wheat... Why? Wait, the FDA is full of Monsanto employees. lol.....


How about a laundry list of corporations known for ties with this devious corp?


Organic and Natural Product Companies

Associated with Monsanto:





forget GM food. the real conspiracy is that the CIA has been using an orbital mind control satellite to monitor our thoughts.


i will be selling tin foil hats on ebay if anyone wants them.

dumber than a bag of hammers

Of course we are...  Look who is making them?  Do you trust these people?

Do you trust farmers? Food processors and packers? Why would they want to give people rashes? They're in it for money at the worse and I trust that they want this money as hassle free as is possible.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (


Look, I don't "like" GM foods. I really don't.



But I recognize it's kind of an irrational fear on my part.


Say what you will about these foods, they have SAVED millions apon millions of lives. A good chunk of the worlds population would starve today if you eliminated these foods.


And that is just due to one man: Norman Borlaug




That link doesn't do him justice tho. He very well could be the greatest man to ever live.


i'm a big fan of GM food. why would i want to eat food that's genetically inferior? the thing which makes me larf that the people who typically hate GM food are the ones who tend to buy 'organic' food, i.e. food riddled with diseases and parasites. yeah, because that's so much healthier...

dumber than a bag of hammers


I could answer this, but our friend up there has had his tinfoil hat on for such a long time that I'm afraid it has cooked his brain, so it would be a waste of time.


Oh well, I'm sure you'll be coming out with some rubbish about how the CIA created AIDs next.

Boss: You're fired.

Me: Ummm will you let me have my job if I dance for you?

Boss: No, I don't think so-



Looks like somebody stopped taking their meds.


You mean I posted a post? I don't take 'meds'. I am quite functional. You however hate frequently an informative post. WHat are you, 13 years old? Stop following me around on here if you don't have anything to add to the topic other then hate spam, kid..


For godsakes we been doing genetic engineering for CENTURIES! Selective breeding is a form of genetic engineering if you dope, Cosmo.


You mean something like picking your wife when you marry and have kids, your genetically engineering your kids? lol. Well regardless, I'm talking about SYNTHETIC means of doing such.



As for the obliigatory tin foil comment that is in every thread beyond some peoples comprehension on these boards. lol. No suprise for children to make stupid comments. I present startling facts about a company that is affecting the world, and idiot kids say some tin foil remark. lol... I guess your the ones that deserve shotty food. Good luck.



Do you trust farmers? Food processors and packers? Why would they want to give people rashes? They're in it for money at the worse and I trust that they want this money as hassle free as is possible.


No, I don't trust many of them.. And yes, many will use whatever the easiest thing is for easy money, and that is screwed up. Not to mention has negative effects.


i'm a big fan of GM food. why would i want to eat food that's genetically inferior?


LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You believing in God or not, do you think in a short amount of years we have mastered genetics? GAH, I cant stand how stupid people like you are. Cya around... Im leaving this child filled forum for now.

Im leaving this child filled forum for now.


Isn't it great when everyone can come off a winner?


I present startling facts


Again, anti-GE proponents are known for complete bullcrap, of which Mae-Wan Ho is a particularly good example. Of course, my sources are usually scientific journals such as Science and Nature, but I doubt you would be able to find anything as ridiculously abusrd as some of the crap you posted from an actually credible source from the likes of those.


Of course, there was a massive 8-10 page article of GE crops, organic crops and many different economic facts in last months Science. I'm sure you would of found it if you had wanted to make a credible argument.

Boss: You're fired.

Me: Ummm will you let me have my job if I dance for you?

Boss: No, I don't think so-




So basically your saying direct quotes from the corp, along with facts about their ties to the FDA, is false? lol.


Wow is all I gotta say I guess. Maybe I am out of place, and maybe our people deserve what we are getting.


Good Luck.


What I am talking about selective livestock breeding and cross-fertilization of plants, not people. Its been going on for centuries and it is a form of gentic engineering. What they are doing now is just more selective and percise.


What the f**k are you bring up wife breeding. Are you talking about human genetic engineering or food production? Man, get you head on straight or don't post.

So basically your saying direct quotes from the corp,


Except unsourced, but they are in fact correct that the FDA have to regulate food safety, it is the departments job. It is also considerably different elsewhere in the world, but so far, guess what, there is NO scientific evidence at all demonstrating GE products are any more dangerous than normal ones. So your argument has already gone down the toilet anyway.


But whatever, I've learnt not to bother with the tin foil hat wearers, believe what you want. I'll just base what I know on actual facts :rolleyes:

Boss: You're fired.

Me: Ummm will you let me have my job if I dance for you?

Boss: No, I don't think so-




I believe genetics and genetically altered food is the future. In nature the plants and animals have to take a lot of stuff under consideration for them to function properly. Those functions are not necessary when they're being farmed/breeded.


The only problem I see is that we have to be extremely careful not to let our genetics run rampant in nature. Test them for a couple of years, make sure they are risk-free and then let people use them.


I'm not at all afraid of eating genetically altered foods. We can't be affected by the genes in our food. Otherwise we'd all be cows or chickens by now.. :rolleyes:

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

But whatever, I've learnt not to bother with the tin foil hat wearers, believe what you want. I'll just base what I know on actual facts


lol. tin foil hat wearers.... What a talking point. ANyway, if you base your info on FACTS and facts alone, you would know that many many people in power are not to be trusted. Funny how as soon as someone questions something you say they wear a tin foil hat.



But, you know, I have been looking for tin foil. All I can find is aluminaum foil, and that too, is toxic. Is tin foil even still around?? (lol)


I'm not at all afraid of eating genetically altered foods. We can't be affected by the genes in our food. Otherwise we'd all be cows or chickens by now..


LOL!!!!!!!! So lemme get this straight, we aren't altered by genes in our food in any way, because we eat cows and chickens, and we have not turned into cows and chickens or something?? *painful laugh* My god....... How dumb are my own people...

we aren't altered by genes in our food in any way,


I'd love to see you defend this statement, the hillarity factor alone would make it worth while.


Of course, you won't be able to with a single scientific paper that demonstrates an example of HGT between digested food DNA and those in our genome.


But do try.

Boss: You're fired.

Me: Ummm will you let me have my job if I dance for you?

Boss: No, I don't think so-



What the f**k are you bring up wife breeding.  Are you talking about human genetic engineering or food production? Man, get you head on straight or don't post.



uhh. Well a concept is a concept. Selective breeding, is a concept. And is it not what we do when we choose a mate? Just because you can't comprehend something doesn't mean it's very different. Once AGIAN, I'm reffering to synthetically altered GE foods being iffy..


In any case, I brought up the Monsanto corp, and facts about them.

I believe genetics and genetically altered food is the future. In nature the plants and animals have to take a lot of stuff under consideration for them to function properly. Those functions are not necessary when they're being farmed/breeded.


The only problem I see is that we have to be extremely careful not to let our genetics run rampant in nature. Test them for a couple of years, make sure they are risk-free and then let people use them.


I'm not at all afraid of eating genetically altered foods. We can't be affected by the genes in our food. Otherwise we'd all be cows or chickens by now.. :rolleyes:



Thank you for bringing a voice of reason to the thread mkreku. The main problem with genetically engineered foods/modern farming techniques (excluding organic techniques) is with the environment, now with the people that consume them....though some pesticides are harmful.



But whatever, I've learnt not to bother with the tin foil hat wearers, believe what you want. I'll just base what I know on actual facts


lol. tin foil hat wearers.... What a talking point. ANyway, if you base your info on FACTS and facts alone, you would know that many many people in power are not to be trusted. Funny how as soon as someone questions something you say they wear a tin foil hat.



But, you know, I have been looking for tin foil. All I can find is aluminaum foil, and that too, is toxic. Is tin foil even still around?? (lol)


I'm not at all afraid of eating genetically altered foods. We can't be affected by the genes in our food. Otherwise we'd all be cows or chickens by now..


LOL!!!!!!!! So lemme get this straight, we aren't altered by genes in our food in any way, because we eat cows and chickens, and we have not turned into cows and chickens or something?? *painful laugh* My god....... How dumb are my own people...



Cos, first off, mkreku isn't from America, he's a Swede. Secondly, while I really don't like GE foods, and also think Organic crops are the best thing around, it's not for the reasons you say. The reason Organic foods are better is not because they're neccessarily better for you, but because they're better for the environment. The farmland in the midwest is literally eroding into the Mississippi River due to the types of fertilizer they're using, leaving a large part of the ground as sand. The pesticides are probably the only thing that organic food lacks that's actually harmful, but instead of those, you get Salmonella (in small amounts of course, but it's there).


The real problem with GE crops, is most of them can cross pollinate with regular crops. IIRC, corn pollen can travel something like 50 miles on the wind...and thus contaminate a neighbor's non-GE crops. This is what mkreku said, and he's right to boot. I haven't heard of any cases where GE crops or livestock have directly harmed humans, but I have heard of them harming the natural balance of the environment. (Though the same can be said for introducing non-native animals to a new place, New Zealand comes to mind).

I haven't heard of any cases where GE crops or livestock have directly harmed humans, but I have heard of them harming the natural balance of the environment.


If I spray toxins in your area, am I not affecting you? How is it something can negatively effect the environment we live in, and not effect us? And where did I isolate GE foods negative effects to strictly consumption?


As for your 'voice of reason' comment. LOL< if you say reason is 'Genetics in foods dont affect us in any way', heh........ Your not exactly the brightest person I've met.


there is NO scientific evidence at all demonstrating GE products are any more dangerous than normal ones.


There is also no scientific evidence they are NOT harmful. In this field there is not much conclusive. So really it's about consideration. If you think the building blocks of life are so easy to understand, I guess our opinion differs majorly on the subject.

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